Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
Reminds me of a story I once read to our daughter. About a boy who loses his magic football boots or something and suffers a crisis of confidence. Anyway to cut a short story even shorter the upshot was that everything was okay in the end. You see the magic was never in the shoes, it all came from HIM.
MaliA wrote:
POW! The shoes have delivered a strava best time of 50:52 over 10km. Hurrah!

And a best of 23:22 over 5km last week

That is blinking fast..
markg wrote:
Reminds me of a story I once read to our daughter. About a boy who loses his magic football boots or something and suffers a crisis of confidence. Anyway to cut a short story even shorter the upshot was that everything was okay in the end. You see the magic was never in the shoes, it all came from HIM.

Mali's magic boots
I did my first 10k run in ages on sunday, it nearly killed me. I am so unfit..
Malc wrote:


Plus another 83k done, pottering around the house.
That is awesome.. Well done Malc.

I am trying to get my Mojo back, started running again.

Trying to do a few virtual challenges to try and get me going again. I am, meant to have a tri in May in Mallorca, I can't see that happening, and I haven't swam for 6 months.
KovacsC wrote:
That is awesome.. Well done Malc.

Thanks, as you can probably work out, that averages at just over 5km/h so very much walking there, not running, but by my very rough calculation, I seem to be burning about 11 calories a minute when walking, so about 12,000 calories in total, which aint too bad.
That is still a great effort. Time on your feet is tim pon your feet.
KovacsC wrote:
Time on your feet is tim pon your feet.

KovacsC wrote:
That is still a great effort. Time on your feet is tim pon your feet.

Time on... FFS :facepalm:
I'm trying to find some form of exercise to substitute for rowing while it's still not allowed to take place and to help me get fit for a competition next year. I've started doing The Body Coach 90 day plan and I'm one week into Cycle one following the HIIT workouts and eating plan to get the right balance of macronutrients. It's going well so far, I've not cheated and I've exercised on all of the days I've planned to exercise. I've also cut alcohol although I'm giving myself a pass from the meal plan and the no alcohol on Valentine's because we've ordered a nice mealbox and bottle of wine.

I've also started doing yoga by following along with a beginner video on YouTube because I'm trying to find something that helps with mindfulness and it's really nice. I don't weigh or measure myself again until the end of cycle one in 30 days so I'll update then.
sdg wrote:
I've also started doing yoga by following along with a beginner video on YouTube because I'm trying to find something that helps with mindfulness and it's really nice. I don't weigh or measure myself again until the end of cycle one in 30 days so I'll update then.

I'm really interested to hear about the yoga, I always feel do much better after doing it. X
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
sdg wrote:
I've also started doing yoga by following along with a beginner video on YouTube because I'm trying to find something that helps with mindfulness and it's really nice. I don't weigh or measure myself again until the end of cycle one in 30 days so I'll update then.

I'm really interested to hear about the yoga, I always feel do much better after doing it. X

I needed something that would calm my brain down and it's definitely helping. I'm using the Yoga with Adriene channel, do you do a(n online) class? I'd love to try hot yoga.
My wife does (or did... damn pandemic) hot yoga and she loves it. She'd do it every day if she could I reckon!
TheVision wrote:
My wife does (or did... damn pandemic) hot yoga and she loves it. She'd do it every day if she could I reckon!

I have questions.
I did a hot yoga session once, with Jem and a couple of her friends (and other people from the yoga club, obvs)

I don't think I've ever sweated as much before or since.

I also must have looked absolutely comical. There was a woman up at the front (not the instructor, I mean a student) who was tiny, probably just pushing 5'0", nothing to her, but she could pretty much fold herself up into any shape imaginable. I've never seen anyone so flexible, I was in awe.

Meanwhile there's me, 6'3", trying to get myself into these totally alien positions and failing miserably. I must have looked like an electricity pylon trying to do the robot.
GazChap wrote:
Meanwhile there's me, 6'3", trying to get myself into these totally alien positions and failing miserably. I must have looked like an electricity pylon trying to do the robot.

