Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
and other sundry models

Do you play tabletop wargames?
No, of course not. Tabletop wargamers are so nerdy they make PC fanboys look cool and studly.  34%  [ 25 ]
Yes. I love my little painted figures. I give them all names and stroke them every night. I live for weapons damage charts.  5%  [ 4 ]
I used to, but discovered girls.  52%  [ 38 ]
What are you talking about?  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 72
The 1st edition ones I have are fairly laughable quality of sculpting ... particularly compared to the genestealers from the same set, which are detailed multipart figures.

The marines look like someone managed to make a two dimensional miniature and then just sort of stretched it forwards.

That squig looks ace Dimrill. Look forward to seeing it after you've tickled it with the hairy sticks.

4th time lucky for the Blood Angels tonight! After previously been SLAUGHTERED three times by the Genestealers on Mission 1, tonight my Heavy Flamer finally did me proud.

It didn’t help that the first 2 games I forgot to use command points...

Great game this.
Well flippity spigots I'm going to have to get these

Bastards. Resurrected the Zoats too... it’s like they fucking know!!!
Good progress being made on my Space Hulk Terminators.
Pleased with the tarnished metal effect I did on the heavy flamer.
Cor yeah, that looks great.
Looking good - the contrast paints seem to work well!

Just finished the Apache -



Not too sure about the cockpit glass - may redo that.
Gangsta windows!
Now at the stage where I’m finding paints I don’t remember buying.
I'm less enamoured with the yellow as I was with the red. Chewing through em quick!

The next stage is finding the extra pots of paint you forgot you bought. Thought I was running out of Tamiya Clear Red only to find another two pots squirreled away in a drawer after I'd ordered two on eBays :S

Nice chopper!
Yeah, yellow is only going on the Flamer. The contrastyness is very brown, yeah, so not as nice. Overall I think when I’ve covered all the white bits he’ll look right.

They’re a great way of saving time but there’s still plenty to do with Normal & Shades/Washes.
More Space Hulk played tonight!

A very close call on Mission 2, with the Genestealers down to the last 4 freaks, but Autocannon man out of rounds meant it was one Powerfist against 16 claws... A heroic defeat for me.

Sergeant with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield was shite!
Taking my first tentative step into painting. Turning these three Red Squadron Veterans into Blue Squadron Escorts. WIP (1/3).
Are these as they come, or have you painted any of them yet?
Zardoz wrote:
Are these as they come, or have you painted any of them yet?

The middle one was red like the other two. I’ve painted the markings blue now.
Ah right. Tidy job!
Took my dad to local(ish) hobby shop as he wanted to trade in some model trains. Ended up getting a few bits as everything was 25% off! Sadly it’s due to Liz the owner calling it a day. Hope they find a buyer as it’s a brilliant shop :(
Very neat job myp! I’ve been put off repainting the xwing stuff as (a) the stock paint jobs are decent enough and (b) bloody hell they are fiddly. However, the stock paint job on my falcon is absolute pants so I’m going to strip that and have a go when I get back from the UK ... I’ve been pootling about on Pinterest and there are some great ideas for something a bit different.
I am not great at this. I have undercoated them, and then put one coat of paint on so far. I think I can get the paint thickness right, then add stuff on top to make it less blocky. My eyes are terrible.
Good start! If in doubt add more water, and do more thin layers. And looks like you’re doing the right thing by doing lighter colours first, working darker as you go.
Still slogging through my Space Hulk miniatures but couldn’t resist building my Chaos Spawn. Loads of options and tons of good bits left over on the sprues for other things.

Giphy "shame":
There’s a girl in the thread!!!
My new fave 3rd party mini creator Zealot did another Kickstarter that I wasn't aware of. ... re-dungeon Remaking all the minis from Heroquest. So pretty. I'll be camping their website for the single releases to pick up the zombie and fimir models. Probably a while off that though.
Wow, they are nice. Is there somewhere you can print off the actual game though?
Really nice sculpts.
I remember a baffling game of Heroquest with a childhood friend who didn't set up the rooms as you entered them and required you to spend three turns to search for monsters, doors, and furniture. And that was on top of the search for traps or treasure you could do.
Blue Squadron ready! I also did an alt paint scheme for a stolen Rebel TIE (the red one). It’s not entirely without some sloppy bits, but I’m generally pleased with it.

