Game Of Thrones (TV)
Spoilers after the 9pm show!
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
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People losing their shit on Twitter about the red wedding should never watch Buffy because Joss Whedon's casual, repeated slaughter of beloved cast regulars would knock them stone dead.

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I'ld argue this is far worse than Buffy though. In Buffy characters die typically to continue arcs in standard fashion. Buffy losing...

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her mother so she learns to stand on her own two feet etc. The deaths in GoT interrupt those tropes. You decide Ned is the hero, and assume his plot-armour will pull him through. Then you pull the exact same mistake with his son and his quest for vegenance. Fool me once GRRM...
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Because there aren't any GoT characters I feel the same attachment to as the Scooby gang. None of them are fun to watch in the same way. None of them I'll miss the same way. Robb and Catelyn, in particular, have not been hugely compelling for me; not like Tyrion, Baelish, Vaerys, Arya, say.

Plus, I'd say Joyce, Jenny Calendar, Tara, and Anya's deaths are very surprising when they occur (even when, in hindsight, they support a plot point). Particularly Anya's, which serves little plot point at all, as it happens in the last five minutes.

Hell -- Robb and Catelyn's deaths support a plot point (don't betray the Freys, don't trust the Boltons, don't ever turn your back on a Lannister). That doesn't make the scene less impactful. Quite the reverse.
Spoilers for GoT and Buffy.
Dr Lave wrote:
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You decide Ned is the hero, and assume his plot-armour will pull him through.

Heh. Spoilered, even though it's S1 stuff:

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If you're watching a programme with Sean Bean in and you're expecting him to survive, you've really not been paying much attention over the last decade
Both of those are fair points!
I finally caught up with a mini marathon session yesterday watching the last four episodes.
After the season finale next week I am going to buy the remaining books to read over the summer.

Just not sure where the TV show is at?
Storm of Swords Steel & Snow or Blood & Gold?
gospvg wrote:
I finally caught up with a mini marathon session yesterday watching the last four episodes.
After the season finale next week I am going to buy the remaining books to read over the summer.

Just not sure where the TV show is at?
Storm of Swords Steel & Snow or Blood & Gold?

Next episode should get you up to the end of the first volume of book three, I believe.
Excellent thanks, sorted for summer reading then :)
gospvg wrote:
Excellent thanks, sorted for summer reading then :)

Have you read the previous books? I don't know how easy it'll be to start reading in the middle of a series.
I'm not quite sure it's a simple as that as well is it? I think they are moving events around a little bit for this and next season.
Gosh yes, don't read the books from the middle if you haven't read them from the start, regardless of watching the show. A lot won't make any sense at all I expect.
I think the events of the last episode happen towards the end of book three, no?
I wasn't going to do this, but sod it: I really, really didn't like the last episode at all. Left me rather miffed and let down. Boo.
DavPaz wrote:
I think the events of the last episode happen towards the end of book three, no?

As I understand it this episode leaves us half way through book 3. However some story has been added while some characters have been condensed from multiple people down to 1 and some are completely new so they can tell another part of the story.
DavPaz wrote:
I think the events of the last episode happen towards the end of book three, no?

Yes, but with different people than in the books, hence it being a trifle confusing to start reading from there.
TheFireFaerie wrote:
I wasn't going to do this, but sod it: I really, really didn't like the last episode at all. Left me rather miffed and let down. Boo.

Don't worry, everyone gets better and they all have a jolly good laugh about the whole thing.
TheFireFaerie wrote:
I wasn't going to do this, but sod it: I really, really didn't like the last episode at all. Left me rather miffed and let down. Boo.

You're wrong. HTH HAND
I haven't read the books, but I'm very happy about various plot changes and differences because it does slightly dampen the patronising 'I know what happens, I've read the books' chatter from those tedious people.

Best of both worlds frankly. I don't have to read long books with a multitude of characters introduced, fleshed out, and then killed off, and I get a better, more refined story beamed right in to my TV screen.

It's the same with Dexter - I read those books and they were shite. The writing for the TV show is way better.
Ok scrap reading the books then, roll on next week for the season finale.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
It's the same with Dexter - I read those books and they were shite. The writing for the TV show is way better.

Aren't the plots in TV Dexter written specifically by and for the TV folks and nothing to do with the books though? Certainly the Wikipedia plot summaries for the books show some pretty massive differences in the basic setup and cover none of the story arcs of the TV seasons. Which makes it different in that TV GoT is telling the same story they're just doing whatever changes are required to adapt it to a different medium.
I like to watch the series' first and then read the books to see how they differ without none of the spoilers. I'm still on book one mind.
Dexter more or less followed the plot of the first Dexter book with two major exceptions:

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LaGuerta doesn't die.

