General Purpose US TV thread
Joans wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
My awesome Twin Peaks definitive gold edition arrived today. So golden. So definitive. Now to find an sap who wants to buy my series 1 & 2 boxsets and the pilot on Supah Taiwan DVDs.

Is it the scandinavian version? I watched that with GJ a few months ago before ebaying it for more than twice the price I'd paid for it :)

Nah, US. The reason I bought a Dhuvd player in the first place was for Twin Peaks, so there's no way I'm getting rid.
I always knew I wanted to watch The Wire, but this (NSFW - duh) apparently-famous scene were two detectives examine a crime scene whilst saying nothing but "fuck" and "mother fucker" has completely sold it to me.
Craster wrote:
Boston Legal is fucking brilliant. Shatner is ace, but Spader really steals the show.


Glad it ended, but it was brilliant.

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I always knew I wanted to watch The Wire, but this apparently-famous scene were two detectives examine a crime scene whilst saying nothing but "fuck" and "mother fucker" has completely sold it to me.

That is an excellent scene. I'd forgotten about that.
That's a great scene.

I love The Wire.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I always knew I wanted to watch The Wire, but this apparently-famous scene were two detectives examine a crime scene whilst saying nothing but "fuck" and "mother fucker" has completely sold it to me.

Why are you twatting around wasting your time with True Blood and 30 Rock if you've not seen the Wire? For fuck's sake, man - get it done.
Craster wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I always knew I wanted to watch The Wire, but this apparently-famous scene were two detectives examine a crime scene whilst saying nothing but "fuck" and "mother fucker" has completely sold it to me.

Why are you twatting around wasting your time with True Blood and 30 Rock if you've not seen the Wire? For fuck's sake, man - get it done.

Because there both great as well?
Craster wrote:
Why are you twatting around wasting your time with True Blood and 30 Rock if you've not seen the Wire? For fuck's sake, man - get it done.
Because I don't have The Wire?
And don't forget that finding the first hour or so incomprehensible in both plot, characters and most of all accent is entirely normal. Buy hour three you'll be obsessed.

Still waiting on series three DVDs at the moment. I fucking love it.
Hey, he hasn't even seen Twin Peaks yet. Let me repeat that. He hasn't even seen Twin Peaks yet
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Craster wrote:
Why are you twatting around wasting your time with True Blood and 30 Rock if you've not seen the Wire? For fuck's sake, man - get it done.
Because I don't have The Wire?

I see a fairly simple solution to that issue.
Dimrill wrote:
Hey, he hasn't even seen Twin Peaks yet. Let me repeat that. He hasn't even seen Twin Peaks yet

Wait how old is he?, I'm sure theres a law that states that if you haven't seen twin peaks by the age of 30 you are sentenced to death, I believe its called Lynch's Run Law or somethng.
There's loads of great stuff I haven't seen. I long ago outgrew having fits about it. Twin Peaks and The Wire are both on my ToDo list. I tried to watch Twin Peaks when it was first one, but I was about 14 at the time and it simply baffled me.

There's a Wire box set on Amazon for £70. I'll pick that up one day when it's a bit cheaper. Torrents of it seem to be of suspect picture quality (I'm picky about that these days), have subtitles burned in (which would annoy me no end), and/or have no seeders. I'm happy to buy it.

Also, don't knock 30 Rock, it's fucking brilliant.
It's a very sad state of affairs.
Runcle wrote:
Wait how old is he?, I'm sure theres a law that states that if you haven't seen twin peaks by the age of 30 you are sentenced to death, I believe its called Lynch's Run Law or somethng.
Wait, what? I wondered why this red pebble in my palm has been flashing for the last year and a half.
What you need is someone who's just splashed out on the definitive gold boxset recently, who already had the first, second and pilot on Dhovds before, and is willing to sell them on for about twennyfoive quid. Or something.
I like Linda McCartney sausages. They are full of flavour.
Dimrill wrote:
I like Linda McCartney sausages. They are full of flavour.

I prefer cauldron.
Runcle wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Hey, he hasn't even seen Twin Peaks yet. Let me repeat that. He hasn't even seen Twin Peaks yet

Wait how old is he?, I'm sure theres a law that states that if you haven't seen twin peaks by the age of 30 you are sentenced to death, I believe its called Lynch's Run Law or somethng.

Uh oh.. I've not seen a single episode of that.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Also, don't knock 30 Rock, it's fucking brilliant.

