Incredible Invention
Behlod the future, today!
Shewolf wrote:
Brita water tastes nice. Especially ofc if it's out of the fridge too.

And you'll still be tasting it for the next 3 hours...
Nope, I don't. It's water. So when I say tastes nice, it doesn't really taste iykwim.
Water shouldn't really have a taste..that's another reason I don't drink from a tap.
That's the thing, tap water doesn't,

Brita filters put one in.
I think it depends on the tap water, Dudley. Brita filters do seem to add something to the taste of tap water in the London area, but they seem to vastly improve (and reduce any taste) of water in the Lancaster area. Water here in Lancaster often smells of a LOT of chlorine-type substance (I am not sure what, exactly, but it often smells just like a swimming baths, and Brita-type filters do seem to help with that problem up here. You can get different filters for hard and soft water areas as well, so these may well act differently upon the taste of the water.
Well I'm assuming Brita water tastes the same everywhere and it absolutely isn't tasteless.
Well, sorry if my tastebuds differ from yours but I can assure you, I taste tap water and it's not nice.
Water is nice when filtered, for me.
Shewolf wrote:
Well, sorry if my tastebuds differ from yours but I can assure you, I taste tap water and it's not nice.
Water is nice when filtered, for me.

Tap water straight from the cold tap will taste and smell of chlorine. Humans have a remarkable ability for detecting chlorine even in very tiny concentrations, for some reason.

However, it will dissipate in a few minutes, if left to stand. It would be an interesting experiment to start some tap water filtering through your Brita filter, and pour some non-filtered into a jug and let it stand for an equal amount of time, and see if you can detect any difference. In a blind test obviously, so someone else would have to hand you a glass at random :nerd:
When I moved from Ludlow to Bournemouth, the first thing I noticed was how horrible the Dorset tap water was. Ludlow's was beautiful straight from the tap, but in Bournemouth it gave me the shits unless I filtered it.
Craster wrote:
Not this. Tap water in this country is mostly of very high quality and contains much less contaminants of every kind than bottled. Consistently comes out higher that most bottled waters in blind taste tests, too - particularly London water.

Lave wrote:

Numerous studies always show that bottled water is suprising unsafe and it has far less safety standards than tap water.

Watch Penn and Teller's bullshit episode about it

I'm with you guys. I drink tap water all the time. I rarely drink anything else unless it's got alcohol in it. Aside from today when I had an Irn Bru (I needed a bottle to transport my water in -- I lost my other one!) I don't see the point in anything else. It's freeeeeeeeeee. There's even a little filter-water-fountain-thingy in my uni department. But I ignore it and use the tap right next to it as it comes out at around 20x the speed and is identical stuff. Sometimes both things give you cool looking "magic" white water. Something to do with the air in the pipes -- give it a quick shake and it's back to normal. yumyum.

Secondly; Penn and Teller Bullshit is great. I think the water one was the first one I saw (on youtube, natch).

Klatrymadon wrote:
Stop being wimpy, everyone who isn't Shewolf. Before such decadent inventions as the Tefal Water De-Gunker, people's bodies just had to get used to the local H2O, right? Even if they did move around the country a lot. :p

"You think anyone in Rwanda's got a fuckin' lactose intolerance?"

Actually, they probably do. Mosty of the world's population is lactose introlerant. The only reason Europeans (and a few other countries) drink lots of milk is because we've drank it culturally for the last 2000 years. Our bodies just get used to it. (that and something to do with a hormone that children have that allows them to drink titty-milk not "turn offing" because they get a constant supply of milk, meaning they grow up being able to digest it). Go look it up! Fun for all.

Y'know, without my water, I'd probably die! (Another myth fact fans: You don't need 8 glasses of water a day. You need about 2. The rest you get from your food normally. GOGO "misinterpreted" science results from the 50s!)
Ian Osborne wrote:
When I moved from Ludlow to Bournemouth, the first thing I noticed was how horrible the Dorset tap water was. Ludlow's was beautiful straight from the tap, but in Bournemouth it gave me the shits unless I filtered it.

I don't wish to call you a liar, but I highly doubt the water from your tap gave you the shits. What's the difference between counties? A bit of limestones. That's about it.
Pod wrote:
The only reason Europeans (and a few other countries) drink lots of milk is White Russians.

kalmar wrote:
Shewolf wrote:
Well, sorry if my tastebuds differ from yours but I can assure you, I taste tap water and it's not nice.
Water is nice when filtered, for me.