Thanks to Sal for helping too.
Bought MORTAL REALMS issue 4 as I spotted a copy and it had a technical I don't have and more of the sweet Horse Faced Ghost Monsters. Oh and a BIG mat that I didn't even realise was included.

Skitarii Codex bought off eBay as I saw a nice copy for £7.99 INC DEL

Nic Jerb Myp. A very light shade with dilute red and yellow inks or washes would make those pop.
Slather everything in Nuln oil.

Yes, good work, Myp / Sal. What's next?
Zardoz wrote:
Slather everything in Nuln oil.

Yes, good work, Myp / Sal. What's next?

I read about nuln oil so I might have to get some.
Dimrill wrote:
Nic Jerb Myp. A very light shade with dilute red and yellow inks or washes would make those pop.

What inks would you recommend?
Mr Chonks wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Nic Jerb Myp. A very light shade with dilute red and yellow inks or washes would make those pop.

What inks would you recommend?




[Devils advocaat] Just get a tub of any medium brown acrylic ink to give depth and grime. I always go for Citadel stuff. [Devils advocaat]
But now I've re-read the above few posts that's not the effect that Dimmers mentioned anyway so forget it. :D
The best thing to do is buy loads more gaming miniatures and loads of different paints and washes (oh and glazes!) and try them all out for yourself.
Zardoz wrote:
The best thing to do is buy loads more gaming miniatures and loads of different paints and washes (oh and glazes!) and try them all out for yourself.

I don’t think I’ll get into it that much. I really wanted an X-Wing Blue Squadron as the cheapest generic pilot is from that squadron, and the red TIE Fighter was more of an experiment (and the fact I didn’t want two identical yellow ones).

Not sure I’ll do a lot more for the time being. The paint jobs FFG do are generally very good, and I’m not really interested in painting or assembling from scratch.

The only thing I could see myself painting is by getting a 3D-printed Alpha-Class Star Wing or two, as they’re out of print now and going for silly money on eBay.
Yeah, yeah... you're here now.
I've got an itch to make a kit again. I might make a car, never tried that. But then I'd need an airbrush as well. I guess I could just use rattle cans but that could be a false economy and I can't afford to just throw money away on stupid fads willy nilly.
25% off everything at Transport models. They sell airbrush kits and Tamiya rattle cans in stock as well as a wide range of car kits.
Yeah I'll try and get there, will probs just get some rattle cans. Been watching some YouTube vids on how to get a nice glassy finish with them and it looks well satisfying but still not as fun as an airbrush.
20 Door holders finished for Space Hulk...
Myp! As a bit of a wash guide the door holders above were spayed with anthracite alloy wheel paint, washed completely with Gryphone Sepia, few rusty areas faked with citadel yellow glaze (can’t remember name), and the really dirty dark areas are washed with NULN OIL x
Very nice! I mean grimy
I think Z bought me this Zero ages ago:


It's not the best because I've not done anything in ages so I was only remembering stuff as I went along. There's no filler anywhere because I didn't have any, I also had to just eyeball the paint colour by mixing olive green with a bit of yellow and the canopy is a bit of a mess but I still like it overall and really enjoyed doing it.

I started a Porsche Jagermeister 934 yesterday, I've never tried a car before and my attempts with rattle cans on actual cars have always been pretty woeful so I did a bit of research before starting. I've washed it, sanded it with some 1200 grit, 2 coats primer, lightly sanded it again, and then put on 2 coats of colour.


Now I just need to add decals then a few coats of clear. Leave it a for few days then sand it again up to 5000 grit, then if I've done it all right polish it to a glassy smooth finish.
Love the greens. Very weathered.
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