Beex, Yo.
Unkie dimmy needed a new PC, but now OS squabbling ensues!
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Craster wrote:
It's pretty much Vista R2. The differences between Vista and Win7 are pretty much analogous to the differences between 2003 and 2003 R2. They're not marketing it as that, obviously, but technically it appears to be the case.

Fair enough..

I think as some one else said, they want to distance themselves from the Vista name. To be honest I have never used Vista, so I can't really compare it to Win 7
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Kovacs Caprios wrote:
The could not start again, it would cause problems with most of the hardware providors having to develop drivers over night to support their products.

I can't even tell what your stance is now :S
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markg wrote:
Hang on what the fuck is 2003? Also, I'm confused now. If 7 is as different from Vista as Vista was from XP then I'd call it a new one rather than Vista 2.

2003 is the server product that's effectively the same product as XP.

Calling it a new one is perfectly fine - but people shouldn't expect as fundamental a difference as between 98 and XP, for example.
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Kovacs Caprios wrote:
I know it might be hard, but don't be a cunt Myp.

It's hard to believe that you're not trolling when you ignore all the evidence put in front of you, though. You said it was a complete ground-up rewrite - it's blatantly not! You then changed your mind and said it shared components - yes, most of fundamental important ones, as Craster's detailed already. No offence, but you must either be trolling, or a bit daft in the head.

I've seen more backpedalling by you in this thread than I have in the bike thread. Stop backtracking and just admit you were wrong.
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Have they ruined Paintbrush? MS completely fucked up Solitaire on Vista.
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Kovacs Caprios wrote:
I think as some one else said, they want to distance themselves from the Vista name.

That was me! Hence I said that Win 7 would effectively be Vista SP2 to get away from the name (then Craster corrected me with R2).

Christ, you're hard work.
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I think the new MS paint is pretty good really, certainly it's no worse for crappy doodles and it's not trying to be photoshop or anything.
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I have to say, I'm surprised they didn't just buy Paint.NET.
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myp wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
I know it might be hard, but don't be a cunt Myp.

It's hard to believe that you're not trolling when you ignore all the evidence put in front of you, though. You said it was a complete ground-up rewrite - it's blatantly not! You then changed your mind and said it shared components - yes, most of fundamental important ones, as Craster's detailed already. No offence, but you must either be trolling, or a bit daft in the head.

I've seen more backpedalling by you in this thread than I have in the bike thread. Stop backtracking and just admit you were wrong.

OK if you think I am wrong, I am wrong.

Like I said, I thought it was a completely new OS.
it is a new OS but uses a lot of exisiting components.

So no I was not trolling, nor am I back peddeling, are you saying I am not allowed to change my mind, when I learn about more stuff?
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Craster wrote:
I have to say, I'm surprised they didn't just buy Paint.NET.


Paint.NET is everything GIMP should have been.
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Malabar Front wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
The could not start again, it would cause problems with most of the hardware providors having to develop drivers over night to support their products.

I can't even tell what your stance is now :S

I am saying I could have been incorrect about a totally new system, as it makes sense to use parts of VISTA and XP that work well.
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Kovacs Caprios wrote:
So no I was not trolling, nor am I back peddeling, are you saying I am not allowed to change my mind, when I learn about more stuff?

So before you changed your mind, having learned about stuff, you were still right? Which is it? :DD
User avatar
myp wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
I think as some one else said, they want to distance themselves from the Vista name.

That was me! Hence I said that Win 7 would effectively be Vista SP2 to get away from the name (then Craster corrected me with R2).

Christ, you're hard work.

You would not want me to be easy.

it is not going to be Vista SP2, as it is different from Vista enough not to be Vista.
User avatar
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
OK if you think I am wrong, I am wrong.

It's not whether I subjectively think you're wrong or not; you just are (on this occasion).
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
Like I said, I thought it was a completely new OS.

From the ground up? Yes, I know, but you were wrong.
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
it is a new OS but uses a lot of exisiting components.

Yes. See Craster's list.
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
So no I was not trolling

Ok, I apologise for that.
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
nor am I back peddeling, are you saying I am not allowed to change my mind, when I learn about more stuff?

It's fine to change your mind, but you were still arguing the other way whilst doing it, then you twisted it round to appear that it was your argument all along. My dad does this all the time, so I'm not easily fooled by it.

I didn't call you a cunt, either.

-edit- My first ever multi-quote. You must have made me really annoyed! :D
User avatar
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
it is not going to be Vista SP2, as it is different from Vista enough not to be Vista.

Indeed - it will effectively be Vista R2, not SP2. The difference is significant.
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kalmar wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
So no I was not trolling, nor am I back peddeling, are you saying I am not allowed to change my mind, when I learn about more stuff?

So before you changed your mind, having learned about stuff, you were still right? Which is it? :DD

Do you want me to edit all my previous posts, as I am sure it will fuck the thread up for contiunity..

I still think it is different enough not to be Vista Sp2 or vista 2 or what ever you want to call it.
User avatar
Craster wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
it is not going to be Vista SP2, as it is different from Vista enough not to be Vista.

Indeed - it will effectively be Vista R2, not SP2. The difference is significant.

