Kudos Craster
Mr Dave wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
I envy the masons for being able to talk to each other.

I've been working on the assumption this isn't the case. The rules certainly only say the mafia can PM, and noone else. The only special ability the masons have is knowing who each other are, surely? Obviously, if I'm wrong, things look a bit different, and 'mafia' style behaviour is just as likely to be mason behaviour.

No, I updated the FAQ to make it clear that the masons can, too.
Peh. I hereby declare the thread title should be changed to "Rubbish Craster" for something obviously wrong with the original rules.
I like cock
Is there a reason we cannot have the "oh no I'm sorry we lynched the wrong guy" type discussions in the main thread? or is it just to stop it becoming unweildy?
Well, we should only have it there according to the rules. Unless Craster got that wrong too.I like cock
Mr Russ wrote:
Is there a reason we cannot have the "oh no I'm sorry we lynched the wrong guy" type discussions in the main thread? or is it just to stop it becoming unweildy?

I think that all game discussions should be kept in the thread and this should be a "ho ho, you are dead, you ain't spreading, icing sugar in my bed' thingy ma doodah thread.

Otherwise everyone will be IC all the time.
I was going to post to say what is IC, but then I worked out you meant in character.

I really am very excited to be playing this game.
Mr Russ wrote:
I really am very excited to be playing this game.

Oh, really?

VOTE: Mr Russ
I hope it moves a bit quicker, mostly because there's only so much speculation you can do in a day before you just *have* to lynch someone to get it over with.

Funny though, not much of a sniff about kalmar all day and then boom, dead as.
Noone really wants to die and be out of the game, though, so a "sorry you are dead, life goes on' thing is cool, i guess.

But y'know.
I think Sinister enjoys being dead, and it must be nice to share speculation between the rest of the corpses.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I think Sinister enjoys being dead, and it must be nice to share speculation between the rest of the corpses.

Well, yes, quite, but otherwise, it will ruin the game for everyone else left in won't it?

/overly fussy mother
Mr Russ wrote:
I really am very excited to be playing this game.

So was I...
MaliA wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I think Sinister enjoys being dead, and it must be nice to share speculation between the rest of the corpses.

Well, yes, quite, but otherwise, it will ruin the game for everyone else left in won't it?

/overly fussy mother

That's why I've been PMing my fellow corpses all week. Apart from theVision, obviously. He's a dirty mafia. Being dead is still fun in this, it's kind of like watching your football team and screaming advice at the screen.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, "BRAAAAAAINS!"
Sinister is PMing in the style of the Big Brother announcer, I swear.

"Today in the Mafia househooold, Mimi has been experimenting with diffrent forms of vi-o-lent murdah. But what she doesn't realise is that Big Brothah is about to turn the taybles. Tonight's challenge will be to fend off a horde of ravenous moonkies."
Oh good God. Can you imagine all of us forumites having to share a house on TV for 10 weeks? I think there really would be moida!
We'll try it for one night at the Nottingham BETEO Meet! ;)
I'm sorry I'm going to have quit this game.

What? Why? Eh? No! Eh?
Are you?

I think the numbers might drop a little with a few recent absentees, too, if Dimrill is taking a time out.
Crap. Sorry Malc xxx
Mimi wrote:
Crap. Sorry Malc xxx
If Malc quits I'll take his place, I regret not reading the signup thread now.
You'll have to pretend to be Malc the entire time of course.
Craster appears to have gone to sleep for the night, the git.
He is still awake, but not around.
GazChap wrote:
If Malc quits I'll take his place, I regret not reading the signup thread now.

I'd PM that to Craster if I were you, Gazchap, in case he announces Malc no longer participating and reveals the role before reading your message.
Mr Dave wrote:
He is still awake, but not around.

How do you know? Eh, eh?!
Mimi wrote:
Oh good God. Can you imagine all of us forumites having to share a house on TV for 10 weeks? I think there really would be moida!

One night's going to be bad enough in house de la myp...
If I make it should I bring my CSI kit? :P
Mimi wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
He is still awake, but not around.

How do you know? Eh, eh?!

There's something on my computer telling me that, mainly.
tell him to shift his arse and post amusing updates :/
Mimi wrote:
GazChap wrote:
If Malc quits I'll take his place, I regret not reading the signup thread now.

I'd PM that to Craster if I were you, Gazchap, in case he announces Malc no longer participating and reveals the role before reading your message.

Good point, done. Although I've sent him a PM and it's stayed in my Outbox instead of going into Sent messages. Is that supposed to happen?
Yes, until it has been read. :)
GazChap wrote:
Good point, done. Although I've sent him a PM and it's stayed in my Outbox instead of going into Sent messages. Is that supposed to happen?

It means I haven't read it yet, you impatient fools.

I was watching Lost.
Mimi wrote:
Yes, until it has been read. :)

Well, that's a mite confusing. Outbox should be for messages that you haven't sent yet (hence them being in a box meant for outgoing mail) whereas messages that have been sent should go in... well, "Sent messages" ;)
Small admin note. I'd think in future, it'd be good for this to have it's own little subforum, and a topic per day. It's getting quite hard to go through the monolithic thread now, and I'm reaching a point where I'm not sure if I can be bothered to go through and look for patterns. (And quite honestly, while it's been fun, and I'd be up for playing again, I've just about given up hope on this one anyway, making me even less likely to bother)
Yeah, it'd be cool to have a summary post of voting history for each player.

Just one list of:
Sheepeh voted for Comical,
Mimi unvoted for Sheepeh,
Sheepeh Unvoted for Mimi
etc. Then you could spot patterns.
As Dimrill is currently not participating, I would like to encourage volunteers for anyone who wants to take his place at this point in the game. It's a bit unfair to have one character whose vote isn't being used.

First PM, first served, thanks. Place taken!
Hey, thanks for doing this Craster. I had great fun!

Now I will continue to watch the saga unfold with interest.
Dammit! Polystyrene! Even in death I'm a bit cheap and nasty.

I'm rubbish at this game, I have utterly no clue who is up to what.
Polystyrene has to be the stupidest death yet, congrats! If I don't get lynched I want to be killed in an ingenius manner.
Buggeration. All my fellow deadies will be laughing at me now. I was almost positive Mimi was a feelthy mafia.
Me too... though I've worked it out. Monkey is the Godfather, he uses his special Derren Brown like powers to get poor innocent Mimi to carry out his heinous tasks.
You all cruelly sent the sweet and lovely Mimi to her completely innocent death of your own accord, I would not be so stupid, for I am Derren Brown and I know everything...
Is it considered cheating if we get Derren Brown to tell us who the mafia are?
Yes, unfortunately it is.
Ich wähle für: sinister agent
I don't really think it is Derren Brown.
MaliA wrote:
I don't really think it is Derren Brown.

You might be right, if it was he could have answered my question before I asked it.
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