Tap water straight from the cold tap will taste and smell of chlorine. Humans have a remarkable ability for detecting chlorine even in very tiny concentrations, for some reason.

However, it will dissipate in a few minutes, if left to stand. It would be an interesting experiment to start some tap water filtering through your Brita filter, and pour some non-filtered into a jug and let it stand for an equal amount of time, and see if you can detect any difference. In a blind test obviously, so someone else would have to hand you a glass at random :nerd:

I certainly could, because the brita one will still taste of brita filter stuff.

Y'know, without my water, I'd probably die! (Another myth fact fans: You don't need 8 glasses of water a day. You need about 2. The rest you get from your food normally. GOGO "misinterpreted" science results from the 50s!)

See also the 5 a day myth. With sufficient variety the number is actually 3. They make it 5 because idiots never understand the variety bit.
Dudley wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Shewolf wrote:
Well, sorry if my tastebuds differ from yours but I can assure you, I taste tap water and it's not nice.
Water is nice when filtered, for me.

Tap water straight from the cold tap will taste and smell of chlorine. Humans have a remarkable ability for detecting chlorine even in very tiny concentrations, for some reason.

However, it will dissipate in a few minutes, if left to stand. It would be an interesting experiment to start some tap water filtering through your Brita filter, and pour some non-filtered into a jug and let it stand for an equal amount of time, and see if you can detect any difference. In a blind test obviously, so someone else would have to hand you a glass at random :nerd:

I certainly could, because the brita one will still taste of brita filter stuff.

Sounds like it's contaminating your water then, you might want to avoid that.
Pod wrote:
Ian Osborne wrote:
When I moved from Ludlow to Bournemouth, the first thing I noticed was how horrible the Dorset tap water was. Ludlow's was beautiful straight from the tap, but in Bournemouth it gave me the shits unless I filtered it.

I don't wish to call you a liar, but I highly doubt the water from your tap gave you the shits. What's the difference between counties? A bit of limestones. That's about it.

I guess it's possible it could've been something else that caused it. The water tasted so bad I put it down to that.
kalmar wrote:
Dudley wrote:
kalmar wrote:
I certainly could, because the brita one will still taste of brita filter stuff.

Sounds like it's contaminating your water then, you might want to avoid that.

"Brita filter stuff" is just activated charcoal isn't it? Whatever, it definitely shouldn't be making the water taste bad - although like any filtered water it does taste odd until you get used to it tasting like water.
Anyway, what's any of this got to do with behloding the future? I'm disappointed. :nerd:
Back to the beginning of the thread with you!
kalmar wrote:
Sounds like it's contaminating your water then, you might want to avoid that.

It seems unlikely that the double figure numbers of these things I've drunk water from all had the same fault.
BikNorton wrote:
Anyway, what's any of this got to do with behloding the future? I'm disappointed. :nerd:

"Behlod - verb. To fill with discussion of water filtering, purifying and heater."

Technically, we are behloding the future, right here in this thread.
You've got to remember to change the filter regularly with those Brita things. IIRC bacteria builds up over time, and that WILL give you the shits.
Am I the only one who considers water to have no taste? It's all the same to me, guv.
You lucky bastard.

Except if you've killed your taste buds somehow, and it's not just you having really nice pure water.
Dudley wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Sounds like it's contaminating your water then, you might want to avoid that.

It seems unlikely that the double figure numbers of these things I've drunk water from all had the same fault.

If at first you don't succeed...
BikNorton wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Dudley wrote:
kalmar wrote:
I certainly could, because the brita one will still taste of brita filter stuff.

Sounds like it's contaminating your water then, you might want to avoid that.

"Brita filter stuff" is just activated charcoal isn't it? Whatever, it definitely shouldn't be making the water taste bad - although like any filtered water it does taste odd until you get used to it tasting like water.

It has never made my water taste bad.

More from a previous post..I don't like tap water when it's been left to stand either.
Shewolf wrote:
if my tastebuds differ from yours

I think this is what it boils down to (ho-ho!).
Surely the water has to be left to stand for a little bit with the teabag in, anyway. Surely you're not doing anything else with the water?

Water tastes better wi' nowt taken out.
This is a teabag free zone!
Well, 'cept for Sheepeh sneaking the odd cuppa behind my back. Ew.
GazChap wrote:
Am I the only one who considers water to have no taste? It's all the same to me, guv.

Stayed at an NT cottage in Devon a couple of years ago. The cottage wasn't on mains water so water was taken from a stream and purified by some kind of system. The tap water tasted of nothing at all, it was like a decent bottled water but coming out of your tap.
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