Indeed, and if it is that different, hence a new name.. :)

Hence my initial confusion..
User avatar
I quite like Vista. I even paid for it.
User avatar
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
Craster wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
it is not going to be Vista SP2, as it is different from Vista enough not to be Vista.

Indeed - it will effectively be Vista R2, not SP2. The difference is significant.

Indeed, and if it is that different, hence a new name.. :)

Windows Server 2003 R2 didn't have a different name - why not?

Craster means the difference between SP2 and R2 is significant, not Vista and W7.
User avatar
Sir Taxalot wrote:
I quite like Vista. I even paid for it.

I wouldn't say I like it, because Microsoft constantly release what I consider to be clunky products. I don't hate it, however, but I wouldn't buy it (I'm using work's Business release).
User avatar
myp wrote:
I didn't call you a cunt, either.

-edit- My first ever multi-quote. You must have made me really annoyed! :D

Sorry Myp...
User avatar
myp wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
it is a new OS but uses a lot of exisiting components.

Yes. See Craster's list.
Hey, maybe they redid the task and IO schedulers*, the memory manager, or COM!


*Extensively modified in Vista, fact fans.

There has been some nifty un-fucking of the GDI path for Win7 though, with window composition and memory usage benefits.
User avatar
myp wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
Craster wrote:
Kovacs Caprios wrote:
it is not going to be Vista SP2, as it is different from Vista enough not to be Vista.

Indeed - it will effectively be Vista R2, not SP2. The difference is significant.

Indeed, and if it is that different, hence a new name.. :)

Windows Server 2003 R2 didn't have a different name - why not?

Craster means the difference between SP2 and R2 is significant, not Vista and W7.

Who knows why Microsoft name things..
User avatar
They got rid of the paired Aero handlers, too. Because they never did anything anyway.
User avatar
ANYWAY! Still no new poot for Dim. And Chester stank more of piss than usual too.
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Dimrill wrote:
ANYWAY! Still no new poot for Dim. And Chester stank more of piss than usual too.

That's a lot of piss.
User avatar
It's always around the "upstairs" bit by Lakeland(s). Plus more than normal amount of scousers walking around as if their balls are pushing their legs apart. In red shirts. And shouting at me about my hat. Bastards.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
ANYWAY! Still no new poot for Dim. And Chester stank more of piss than usual too.

I read that as "Craster". Which oddly made more sense.
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User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
It's always around the "upstairs" bit by Lakeland(s). Plus more than normal amount of scousers walking around as if their balls are pushing their legs apart. In red shirts. And shouting at me about my hat. Bastards.

All around my hat, scousers swear like green willies
All around my hat, for a size 12 tupperware container.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
It's always around the "upstairs" bit by Lakeland(s). Plus more than normal amount of scousers walking around as if their balls are pushing their legs apart. In red shirts. And shouting at me about my hat. Bastards.

The subway underground path sections are the worst. They constantly stink of piss, and are home to tramps; avoid them if you a) don't want to smell piss, b) don't want to smell of piss, and c) don't want to get heckled by tramps.

And yes, the Scousers are annoying. I'm sorry, but Scousers sound thick.
User avatar
AH I don't mind accents and so forth, but when a clump of them start singing along to the quite excellent buskers Chester always seems to have, I lose patience. Plus they didn't like my hat. Bastards.
User avatar
Malabar Front wrote:
I'm sorry, but Scousers sound thick.

Although, compared to brummies they sound like Bamber Gascoigne.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
AH I don't mind accents and so forth, but when a clump of them start singing along to the quite excellent buskers Chester always seems to have, I lose patience. Plus they didn't like my hat. Bastards.

I saw the most brilliant buskers the other day. Essentially two men sitting in deck-chairs, playing a CD, with a basket down for collecting money. I'm not sure if it was their music or not, but I appreciated and admired the complete lack of effort from them.
User avatar
Did the PC arrive Dim?

Back to rabbling has anyone seen M$'s latest trick? ... _wont_sell

Wank and Errrs comes to mind.
User avatar
No. I'm now convinced Yoyo made a teensy mistake and sent me the SHIPPED! email instead of the THANKS FOR ORDER WE BUILD NOW! email, as my account on the site still says "pending".
User avatar
Ahh OK.
User avatar
Microsoft has dropped the three app limit from Windows 7 Starter Edition.
User avatar
Hurrahs! I have a shipping email mit tracking number! It is on the way :DD
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Don't for get to tell us when the postman is bringing it up your drive :)
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I'll film it for you.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Microsoft has dropped the three app limit from Windows 7 Starter Edition.

In a way, I think that's a shame, as it was a bold move, and not an altogether stupid one in my eyes.
User avatar
I always wondered what they considered an app though. AV? Some little utility for syncing an mp3 player?
User avatar
He's walking up the driveway Kov!!!
Dimrill wrote:
He's stuck a card through the door

Dimrill wrote:
He's running for it

Dimrill wrote:
I'm chasing him with a broom
User avatar
You beast Dudley!

I have new computer. See you lot on the other side of an OS install :P
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What are you going with?
User avatar
I might ge a PC from this outfit too soon(ish). I could use a new desktop and a quad core with modest graphics card is £500-£550.
User avatar
Dimrill wrote:
You beast Dudley!

I have new computer.

User avatar
Is your new computer like the giant plastic head of an alien?
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