Question about iPhone 2.0 firmware
for 2G iPhone
I've got a jailbroken 2G iPhone. Is there any way I can upgrade to the v2.0 firmware using the Installer (for example)? I don't want to have to restore the phone, upgrade it and then jailbreak it again...
I read that updating would be a Bad Thing right now because stuff Isn't Working. Or something.

More useful posts at 11.
Here's Tom with the weather.
Yeah I read that earlier today, which prompted my thread. I was just wondering if there was a less official way of getting this to upgrade successfully...
The iPhone Dev Team are putting the final polish on the new release of their "PwnageTool", which patches the firmware before you use iTunes to restore it. It's supposedly compatible with the 2.0 firmware and the 3G iPhone:
So, has anyone bought a 3G iPhone yet? If so, do O2 require you to take the contract out there and then or is it another "activate at home" jobbie?
myoptika wrote:
I've got a jailbroken 2G iPhone. Is there any way I can upgrade to the v2.0 firmware using the Installer (for example)? I don't want to have to restore the phone, upgrade it and then jailbreak it again...
You probably don't want to do this, but note that all iPhones as of v2.0 will run with any O2 SIM in them. So if you are on a non-iPhone O2 tariff, including PAYG, you could reflash to v2.0 and do a legitimate activation without messing around with unlocking.

Disclaimer: I've only read this, not done it. Also you'd lose stuff until pwnage tool comes out though.

GazChap wrote:
So, has anyone bought a 3G iPhone yet? If so, do O2 require you to take the contract out there and then or is it another "activate at home" jobbie?
Yes and yes. If you buy a new O2 contract, you don't get out the shop until they activate the phone. I got to do my own activation through iTunes, as an upgrade customer, but also as an upgrade customer my iPhone 18 month contracted started the day O2 shipped it to me.

There is no way around this at present. Later in the year O2 will launch a PAYG iPhone. Expect it to cost big bucks upfront.
I am on an O2 iPhone contract, but I don't want to lose my stuff yet. Best to wait, then.
myoptika wrote:
I am on an O2 iPhone contract, but I don't want to lose my stuff yet. Best to wait, then.
Yeah. Best bit about this is you should be able to get some warranty support after you upgrade as the phone will be genuinely activated. You'll just have to say you bought it off ebay and you should be in the clear should it go tits up.

I've not jailbroken mine yet. Still playing with the iTunes App store freebies. I will want on there though.
I did activate mine when I first got it. I just jailbroke it afterwards (I didn't unlock it).
I am about to upgrade my unlocked iPhone to 2.0. Wish me look.
Hurrah! I've upgraded to 2.0, after some fiddly problems with DFU mode (or something) and missing bootloader flash files. It all works, the app store is great, but I miss the installer/emulators/games/etc I'd got installed before.
The DFU bit went fine for me, and the phone is back and generally seems great (appstore, woo!) but after restoring my settings the Mail application seems to be buggered, it just crashes.

Also, it has Cydia instead of installer now, but there's not many apps for 2.0 on it :)

[edit] Mail fixx0red
richardgaywood wrote:
There is no way around this at present. Later in the year O2 will launch a PAYG iPhone. Expect it to cost big bucks upfront.

£279 is the current rumour, with that including six months of data. After that point, data is £10 per month.
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