Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
JBR wrote:
Warhead wrote:
His departure is one thing ticked off my Christmas list......... UNLESS he does a Trump and refuses to leave.

Could you get busy putting more things on your Christmas list? It's surprisingly effective. And the first day of Christmas has come so early this year.

Johnson is self-isolating again. How can they tell?
Kern wrote:
Johnson is self-isolating again. How can they tell?

The difference is that now he's doing it officially.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... ction-loss

Donald Trump asked top aides last week about the possibility of striking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the coming weeks, according to a New York Times report.

During a meeting at the Oval Office on Thursday, the outgoing US president asked several top aides, including the vice-president, Mike Pence, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the chairman of the joint chiefs, Gen Mark Milley, “whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks”, the newspaper says.

What's the point of being President if you cannot nuke at least one country?
He’s really going for the salted earth policy isn’t he? Provided by his tears
MaliA wrote:

Donald Trump asked top aides last week about the possibility of striking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the coming weeks, according to a New York Times report.

During a meeting at the Oval Office on Thursday, the outgoing US president asked several top aides, including the vice-president, Mike Pence, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the chairman of the joint chiefs, Gen Mark Milley, “whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks”, the newspaper says.

What's the point of being President if you cannot nuke at least one country?

Come on now, be fair. He doesn't want to nuke them, just bomb their nukes. Which is fine.
DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Donald Trump asked top aides last week about the possibility of striking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the coming weeks, according to a New York Times report.

During a meeting at the Oval Office on Thursday, the outgoing US president asked several top aides, including the vice-president, Mike Pence, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the chairman of the joint chiefs, Gen Mark Milley, “whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks”, the newspaper says.

What's the point of being President if you cannot nuke at least one country?

Come on now, be fair. He doesn't want to nuke them, just bomb their nukes. Which is fine.

Nuke the herd?
Mr Chonks wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Donald Trump asked top aides last week about the possibility of striking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the coming weeks, according to a New York Times report.

During a meeting at the Oval Office on Thursday, the outgoing US president asked several top aides, including the vice-president, Mike Pence, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the chairman of the joint chiefs, Gen Mark Milley, “whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks”, the newspaper says.

What's the point of being President if you cannot nuke at least one country?

Come on now, be fair. He doesn't want to nuke them, just bomb their nukes. Which is fine.

Nuke the herd?

Funnier every time.
Mr Chonks wrote:
Nuke the herd?

Let them know it's Christmas time.
Wirral Council having a normal one

Cllr Ian Lewis, who represents Wallasey, resigned as leader of Wirral Conservatives over a "breakdown in relations" with the Wirral West Conservative Association.

A councillor nominated to replace Cllr Lewis has recently sparked outrage with comments he has made about those who want to rename streets which take their names from people historically linked to the slave trade

Cllr David Burgess-Joyce, who found himself embroiled in a viscous race row last year, and more recently accused people who want slave trader street names changed of launching a "Marxist national coup", has been nominated to take over the role.

In July Cllr Burgess-Joyce, who represents Greasby, Frankby and Irby, said: "To destroy history is a very slippery slope. If we as Conservatives support this move by the Marxists, who are using racial grievances to attempt a national coup, we do not deserve to be re-elected."

He also personally attacked Labour councillor Janette Williamson, calling her "the Marxist Williamson" and accused her of making a unilateral decision to change the name of Tobin Street in Wallasey.

At the time, he was suspended from the council’s Conservative group after comments about black Labour MP David Lammy and the Ku Klux Klan.
Right wingers everywhere seem to be completely losing their fucking marbles.
markg wrote:
Right wingers everywhere seem to be completely losing their fucking marbles.

They seem as lucid as ever.


(via An Dave)
Perfectly measured and even response
Viscous race row
myp wrote:
Viscous race row

It’s a sticky situation.
Dimrill wrote:
markg wrote:
Right wingers everywhere seem to be completely losing their fucking marbles.

They seem as lucid as ever.


(via An Dave)

Reminded me of this tweet I saw last night:

https://twitter.com/BadMedicalTakes/sta ... 0519474177

Had me until Quantum Computer
https://twitter.com/BarristerSecret/sta ... 9433086979

Oh deary dear.

