Beex, Yo.
PSN thread-oh
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Mr Dave wrote:
The Last Salmon Man wrote:

Meh, already have it on the 360.
(more serioisly, wasnt the ps2 version supposedly quite buggy)

No cheevos/trophies though! I have the Xbox version on disc.
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PSN+ get Tomb Raider Underworld for nothing. Nothing at all. 'cept the subscription price.
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Also, one of the best games in the wurld Conflict: Desert Storm 2 is TWO QUID. Seriously, two quid. Less a penny.

So's Conflict: Vietnam but that's less good. Still, TWO QUID.
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So I've got CODBLOPS2 and £25 worth of PSN vouchers since the MS points were sold out and I'm trying to decide what to spend my virtual cash on. The PSN is filled with nice stuff but I'm thinking I might have:

Monkey Island complete edition, since I never did get either of them but I'd love to revisit them all over again. But what else?

Oddworld: Abe's Exodus? I never did play this back in the day but thought the first was aces a long time ago.

Machinarium? Anyone tried this? It looks like those old flash games with hand drawn graphics. No clue what it's about but it won some award or other.

Pid? Seems new and platformy. Bloody trial ain't downloading mind.

Datura? Looks like Myst and has no explanation what it's about either. May be weird.

Ooh, I'm having that Loco Roco interactive screensaver. MAKE MORE LOCO ROCO GAMES YOU SPAZ'S.

Erm, anything else? Or anyone played any of the above?
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I played Machinarium on the PC and it was alright, it's a relatively traditional point and click adventure game with a nice graphical style so it depends whether you like that kind of thing or not. As far as downloadable PSN games go I'd recommend Flower, Journey, Stacking and Lara Croft: Guardian of Light.
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Also I've got Papo & Yo on my list as I really enjoyed the demo.
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Got 'em.

Just read a little about Machinarium; it looks lovely. I haven't played a point and click in years so I'll have some of that.

I think I'll have some of Pixel Junk's Shooter. It seems to be channelling Gradius V!

Papo & Yo is really good. It looks the biz but the only problem is that the puzzles are very basic. Provided you're sold by the story of child abuse (a gaming first?) I doubt it's a game you'll forget when it's finished though.
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Ian Fairies wrote:
Papo & Yo is really good. It looks the biz but the only problem is that the puzzles are very basic. Provided you're sold by the story of child abuse (a gaming first?) I doubt it's a game you'll forget when it's finished though.

Aye, it didn't seem like it was going to be very challenging or anything but I was utterly charmed by it in general and loved some of the techniques that the demo showed off so I'm definitely having some of it.
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New SUDA 51 thing that isn't the Killer7 sequel everyone would just wish he'd make instead of farting around, BLACK KNIGHT SWORD!

Trying now.
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Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee is available now.

I don't remember it and I've never played it. It looks a bit, um, third dimensional from the screenshots.

Oh, it's in the H to tha D too.
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It was ooooooh-k, I guess, and might warm up but it was a bit A-B-C for my liking. Collect 85 summuts, throw 8 buddunkadunks and so on. Sharn't bother.
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Rubbish titles for games continue with:

EVE: DUST 514!

The free beta oop now. Buzz words for this are LARGE SCALE WARFARE, INTENSE INFANTRY COMBAT and RICH CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT. Now, I don't know fack all about games but that ain't exactly sold it to me as a unique piece of pew pew.
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Also there's a Final Fantasy sale on.

Including such memorable titles as DISSIDIA: duodecim prologus.
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EVE: Dust 541 must have played a lot of MAG, cause you know what this is like? No, MAG. Geesh. Still, I bet no one here played it but me. It's well worth a blast for THIRTY TWO SHOOTY SHOOT EM UP PEW PEW.

Yet, at times, it's surprisingly empty.

The weapons are quite meaty though but, well, the graphics are, um, a bit rubbish. And it might have been a beta but the frame rate is rubbish too.
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I want to play with Abe again. Bring me a PS3 and monies pls.
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Ooh look, Stacking: two bloody quid. TWO BLOODY QUID! Less a pence.

Red Faction: Armageddon the full game is only a fiver too.
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Looks like they're releasing the arcade stuff via this one "App" and then purchase individual games. Interesting. Dunno what's on it. I'll have a gander...
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So you get Black Tiger and can trial 1943 and Avengers. The latter two you can buy for £3 which seems a bit much.

There's going to be, once they're released, GnG, Side Arms, legendary Wings, the speed rumbler, Trojan, Section Z, Gun Smoke, Commando, Savage Bees, 1942, Higemaru (I think) , Son Son and two bonus games.

I don't know if its definitive but it runs from 1984-1988.

You get a little history for each which, frankly, isn't exactly comprehensive. I'd call it pithy.

Anyone with Capcom Classics has probably played these already.

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I like my Playstation.
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I got Okami HD The other day, which is unsurprisingly much like Okami, but without having to find my ps2.

Unskippable cut scenes and slow text. Gnnnnnngh.

There were a few other things I wanted to get, but I've entirely forgotten what they were, so I just have money clogging up my PSN account.
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Y'know what's guaranteed to be shit? Army of Two: something cartel of boredom. Demo is up now. Probably on XBLA too.
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I enjoyed the first two very much. There was a Dave packaged with those though.

