The Movie topic there is none
Alita: Battle Angel - cyberpunk robo-battlin'. For some reason I thought this would be crap like the GitS redux, but it's great. 8/10
::faintly interested::

Satsuma wrote:
This was brilliant
::interest fades to nothing::
Cold Pursuit was recently added to Amazon Prime Video, so I thought I'd give a go. Frustrating that even films from this year don't even get subtitles on there; only Netflix has subtitles for everything it seems.

Anyway, not a bad film, but not as good as the original, In Order Of Disappearance, which is also on Amazon. Some of the changes to move it away from Norway to the US grate somewhat, particularly with the dialogue. Still worth a watch but as the story is the same, if you don't mind watching films that aren't in English, I'd go for In Order Of Disappearance instead.
Cras wrote:
I thought 7 was harsh.

It would have been 7.5 but IMDB doesn't allow halves.
Finally caught Joker at the flicks.

Really enjoyed it. It felt even better than doing a Logan on the Batman franchise; instead they stripped away almost very single slither of comic book nonsense and painted a realistic world for DC’s iconic villain. And they did a fucking awesome job. Visually it’s great stuff.; some of the compositions are just beautiful. Even placeholder images like a static shot of a hospital just looked fantastic and were so wonderfully lit you have to wonder how much time and effort went into every single shot. Looking at the directors filmography it’s astonishing he got to this place and did such a great job. He must have had a killer team that he was working with.

And Joaquin Phoenix? I’d watch him read a telephone book. He’s always a joy to watch and he does such a great job here.

There some moments I could have done without
(One midway twist flashback reveal didn’t need to be there unless you’re a complete idiot) and De Nero’s TV show near the end was a bit silly and laboured. Frankly, I could have done without any of the Batman stuff in there at all, but I wasn’t too mad about it.

Honestly I was surprised just how experimental it all felt. It ended up being a great character study and if more film goers enjoyed this thanks to the Batman tie, well, maybe it helps them go and see what other similar films are out there that aren’t about the same tired old comic book heroes. It can only be good for the rest of the industry.
But other people I respect have told me this is good, so I have no idea what to think now
Give it a fucking rest.
Ok that changes things.
Satsuma wrote:
Finally caught Joker at the flicks.

Really enjoyed it. It felt even better than doing a Logan on the Batman franchise; instead they stripped away almost very single slither of comic book nonsense and painted a realistic world for DC’s iconic villain. And they did a fucking awesome job. Visually it’s great stuff.; some of the compositions are just beautiful. Even placeholder images like a static shot of a hospital just looked fantastic and were so wonderfully lit you have to wonder how much time and effort went into every single shot. Looking at the directors filmography it’s astonishing he got to this place and did such a great job. He must have had a killer team that he was working with.

And Joaquin Phoenix? I’d watch him read a telephone book. He’s always a joy to watch and he does such a great job here.

There some moments I could have done without
(One midway twist flashback reveal didn’t need to be there unless you’re a complete idiot) and De Nero’s TV show near the end was a bit silly and laboured. Frankly, I could have done without any of the Batman stuff in there at all, but I wasn’t too mad about it.

Honestly I was surprised just how experimental it all felt. It ended up being a great character study and if more film goers enjoyed this thanks to the Batman tie, well, maybe it helps them go and see what other similar films are out there that aren’t about the same tired old comic book heroes. It can only be good for the rest of the industry.

It was really good. I liked how human the joker was
Isn’t it about time we had a sequel to the Sixth Sense announced now? Y’know, where the kid has grown up and helps ghosts.

Someone remind me when this is an actual thing.
The trigger discipline in Sister Act is awful
Quick, The Night of the Living Dead is on the Horror channel. It’s the 90’s remake one. The best one.
DavPaz wrote:
The trigger discipline in Sister Act is awful

Did you watch that on channel 4? Me too!

Love that film :D
Grim... wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
The trigger discipline in Sister Act is awful

Did you watch that on channel 4? Me too!

Love that film :D

Watched the first 20 mins, had to go out for dinner, downloaded to Plex from the pub, finished it when we got home. Perfect Sunday
Satsuma wrote:
Isn’t it about time we had a sequel to the Sixth Sense announced now? Y’know, where the kid has grown up and helps ghosts.

Someone remind me when this is an actual thing.