What a waste of time except for the "Judges are wrong" thing they are trying to do, which might work. Absolute waste of time and money to do this against her own legal advice.

I dislike, her, too, for the record.
She is, extraordinarily* for this government, incompetent. Possibly also malign.

*Wait, no.
Trump is going for the double. Most people killed by a pandemic of which he failed to take effective action to control, and authorising most executions in the shortest period.
https://twitter.com/BarristerSecret/sta ... 3766466561

Another idea from the intellectual titan that is our home secretary.
Anna Mikhailova. Solid Anglo-Saxon name
Can’t wait for the tide to turn on these bastards.
Bloody hell, well the chaos unfolding in Washington in a certain example of reaping what you sow.

New York Times Live Feed

Catie EdmondsonCatie EdmondsonCongressional Correspondent
“We need to get back to the rule of law. That is what is being violated,” Republican Paul Gosar says on the House floor, just as lawmakers gavel out of session as protesters descend on the House chamber.

House aides are yelling at lawmakers on the floor to stay seated and calm.

2:31 PM ET
Michael S. SchmidtMichael S. SchmidtWashington Correspondent
Protesters are yelling “Traitor Pence” outside the Capitol, our colleague Adam Goldman says.

2:32 PM ET
Carl HulseCarl HulseChief Washington correspondent
I’m surprised that protesters are being allowed to wander around the second floor and take pictures. It appears that Capitol Police have made a decision not to escalate.

2:32 PM ET
Catie EdmondsonCatie EdmondsonCongressional Correspondent
“Get down under your chairs if necessary,” House staff are telling lawmakers. “Stay calm.”

2:32 PM ET
Jim RutenbergJim RutenbergWriter-at-large
Carl, can the House and Senate leadership gavel this whole exercise to a close? Or does this have to run its course no matter what?

2:32 PM ET
Carl HulseCarl HulseChief Washington correspondent
Jim, I would think it has to run its course, though there is no time limit per se to the official proceedings, so they can recess and get the chaos under control.

2:33 PM ET
Charlie SavageCharlie SavageWashington Correspondent
Presidential aspirants who tried to become MAGA heir apparent by fanning these flames — Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz — are not getting the connotations they were hoping for.

2:33 PM ET
Alan RappeportAlan RappeportEconomic Policy Reporter
Mayor Bowser has just imposed a 6 p.m. curfew in Washington.

2:34 PM ET
Maggie HabermanMaggie HabermanWhite House Correspondent
This image of Trump supporters in MAGA hats roaming the corridors of the Senate is playing over and over on television.

2:34 PM ET
Catie EdmondsonCatie EdmondsonCongressional Correspondent
Some of them are also clearly carrying Confederate flags.

Jim RutenbergJim RutenbergWriter-at-large
This protest is now technically, objectively, an attack on the democratic process, which is what Congress was trying to undertake here.

2:35 PM ET
Catie EdmondsonCatie EdmondsonCongressional Correspondent
Steve Cohen, a Tennessee Democrat in the House, yells to Republicans to “Call Trump, tell him to call off his revolutionary guard.”

2:36 PM ET
Mark LeibovichMark LeibovichChief National Correspondent
It will be interesting to see what kind of back-up there is for the Capitol Police, National Guard and Washington police. This would seem to require a great deal of additional back-up...

I'm ducking out of this feed now for Meal & Movie and to watch the enjoyable film A Knight's Tale, a medieval picture of steadier, more level headed times.
It's pretty extraordinary.
Yes, very much a case of the Republicans now reaping what they have sown.
I try to avoid hyperbole, particularly when sober, but even if this isn't a proper coup it's very very close to one.
I'm glad I'm scheduled to watch A Knight's Tale with my meal and movie friends over link-up in a moment, as this is intense. They're in the chambers, the senators have been evacuated to the cloakrooms under guard. Protestors are standing on the speaker's dais. Pence has been smuggled out of the building.

“As close to a coup attempt that this country has ever seen,” former Washington Police Chief Ramsey says on CNN.

