Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch

I was in a car.

A car hit my car.

My neck and back are sore and the police say I have to see the doctor, and I feel fed up and sad and achey :cry:

Someone said this is where all of the nice people hang out and that you will all make my tea and give me biscuits and paracetamol. All of these things would be appreciated. Especially biscuits.
Cripes. Hope it's nothing serious, Mimi. I'd send a biscuit, but I can't throw them as far as London.
Ouch. Fingers crossed for a whiplash-free diagnosis.
Aw no! Hope you're ok.
I hope so - I hope it is just some strain - the seatbelts sit kind of high on me so I pulled my neck and right shoulder. We were stationary, stuck in traffic coming out of Wembley stadium, and someone saw a gap behind us, came zooming out of the back road and straight into our back. If my uncle's car had not been about three times the size of a normal car I think it would have been worse. Somehow the two men in the small car were not hurt, and neither were any of the other three people in my uncle's car/juggernaut. Typical, me. The police have the details but the crash made a mess of the back of the car :|
Dimrill, the sooner you get that biscuit caterpillar the better...
Biscuit catapult, even
That's the ticket :D

The smilies here are not as cute, are they? We'll have to get some custom ones...
Don't hug! It will hurt more!

Sheesh. Some people.

Get well soon, Mimi!

Why is it that none of the chocolate cake pictures online look even remotely as nice as the one I make?
Sounds like a good excuse to get a 4x4 to me.
Get well soon!
Plissken wrote:
Don't hug! It will hurt more!

Sheesh. Some people.

Get well soon, Mimi!


Person: I twisted my ankle last night
Grim...: Sounds like a good excuse to get a 4x4 to me.

Person: I have a bad cold.
Grim...: Sounds like a good excuse to get a 4x4 to me.

Person: I'm bored.
Grim...: Sounds like a good excuse to get a 4x4 to me.

Person: I think I'm the reincarnation of John Lennon.
Grim...: Sounds like a good excuse to get a 4x4 to me.

Person: I think Cherie Blair is really hot.
Grim...: So do I... Errr. I mean Sounds like a good excuse to get a 4x4 to me.
Mohammed sends his love...
Sorry to hear about that Mimi, a similar thing happened to me a year or so back. Some idiot ran into the back of me whilst I was waiting to pull out on to a roundabout. I didn't have whiplash or any injuries though, and the car was miraculously undamaged.

It's at times like this that you realise you should have gotten an ITV Digital monkey instead of the one you have, because he can then go and make you some nice soothing cups of PG Tips.
Mimi wrote:
If my uncle's car had not been about three times the size of a normal car I think it would have been worse.

Hehe, Mohammed is cute, though he looks (appropriately) like a nurse.

The car is quite huge, though I am not sure if it is a 4x4.

Gazchap, this is Munkeh! Have you not seen him before?
Poor Mimi! Have an extra-special transdimensional spacebiscuit to make the ouchies go away.


(As a hater of iron horses, I live in constant fear that my drivin' friends will get into nasty accidents, so threads like this scare the bejesus out of me. Get well soon!)
Dudley wrote:
Mohammed sends his love...

Uploads work!

People who can't drive need to be stabbed in the head with a rusty, errr, 4x4.

Hope you're ok Meemee. :D
Quick, bring me a spoooooooooonnn!
Hope you feel better soon Mimi!

Begin biscuit or cake debate now!
Aw, hope you'll be nagging injury free, pickle!

*Sympathetic hand on un-achey arm, since hugs are inadvisable*
Mimi wrote:
Hehe, Mohammed is cute, though he looks (appropriately) like a nurse.

He is (genuinely) from Bahrain. I think they were going more for this look.
A penguin with a special biscuit?! A biscuit with an 'M' in chocolate chips.


Minkee, you are the best person ever. Sorry, everyone, your pictures were cute and everything, but clearly this is 'TEH BEST THING EVVAH' (or something) and so you lose out to unprecedented levels of awesomeness...