The Umbrella Academy ;)
For some reason my Ma decided that we were going to watch ‘new’ (though now surprisingly old) Wicker Man. I don’t really know anything about Nicolas Cage, but the pack of Extra chewing gum tabs he’s replaced his teeth with don’t seem to fit, and I couldn’t u detest and half of what he was slurring. As well as all of the obvious ‘why did they change THAT?’ questions you ask yourself through the film, the amount of plot recalling in the film is painful. Having Cage explain to me after hearing the names of about 20 women that they are all named after plants, or having him recall the entire plot of the film 10 minutes before the end, in case I’d just walked in at that point... it was just awkward. 2 bananas out of 10.

So the next night I decided that we should give Midsommar a go. Jeez, those students had NOT watched the original Wicker Man otherwise they’d have been straight back out of there. No spoilers, but it has touched of the same eeriness that original Wicker Man does (as I think is evident from the trailers). It’s eerie rather than a horror. I think the conclusion is earmarked from the very start so there were no surprises, but I liked the visuals and the performances were quite good. There were a few comedic moments. I’m not sure if there were supposed to be. It’s paced slowly, and 2.5 hours long, but I liked the leisurely pace it took. 7.5 bananas out of 10.
Anyone else seen Terminator Dark Fate?
I was pleasantly surprised that it was good after some of the recent disappointments.
Not up there with T1 to T2 but well worth seeing.
I watched the 2010 remake of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE last night, it's on Amazon Prime.

It's basically a rape revenge tale, it's the BBFC 18 version so the rape is less explicit than it was in the uncut version (which I haven't seen) but TBH it's still nasty enough.

Story is:

Young lass goes to a cabin in the arse end of nowhere to work on her new novel.
Local hoodlum types come round, things escalate, lass escapes, runs into corrupt local copper who takes her back to the hoodlums.
Gang rape.
Lass throws herself into a river before they can shoot her.
Some time later she exacts revenge on them all one by one, torturing and then killing them.
The End.

This is, truth be told, a very professionally put together film, so whilst in many regards it's video nasty grindhouse territory, it's technically a decent piece of work. The acting is solid across the board, the baddies are suitably bad and the main lass is impressively convincing, such that when it comes time for her to get her revenge, I felt almost disturbingly on board with her gruesome torture and killing.

The whole thing left me feeling a bit scuzzy and discomfited, which I guess is the idea really.

A hard film to 'recommend' as such, Roger Ebert gave it zero stars and called it a 'despicable remake of the despicable 1978 film'.

I give it 795/1000, worth a watch if you think you can tolerate it.
I watched The Terminator followed by Terminator 2 over the weekend. First time for a while that I'd sat down and watched either of them, let alone back to back.

They really are masterpieces.
Not a film, not yet, but last night I saw Only Fools and Horses (the musical). Songs crowbarred in there, including two covers which suggests a lack of confidence. Plot shaky and just kind of binned before the end, but it didn't really matter - fan service, plenty of fun, plenty of laughs, and not your usual theatre crowd in there. I reckon they could tighten up the writing - the slapstick and pun jokes work and land, but then there are some that rely on more knowledge of French than the audience have, that fall flat. Aiming at two different audiences can work, I guess, but in this case it seemed misjudged.
JBR wrote:
Only Fools and Horses (the musical)

Jesus fucking Christ.
I'll get you a ticket.

No, you're welcome.
That looks ace. Shame I'm not down Bournemouth way any more or I'd go see that.
I watched a film I enjoyed! Rejoice!

It was called “I Am Mother” and it’s on the Netflix. It’s another high concept sci-fi offering but this one had a modest budget and only stars two people.

The synopsis is there’s an extinction level event and in a bunker somewhere a robot called Mother awakens and gets to work repopulating the world from her library of baby foetuses. She starts with one woman first and has a trial run to see how that goes: raising her to teenage/young adult age, before ... something happens.

It looks great and there’s some great visuals; the young actor does a decent job given she’s the focus and basically has to carry the weight of the entire film; the story goes a bit off the rails towards the end and you might have it pegged as to where the film is going early on but it’s still really fun to watch.

So yeah, a super little film that you should give a go if you’ve got the Netflix. 7/10
Bamba wrote:
JBR wrote:
Only Fools and Horses (the musical)

Jesus fucking Christ.