Deb doesn't find out that Dexter is a serial killer.

The rest of the books pretty much entirely go off on their own, and are very poor reads. They attempt to:

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Make Dexter's 'darkness' a thing that is in someway external to himself, and at one point his 'darkness' leaves him and he feels lost without it, as if it some kind of external force that makes him confident and secure - practically like a possession. They books also makes his girlfriend's kids out to be like Dexter (and they like killing animals as Dexter did when he was young), and they have their own 'darkness' power within them. It's all round really hard to reconcile with anything in the TV show.
itsallwater wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I think the events of the last episode happen towards the end of book three, no?

As I understand it this episode leaves us half way through book 3. However some story has been added while some characters have been condensed from multiple people down to 1 and some are completely new so they can tell another part of the story.

This is what I had been told 'half-way through book three' meaning the end of the first volume of the third book, which is two physical books.
That was amazing.

Overall, the acting in this series has been exceptional. Having watched the last four in a row over a couple of days, I have to say how good Lena Headey is as Cersei. Brilliant. Not to mention Tyrion, Marjory (sp, I know), her mum, Charles Dance, Stannis and his mate, Arya, Dennis Pennis and his cohorts, etc.
Curiosity wrote:
Dennis Pennis

He's even been in other TV shows lately, but I couldn't remember where that smug grin was from.
I spotted him pretty quickly but my mind was blown when my wife pointed out that Bronn is Jerome Flyn. :blown:
Walder Frey is the caretaker from Hogwarts
Robb Stark is the gay paramedic from 'Sirens'.
Littefinger was in queen as folk
DavPaz wrote:
Littefinger was in queen as folk

Though possibly more well known for playing the mayor in The Wire.
The 3rd beggar woman on the right was your mom.
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Littefinger was in queen as folk

Though possibly more well known for playing the mayor in The Wire.

Too obvious.
One episode of doctor who had not one, not two, but three actors who went on to be in GoT

But which one?
Should be renamed 'Game of Spot the Jobbing British Actor'!
Robert Baratheon is that guy from the Tesco adverts.
Kevin Spacey is Keyzar Soze.
Bamba wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Littefinger was in queen as folk

Though possibly more well known for playing the mayor in The Wire.

That doesn't help me, as I've never seen it.

I did watch Queer as Folk. I think I was only 15 or something at the time... It's influenced me a lot :kiss: :kiss:
Roxanne McKee who played Doreah (Danny's hand maiden) was in Hollyoaks.

And so was Danny's current interpreter Missandei (it's Nathalie Emmanuel)!
Ned Stark was played that guy that died in that thing that time
Ser Jorah Mormont was in Downton Abbey (and Doctor Who).

The wildling girl looking after Bran and Rickon was in Harry Potter.

Etc etc
Some of the actors in Game Of Thrones are actors and have acted in other things.
DavPaz wrote:
Ned Stark was played that guy that died in that thing that time

Wasn't he also that jumped up Gardner in that porn film for bored house wives?
What an odd series finale. The Red Wedding was always going to be tough to follow, but last night's was basically just 'here's a bit more programme'.
Yeah, it was fine and everything but nothing was set up that left me feeling especially gutted that I'll have to wait a year or so to find out what happens next.
The climax was very weak. Sadly, this is where Dany's story
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totally runs out of steam and turns into a teenage wank fantasy

They should've ended with Stannis' clenched jaw of determination.
Cras wrote:
What an odd series finale. The Red Wedding was always going to be tough to follow, but last night's was basically just 'here's a bit more programme'.

Yes, I agree but it is half way through a volume though isn't it or something? Anyway, the best bits was Waldo chatting away to Bolton, and the father and son chat with Tyrion and his dad.
Cras wrote:
What an odd series finale. The Red Wedding was always going to be tough to follow, but last night's was basically just 'here's a bit more programme'.

both are spoilers for the elite cast of BOOK-READERS.
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They could have played up the Wilding attack a bit more, with the Watchmen scrambling to the defences. "OH SHIT IT'S JUST ABOUT TO HAPPEN!". Could have had an action shot of Stannis hurtling towards the boats, hastily grabbing his Stannis hat and coat on the way. WE NEED TO GET THERE QUICK, EVIL IS COMING.

Or maybe they could have played up Jofferys wedding more? "Look what you have to be exicted about, audience members! The wedding of someone you truly hate".

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ALSO, does no one else find it odd that Jamie is back BEFORE Joffery's wedding? Does that completely mess up all of the timeline? i.e. Brienne is also around with Sansa, etc.
the elite cast of BOOK-READERS
Book wankers, more like.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
the elite cast of BOOK-READERS
Book wankers, more like.

How would that even work? Sensuously moving your hand up and down the spine?
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