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Movie Blast:

Cowboy Bebop The Movie: I was hoping this would be like some of the greatest anime to come out of the Manga era, but it was just merely alright. Visually it looked really good but I wanted some more action, death and explosive blood splatters.

Metropolis: This time I was hoping for some Akira Part 2 but it was merely alright. Again, visually it was impressive and the story wasn’t too bad for an anime but I wanted some more action, death and explosive blood splatters.

Abdominal: This time I was hoping for The Secret Life of Pets 3 but it was merely alright. Again, visually it was impressive but I wanted some more action, death and explosive blood splatters. Actually I couldn’t figure out if this was a genuine attempt to do a China-focussed cartoon animation or a cynical cash grab for Chinese money and a Chinese audience. I turned it off feeling it was unfortunately the latter. It was kinda bad: it was predictable, had a boring second half, had some rubbish characters and, well, it all felt a bit heartless despite the usual animation tropes.

Anyway, if anyone can remember an amazing anime from the gold era of animation violence let me know cause I wanna watch em init. Y’know, some Vampire D, Fist of the North Star, Ninja Scroll type greatness...
I watched THE FUGITIVE on Netflix last night, must be twenty years or so since I saw that film on VHS, I remember watching it at the pictures in 1993 with the lass I was going out with before Mrs Hearthly.

The lass I was with fancied Harrison Ford and swooned a bit when he shaved his beard off.

Anyway, it's a great film, old films are better than new films because they have proper special effects and are character driven, they have a maturity and intelligence that is lacking in modern films. Fucking superhero made for China CGI bollocks.

So then, yes, watch THE FUGITIVE it's two hours of wonderfully solid entertainment.

Satsuma wrote:
Anyway, if anyone can remember an amazing anime from the gold era of animation violence let me know cause I wanna watch em init. Y’know, some Vampire D, Fist of the North Star, Ninja Scroll type greatness...

Battle Angel Alita.
I forgot to mention, I watched both of those as well! It’s hilarious how fast it skips through the live 2019 movie’s script.

Or Hyper Vision something Gunnam or something, as it’s known.
“Hyper Future Vision Gunnm” tch
Jumanji: TNL. Not terrible, but I don't really know why this exists. The characters sucked into the game are kind of cute, but you barely see them - I had forgotten them from the first, and by the time I'd remembered them, it was done. And the main, video game, characters are the point, including Karen Gillen, but the script's a bit lame and the whole thing a bit odd.
Apocalypto was on telly and I missed roughly, I think, the first third of the film, but from what I saw, it was brilliant! I really enjoyed it, the whole thing just seemed really well done and it felt like it moved at a really good pace. It was tense and exciting.

It also really made me think about how in many modern films an 'intense' fight with bones snapping and parts being lopped off / shot / blown up / lasered away can seem kind of trivial, but in this film something as seemingly simple as a spear/arrow to the body was really visceral and unpleasant. It was kind of savage and brutal, but not inappropriately so.
Hearthly wrote:
I watched THE FUGITIVE on Netflix last night

I fucking love The Fugitive. It's a near perfect film, for me. I only saw it for the first time a year or so ago (probably mentioned it on this thread, in fact) but it's just great.

Pretty much all of the characters are believable, as are their motives and actions - a lesser film would have Tommy Lee Jones' character be a lot more sympathetic to Richard Kimble as you get closer to the climax, but this is very much not what happens. Yes, he believes Richard's version of events, but he's still got a job to do and still needs to bring him in.
Also, first official trailer for next year's new Ghostbusters movie, titled Ghostbusters: Afterlife.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Is it Egon's house, or Ray's ("my grandmother left me that house, I was born there")?

Are they ignoring the existence of Ghostbusters 2? (the TV footage is from 1984, their car is Ecto 1 and not Ecto 1A etc.)
That looks pap.

It's just cashing in on the Stranger Things crowd and there's no signs of any humour in it. Disappointing.
I think it looks good.
That looks better.
Let’s be fair, neither look particularly interesting.
Joker. Woah, and wow. I thought that was a masterpiece. Particularly the last half hour, from the TV show to the thing afterwards, then I couldn't see what else they'd do, but there was a bit more and oh yes, gosh, shocking and funny ('funny'?).
Satsuma wrote:
Let’s be fair, neither look particularly interesting.

I completely disagree. They both look amazing! I fully expect to be disappointed by the main films, but I loved the trailers!
Why did nobody ever warn me how awful Happy Feet is?
Cube squared hypercube: like cube, but more less great.
Davpaz owes me 94 minutes.
MaliA wrote:
Cube squared hypercube: like cube, but more less great.
Davpaz owes me 94 minutes.

Objection! I never actually recommended it
DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Cube squared hypercube: like cube, but more less great.
Davpaz owes me 94 minutes.

Objection! I never actually recommended it

Looking forward to Cube Cubed tonight!
Logan is so fucking good.

“You were having a nightmare. I have nightmares too. People hurt me”
“These aren’t the same. I hurt people.”

It’s so simple, almost clichè, but delivered so effectively.
I rate Patrick Stewart but that was nomination worthy.

The X-men films should have ended there and then because they’ll never top that.
Satsuma wrote:
I rate Patrick Stewart but that was nomination worthy.

