Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
They were the Apple keyboards, but yes they must have been sunk into the table. In "Silence of the Library" there were a couple of overhead shots and you could clearly make out the symbols on the F12 and Eject keys.

Also, Tennant REALLY likes dating his hot co-stars, doesn't he? First Sophia Myles and now Georgia Moffett?
I thought that was one of the best Who stories I've ever seen, old or new.

I tried to list the things I thought were particularly good, but really, so much of it was, all of it.
Excellent stuff I thought, clever ideas and with an emotional impact. Especially liked the playground scene and the freaky face reveal. And a happy ending, yay! 5/5
What's the one time where the Doctor could reveal his real name?
When he gets married, the wedding vows I presume.
I thought it might be on his true deathbed or something. Couldn't find any info on wikipedia about it, but I do like your theory.

I was nearly in tears at this episode - I was welling up at the end, where he was running to save River.
Problem is... after that, all the others are going to seem rubbish.
Well they all seemed rubbish compared to Blink last year. I guess it's really just Moffatt penned scripts that have the power to really give you the willies.

These are the shows that can scare you properly; from Blink's fanged statues, to Miss Evangelista's deformed face and the zombie skellingtons... That's what makes them brilliant.
GazChap wrote:
They were the Apple keyboards, but yes they must have been sunk into the table.

No, the new apple keyboards really are that flat. I expect they are the choice of budget sci-fi props departments the world over now.
Moffat has pretty good scripts it's true. Not perfect but appropriate and brilliantly enjoyable.

5/5 but not 10/10.

I must be the only person not that impressed with Blink. Human Nature/Family of Blood were the best last year.
nervouspete wrote:
When he gets married, the wedding vows I presume.

" two standing there, squabbling like an old married couple!"
Cue them looking at each other protractedly, him in confused suspicion, her a bit warily.

Edit: And once you notice that, the rest of the episode is completely full of hints along those lines. Whether it's a bluff or not who knows though eh?
What the fuck was that episode?
A study in prejudice and fear.
Haven't seen it yet. Was it good?
I didn't think it was that bad, personally. Pretty creepy, had an interesting premise, but it would have been better if we'd found out at least something about the malevolent being.
Although it did have the obligatory "Russell's Gay Nod" half way through...
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
What did Donna say at the end and why was the doctor not happy with her saying it?
Goatboy wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
What did Donna say at the end and why was the doctor not happy with her saying it?

She repeated what he said ("Molto buene" or whatever that Italian bit was) and given the experiences of the episode he probably didn't want her to repeat anything he says.
nervouspete wrote:
Haven't seen it yet. Was it good?


Entire plot follows.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Bye Donna. Ooh there's a spirit or something. Ooh it's possessed this women, she's gay! Ooh no it hasn't it's possesed the doctor. Random sacrifices self to kill woman. Ooh it was her all along. Hi Donna!
I quite liked it. In an old school cheapy sci-fi way it rather reminded me of the good old days.
I really liked it. My wife hated it, though.
The end was very rushed.
GazChap wrote:
They were the Apple keyboards, but yes they must have been sunk into the table. In "Silence of the Library" there were a couple of overhead shots and you could clearly make out the symbols on the F12 and Eject keys.

Funnily enough I was just watching a Davison episode just now and was admiring the BBC model B that was concealed within a prop. The black keys and clattering noise when typing were the giveaway.

Warriors of the Deep is the story by the way, and it features lots of BBC B graphics in the story. I can only assume that in the year 2084 things have gone retro.
I liked it. Whether or not you like it will depend on if you like one-room dramas or not. The trailer for next week's episode bothers me in two very different ways.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
"It's not just our universe, it's all universes that are in danger!"

For fuck's sake, he really does have to escalate things for each different series finale doesn't he?
GazChap wrote:
For fuck's sake, he really does have to escalate things for each different series finale doesn't he?

Mm. That's the first thing I thought. The thing is, he's now run out of 'bigger'. Once you start talking about every dimension being screwed, that's it. Luckily, we're done with RTD finales now though.
Next Time Trailer:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Yes, but it has a mushroom cloud in it. Threads-a-go-go!

I really liked that episode! It was one of the strongest ones so far this series for me. This is the first time the Doctor has literally been helpless, without knowledge, without the ability to persuade, without inspiration, without being able to help people to rise above themselves and solve things, without a companion to look out for him and take his side, with nothing to work with in a featureless room with oblivion on all sides and facing something more cunning than he is and utterly malevolent.


The entire point was that he didn't fix it, he didn't defeat anything. He was still helpless, it took a small mistake from the monster and it was a mistake he couldn't act upon. It took a hostess to realise and save him, at the cost of her life. It was arguably the Doctor's ultimate nightmare. Helpless in the grip of falliable hysterical human beings, the people he's sworn to protect out to kill him because they're scared and stupid.

Good one RTD, have a bananana. Have two, for not having a fat cheeky cheery couple in it as well.

