Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
and other sundry models

Do you play tabletop wargames?
No, of course not. Tabletop wargamers are so nerdy they make PC fanboys look cool and studly.  34%  [ 25 ]
Yes. I love my little painted figures. I give them all names and stroke them every night. I live for weapons damage charts.  5%  [ 4 ]
I used to, but discovered girls.  52%  [ 38 ]
What are you talking about?  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 72
In my head I’m going to get everything painted then I can justify buying Blackstone Fortress.
Objectives done, added a spot of gloss varnish to the jewels.
That cup though. My eyes...
Ready for inspection!
Goddamn racist Blood Angels and their blackface minstreling.
They're removing illegal aliens.
Right, back to these bastards now.
Calling this guy done cos I'm utterly fed up of looking at him. Acastus Knight Porphyrion D1BNA.
And of course I immediately noticed three cables I haven't painted. Grr. You'd think that after 3-4 years I'd've got them all by now.
Dimrill wrote:
And of course I immediately noticed...

This is the way of things.

Nice to see Craster has a job in the Grimdark future.

Good job, Dimrill. As you have declared it 'done' you are now free to order more.
How tall is he?
Where's the banana?
twenny foive cm. or 10 inch, whichever you prefer.

I have already got more in the post as I am a disgusting resin whore.
Contrast paint stage and most base metallic done on the Genepitneys.
Two dvd cabinets have been claimed and repurposed for miniatures!
They're hovering.
They’re chaotic good.
Finished this P51 yesterday:


First go with the airbrush so made a few mistakes along the way. More pics here:
Lovely engine smut.
Yeah, top job there mate.
Still love this thread. I don’t check it often (about once a month) and I don’t have a clue what is going on, but it always makes me smile.
Mimi wrote:
Still love this thread. I don’t check it often (about once a month) and I don’t have a clue what is going on, but it always makes me smile.

Agreed :D

This also how the Animal Crossing thread makes me feel.
Hello! long time no post. Long time nerd observers may recall said I was going have a go at making a drystone wall from scratch. Well, that then escalated a bit:










There are a few little details to finish off, but that’s basically it.
That is gorgeous. I always wished I had cool scenery back in my White Dwarf days. And yours looks nicer than I remember theirs being.
It looks ace, but I don't like the uniform trees.
Yeah definitely look at some pictures and get them a bit messier, other than that amazing work!
Top work, Kissyfur!

What did you use for building up the terrain?
Thanks chaps!

The tree on the hill was made from scratch – wire armature, greenstuff, wire wool, flock etc.

The two similar coloured ones were “stock” trees that I put a bit of wire wool and flock on because they were utterly shit things that came in a bag of 50 from China. The firs are what they are – they are ridiculously uniform but not really sure what I can do with them. If they’re good enough for the model railway sorts…. however I think you normally see them used in large numbers together.

The terrain base is foamex (sort of a cross between extruded polystyrene and plastic - really sturdy but easy to cut), and then the hills and hummocks are extruded polystyrene carved into shapes with some polyfilla to smooth the contours.
That handmade tree is very nice. Make some fir trees ;)

Lookit ickle tyres! It's almost as if it understands...
This was in my YouTube feed as well. Along with some Japanese fellow that had built himself a sort of jet powered hang glider in the shape of a seagull.
Shock absorbers need work. Excellent approach and departure angles, though.
Reissue? New version?
Well there's the Hasbro label on it. They acquired MB back in 1984, and MB were the rights holders. However someone's already pointed out the ESRB logo which means game of electric of some sort. Maybe rules?! is whol gaim electric?! 10 days!
Hope it’s the physical game rather than mobile or summat.

I just ordered Blackstone Fortress!

I’m knee deep in painting ghosts!

I’ll show some pics of them at some point.

Oh and I’ve made my own wet palette (why haven’t I done this before?!)

Oh and I’m part way through building a train layout for my dad with scratch built scenery.

Zardoz wrote:
I’m knee deep in painting ghosts!

My brush keeps going through them :(
Tut. Crowdfunded and US only.
I don't begrudge them the crowdfunding, but it's too expensive and not different enough from the OG copy I have already. Also unpainted the minis aren't as good due to the lack of different colours, IMO (same for the furniture). It was always easy to tell the orks and goblins from the Chaos WarriorsTM.

The female heroes are a nice step forward, though.

Note that it's also available in Canada: I'd you want to pay $135US for shipping!
They're also after one meeellion dolllarrr to fund it. Which results in a need for 6,666 backers at the mythic tier.

Apart from the heroes, I really dislike the minis too.

If anyone has a ratty original copy and wants some decent minis for it, Zealot has you covered.
I’m glad it’s now something that I don’t ‘need’ now.
Dimrill wrote:
They're also after one meeellion dolllarrr to fund it. Which results in a need for 6,666 backers at the mythic tier.

Looks like they'll get it, though. It's already on $880,000.
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