The X-men films should have ended there and then because they’ll never top that.

Haha they didn't even end yet.

Although I'm curious if New Mutants is actually going to come out.
Not after the abomination that was Dark Phoenix. It tanked hard and essentially killed that messy timeline of shit films.
Satsuma wrote:
Not after the abomination that was Dark Phoenix. It tanked hard and essentially killed that messy timeline of shit films.

I think I heard that there are certain contractual obligations that predate Disney acquiring fox.

Although supposedly it desperately needs reshoots, and much of the cast have completed puberty since they originally shot the film.

My theory is that it's going to end up getting rebranded and a very small scale release without much marketing, and it will no longer be an Xmen movie, just an original horror film about teenagers with superpowers.

Although yeah maybe it could get cancelled entirely still.

Dark Phoenix was bad, but it wasn't as bad as Apocalypse.
6 Underground: starts epically, then pops to very good. I love ryan Reynolds.
Yes. As with everything elss he does that isn't Deadpool it isn't Deadpool but is trying hard to be Deadpool, but is good despite the constant expectation of Deadpool.

Though I guess it's all really just Van wilder really.
Zombieland 2: it’s an alright sequel, I guess. The only person not 100% committed to the picture unusually seemed to be Emma Stone of all people. The final fight bit was just rubbish. The post credits scene made up for it. Slightly.

Really enjoyed Zoey Deutch.

And, godDAYYUM Rosario is fucking sexy as hell.

EDIT: but goddam there’s some ropey CG in there for a multimillion pound film.
Like Michael Bay’s practical effects (and he’s got some good CG guys working for him), but he’s the most uncool motherfucker in film that there is.

The start of 6 Underground might as well be what your dad thinks being cool and edgy is. Slow mo, awful dialogue, massively over long and tedious 20 minute chase sequence, saying “punch it” ten times over, crap “cool” music, migraine inducing camera work, people pretending to be “radical”, a fucking skate boarder for Christ sake, oh but the skate boarder is also a parkour specialist and Ryan fucking Reynolds again.

It’s just the most lame shit I’ve seen in a long time.
Satsuma wrote:
Like Michael Bay’s practical effects (and he’s got some good CG guys working for him), but he’s the most uncool motherfucker in film that there is.

The start of 6 Underground might as well be what your dad thinks being cool and edgy is. Slow mo, awful dialogue, massively over long and tedious 20 minute chase sequence, saying “punch it” ten times over, crap “cool” music, migraine inducing camera work, people pretending to be “radical”, a fucking skate boarder for Christ sake, oh but the skate boarder is also a parkour specialist and Ryan fucking Reynolds again.

It’s just the most lame shit I’ve seen in a long time.

You fucking what, mate?
Is it, what people call... Malicool!?
Oh look, Michael Bay goes to China for that Chinese cash. I bet he’d sell you his arsehole to squeeze a cantaloupe for some sweet sweet cash.
Satsuma wrote:
I bet he’d sell you his arsehole to squeeze a cantaloupe for some sweet sweet cash.

Who wouldn't?
6 Underground: trash. I really didn’t understand the geography of the final boat or where everyone was coming from. It was like a fucking tardis.

The most interesting thing was that one of the 6 in the boat fight appeared to have one of those Micro Roni things that turns a glock pistol into a PDW or SMG type thang. Which was cool.
Michael Bay couldn’t direct porn.
You fucking what,mate?
6 Underground, as you may have guessed, is brilliant.

The first 20 minutes is superb.

I want a bright green Alfa.
Satsuma wrote:
Oh look, Michael Bay goes to China for that Chinese cash. I bet he’d sell you his arsehole to squeeze a cantaloupe for some sweet sweet cash.

Apart from some aerial shots of Hong Kong, they don't go into China. Most of it is filmed in Abu Dhabi.

Perhaps interesting: the Mini they drive in HK is left hand drive, which I think is still illegal to drive there.
Considering you can drive between there and China I doubt it.

They have an extremely cool "side of the road swapping" bridge.
I did Internetting. You can drive one but you can't register one there.
I'm about 10 minutes into 6 Underground, and already two massive, glaring continuity errors - one is the green Alfa getting scraped down the side by a bin lorry and losing its wing mirror - next shot, wing mirror there again and barely a scratch on it. Second is the doctor getting blood squirted in the face, mostly in the eye and forehead, and literally the next shot of her she has a small amount on her chin and none on the top half of her face. I mean fucking come on.
Maybe shout "objection" at it?
Maybe you fucking what mate?
Ryan Reynolds though :luv:
I'm going to watch 6 UNDERGROUND tonight, Michael Bay gets a lifetime pass because of THE ROCK so I'll give it a go.
I'm enjoying it, the continuity just irritated me. It's such a simple thing to get right.
Grim... wrote:
Maybe shout "objection" at it?

After the Woolf reforms, the correct phrase is "You fucking what?" which is what I went with.
MrChris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Maybe shout "objection" at it?

After the Woolf reforms, the correct phrase is "You fucking what?" which is what I went with.

This is really the sort of film Michael Bay should always have been making. I don't understand why he spent like a decade under the constraints of PG labels for bloody transformers films.
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