Dreams and nightmares
a depository
Note to self: read thread title before reading latest posts in thread.
Craster wrote:
Note to self: read thread title before reading latest posts in thread.

Looking forward to your nightmare post tomorrow then
JohnCoffey wrote:
We found a hatch in the back room of my house that I hadn't noticed before. We opened it and there was a ladder about 200 metres long that went down into the ground...

...We found this big machine with a wall panel. I asked my cousin what the fuck it could be and he said it was a time machine...

You've been watching Lost!

I tried that SleepTalk app on my iPhone the other night for shits and giggles. It picked up hour after hour of me snoring my head off, intertwined with my gf occasionally coughing her lungs up.

I had no idea I snored as badly as that.
I can sometimes hear myself snoring, if I'm just snoozing.

In related news, after a bit of experimentation, I am able to have somewhat lucid dreams when I'm in the not-quite-asleep state. I am able to conjure up some excellent imagery that sometimes follows me into deep sleep.

It's all a bit trippy really.
I don't think I've ever had a lucid dream.
Closest I came was a few weeks ago when I dreamt that I knew it was a dream so could start controlling it, yet nothing I tried to make happen occurred. Hello Dr Freud!
Just remembered my dream from over the weekend, well part of it...

Me and the Mrs had started smoking again and decided it would be great to let Baba Z have a couple of cigs a day at specific times to keep her calm 8) . Anyway I was carrying Baba Z through Blackpool with Markg and another mate of mine and Mark sparked a couple of fags up and passed one to Baba Z. I was horrified, I turned to him and said, "Look Mark I don't mind you crashing your fags, but she's just had one, I wish you'd ask me first".

8) :shrug: :DD :spew:
Years and years ago, when I was at Uni, I'd use a radio alarm clock (to give you an idea of how many years ago this was, I'd normally wake up to Chris Evans on Radio 1). One day they played 'Enjoy The Silence' by Depeche Mode, and in my half awake state I had this excellent lucid dream that I was totally suspended in calming, blue-coloured water. I could breathe underwater and everything, and I was just suspended there, totally relaxed, with Depeche Mode providing the soundtrack.

Most bizarre, but it was a nice way of starting the morning.
Zio wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
We found a hatch in the back room of my house that I hadn't noticed before. We opened it and there was a ladder about 200 metres long that went down into the ground...

...We found this big machine with a wall panel. I asked my cousin what the fuck it could be and he said it was a time machine...

You've been watching Lost!

Never ever seen it mate :S

I'm pretty sure now it was the level of Left 4 Dead 2 where you go down into the sewers on a long assed ladder, crossed with Doom 3 lol.
Last night I dreamed that Dame Maggie Smith had tied Craig and I back to back on a child's playground roundabout and was spinning it at hight speed. When she eventually stopped it and cut us free I woke up and I felt really nauseous!
Zio wrote:
I could breathe underwater and everything, and I was just suspended there, totally relaxed, with Depeche Mode providing the soundtrack.

Most bizarre, but it was a nice way of starting the morning.

Really? Whenever I wake up from a breathing underwater/able to fly dream I'm always really disappointed when I remember I can't actually do it.
That sleep talk recorder app is ace. The other week it got me saying "Dirk on a bee... I want you to get.... pushhhh."

And then a couple of instances on other nights of just humming.
I've been having bad dreams lately, and worse they've been leaving me feeling the same when I wake up. It's hard to dream that your girlfriend's left you then wake up next to her and be convinced for half an hour that it's over. For example.

I suppose it's a good thing that when it happens I generally remember enough of the dream itself to understand why I'm feeling shitty.
When I'm feeling shitty I stop feeling shitty and be awesome instead.

True story.
BikNorton wrote:
I've been having bad dreams lately, and worse they've been leaving me feeling the same when I wake up. It's hard to dream that your girlfriend's left you then wake up next to her and be convinced for half an hour that it's over. For example.

I suppose it's a good thing that when it happens I generally remember enough of the dream itself to understand why I'm feeling shitty.

Mr Russell wrote:
When I'm feeling shitty I stop feeling shitty and be awesome instead.

True story.

I've tried this, but I came to realise that I'm always awesome anyway. Hm.
Mr Russell wrote:
When I'm feeling shitty I stop feeling shitty and be awesome instead.
I'm working on it.

