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DBSnappa wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I thoroughly enjoyed it but it's not a film that I can fathom why as it's impossible to describe it without making it sound interminably dull, but it wasn't. Granted it it's neither an action movie nor a thriller but more of a gentle look at a man adrift trying to re-anchor his life.
Sounds a lot like Sideways, then. That's a good thing.

[1] I haven't been to this particular cinema for about 16 years and they've changed it into one of those comfy chairs, table, footrests and bar kind of cinema and as you can imagine it's a bit of an art house cinema so it's never going to show Michael Bay, but it's a most agreeable environment to view a movie in as you're not ever going to be surrounded with twonks. And having a beer on a table next to you, with your feet up while sat on a comfy sofa is a great way to experience the cinema.
DO WANT. Damn, I wish there was a place like that near me.

You'd think there would be a market for it, even on a small regional level very close to you. Granted, this cinema isn't going to show all movies, but it's my new favourite cinema. There's apparently a whole group of them dotted around London now. Some of them actually do tables and food as well if you want to go the whole hog, but this one does nibbles like houmous (it is Islington) and bread, a dizzying array of olives and a few other bits and pieces.

Wholeheartedly agree. I do love the Screen on the Green. In fact all the Everyman cinemas are pretty spot on - a lot more expensive than your rough-arsed Showcase cinema in Wood Green or whatnot, but not that much more than your average Odeous. And for that you get loads of space, really comfy seats, tranquility and excellent beer and ice cream. The only thing you have to suffer is the whiff of smug. Which to be honest is better than the stench of youth.
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Captain Caveman wrote:
Drive was massively overrated IMO.

Really? Not by you schmohawks, that's for sure! ;)

I see what Mark's saying. And Doc (but style is the point of the film, so it's like saying Fatboy Slim is a bit beats over guitar solos). But yeah, it was awesome. I'm going to pick it up on BD to confirm just how awesome it is, but it was a gorgeous haze of slightly 80s neon and synth. A beautiful action film, which isn't something we have been able to say since John Woo went to America to become shit. I loved the performances, I thought there was just the right level of peril, but more than any of that*, it looked, sounded and felt gorgeous. And more than a little drugged. I was surprised as many people liked it as they did, actually. It is very Refn, which if you've seen his barbarian epic Valhalla Rising, or Bronson, you'll know what I mean.

Can't wait for Wonder Woman.

* Because, you know, if I want razor sharp dialogue and utterly believable characters I'll watch Glengarry Glen Ross and not a driving film...
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throughsilver wrote:
Captain Caveman wrote:
Drive was massively overrated IMO.

Really? Not by you schmohawks, that's for sure! ;)

I see what Mark's saying. And Doc (but style is the point of the film, so it's like saying Fatboy Slim is a bit beats over guitar solos). But yeah, it was awesome. I'm going to pick it up on BD to confirm just how awesome it is, but it was a gorgeous haze of slightly 80s neon and synth. A beautiful action film, which isn't something we have been able to say since John Woo went to America to become shit. I loved the performances, I thought there was just the right level of peril, but more than any of that*, it looked, sounded and felt gorgeous. And more than a little drugged. I was surprised as many people liked it as they did, actually. It is very Refn, which if you've seen his barbarian epic Valhalla Rising, or Bronson, you'll know what I mean.

Can't wait for Wonder Woman.

* Because, you know, if I want razor sharp dialogue and utterly believable characters I'll watch Glengarry Glen Ross and not a driving film...

Hey man, I honestly get it - it's the whole 'stylistic thang', and I've no massive problem with that. The way such a film 'feels' is clearly an important, but obviously rather intangible - and most certainly highly subjective. For me, I just thought it a tad cheesy and cliched, as stated, and it didn't seem to have much of a story to tell? There again, I love films like The Evil Dead and the Phantasm series/suchlike (yup, I'm a B-movie horror fan) - and they don't have much of a coherent story to tell either and rely almost exclusively on how they feel. Plus they're as cheesy as cheesy gets. So yeah, "um..." etc. A movie critic I ain't.

Ashamed to say I've never even heard of Refn or his works; I must look him up. Valhalla Rising looks interesting, so cheers for that.
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The Pusher Trilogy is strong stuff too.
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Sticking with Drive for the moment, here's some unfavourable reviews I pulled off the web (there are plenty of glowing ones as well):

"Drive" is the most overrated movie I have ever seen. When I got out of the cinema the other night I was outraged. But not in the "I want my money back!" or "I want my two hours back!" way. I was outraged because this movie is rated higher than "Leon", for example. I can name a hundred movies that are better than "Drive" but have lower ratings.

