Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
MaliA wrote:
I find him to be quite veined.

https://twitter.com/haveigotnews/status ... 3407370241

Malc wrote:

What the actual fuck!?
An excess of caution around the rules on electioneering, I believe.
Cras wrote:
An excess of caution around the rules on electioneering, I believe.

But Farage and Soubry were fine the day before?
Malc wrote:
Cras wrote:
An excess of caution around the rules on electioneering, I believe.

But Farage and Soubry were fine the day before?

On question time? Which is about politics and has representation from multiple sides? Sure.

There is a term for the lockdown period where government organisations can't show bias. I want to say purdue, but don't think that's the term, it's something like that.
Purview. You idiot!

(That’s us done for the day I think, sorry I phoned it in)
Kern wrote:

Isn’t that the Muslim practice of female seclusion?

*edit* turns out it’s both.

*narrator voice* it was Mop, who, indeed, turned out to be the idiot
I remember the disruption of purdah when I was one of Her Majesty's civil servants. It used to get a bit complicated.
I got my postal ballot for the European elections.

Don't know who to vote for.

Edit: thinking either Green or Lib Dem. Didn't 100% rule out labour, but their manifesto is full speed ahead brexit...
If I could vote, I would vote Lib Dem I think. Although I would note any tactical alliances in my area and vote accordingly to get the most likely Remain candidate in.

Mrs Hearthly is considering cancelling her Labour Party membership.
Hearthly wrote:
Mrs Hearthly is considering cancelling her Labour Party membership.

Mali would Look Kindly on this
LewieP wrote:
I got my postal ballot for the European elections.

Don't know who to vote for.

Edit: thinking either Green or Lib Dem. Didn't 100% rule out labour, but their manifesto is full speed ahead brexit...

Just tell any canvassers that you'll include the option of voting Labour.
LewieP wrote:
I got my postal ballot for the European elections.

Don't know who to vote for.

Edit: thinking either Green or Lib Dem. Didn't 100% rule out labour, but their manifesto is full speed ahead brexit...

I ruled out anyone who was pro Brexit or unable to articulate what the hell their policy was.

That left Green, Lib Dem and Change UK, so Green got my vote.
https://twitter.com/campbellclaret/stat ... 85057?s=09

I was playing Snooker in the Hallamshire Hotel in Crookes when this news broke.
MaliA wrote:

I was playing Snooker in the Hallamshire Hotel in Crookes when this news broke.

Pre 9-11, when fox hunting was the most contentious political issue we faced. Good times
Theresa May will stand down in June regardless of how the vote on the Withdrawal Agreement Bill goes. So where's the incentive for anyone to support it? No doubt Labour will see this amazing opportunity and just not do anything.

Still, we can now add her to our list of Tory Prime Ministers defeated by the European Question.
Findus Fop wrote:

Yes. The Tories at constituency level are, now basically, the Party of Leave. If you want to be leader, you'd better get with these friends. But turning harshly in that overwhelmingly elderly and English direction will probably do them far more harm in the next decade.
Kern wrote:
Theresa May will stand down in June regardless of how the vote on the Withdrawal Agreement Bill goes. So where's the incentive for anyone to support it? No doubt Labour will see this amazing opportunity and just not do anything.

Still, we can now add her to our list of Tory Prime Ministers defeated by the European Question.

I had £50 on her going in May :(
Even in defeat, she harms you.

I was toying with putting a flutter on Gove. There's just something about him that makes me think he'll emerge as a compromise candidate if the anyone-but-that-['charlatan' - Ed.]-Johnson camp is able to remove him from the top two.
Hearthly wrote:
If I could vote, I would vote Lib Dem I think.....

I could and I did. Postal vote is in the post.
Yeah, he doesn't need to care either.
Ah fucking hell, shouldn't have read the replies should I?
He just gets worse and worse. As if Alabama's banning wasn't bad enough, now there's this.
Trump takes war on abortion worldwide as policy cuts off funds
In the debate on the bill to repair Parliament, Meg Hillier, of all people, made a good quip:

Pete Wishart (SNP): On that, let me declare an interest—or maybe a disinterest. Me and my colleagues do not intend to be here at the end of the process.

Meg Hillier (Labour):
Labour gains.
Andrea Leadsom has resigned, probably to spend more time with her family.
Theresa May gave a bit of a painful statement. Not sure she's really learnt anything. Time for compromise might have been summer 2016. Very clear she was about to crack at the end, which given the circumstances is rather humanising.
Who will slither into No.10 next?
She grasped at power when she had absolutely no clue what to do. As a result we're all fucked. I couldn't give a shit how "human" she is, she can fuck off and die for all I care.
Zardoz wrote:
Who will slither into No.10 next?

Boris. :facepalm:
Hey, we know how moderate, diverse, and youthful the Tory party membership are. We'll probably get Rees-Mogg
I think Hunt, Gove, or Javid might be plausible contenders, but unless there's a repeat of the 2016 bloodbath preventing it going to the party, they're probably going to pick an extremist. Who then, of course, would find the exact same constraints May had.
Dam it. My mug becomes even more outdated.
Well, I'm not a betting man but the betting men are saying Boris is the odds on favourite.
Corbyn shouting about a GE. That'll end well for him.
Probably the best political thing I've received so far. Presented by a bunch of kids wearing sandwich boards with slogans on. Pretty good
Kern wrote:
Hey, we know how moderate, diverse, and youthful the Tory party membership are. We'll probably get Rees-Mogg

Doubtful, he's supporting Johnson.
For now, you never know with these scheming, backbiting Brexit weasels, though.
MaliA wrote:
Corbyn shouting about a GE. That'll end well for him.

He has done almost nothing else. He's still there.
https://twitter.com/SebastianEPayne/sta ... 2526235648

Pick a Prime Minister!

It's going to be fucking Johnson, isn't it? Prime Minister Boris Motherfucking Johnson. Fuck me.

And he'll get chosen by about 120,000 reactionary, racist, pensioners who are massively in favour of No Deal who don't like them there Germans.

Who's the least worst option? Rory Stewart, maybe? He'll never get it though.

I assume the likes of Brady “running” is an attempt to negotiate a position in Boris’s cabinet further down the line, in return for withdrawing and supporting him.

I genuinely wonder what Johnson would do. He can’t deliver the things he’s promising and he’s bound by all the same constraints that made May’s deal dead on arrival. Would be really take us out on no deal, and carry the blame for that in every history book for the next hundred years? At least we might get to see him held responsible for his actions, I guess. Cold comfort.
Held responsible how? Like in the same way Cameron has for getting us into the whole mess? Because wow, he's having a really tough time of it, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy etc. :roll:
Esther Mcvey? Yikes
Ester Mcvey is a total babe. I’d shove my ballot paper in her ... no, hang on ... I’d ... just make your own thing up mmmkay.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I assume the likes of Brady “running” is an attempt to negotiate a position in Boris’s cabinet further down the line, in return for withdrawing and supporting him.

I genuinely wonder what Johnson would do. He can’t deliver the things he’s promising and he’s bound by all the same constraints that made May’s deal dead on arrival. Would be really take us out on no deal, and carry the blame for that in every history book for the next hundred years? At least we might get to see him held responsible for his actions, I guess. Cold comfort.

The cynic in me is that this will be about enrichment for himself and his paymasters. A lot of bluster to news cameras about politics while he rubber stamps through all kinds of sweet deals to his billionaire buddies.
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