I don't know about everyone else, but I was sweating so much it was pouring down my head and into my eyeballs, so you could have perfected every move for all I'd have known about it!

Would do it again though :D
Broke the 50 minute barrier running 10km today, coming in at 49:33.

Absolutely made up over that .
Yes! Good going.
MaliA wrote:
Broke the 50 minute barrier running 10km today, coming in at 49:33.

Absolutely made up over that .

Fantastic, well done.
I’m trying to find adjustable dumb bells to buy for cycle 2 of the plan I’m on but they’re out of stock everywhere. I’m trying to remember to check every day but if anyone sees some for sale somewhere, give me a shout!

Dinner tonight was buffalo chicken bites with blue cheese coleslaw. Today, I got up with my alarm an hour earlier than I usually do and squeezed in a HIIT workout and abs finisher before my first Zoom call of the day. Feeling very proud of myself for that one. I’m not usually a morning person but cutting sugar and alcohol has definitely seen me having more energy and waking up a little easier.

The most dramatic change is that now I’m almost happy to see squats come up in the reps because I’m starting to view them as one of the least brutal exercises!
MaliA wrote:
Broke the 50 minute barrier running 10km today, coming in at 49:33.

Absolutely made up over that .

That is awesome. Well done.

I am trying to eat better. Other than wotsits. :)
New indoor biking shoes. They are very light.
Why do you need different shoes for cycling indoors vs outdoors?
I don’t think you need too. These seem lighter.

For me it will make my outdoor shoes last longer. As they were more expensive.

Plus new shiny :)
I've been Planking. Can get to a minute at the moment. It hurts so must be doing something.
That reminds me.

I think I need some garden slippers, if such a thing exists, something to wear on my feet between the house and the office (in a glorified shed in the garden) at the moment, I am just using my shoes, but not bothering to do up the laces, which is not ideal. I need something that can stand getting wet, that I can slip on/off easily and are cheap and not hideous to look at.
Malc wrote:
That reminds me.

I think I need some garden slippers, if such a thing exists, something to wear on my feet between the house and the office (in a glorified shed in the garden) at the moment, I am just using my shoes, but not bothering to do up the laces, which is not ideal. I need something that can stand getting wet, that I can slip on/off easily and are cheap

You need Crocs!

Malc wrote:
and not hideous to look at.

I’ve got a pair of these: UBFEN Men's Women's Winter Warm Slippers Wool-Like Plush Fleece Lined House Shoes Indoor and Outdoor Anti-Skid Rubber Sole

https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07VVPPHH5/ ... UTF8&psc=1

They’re not the most attractive things on the planet but they’re warm and the hard sole is good for moving between environs.
Zardoz wrote:
I've been Planking. Can get to a minute at the moment. It hurts so must be doing something.

Well done! It’s amazing how quickly something like this starts to strengthen your body. I am trying to improve my plank posture because my upper body strength is really poor.
New shoes on the table!
DavPaz wrote:
New shoes on the table!

Is that bad??
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
New shoes on the table!

Is that bad??

Very bad
GazChap wrote:
I’ve got a pair of these: UBFEN Men's Women's Winter Warm Slippers Wool-Like Plush Fleece Lined House Shoes Indoor and Outdoor Anti-Skid Rubber Sole

Too many words
The words I can cope with, it's all the posts about slippers that are getting me.
I’ve been hovering over the buy button on mahabi slippers for a wee while now.
Cras wrote:
GazChap wrote:
I’ve got a pair of these: UBFEN Men's Women's Winter Warm Slippers Wool-Like Plush Fleece Lined House Shoes Indoor and Outdoor Anti-Skid Rubber Sole

Too many words

Actually yeah, that is far too many words.
Ah well my 70.3 has been cancelled. A blessing in disguise. I can now focus on training for fun.
These are bright.
They match your post-its.
DavPaz wrote:

What? Is this a bad thing?
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