We have all seen the only fools and horses funeral company, with the Del Boy hearse, haven't we?

Maybe called only fools and hearses. Should be, if it isn't.
20 minutes into Angel Has Fallen and there’s *shudder* a CGI drone attack. I swear to god, it’s going off in 5 minutes if it doesn’t get any better.
Urgh, did the Taken 3 guy do this too? It’s all choppy cuts and close up shakey cam bollocks.

It’s hilarious how far the “...has Fallen” franchise has fallen.

Everything about this screams ‘straight to DVD.’
“Your country didn’t betray you. You betrayed yourself!”
Hang on, this is on for 2 hours? Na na na na na. Utter garbage.

Go fuck yourself/10
Satsuma wrote:
Urgh, did the Taken 3 guy do this too? It’s all choppy cuts and close up shakey cam bollocks.

It’s hilarious how far the “...has Fallen” franchise has fallen.

Everything about this screams ‘straight to DVD.’

I found it odd that they're potentially planning a further three films in the series. 'Olympus' was a decent Die Hard rip-off, the first half of 'London' was ok, but I've no urge to watch any more.
Olympus was really really good. Excellent even. London was terrible all round.

Just flicked forward to see the “action” sequences and they’re piss poor as well. You should see the ridiculous CGI: it’s fucking laughable. I bet some youtubers would do a better job than this. And why does massive puffs of smoke shoot out the ejection port on the ARs!? And every gun has stupid CGI muzzle flashes in almost every scene. And Butler is looking a bit chubby this go around too. Did I mention it was shit?
“Produced by Gerard Butler”

Oh, that’s why.
Satsuma wrote:
“Produced by Gerard Butler”

Oh, that’s why.

Oh no. Slightly chubby? Producing his own films? Weird voice? He's turning into Steven Segall
Satsuma wrote:
20 minutes into Angel Has Fallen and there’s *shudder* a CGI drone attack. I swear to god, it’s going off in 5 minutes if it doesn’t get any better.

You should watch ‘Drone’.
No one should watch Drone
Grim's a Love Drone?
Barry White was the original love drone.
Gemini Man

It was alright marred by weird CGI choices. Yeah, there’s the de-aging and some poor CGI Big Will Keeping It Real faces but the worse offenders were the hand to hand fight sequences. There’s only, like, two of them but for some ungodly reason they’re sped up to look like a fucking superhero fight. They’re really, really shockingly poor. It’s utterly embarrassing that they let them go out in this state. The CGI team needs to be ashamed of themselves for thinking it looked acceptable.

Mind you, the story is non-existent, the dialogue terrible, it’s anticlimatic, and I’m tired of these ‘around the world for no reason‘ excuses for filming in nice places; wee we’re here wee we’re over here now, and now let’s go here; fucking yawn.

The good bits though: Big Will is alright but he hams up some nonsense in the final third; the cinematography is pretty decent with some good visuals (I liked the bright oranges and yellows in the first half before they ran out of ideas and inspiration and just went “fuck it, do it at night like every other action film”), and some of the action in the beginning was really good and tense, the woman lead was really good though (I must look up her name, she was fierce AF), and the de-aging was good IN PARTS (and other times it looked terrible; especially in the largely unnecessary epilogue . There’s some strange lighting choices superimposed on scenes too - like, CGI lighting done in post. A scene in a car doesn’t look right at all with strange lighting on the faces but then suddenly it looks fine when there’s a sideways shot without any dodgy lighting. Meh).

So Gemini Man: enjoyable toss but can’t hold its momentum and has some awful design choices. You’ll forget all about it after you’ve watched it.

Satanic Panic is good ole chuckle.

Lords of Chaos was also chucklesome for different reasons.
Dimrill wrote:
Lords of Chaos was also chucklesome for different reasons.

I had that on the Amiga.
It's a bit Hollywood, but Le Mans 66 is still fairly good.
I watched the latest predator, I enjoyed it! It was more comedy than thriller, but it kept me interested. If it hadn't been part of a legacy then it would have been better received I expect.
Trooper wrote:
I watched the latest predator, I enjoyed it! It was more comedy than thriller, but it kept me interested. If it hadn't been part of a legacy then it would have been better received I expect.

I hate you.
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