In my opinion it's a 6/10 movie. Full of clichés, weak plot, no dialogue and uncalled for explicit violence scenes. The cinematic was good and the soundtrack was OK, but that doesn't add up. Everybody is talking about the acting. Well, what acting? There are no characters, not even one line of dialogue to be remembered. Ryan Gosling acts like he is the most awesome person in the universe. Moving around with his hands in his pockets or with his arms crossed on his chest, with a toothpick in his mouth like he's Stallone in "Cobra". A man of few words but who looks smarter than anybody else. He is ridiculous taking himself so seriously.

And what's with all that violence? Broken skulls, throats cut, blood everywhere all of a sudden. These scenes just don't fit in the movie. It seems that they were added just to shock the audience and to impress the 12 year-old who managed to get tickets. And don't get me started on the screenplay flaws...

Anyway, there are so many things that I didn't like in this movie that they wouldn't fit in 10 reviews. I believe though that his rating will eventually go down. I mean, 8.7? Lets have some sense. That's how "Matrix", "The usual suspects" or "Forrest Gump" are rated... "Drive" is just a "B" movie and doesn't deserve to share the spot with any other film above.

Unless, the world turns upside down.

Wow!! Did I miss something here? The biggest drawback of this movie is the plot: it's barely believable and lacking in substance. While the soundtrack is very good, it also cannot save the weak dialogue which is mostly Ryan Gosling staring at people and things and not saying much at all -- we're supposed to think that's really cool. He also likes to wear that scorpion jacket even when it's been bloodied. Becoming best buddies with the neighbor's kid on the first try - really? And then willing to risk his life even after the neighbor's boyfriend comes back from prison even though she previously hit on him - really? Also, outsmarting a police helicopter in LA in the first chase scene - really?

The whole movie has that whole trying really hard to be cool vibe but it's really not. Overall an extremely disappointing effort. This movie just barely makes it above the big B.

First the good: Drive is cast with excellent actors. Now for the bad. Based on this picture you would not know that most of the cast could act at all. Gosling's performance makes wooden seem lifelike. This must be due to direction because Gosling has been in several recent pictures and has acted up a storm in all of them. Gosling, Mulligan, Cranston, Brooks, and Hendricks are all interesting, accomplished actors. My question is: how did they get sucked into this horrible picture? Either the script that was shot was different from the script they read, or they had guns pointed at their heads.

Every plot element of Drive was so unrealistic that I found it impossible to suspend belief. The characters are equally unbelievable. Less than an hour into the picture I knew how it would end. The only question was whether Gosling's character would survive, but by that point I didn't care. All the characters were too stupid to live. Violence has its place in film, but it is not a substitute for characters, a plot, and a story even when the stupid are getting their just deserts.

Nothing in this picture hasn't been well done in other movies. Drive is derivative of Layer Cake, for example. If you want to see what Drive was trying to be, rent Layer Cake.

I do have to largely agree with the above sentiments; seems this is a real "Marmite Movie". Also, Layer Cake was indeed definitely the film that was at the edge of my subconscious, when I watched this. However, I rather enjoyed that.
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I think the worst thing about it were the car chases. They just didn't make sense and felt like an afterthought, which is a problem when your film is called Drive. Action sequences are narratives in themselves, so what what the fuck is this shite?

They're going forwards really fast then he decides to go backwards for a bit (while the baddie presumably slows down to accommodate him) and then for some reason because of this the baddie crashes. Utter, utter bollocks.

This is how you do a car chase:
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markg wrote:
This is how you do a car chase:

Oh, superb! I'll have to get that, I know some of those routes really well too :)
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I think I might have to watch Ronin again too, not seen it in years "What's the color of the boathouse at Hereford?", ace.
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kalmar wrote:
markg wrote:
This is how you do a car chase:

Oh, superb! I'll have to get that, I know some of those routes really well too :)

Have you never seen Ronin? It is totally ace, and not just for the car chases.
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which is a problem when your film is called Drive

1. To push, propel, or press onward forcibly; urge forward: drove the horses into the corral.
2. To repulse or put to flight by force or influence: drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure.
6. To compel or force to work, often excessively: "Every serious dancer is driven by notions of perfectionperfect expressiveness, perfect technique" (Susan Sontag).
7. To force into or from a particular act or state: Indecision drives me crazy.
8. To force to go through or penetrate: drove the stake into the ground.
9. To create or produce by penetrating forcibly: The nail drove a hole in the tire.
10. To carry through vigorously to a conclusion: drove home his point; drive a hard bargain.