Zio wrote:
Oh, it wears off, not to worry. Having the context is useful for speeding that up.
I dreamed last night that I was walking out of the door of where I used to live, next to the North Circular road, in the snow and ice of dark early evening, as I had to go to a supermarket or something. Anyway, there is a slip road that leads directly of of the North Circular to bring people on to the housing estate. A huge, articulated lorry had either gone down this slip road and clipped something or spun off the NC and over the slip road, but it flipped right up in the air, about 20 meters up and came crashing down I was under its shadow and ran just to the side of it where it came slamming down about 5 feet from me, blocking my way back to the house. I terrified and thought to run around the block to get back t safety, but the NC was suddenly like a sheet of ice and the traffic was going everywhere - I could see another articulated lorry sliding towards me on its side and ran for it, around the back of the block hoping I could make it around but then woke suddenly up.

I have not been sleeping at all well, and I woke up with such a start and racing heart that I couldn't settle at all after that. My eyes are all sore and tired and the lorry in the air crashing down keeps flashing before my eyes. :(
This is all Perkies' fault!
Sorry you're sleepless Mimi, I know how that feels right now.
I had a dream of awesome last night. I dreamt that the UNSC Spartans and the Colonial Marines (Aliens) were in something of a competition to see who could kill the most Covenant. I was in a big city on a rooftop, thinking how much better the M41-A Pulse Rifle was at killing Unggoy and Jiralhanae than the UNSC Assault Rifle.

As a Marine, we'd managed to secure some vital information that would give us a real lead on the Spartans, and were now trying to escape from this big city (not unlike New Alexandria from Halo: Reach)

Alas, we ended up trapped in a big apartment building and, separated from my squad, I fled down a long stairwell until, with no options, I broke down the door into the apartment at the bottom. Inside resided a woman, a slightly-too-tall, gawky kindergarten-teacher type. She agreed to help me and I hid in her closet.

Dreams being dreams, they knew right where I was and sure enough, her door gets booted open again and a colossal, menacing Jorge-style Spartan stomps into the room, grabs me by the neck, yanks me out of the closet and plants me on a chair, ready to do all sorts of horrible things to me to find out what I know.

I was genuinely, really terrified and told him everything. Satisfied, he stomped out and left me.

With that all done, I crawled into bed with the bewildered woman and that's where it gets all :hat: and ends.
Worst marine ever.
You play too many computer games.
Craster wrote:
Worst marine ever.

I know, eh? Worse than freakin' Hudson.
Last night I was involved with holding down a thief's arm while his hand was cut off. The idiot with the axe hit my hand as well as the thief's, but the injury was only superficial.
The other night I dreamt that I'd found a stray cat but it had "Gilly" on its collar.

And that's all I can remember.
TheVision wrote:
The other night I dreamt that I'd found a stray cat but it had "Gilly" on its collar.

And that's all I can remember.

Must... resist... pussy joke.
Dreamt Ange and Myp needed taking to their various new houses they kept buying. Ange just wanted to go to bed but Myp was drunk and making a nuisance of himself.

This went on for HOURS.
I've been playing a lot of Split/Second recently and it led to two consecutive nights last week of dreams of whizzing round a race track full of explosions. The interesting thing is that every time I blew something up it flashed "You wrecked Craster" up on my 'screen'.
Last night I dreamt that I was working as a supervisor in a large grocery store. One of the employees was Trousers, except he was "played" by Michael Keaton. Anyway, this Trousers/Keaton hybrid had developed a crippling addiction to maple syrup, which I was trying to turn a blind eye to, until I found him in the Baking Needs aisle trying to actually crawl onto a shelf to reach the last bottle of syrup at the back. He was knocking various bottles of food colouring and flavouring onto the floor while customers stood by and watched, horrified. At this point I remember making a rather oblique post on Beex, basically informing Trousers/Keaton that he was suspended from work until he cleaned up his act.
Thankfully I woke up before the dream went any further. I think the prospect of Michael "Trousers" Keaton, strung out on maple syrup withdrawal would have been too much to bear.
I love it when you dream about people from here. I've not been able to remember any of mine for ages sadly.
This is probably my favorite thread of the whole forum.
Part of last nights dream involved me driving down a country lane and I passed an old friend/twunt called Largey. He was carrying a can of Special brew in one hand and a Singstar microphone in the other. I then found myself in my wifes old bedroom with the microphone to try it out, no console required 8) it just plugged straight into the portable TV. Now I remember being stunned and pissed off as rather than pop videos appearing to sing along to, it was sports footage that you had to comment on interspersed with clips of the Question of Sport panel.
I rather expected your dreams to be weirder.
“I had a dream that you died last night. Ange was convinced you'd come back to life if we all got in the coffin. Grim... was the last one in. We got stuck for 20 minutes.”

— Miss Malabar
Depends who she meant by 'all'
I'm not getting in a coffin with Grim...
DavPaz wrote:
Depends who she meant by 'all'

Not you. You can be Bosley.
Malabelm wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Depends who she meant by 'all'

Not you. You can be Bosley.

Thank God for that.

