GPOYW thread
I’m really enjoying Austria, and the weather has started cooperating.
Seems to be a lot of FaceApp old face doing the rounds on the interwebs today.

Given none of you have met me before, I quite like the idea of this aged, sad and possibly Yewtreeable version of me via FaceApp being the face you associate with my posts.
Beware, lots of stories circulating today that FaceApp basically gives your facial biometric data to the Russians for them to do whatever they want...
Visiting the Red Bull hangar.
You have impressively sized hands.
Oh yeah. Not sure what’s going on as they are human sized in real life.
They took at picture of me at work and ran it through that faceapp aging thing and nothing changed except I looked like my uncle and now I am a bit "meh"
Today, I met a band. See if you can recognise them?
Judging by the guy in the middle, I'm going for Wizzard.
Trooper wrote:
Judging by the guy in the middle, I'm going for Wizzard.

You mean upside down Wayne Static?
I don't recognise them, but how successful/mainstream are they, and when were they big?
Second from left looks like a slightly less cuddlesome Nick Frost.
Malc wrote:
I don't recognise them, but how successful/mainstream are they, and when were they big?

Their biggest hit was in 2007... It was quite a big hit. I'd be surprised if you didn't know it.
TheVision wrote:
Malc wrote:
I don't recognise them, but how successful/mainstream are they, and when were they big?

Their biggest hit was in 2007... It was quite a big hit. I'd be surprised if you didn't know it.

Oh Mr Brightside
Plain White Tees
Matchbox Twenty
Crash Test Dummies
No idea who they are, but they look so lover-ly.
Bastard Kestrel
Trooper wrote:
No idea who they are, but they look so lover-ly.

Yep, there's no way I'd have recognised them.
Reverend and the Makers
Trooper wrote:
No idea who they are, but they look so lover-ly.

If that's right, I have a few of their songs on my play list, not sure I ever knew what they looked like though.
Mr Chonks wrote:
Reverend and the Makers

Didn't they do the Labour Live concert?
Wait, who are they?
If Trooper is right, then I assume Scouting For Girls.
Cras wrote:
If Trooper is right, then I assume Scouting For Girls.

That's what I assumed
We have a winner! Scouting for Girls. Good work Trooper.
The chap second from the right looks like my local estate agent.
It’s the Wurzels.
Rage Against the Machine
About 33% of the Circle Jerks?
Me and my massive head looming over the good people of Kendal Calling this past weekend.

That hat is a power move
Cras wrote:
That hat is a power move

It makes me approachable
DavPaz wrote:
Cras wrote:
That hat is a power move

It makes me approachable

I thought gravity did that (he says, suspecting that I probably have an even bigger head than you, but mine might be slightly better proportionally than yours...)
DBSnappa wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Cras wrote:
That hat is a power move

It makes me approachable

I thought gravity did that (he says, suspecting that I probably have an even bigger head than you, but mine might be slightly better proportionally than yours...)

I've heard about your proportions...
DavPaz wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Cras wrote:
That hat is a power move

It makes me approachable

I thought gravity did that (he says, suspecting that I probably have an even bigger head than you, but mine might be slightly better proportionally than yours...)

I've heard about your proportions...

Shouldn't you have green willow all around your hat?
A day late but Duck!
Duck a l'orange for tea?
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