See also: next Call of Juarez.
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Oh Jesus, that was offensively bland. I thought the first had a bit of charm but, well, that was just everything that's wrong with gaming these days.
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Ah found Rocket Birds on here! Yay! Looks aces and there's a trial. Lets have a looky look...
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Hnngh, 50/50 whether I'm buying that right now. It looks bloody lush, it sounds ace and plays, a very tiny bit, like, I dunno, Rolling Thunder or something. It might be a tad bit limited. Gah, I dunno,

Anyone else played it and could influence a decision?
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I'd literally never heard a word about Guacamelee! before I saw a review this morning but it looks pretty good. Metroidvania platformer with charm and humour apparently.

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Wow, that does look good. Ooh, I'll have a look to see if there's a trial tonight.
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Saturnalian wrote:
Wow, that does look good. Ooh, I'll have a look to see if there's a trial tonight.

That's the one thing XBLA does better than PSN (apart from the entire layout of the fucking store of course); the fact that they make a playable demo a requirement of putting a game up at all. I realise it's a pain in the arse for developers to have a demo at all but it means I download and give a shot to practically everything that goes up on XBLA. Whereas I'm potentially missing out on some good but obscure PSN games because I'm not risking paying money for them sight unseen.
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Very true. I've noticed some of the descriptions say "trial and unlock" without telling how much the game is until you've downloaded it and pressed unlock, which is irritating. The price isnt even in the description box. Mind you, there's only a few of these that I've seen though.
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I've got the PSN EU 'heads up' blog posts as an RSS feed which tells you what games are being added as part of each weekly update and that usually gives you not only the price for everything but also flags up what stuff has a trial available. This is the URL if it's any use to you: ... rk-2/feed/

Edit: sorry, wrong URL there!
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No trial. No sale. On Guacamelee.

It does look bloody good though. Hnnngh. Maybe when I've finished Bioshock...
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I've put it on The List so maybe when I've finished Gears of War 3 (Mrs B is sick at the moment so I needed something off the pile that'll be relatively short and that she's not interested in watching) then Far Cry 3, Dishonored and Max Payne 3.
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Pretty good stuff for Playstation Plus subscribers today. Hitman Asbo and Catherine are the new freebies.
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Oooh, very tempted to use the 30 day pass for Catherine.
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Saturnalian wrote:
Oooh, very tempted to use the 30 day pass for Catherine.

Use it at the end of a month and get 2 months worth of free stuff.
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I only just bought Catherine last month. :/ But yay for the rest of you!
Awesome! Catherine is getting downloaded tonight then!

I might even give Hitman Asbo a go, although I was one of those awful heathens who couldn't really get on with the last Hitman game I tried (Blood Money).
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lasermink wrote:
I only just bought Catherine last month. :/ But yay for the rest of you!

I bought it too, during 'Catherine is very few monies!'-fest on here. Not played it yet, though.
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New demo for 3DS update Resident Evil: Revelation is up now.

I thought it showed better promise than Resident Evil 6, simply cause it's slower paced and more like 5, but it's still shit. Utter dogshit. Let's not put up with this again, aye?
Saturnalian wrote:
New demo for 3DS update Resident Evil: Revelation is up now.

I thought it showed better promise than Resident Evil 6, simply cause it's slower paced and more like 5, but it's still shit. Utter dogshit. Let's not put up with this again, aye?

I loved it on the 3DS, but I think some of that was because it was well-designed for portable play. I've absolutely bugger all interest playing it on the telly.

The overall game is better than the demo suggests though.
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Demon's Souls and ICO/SotC HD up next on PSN+. Unbelievable. And some other game.
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lasermink wrote:
Demon's Souls and ICO/SotC HD up next on PSN+. Unbelievable. And some other game.

Rayman Origins, is it?
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Saturnalian wrote:
lasermink wrote:
Demon's Souls and ICO/SotC HD up next on PSN+. Unbelievable. And some other game.

Rayman Origins, is it?

No, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
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lasermink wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
lasermink wrote:
Demon's Souls and ICO/SotC HD up next on PSN+. Unbelievable. And some other game.

Rayman Origins, is it?

No, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

It is Rayman but only for PS Vita.

Also for the Vita: Coconut Dodge. Which, looking at this video, would make me very angry very quickly. Man, I hope my Vita actually arrives...
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Also, if Demon's Souls is making a come back there might be more than zero peeps on the servers to join in a game. Some friends would make it worthwhile going back to. It's bastard hard with no help.
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Demons Souls and ICO and *gasp* Shadows of the Collosus!

On PS+. Now!
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I downloaded ICO and SOTC. Trouble is they don't look as beautiful as I remember them looking. I think I remember them how they'd look if they'd been made now. Game graphics rarely age well at all. ?:|
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Dissent? I'll have none of that, thank you please.
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markg wrote:
I downloaded ICO and SOTC. Trouble is they don't look as beautiful as I remember them looking. I think I remember them how they'd look if they'd been made now. Game graphics rarely age well at all. ?:|

Depends how good the HD version of the game is; I played the HD version of the first two God of War games and was rarely bothered by the graphics looking ropey. Obviously they weren't as pretty as GoW 3 or anything but my immersion wasn't ruined at any point by shoddy looking textures or whatnot.
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Frankly, when you see the Collosus in the geyser field it'll blow your mind all over again. It's beautiful and a tremendous HD update.
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