I thought the title was clever. You think you're getting a driving movie, then you don't, then you re-evaluate what the title means.
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Nope, not having that, at all. That car chase wasn't deliberately, cleverly or knowingly poor it was simply a pathetic failure. I wasn't expecting a car chase film but as one of the climactic sequences that was dismal.
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markg wrote:
I think I might have to watch Ronin again too, not seen it in years "What's the color of the boathouse at Hereford?", ace.


Me too, basically.
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The Hurt Locker is really, really, really, really, really not great. It's fucking dull.
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Rise of The Planet Of The Apes is pretty good, though. Evening well spent, there.

That said, I did wonder where they got the extra gorillas and orangutans at the end - they can't have come from the lab and there couldn't possibly have been that many at the zoo.
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Rise of The Planet Of The Apes is pretty good, though. Evening well spent, there.

That said, I did wonder where they got the extra gorillas and orangutans at the end - they can't have come from the lab and there couldn't possibly have been that many at the zoo.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Rise of The Planet Of The Apes is pretty good, though. Evening well spent, there.

That said, I did wonder where they got the extra gorillas and orangutans at the end - they can't have come from the lab and there couldn't possibly have been that many at the zoo.

Exactly what Mrs T said, there just aren't that many Gorillas in urban areas :)
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They're everywhere, like rats you're never more than six feet from one but you rarely see them.
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Duh. They terribly CGI'd some more in. Worst looking special effects I've seen since the Money for Nothing video.
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This looks odd "God Bless America"

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Finally watched The Wrestler last night. During the wake of a fairly serious anxiety attack (over, of all things, not being able to decide on food in Carluccio's). Made me sad.

Really good film though.
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BikNorton wrote:
Finally watched The Wrestler last night. During the wake of a fairly serious anxiety attack (over, of all things, not being able to decide on food in Carluccio's). Made me sad.

Really good film though.

It was a Good Film, in that it was well-written, produced and acted; but it was just one horrifically depressing pile of bleakness after another. Brrrrr. While I appreciate the skill that went into creating it, you couldn't pay me enough to watch it again.
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Nothing compared to Requiem for a dream.
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LewieP wrote:
Nothing compared to Requiem for a dream.

Aye, I was thinking that as I wrote the post. Strangely though I find Requiem for a Dream a little bit less horrible, which I can't really explain because I realise they're both fucking grim as all hell.
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Requiem for a dream is probably my most favourite film that I never ever want to watch again.
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LewieP wrote:
Requiem for a dream is probably my most favourite film that I never ever want to watch again.

I put it on our LoveFilm list as my girlfriend had never seen it and the amusement of watching her reaction during the horrendous escalation of the final section was amusing enough to allow me to sit through it. Never again though.
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LewieP wrote:
Requiem for a dream is probably my most favourite film that I never ever want to watch again.

God, try Lilya 4-ever, Makes Requiem look like Wayne's World.

I loved The Wrestler, especially because it makes me think of loads of wrestlers who've followed that path. Many of them are now dead.

Overall, though, my... third or fourth favourite Aronofsky film.
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Dimrill wrote:
Duh. They terribly CGI'd some more in. Worst looking special effects I've seen since the Money for Nothing video.

Really? I thought that Caeser was far more convincingly done than e.g. gollum.

Maybe the baseline for acceptable CGI has gone up since then, I dunno.

Anyway, going to try the new Sherlock Holmes film tonight.
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BikNorton wrote:
Finally watched The Wrestler last night. During the wake of a fairly serious anxiety attack (over, of all things, not being able to decide on food in Carluccio's). Made me sad.

Really good film though.

On some occassions used to have anxiety attacks eating with a fork, my hand would shaking just trying to put the food in my mouth. I've no idea why. Some tiny spark in your brain starts saying you can't do something basic because there's something wrong, and things go all weird. It'd happen when carrying pints sometimes too, they'd suddenly seem too heavy. Weird.

Stupid anxiety attacks. Glad those are behinpoeG:KH@<>
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It was more complex than that, but that's what finally tipped it over the edge.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1) Helen said "let's go to the cinema, Dragon Tattoo is on at 17.50"
2) I said "Okay, let's get a bruschetta at Carluccio's first to tide us over"
3) Helen left work late, so we only got to Trafford Centre at 17.20, Helen suggested getting a sandwich from Boots to share instead
4) I didn't fancy that at all, which started me off
5) We found another film at 7 to see instead and went to Carluccio's (going downhill)
6) We somehow decided to just have dinner at Carluccio's instead of seeing a film this week
7) Then the service was poor (typical there) and then I couldn't find anything on the menu that I wanted
8) BOOM!