He's still a way to go to make up for the shite-fest that was Voyage of the Damned though.
GazChap wrote:
I didn't think it was that bad, personally. Pretty creepy, had an interesting premise, but it would have been better if we'd found out at least something about the malevolent being.

Nah, personally I think its better not knowing anything about it. The unknown horror and all that. Every episode if the Doctor doesn't know what the monster is then he works it out pretty fast, here he has nothing to work on, it doesn't give him a shred - just repeats what others say - and that lack of weaponry, knowledge, renders him utterly vulnerable. Plus I like the idea of occassionally having threats in Doctor Who that were 'what the fuck was that?'

Idiots on the SFX review talkback are griping about how the monster, its motives and where it came from wasn't explained, missing the point somewhat.

Next week, the Doctor is accused of being Mafia! OMG!11!
Yep, that's what I took away from it, Pete: He's not infallible or invincible, despite what RTD himself has been telling us up to this point**.

The other thing I took away from it was that people are particularly big cunts when there's no authority figure, when their fears and mob mentality take over. But that sometimes someone will break out and improve things, selflessly*.


** Although technically he's been saying the sonic screwdriver is infallible and invincible, ho ho!
This episode was Russell T Davis trying to be clever by defying expectations, and failing spectacularly.
Mr Cochese wrote:
This episode was Russell T Davis trying to be clever by defying expectations, and failing spectacularly.

I think you are wrong.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Mr Cochese wrote:
This episode was Russell T Davis trying to be clever by defying expectations, and failing spectacularly.

I think you are wrong.

As do I, good sir.
nervouspete wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
Mr Cochese wrote:
This episode was Russell T Davis trying to be clever by defying expectations, and failing spectacularly.

I think you are wrong.

As do I, good sir.

I too believe that you are wrong.

In fact I would go as far as to say It was a really excellent episode. The Doctor loses too the greatest threat humanity faces - The Daily Mail Mentality.

From my limited experience It was also incredibly in the style of old Who. Some people talked in a single room for 45 minutes.

Stoked for the next few episodes. I also remember them saying that Richard Dawkins was going to be in an episode - but I haven't seem him yet. Which is interesting...
Also I've just been told about this site of mixes of the theme tune.

Example tune (with ropy middle bit) Regenerations 2008
Lave wrote:
From my limited experience It was also incredibly in the style of old Who. Some people talked in a single room for 45 minutes.

That would be due to it being the 'less main cast, and low budget' episode we get each series, like 'blink' and 'love and moshers'
Mr Dave wrote:
Lave wrote:
From my limited experience It was also incredibly in the style of old Who. Some people talked in a single room for 45 minutes.

That would be due to it being the 'less main cast, and low budget' episode we get each series, like 'blink' and 'love and moshers'

Which neither effects or affects anything.

They spread their budget around and when they do they make great episodes. Seems a fine idea to me.
So 1 out of 3 for the low budget eps then...
I enjoyed it. It had a play like feel to it, for the obvious reason of being basically a single scene. The problem for me was that the annoying repetition was, well, annoying. I do think sometime someone is going to make a story out of all the times people have randomly/suddenly sacrificed themselves and thereby saved The Doctor.
Other than the buffering of iPlayer I really enjoyed it.

The thought occurred to me that it could just have been an extreme bout of cabin fever, but the loss of the cockpit kind of the blew that theory away. Either way, the mirror gag is finally scary.
Was Love and Monsters actually low budget? I thought Fear Her was the budget episode in series two; the monster was a light bulb behind a cupboard. Not that Fear Her is a sterling example of brilliance.
Not sure if someone linked to this already, but...

The Ten Doctors

Effing fantastic I must say. Currently up to 102 pages and counting.
mrak wrote:
It's not so much budgetary but rather more to do with production scheduling and the logistics of the Beeb doing 14 and a half episodes of glossy sci-fi every year and having to make each one entirely different.

Budget does come into it, but after the pressures of year 1 they pretty much had to do a Doctor-lite episode to give everyone more of a breather. Pretty much the same way that in the 60's when the series ran for 40 odd episodes a year, they'd have the Doctor out cold/locked up for a week so that Bill/Pat could go on holiday for a week.
MarzSyndrome wrote:
Not sure if someone linked to this already, but...

The Ten Doctors

Effing fantastic I must say. Currently up to 102 pages and counting.

Excellent, thanks, I'm really enjoying this. It's very well judged. Page 19 is the best so far.
I read all that ten docotrs stuff to avoid work. ARgh!

Was great though. But now I have no time to polish my post!
Lave wrote:
Was great though. But now I have no time to polish my post!


I blame CLIFF.

Also, it's on right NOW.
I liked it. It got all dramatic.
If I were the type of man to squee, I'd squee.
Well that was a turgid load of old shit. An hour before I'd watched an episode of Warriors Of The Deep and quite frankly when the Myrka is more entertaining then you are on a hiding to nothing.

If they have to make a cheapie "Doctor lite" episode per year, why not just cut back by one episode?
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