*faints all over again*
I remember when I was young, my dad's car got driven into at the back. Whilst I was sitting in the back. (Car was a Citreon BX GTi, whatever that means.) The rear of the car was quite badly crumpled up... Had quite bad back/neck pains for a while but my dad refused to let me have any medical help because his own father was the one who drove his car into his - y'know covering it up and everything.

My grandad apparently doesn't remember much about our family any more as he's gone a bit senile, if the phonecall we had a few weeks ago was any indication. :(
Sorry to hear that Mimi (but glad it wasn't more serious). Hope your neck is on the mend soon.

Now, can I get tea and sympathy for being attacked by a nutter with a bottle this morning?
With a bottle? Do you mean at 1am this morning or in the middle of the day? Were you hurt?

Anonymous X, my grandad is also suffering from dementia (that's where we were returning from in the car as it happens) Some days he is lucid and will jabber away, on rare occasions he won't recognise me, or thinks that I am someone else - usually he's somewhere in between. You just have to try and concentrate on the good days.

Oooh, look what came up when I put monkey and biscuits into google image search. Ain't that convenient, eh? :)

Mend well soon Mimi, I've been constantly broken/ill since having surgery inside my head two months ago, I can totally sympathise on the feeling crappy thing.
Oh... :(

I've had to go in to hospital a few times for hydrocephalus, which though mild was making me quite poorly, so I sympathise with you.

Hugs all around. Hugs to everyone. Monkey in the middle!
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
If my uncle's car had not been about three times the size of a normal car I think it would have been worse.


Hmm, surely if it had been only the size of one car rather than 3, the chances of hitting it would have been cut by 66%?

Anyway, hope your neck is OK Mimi, I've been suffering from neck pains all yesterday and today, dunno what caused it, fortunately not a car accident..
Currently got lots of ibuprofen swilling about my system and one of those heat pad things taped to my back.
Have <hug> and <biscuit>
Mimi wrote:
biscuit caterpillar

What an excellent name for a band.

And: get well.
Crikey! Hope you and your folks are not too shook up.

"Where there's a car bashing into you from behind, there's a whiplash claim!"
Zardoz Insurance Services
Mimi wrote:
from dementia (that's where we were returning from in the car as it happens)

Is that anywhere near Liverpool?

Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
If my uncle's car had not been about three times the size of a normal car I think it would have been worse.


What happens if the car behind had been a 4x4? Mimi would have been crushed. But then, you say, what happens if they BOTH were 4x4's? Everyone would have been alright, right? Probably. But then you'd be advocating this as a good excuse to get a monster truck! It's an arm's race, wheel-size style.

Also: I hope you get an injury that isn't detrimental in anyway but allows you to steal money from them. Actually, I dissaprove of that menthod, but it's not like they;re going to be banned from driving or anything USEFUL is it? :/
Also, I'm currently surrounded by the following: A pack of Hobnobs, Rich Tea (Untouched), Half a 250g of CDM caramel and 250g of CDM...actually, the CDM appears to have all gone. Damn my idle hands. I also have some super noodles. Which one would you like?
minkee wrote:

That's excellent. I really like your site; how long did it take you to draw that!? OR had you already made it and now was a very convienant time to reveal it? ;)
Pod wrote:
Also: I hope you get an injury that isn't detrimental in anyway but allows you to steal money from them. Actually, I dissaprove of that menthod, but it's not like they;re going to be banned from driving or anything USEFUL is it? :/
Also, I'm currently surrounded by the following: A pack of Hobnobs, Rich Tea (Untouched), Half a 250g of CDM caramel and 250g of CDM...actually, the CDM appears to have all gone. Damn my idle hands. I also have some super noodles. Which one would you like?

I will have the Hobnobs, please ;)

I have had to get up because my neck is feeling worse now so I can't sleep. I also seem to have bruised my cheek but don't remember anything hitting my face at all. I have taken painkillers so I am just waiting for them them to take effect. I'll wash them down with these Hobnobs.