The anxiety came from my being unable to decide and my (lack of) decision causing repeated changes of plan, and ultimately resulting in our going home for tea instead of having the nice evening out we'd both been looking forward to and her having wasted 35p to get the Orange Wednesdays code.

I didn't calm down properly until half way through Thursday. Even then the drive home after work got me noticeably subdued again.

My head is, as you can probably tell, still not better.
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As you may know, I done have a Kindle Fire. And I done be using it to watch films on the train.


Apollo 18: Not that bad. Goes a bit silly, as these things predictably do.
Captain America: Quite good. The Avengers looks set to be fairly awesome.
College: Below-average for an American Teenager movie. Some good boobies, though.
Evil Dead II: Hahahahahha! It's great!
Fright Night (2011): Yeah, crap. But McLovin!
Hall Pass: Surprisingly good, but not great.
Insidious: Really good for the first 75%, then goes nuts insane (in a bad way). Fairly good ending.
Kung Fu Panda 2: Nearly as good as the first one. Which is a good thing, obv.
Paranormal Activity 2: Meh. Some nice fan-service from Busty, though.
Primer: Okay, WTF? I don't think I was in the right frame of mind for that one at 7am.
Public Enemies: Really good.
The Fighter: Also really good. Christian Bale is awesome in this (and he wasn't bad in Public Enemies, either).
Restraint: Australian kidnap film. Fairly good. Gets a good one star on the Craster scale.
Role Models: Funnier than I thought it would be. The little black kid is excellent. Also, LARP! Also, boobies! Also, McLovin!
Source Code: Yeah... It was alright. Above average. But ultimately not that exciting.
The Entitled: Another kidnap movie, with a really good looking lady in. Worth watching.
The Walking Dead Season 1: Not a film, then. But bloody good.
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I've seen Primer four or five times. I understand a little bit more each time. I'm up to about half of it now.

The Fighter was, indeed, excellent.
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Even looking at the printed out primer timeline, I can't work it out :D
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Finally watched Pirates of The Caribbean 3.

The last hour is alright. But it fails to save the rubbish beforehand. Lots of things happening, but nothing actually happening. And the fights are basically coincidence piled upon humourous accident piled upon coincidence until the director goes "five minute fight scene in the bag, lets move back to whichever of the seventeen plot strands has to inch forward now."
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I really hated that film. Such a mess. We watched the fourth one last weekend after I'd been resisting due to the crappiness of 3. Surprise surprise it was actually quite decent. The biggest plus point: no wooden Orlando Bloom and his sprout face.
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Heh. At work, we call Leonardo Di Caprio 'Sprout Face'.
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Ah Lee & Herring's reach is long and shadowy.
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The Change Up is really good - and it just scored a high one star on the Craster Scale (it should get a bonus point for playing Cherry Pie by Warrent while earning said star).
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Okay, The Change Up is far better than it has any right to be - it's an excellent film.
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Lack of "being on the train" this week has cut into my movie times, but I saw Full Metal Jacket, which has an awesome first third and then heads steadily to "all right" from there onward.
I also saw 50/50, but before I can tell you about that I need to explain some stuff: I'm trying hard, where I can, to watch films with absolutely no knowledge of them whatsoever. I even try to avoid what they're called, so I have no clue what's going on before I go in. Turns out that's a really good way to watch films, especially because I'm so forgetful that I've no idea what I've put on my Kindle by the time I've unplugged it from my PC.

Anyway, I did know 50/50 was called 50/50, but that's it. It starts off with the dude who played the kid in 3rd Rock From The Sun, and then Seth Rogan turns up, so that slams it into "college comedy" fairly quickly, and, indeed, there is much talk of fucking and not getting blow jobs and the like.
Then something happens about fifteen minutes in, which makes you think "Oh, that's different. Oh well.". The film remains quite chucklesome for a fair while, then, with about twenty minutes to go, and with NO FUCKING WARNING, it rips out your heart and stamps on it, leaving you sobbing away in front of a train full of people like a little girl standing out in the cold because it turns out her deadbeat father bought her fake tickets to see JLS and she couldn't get in.

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Grim... wrote:
leaving you sobbing..... like a little girl standing out in the cold because it turns out her deadbeat father bought her fake tickets to see JLS and she couldn't get in.