*holds the coats*
Throughsilver dream! For reals.

I was out of work and walking along a (badly trashed) high street trying to find a job. In Throughsilver's record shop, he expressed kindly doubt that I'd be up to the task, but gave me the standard questions anyway. "Name your favourite 3 vinyl records recorded between 1975 and 1991, quick" he barked, eyebrows beetling.
I froze, couldn't think of any. "erm, 'summertime' by Mungo Jerry?" I ventured.
He looked sad and I made my excuses. Knocking over a rack of 12"s on the way out, he then chased me down the street waving a Troll-Axe.
I gotta get this down before I forget....

I dreamt i was in command of a small (3-man) stealth submarine (mostly all black with lots of lights inside, kind of like Airwolf but underwater), bimbling about in rivers. Our mission was to blow up all the banana warehouses in the country, which we did quite easily, considering. Then we had to set off into the Atlantic, meet with the next container ship carrying replacement bananas, and implant micro-bombs into them all, which we then used to blow up Manchester, which was apparently the target of our mission.

It was a pretty good dream while I was dreaming it, only when I woke up did i really quite how odd it was.
Good dream!

I've had a few recurring ones lately. One obvious one is that I dream I'm holding my baby, and when I wake up I still think I am, and have to take great care in putting her down (when in fact I'm just holding the duvet). In most of these dreams, she has learned to talk.

The other one that keeps happening is dreaming I'm back in my final year of Uni, but I can't remember anything about my course. Which is much how I did indeed approach that year, to be fair.
Mr Dom wrote:
I gotta get this down before I forget....

I dreamt i was in command of a small (3-man) stealth submarine (mostly all black with lots of lights inside, kind of like Airwolf but underwater), bimbling about in rivers. Our mission was to blow up all the banana warehouses in the country, which we did quite easily, considering. Then we had to set off into the Atlantic, meet with the next container ship carrying replacement bananas, and implant micro-bombs into them all, which we then used to blow up Manchester, which was apparently the target of our mission.

It was a pretty good dream while I was dreaming it, only when I woke up did i really quite how odd it was.

Excellent dream. It also ties in very nicely with your avatar!
kalmar wrote:
Throughsilver dream! For reals.

I was out of work and walking along a (badly trashed) high street trying to find a job. In Throughsilver's record shop, he expressed kindly doubt that I'd be up to the task, but gave me the standard questions anyway. "Name your favourite 3 vinyl records recorded between 1975 and 1991, quick" he barked, eyebrows beetling.
I froze, couldn't think of any. "erm, 'summertime' by Mungo Jerry?" I ventured.
He looked sad and I made my excuses. Knocking over a rack of 12"s on the way out, he then chased me down the street waving a Troll-Axe.

kalmar wrote:
Mr Dom wrote:
I gotta get this down before I forget....

I dreamt i was in command of a small (3-man) stealth submarine (mostly all black with lots of lights inside, kind of like Airwolf but underwater), bimbling about in rivers. Our mission was to blow up all the banana warehouses in the country, which we did quite easily, considering. Then we had to set off into the Atlantic, meet with the next container ship carrying replacement bananas, and implant micro-bombs into them all, which we then used to blow up Manchester, which was apparently the target of our mission.

It was a pretty good dream while I was dreaming it, only when I woke up did i really quite how odd it was.

Excellent dream. It also ties in very nicely with your avatar!

I had a dream I was fighting a giant blue rat that was hell bent on destroying my city.
Longines Symphonette wrote:
I had a dream I was fighting a giant blue rat that was hell bent on destroying my city.

David Cameron?
While changing the oil on my car the other day, I was lying on gravel in a thin shirt and the gravel scratched through the shirt and cut my back to ribbons.

Last night I dreamt that the cuts on my back had "fallen away" to reveal holes, and worms were coming out of them at a rate of knots.

I don't like dreams.
You are a Lich and this is now your dream state.
The end of last nights dream ended with me walking past a gang of lads one of whom tried to deliberately start a fight by saying something about my daughter. I very calmly and forcefully choked him to death waited a few seconds then revived him before continuing on my walk to the Ghost house at the fun fair to meet up with friends. It was very satisfying.

Am I a psychotic messiah?
Zardoz wrote:
The end of last nights dream ended with me walking past a gang of lads one of whom tried to deliberately start a fight by saying something about my daughter. I very calmly and forcefully choked him to death waited a few seconds then revived him before continuing on my walk to the Ghost house at the fun fair to meet up with friends. It was very satisfying.

Am I a psychotic messiah?

Well, you're halfway there.
Oh hey, that reminds me. I was having a threesome in a dream the other day. Until it suddenly morphed into a dream about someone pumping sewage into my room.

My brain clearly hates me.
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