Also, look - the biscuit ha an 'M' on it - it's a truly special biscuit :D
Hope you feel better soonest.
Mimi wrote:
I will have the Hobnobs, please ;)

This is the correct answer.
B..B.....But Rich Teas go all mushy and if you shovel 50 into your mouth in a serial fashion you end up with a really cool goo inside it! Like when you eat loads of Chip Sticks (Thin Jims)!
Pod wrote:
That's excellent. I really like your site; how long did it take you to draw that!? OR had you already made it and now was a very convienant time to reveal it? ;)

About half an hour. I had been drawing penguins all week, and colouring bears all weekend, so I was well and truly in the penguin-drawing-and-colouring zone. I don't happen to have a stash of animal / food / letter combos just waiting for people to bash themselves about. ;P

Feeling better this morning Mimimi?
I am feeling OK, though I think that the pain got worse overnight as it hurts more today than yesterday, and I never got much/any sleep really, so a bit spaced out. Still, I made it to the doctors and she said there will be no lasting injury and that I should feel fine in a week or too. I have some whiplash sprain in my neck and she said that's what is making my head hurt, which in turn is making me feel snappy, but painkillers will help in both these things. it's underneath my should that is hurting most, though. Again, it should only be a temporary thing, at least.

All in all, I am OK. Also bought some cookies on the way back from the doctors, so can't be all bad.
Pod wrote:
Also: I hope you get an injury that isn't detrimental in anyway but allows you to steal money from them. Actually, I dissaprove of that menthod, but it's not like they;re going to be banned from driving or anything USEFUL is it? :/

If they were driving like a twonk, I see no problem with that. I was in a major car accident when I was 11. We were travelling along a road at about 60 when we were hit head-on by a car that was overtaking a car whose driver later admitted to breaking the speed limit. The car that hit us was on the wrong side of the road, overtaking on a bend, on a hill and in the dark.

My dad was lucky to survive, and spent weeks in hospital (where he essentially had to have help to walk, due to most of the bones in his foot being wrecked, and an arm having five breaks and a dislocation). My mother appeared OK, but years later, her initial 'aches and pains' (which we didn't get fully documented) 'blossomed' into worse problems, and likely caused her sciatica. I was lucky in that I wasn't wearing a seat-belt (back then, they weren't typically fitted in the back), but rather than being hurled through the windshield, I simply smacked into the seat in front (and, again luckily, not my mother), causing damage to my knees and face.

The bloke who was in the car who hit us (who also, due to the speed he was travelling had, somehow also managed to hit the car he was overtaking) got, as I recall, three points on his driving licence, and the pay-out totalled around six grand for all three of us. My parents regretted not taking the person to the cleaners, due to their disdain for us (they refused to accept any responsibility), and the fact they were driving like a total prick.

Upshot: if it's a genuine accident, let it go. If it isn't, and there's a chance you could end up in pain or having problems in your life, nail them. Also, get whatever is happening to you documented by your GP, because if it turns out you have been hurt, you will need that documentation later
Oh no! Sorry to hear of this. Hope you feel okay.
It was a genuine accident in the fact that I assume he didn't mean to hit us, but the way he was driving you might well thing it was purposeful.We were in completely stationary traffic. There was a few feet gap behind and the guy came shooting out of the side road at a speed you wouldn't believe and turned so sharply that he went straight into the back of us. My uncle and the police tried to ge it out of him what he was doing, but his English was too poor for any meaningful communication.

The police told me to go to the doctor, which I have done. I am in pain, more so than yesterday, and a bit fed up, but I am OK. I am worried about it getting worse, though, as it has worstened overnight when I was fully expecting to improve overnight.
Thanks, Nirejhenge.

Laying on the floor feels good.
Mimi wrote:
I am worried about it getting worse, though, as it has worstened overnight when I was fully expecting to improve overnight.

Usually (I find) when I trash myself off my bike, have a mammoth tattoo session or any other body knackering kinda incident happens to me (it tends to happen a lot to me, I toy with these things too much), it's always the day or two afterwards that hurts the most, much more than on the day. Adrenaline kicking in and such really helps at the time. So don't worry about it feeling worse today, I would say that is normal, give it a week and hopefully you'll be a lot better.
Mimi wrote:
Thanks, Nirejhenge.

Laying on the floor feels good.

Are you typing this from the floor?

Get well soon. :)
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