How do you take yours?
Lemon juice and loads of sugar for me, but the occasional nutella variant gets added to the mix.
I'm a jam man. I am however unconvinced of the effort:reward ratio of pancakes.
Peanut Butter OM NOM NOM
Craster wrote:
I'm a jam man. I am however unconvinced of the effort:reward ratio of pancakes.


"Can we have pancakes tonight?"
Pancakes then arrive on a plate. Effort is minimal.
Grim... wrote:
Peanut Butter OM NOM NOM

Hmmm... just spread on and rolled up?

Mrs T makes a peanut butter cheesecake, it is probably my favourite thing ever.
Maple syrup and lemon juice.

Hmmm... there's neopolitan Ice Cream in the fridge too.
I've already eaten pancakes twice today.
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Peanut Butter OM NOM NOM

Hmmm... just spread on and rolled up?

Mrs T makes a peanut butter cheesecake, it is probably my favourite thing ever.


Please :luv:

Pancakes...Hmm. Lemon and sugar; banana and nutella; ja;, syrup; banana, chocolate ice cream, hot nutella and syrup.
flis wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Peanut Butter OM NOM NOM

Hmmm... just spread on and rolled up?

Mrs T makes a peanut butter cheesecake, it is probably my favourite thing ever.


Please :luv:

It's pretty much this, but replace the peanut cookies with digestives for the base, as the peanut cookies don't have the right consistency (IMO) ... cheesecake

edit: and it is surprisingly difficult to buy peanut brittle these days, no supermarkets stock it anymore, Tesco used to a few months ago but have now stopped at my local one.
Maple syrup. If I can be arsed making them. The consequence of not being arsed is apparently being single again.
Malabelm wrote:
If I can be arsed making them. The consequence of not being arsed is apparently being single again.

Difficult choice, what are you going to do?
Trooper wrote:
Malabelm wrote:
If I can be arsed making them. The consequence of not being arsed is apparently being single again.

Difficult choice, what are you going to do?

I'll open up offers for a new girlfriend, then weigh it all up by dinner time.
We got a pancake maker for Christmas(!) which acts like the hotplate thing you see at the Christmas markets.

Even I can make perfect pancakes each time using it, (but you can't toss them.)
Lemon juice and golden syrup. We had some a couple of weeks ago though because we couldn't wait. Not sure if we'll bother tonight. Unless I go to the shop and get some more flour...
Mr Russell wrote:
We got a pancake maker for Christmas(!) which acts like the hotplate thing you see at the Christmas markets.

Even I can make perfect pancakes each time using it, (but you can't toss them.)

It makes giant 15" pancakes! Goddess jasmine and Joans will have no choice but to try giant pancakes this weekend. For supper AND breakfast. I don't care if you don't like pancakes.
I just have a bit of sugar on my pancakes.
Craster wrote:
I'm a jam man. I am however unconvinced of the effort:reward ratio of pancakes.


Get ingredients, put in mixer, put in pan, flip, eat.

It's so easy that it used to be a regular midnight snack.
We had some flour. I've just whipped up a batch of pancake batter. Took five minutes! Transferred it to a measuring jug and put it in the fridge for tonight. AWWW YEAHHHHHHHH.
We've tended to have american style pancakes recently. More filling, less cakes per mix. Soak up a lot of syrup. Yum.
Mr Dave wrote:
Craster wrote:
I'm a jam man. I am however unconvinced of the effort:reward ratio of pancakes.


Get ingredients, put in mixer, put in pan, flip, eat.

It's so easy that it used to be a regular midnight snack.

This is Craster we're talking about....I can only imagine what the fuck his pancakes involve. He probably grinds the flour himself from the wishbones of 40 golden geese and milks a unicorn or something.

Nah, it's just baking. I have a deep distrust of baking.
Hell's Bells makes the best pancakes ever. Morello cherry pie filling and a small lump of ice cream.
WTB wrote:

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
In the bedroom.
MaliA wrote:
In the bedroom.

With the candlestick.
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
In the bedroom.

With the candlestick.

No, that's the gravy boat.
Mine are non-existent this year as we're being all healthy and shit. Yay for feeling virtuous, but boo because I'm not having pancakes. :) :(
As an aside, what is up with Americans and their definition of gravy?
Craster wrote:
No, that's the gravy boat.

I think you'll find it's a syrup boat, in this context.
Supermarket had run out of flour! :D

Mrs T bought pre-made pancake batter, which will save us precious minutes, instead.
Trooper wrote:
Supermarket had run out of flour! :D

Mrs T bought pre-made pancake batter, which will save us precious minutes, instead.

Isn't that just... flour?
Trooper wrote:
As an aside, what is up with Americans and their definition of gravy?

I thought that for a while. Then I looked into it further and despite what TV tells us, they do appear to eat a lot of what we would normally call gravy. In the South, 'gravy' is effectively a bechamel but using meat fats for the roux rather than butter.
myp wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Supermarket had run out of flour! :D

Mrs T bought pre-made pancake batter, which will save us precious minutes, instead.

Isn't that just... flour?

Pretty much, but comes in liquid form. I assume it has milk and eggs in it too...
Craster wrote:
Trooper wrote:
As an aside, what is up with Americans and their definition of gravy?

I thought that for a while. Then I looked into it further and despite what TV tells us, they do appear to eat a lot of what we would normally call gravy. In the South, 'gravy' is effectively a bechamel but using meat fats for the roux rather than butter.

Add to that the Italian Americans and their insistence on pasta sauce being called gravy, and there is potential for disaster!

I'm going through "Man Vs Food" at the moment, some of the gravies on there look disgusting.
Man Vs Food is excellent. I want to do eating like him.
Obligatory Maid Marian clip:

I quite like the way Yanks do pancakes, especially after soaking them in maple syrup.
Dimrill wrote:
Hell's Bells makes the best pancakes ever. Morello cherry pie filling and a small lump of ice cream.

My wife makes mine with the hottest chilli sauce and the strongest beer, I eat them while shitting out the longest, nuttiest turd with my cock thrown over my shoulder.
I do all that whilst reading the most books ever.
Lemon and brown sugar. I am simple like that i
Three course pancake dinner!

Blinis with smoked salmon, cream cheese, and spring onion


Mad props to Danielle for these, who not only did the arranging (I made the blinis but that's the easy bit), but also had the idea of piping the cream cheese through her cookie pump thing.

Galette complète with a salad of bacon, avodaco, goat's cheese, and balsamic dressing


Crêpe with vanilla ice cream and homemade blueberry syrup:


Plated by Danielle (who's way better at this than me).
Ponce. The clue's in the name. PANCAKE day.

Blinis, galettes, and crepes. Outrageous.
It's "pancake" day.

Updated post above with a couple of low-quality pics.
It's fucking Shrove Tuesday, Godless heathens.

Shrove Tuesday, yes it's Shrove Tuesday, yes it's Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh Shrove Tuesday.
Grim... wrote:
Godless heathens.
You rang?
Veg chilli and cheese. Which was the bestest and hottest chilli in the world.

Next: banana and nutella. Or maple syrup and ice cream. Or golden syrup and lemon. Or wot the Dimrills had.
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