Someone is knocking 30 rock? I WILL FIGHT THEM.
Dr Lave wrote:
Someone is knocking 30 rock? I WILL FIGHT THEM.
Craster, up there, look:
Craster wrote:
Why are you twatting around wasting your time with True Blood and 30 Rock if you've not seen the Wire?
Settling down in my pants to start watching Twin Peaks again.

She's dead. Wrapped in plastic.
Mädchen Amick explaining what Baywatch is to David Lynch on the TP:UGB is a special special thing.
House plot generator:

I particularly liked "A word/image/song makes House stare into space for a few seconds, signaling that the case has been solved."
Watched the first two FlashForwards. Liked them, will stick with it. I take someone's point about the characters not being special, but with this sort show I'm happy to watch for plot, rather than character development. Assuming they don't skank it up of course.

Interesting how many changes they've already made from the book, which I am an expert on because I read about it on Wikipedia.
"Fade to awesome" :D
I really need to start watching Flash Forward for some reason I can't stop watching series 8 of Monk.

I've heard some bad things about how 'Flash Forward' develops, so I will wait to see what people make of it before committing to it.

I watched Stargate:Universe last night. I'm not rally familiar with either SG:Atlantis or the original show (other than a few episodes here and there), so I'm not sure how it compares to them.

It seems interesting though, if a little formulaic and a bit like BSG.
Curio: explain further, with spoiler tags.
I have started watching the new series of Knight Rider again.. it is so bad it is great..
KovacsC wrote:
I have started watching the new series of Knight Rider again.. it is so bad it is great..

I don't like your tone, Michael
Not that one...

The one with teh Mustang..
KovacsC wrote:
Not that one...

The one with teh Mustang..

There is no other one.

There were 2 more I think.. Knight Rider 2000 (which had a few cars) and this new one..
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Curio: explain further, with spoiler tags.
Dude, they showed you six months ahead in the first 10 minutes of episode 1. How many more spoilers do you need?
MrDavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
I have started watching the new series of Knight Rider again.. it is so bad it is great..

I don't like your tone, Michael

Come on, then!
KovacsC wrote:
There were 2 more I think.. Knight Rider 2000 (which had a few cars) and this new one..
You're confusing the series Team Knight Rider (multiple vee-hick-ulls) and Knight Rider 2000 (KITT is resurrected in a God-awful red fooo-chur car that would look stupid even by '60s "this is what the year 2000 will be like" standards, never mind the mid 90s or whenever).
I had only seen Team KR once.. it was awful, and only heard of KR2000.. hence my confusion...

That is teh one Grim
BikNorton wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
There were 2 more I think.. Knight Rider 2000 (which had a few cars) and this new one..
You're confusing the series Team Knight Rider (multiple vee-hick-ulls) and Knight Rider 2000 (KITT is resurrected in a God-awful red fooo-chur car that would look stupid even by '60s "this is what the year 2000 will be like" standards, never mind the mid 90s or whenever).

No he isn't, although that film is dire.
But Knight Rider 2000 had one car (unless I've done a particularly good job of a mental excision), and TKR had several. Which is different to "Knight Rider 2000 (which had a few cars)"
Just wiki it, KR200 had 2 Kitt, a 1957 Chevy and that red one too..
Ah. Way to go me, then. Though I obviously picked the wrong car to forget about.
as a bonus the women in the new KR are very nice......
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Watched the first two FlashForwards.
Just watched the first one while eating lunch, verdict: braw & hopefully it'll stay that way. 2nd one later.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Curio: explain further, with spoiler tags.

About Flash Forward or Stargate:Universe?

Unless you count the contents of the first two episodes of SG:U then I don't know any spoilers!
Defying Gravity is coming to BBC soon. Anyone know if it's any good?
(Original post from Bits & Bobs)

Nemmie wrote:
Dexter is impressing me this season apart from the way they seem to be portraying him as comfortable in the family role when the previous series made it clear that he was anything but.

I can't help thinking they are doing this just to make it appeal to a wider audience and this makes me sad.

I thought the the first two episodes tried to make it obvious that he's incredibly UNcomfortable in the family role. It's been good stuff so far, anyway.

More importantly, why wasn't I told that a new series of The Big Bang Theory had started?
Rodafowa wrote:
More importantly, why wasn't I told that a new series of The Big Bang Theory had started?

From reading his blog, Wil Wheaton, geek commander, is going to be in an episode.
when did that start... which channel?
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