Amazing analogy. And an equally amazing mental of image of Grim... crying on a train :D

Unintentionally had a bit of a Matt Damon movie marathon a couple of weeks ago, it must've been his turn on Sky Anytime, or something. I started with Hereafter, directed by Clint Eastwood, about "...three people touched by death in different ways...". I found it incredibly boring and slow paced. The three main characters (French woman, Matt Damon, poor kid) never really developed, they were a bit bland and two dimensional and could've been so much better, I thought. The boy is a fucking terrible actor, too. Seriously bad.

Then I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley with Ramsea, who seemed to like it, until the gayness started happening and he said "What the fuck is this gay shit you're watching?" and promptly lost himself in his phone. It was an enjoyable film, I expect most people have seen it, I didn't really like Gwyneth Paltrow in it, though.

I also watched The Adjustment Bureau, it's basically about two people fighting against their planned destiny, so they can be together. With some sci-fi thrown in. I it thought looked promising and the movie was based on a Philip K. Dick story so it had potential. The relationship between the leading roles (Matt Damon and Emily Blunt) was perfectly written and acted, it was very believable. The rest of the story lacked something, I can't quite put my finger on what but it was a little half-hearted in places, like they could've pushed it further but didn't. It was a good watch but soppy in a 'love conquers all' way, I had hoped that wouldn't be the case, really.
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Just watched Hobo With A Shotgun. It was alright. It closed with the theme from The Raccoons. 10/10.
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flis wrote:

I also watched The Adjustment Bureau, it's basically about two people fighting against their planned destiny, so they can be together. With some sci-fi thrown in. I it thought looked promising and the movie was based on a Philip K. Dick story so it had potential. The relationship between the leading roles (Matt Damon and Emily Blunt) was perfectly written and acted, it was very believable. The rest of the story lacked something, I can't quite put my finger on what but it was a little half-hearted in places, like they could've pushed it further but didn't. It was a good watch but soppy in a 'love conquers all' way, I had hoped that wouldn't be the case, really.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I was sure they were going to end up as vegetables together in some mental institute or other...

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Watched 'Star Trek' (the recent one) again last night. I'd forgotten how good it was. Really entertaining.

We also caught the end of 'AvP', which was probably the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Just embarrassingly bad.
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Recent Films I have watched:

Braindead: Completely over the top horror comedy from a youthful Peter Jackson. Contains gallons of fake blood. It's highly entertaining.

Kick Ass: Still completely brilliant on the third time of watching. Nic Cage channelling Adam West is possibly the best thing ever.

The Adjustment Bureau: See Flis' review above as it is spot on. Solid entertainment but it is missing something.

The Invisible Man: Fantastic 30s horror film with the great Claude Rains. Funny, creepy and quite staggering special effects. And only about an hour long. Watch it.

Winchester '73: Western starring a badass James Stewart on the hunt for an ace gun the bad guy nicked off him. Contains loads of perfectly judged supporting roles and Stewart is as great as he always is.

Forbidden Planet: I kept on expecting the youthful Leslie Nielsen to do something funny. He didn't. Good, clever sci-fi.
Lord Rixondale wrote:
The Adjustment Bureau: See Flis' review above as it is spot on. Solid entertainment but it is missing something.

Blunt keeps her Bra on. Remedy this by watching "My Summer of Love".
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GovernmentYard wrote:
Lord Rixondale wrote:
The Adjustment Bureau: See Flis' review above as it is spot on. Solid entertainment but it is missing something.

Blunt keeps her Bra on. Remedy this by watching "My Summer of Love".

It's not on Sky Anytime. Garn. I'd rather like to see those chesticles.
Google Emily Blunt My Summer of Love.

She's one of my favourites ever. Her name even rhymes with where I want to stick my face.
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Lord Rixondale wrote:
GovernmentYard wrote:
Lord Rixondale wrote:
The Adjustment Bureau: See Flis' review above as it is spot on. Solid entertainment but it is missing something.

Blunt keeps her Bra on. Remedy this by watching "My Summer of Love".

It's not on Sky Anytime. Garn. I'd rather like to see those chesticles.

You do realise you're on the Internet right now?
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Curiosity wrote:
Lord Rixondale wrote:
GovernmentYard wrote:
Lord Rixondale wrote:
The Adjustment Bureau: See Flis' review above as it is spot on. Solid entertainment but it is missing something.

Blunt keeps her Bra on. Remedy this by watching "My Summer of Love".

It's not on Sky Anytime. Garn. I'd rather like to see those chesticles.

You do realise you're on the Internet right now?

What do you think I've been doing for the last seven hours? Ah, Emily...
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Super 8 really wasn't that good, was it.
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