I don't know how to embed tweets, because me, but:

summoned me as lawmakers and press arrived at a secure location

“This is what the president has caused today, this insurrection,” he said w fury in his voice.
A lawmaker confirms to CNN that the House floor is being evacuated.


There’s an armed standoff at the House front door, and police officers have their guns drawn at someone who is trying to reach the front door.

Protesters, who breached the Capitol building, were reportedly heard banging on the doors of the House floor moments before the floor evacuation began.

This is like one of those closing acts for a movie you consider implausible.
Seeing the ticker on CNN say that members have been given gas marks is real end of days stuff.
This is still 2020 isn’t it?
Zardoz wrote:
This is still 2020 isn’t it?

It's 2020 Championship Edition Turbo+
Not only have the two chambers been stormed, hey're even in the Speaker's office.

This is one hell of a security failure - I'm finding hard to believe how a building as secure as the Capitol could be overrun like this.

Sounds like the military are going to move in soon; this will not end well.
Biden, speaking live now, hitting the right notes. And he isn't even president yet.
I don’t know whether it getting all shooty would be the better outcome or not.
It will be more likely to help brings thing to a resolution rather than brush it under the carpet to resurface in 4 years time.
If the civil force can't control it then yes, the military would. Stopping a joint session and the formal counting of votes is pretty much an attack on the constitution and system after all. But it would be adding fuel to the fantasies of these people about the government and the institutions, and anyone shot would become their martyr.
Kern wrote:
Biden, speaking live now, hitting the right notes. And he isn't even president yet.

Fuck sake, felt good to be reminded what having a competent and coherent leader is like.
And now Trump. What a contrast, and still spreading his lies and pouring petrol over the fire.
Jamiroquai is having a day out at least:
Heh. So. Many. Questions.

Meanwhile, for the more historically inclined:

https://twitter.com/KevinLevin/status/1 ... 1144085506

Mimi wrote:
Jamiroquai is having a day out at least:

Cold war Steve thought the same!
I go to sleep and wake up to this.

https://twitter.com/manwithlargehat/sta ... 9389862914

Oh dear. Poor Elizabeth.

https://twitter.com/LizaElizaeliza/stat ... 2219265024

Dimrill wrote:
I go to sleep and wake up to this.

https://twitter.com/manwithlargehat/sta ... 9389862914

That caused me to go and read up on Mussolini's death. His wiki page has this excellent line:

On the loose for months—and a cause of great anxiety to the new Italian democracy—Mussolini's body was finally "recaptured" in August, hidden in a small trunk at the Certosa di Pavia, just outside Milan.
Still trying to get my head around it all. I mean, it was pretty clear that Trump was enabling and encouraging so many extremists but I never thought they'd actually succeed in storming the Capitol. As others have pondered, it's a heck of a contrast to the police/law enforcements during the BLM protests over the summer. That makes it very fishy.

Also of note is the reports that it was Pence not Trump who ordered out the military. Again, notable because Trump could have rescinded it so either people just weren't listening to him or, more likely, Pence knew he would be respected enough to have it carried out. He probably didn't even tell him.

Two weeks left - if Trump isn't removed by then lord knows what he'll do in response.

At least he finally got banned from Twitter, so we now know that fomenting a coup is where their bar is.
Kern wrote:
Still trying to get my head around it all. I mean, it was pretty clear that Trump was enabling and encouraging so many extremists but I never thought they'd actually succeed in storming the Capitol. As others have pondered, it's a heck of a contrast to the police/law enforcements during the BLM protests over the summer. That makes it very fishy.

From one video, it did rather seem like the police just let them in.

Kern wrote:
At least he finally got banned from Twitter, so we now know that fomenting a coup is where their bar is.

It'll be interesting to see if they extend the ban beyond 12 hours though.

https://twitter.com/MysterySolvent/stat ... 2326054916

What this is obscuring is that a third of the senate tried again to overturn the result by objecting to States' results as they were counted in. Sod the will of the people and States' rights, let the senate pick the president.
Isn't that sort of thing pretty normal, though?
It's normally a formality. The process is regulated by legislation dating from the 1880s, after the chaos of the 1876 election where several states sent competing lists of electors amid much fraud and violence.
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