Photography Challenge VII - Glass
Now closes Sunday 20th July
So, we have a bit of a change today. Usually I ask a random member (who is usually just picked from the online members list at a random point the week before the contest is launched, but this fortnight I have been so busy that I forgot. I have just this second remembered, so I'm going to have a go at picking the theme this second. I have in front of me a glass of water. Well, we have had water, so I declare that this month's theme is 'GLASS'.

Here's how to take part:

1]Take a picture, based on the theme (think direct, think laterally - it doesn't matter - it's your idea and creativity that people are looking forward to seeing)

2]Upload it anonymously to the Eggwan account (obviously, don't call it 'Mimi's picture of some glass' or anything that makes it too obviously yours)

3]Try not to make it too obvious that a picture is yours in particular by announcing your upload, etc.

Upload your 'GLASS' photos to the same-titled folder in the Eggwan Gallery. (If you would like to take part in this contest and do not have the username and password to sign in to the Eggwan gallery for anonymous uploading, please PM me for details*).

This contest ends at 11:59pm on Sunday 13th July. Good luck and happy snapping!

(*PM-ing me, rather than asking in-thread just means that I am much less likely to miss your request, but it also means that it is far less likely that people will know which picture is yours by the fact that it was uploaded a short time after you asked :) )
I have logged in specially to tell you to all get your entries in soon, you horrible lazy lot :smug:

If people don't take some fab and funky snaps then I shall have to punish any lazy bones i a cunning and ingenious way, mwah ha ha ha... er...

But yes, it ends this Sunday, just before midnight, so get 'em in, guv'na.

Monkey says 'hi'

I have a great idea but I can't bloody find the props I need :(
Mine will be taken either Friday or Saturday. So there.
GazChap wrote:
I have a great idea but I can't bloody find the props I need :(

Props, GazChap.

There's one.
I am sorry, guys. I feel really poorly at the moment and I don't think I feel well enough to be around this evening to close the competition. I don't know if someone else wants to do it or wait until I am able to close it when I am feeling better (tomorrow morning I hope).
Awww... get well soon, Meems.
If Mimi doesn't pop in by, say, lunchtime, I'll sort this out.
Hi guys, and thanks, Plisskin :kiss:

I have just had a look at the entries - we have seven so far, which is a bit of a disappointing drop on previous contests, so I am actually going to extend this for a third week.

Closing date is now Sunday 20th July, at 11:59pm.

Come on now girls and boys, don't disappoint Monkey :munkeh:
I'm glad you've extended as I've been too busy/lazy to even shoot anything for this yet and wanted to have another go.
Yeah, get your bum in gear, DBS ;)

And the rest of you 'orrible lot.

Yeah, you - you know who I am talking about - YOU - especially you. You who are reading this now. YOU. And, you know, I reckon if you took a picture you might just win. yes, of course I am talking to you! Just you - ignore everyone else - this competition needs you, man! (or lady!).
Mimi wrote:
Hi guys, and thanks, Plisskin :kiss:


Points to sig.
Crap. I am so sorry. It's horrible when people mis-spell your name, like they haven't paid you any attention, but I am just crap with names. It's like a form of dyslexia that only affects names - I can read a name a thousand times and still spell it wrong, and I really do pay full attention to you and everyone else.

Plissken. I shall have it tattooed somewhere so as to never forget until next time, Plissken.

:munkeh: :kiss:
I took a photo, but cannot find the cable that links phone to computer. Now I have another week to find it. Hurrah!
Do you not have a memory card reader, Curiosity? I'd recommend them to anyone - they are so much easier than hooking the camera up directly and there are no batteries etc to drain, and they are very fast too.
Mimi wrote:
Do you not have a memory card reader, Curiosity? I'd recommend them to anyone - they are so much easier than hooking the camera up directly and there are no batteries etc to drain, and they are very fast too.

I really need to buy one of them. It's so much hassle hooking up the camera, and it really hoses your battery.

Also, get well soon, Momo!

edit: Mimi!
Mimi Momo :smug: It sounds like I am tuning up.

I'm feeling a bit better today, but I felt awful last night :S I am taking today easy :munkeh:

The card readers are fantastic. DealExtreme almost certainly has them for no money.
Don't worry, Mimi. Most people got it right until MGS2 came out.

Seconded on the memory card thing - much easier! Especially when you've got a Fuji, which in my experience, uses odd connectors at the camera end.
Mimi wrote:
Mimi Momo :smug: It sounds like I am tuning up.

The card readers are fantastic. DealExtreme almost certainly has them for no money.


No money is certainly my kind of price.
They have one here for about £3.50, free P&P as always

There are cheaper ones that read fewer types of memory cards, but there are loads and loads on there.

I should have written 'mo money', but I am useless.
Mimi wrote:
They have one here for about £3.50, free P&P as always

There are cheaper ones that read fewer types of memory cards, but there are loads and loads on there.

Excellent, ta! CF is the one I need, and that fits the bill nicely. How long does delivery tend to take?
About a week to 10 days, and they send everything by special delivery.

I think about 80% of people here have used them (dealExtreme) before. They are pretty good (and have free delivery). You should buy a mini pig torch whilst you are at it.
Hope you're feeling better Mimi, and do take today all easy like. Personally I've still got this nagging cold or hayfever, not sure which. It is most annoying and I was sneezing so much yesterday I had a nose bleed :(

Anyway, not sneezing so much now, phew. And some good entries there, but c'mon people, more please!
Curiosity has a phone, so I'd suggest infra red.
AceAceBaby wrote:
Curiosity has a phone, so I'd suggest infra red.

Heh, I have a cable for it somewhere. You're right though in that I'd need some method other than a memory card reader (though at those prices I think I'll get one anyway for whenever I buy a new camera).

I shall go searching in my Big Box O' Cables at some point this week. If I don't find it, well, it's really not a great loss.

Oops, sorry, that'll teach me to read properly :S
Has this closed?
Yeah, I fell asleep with my clothes on last night ?:|

I'll put it up now.

Slap my hand for being so crap.
*slaps Mimi's hand*

I spent ages fiddling around with my phoine cable last night, and after it imported about four images from my phone, it lost connectivity and refused to connect again to the computer. The stupid piece of c**p!

So, once again, your lives are poorer for missing out on my wonderful image. Honest, guv.

Stupid phones, grrrr :S

It's all up now, so go vote :D
Mimi wrote:
About a week to 10 days, and they send everything by special delivery.

Well, exactly one week after ordering it, my card-reader arrived today. That was fast, especially considering they only shipped it on Thursday! Some UK-based companies don't even manage that.

Cheers again, Mimi. You saved me a bunch of money, and I'll pay you back when you make me a Zompeas t-shirt :kiss:
hehe, glad to help.

Deal extreme are great for the most random things.

Good stocking fillers.

Please un-sticky this thread, any pasing mod :smug:
Oh, you have, as I was posting.

good, good :)
Mimi wrote:
Oh, you have, as I was posting.

good, good :)

Hell yes. I'm modding like greased lightning this morning, I am.
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