What have you bought?
Don’t say it, display it
I've just checked.
They're building conveyor belts straight from the rubber factory.
Don't know how we didn't think of that before.
krazywookie wrote:
I've just checked.
They're building conveyor belts straight from the rubber factory.
Don't know how we didn't think of that before.

They could use them to get a plane to take off
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Christ how big are those red rubbers?!

Lol they're helicopter landing pads :D
krazywookie wrote:
I've just checked.
They're building conveyor belts straight from the rubber factory.

10,000 haggard, sleep-deprived Factorio player look up from their screens. Finally, their time has come!
The factory must grow.
This barbecue starter thingy (at least, one very similar), to complement our previous purchase. Actually, my son bought it four us. Good lad.

Prescription varifocal sun glarses.

I'd including a pic if it didn't keep posting upside down........ Ha! Fixed.
Warhead wrote:

Prescription varifocal sun glarses.

I'd including a pic if it didn't keep posting upside down........ Ha! Fixed.

Yeah, I don’t think your glasses are working too well :DD
Mimi wrote:
Warhead wrote:

Prescription varifocal sun glarses.

I'd including a pic if it didn't keep posting upside down........ Ha! Fixed.

Yeah, I don’t think your glasses are working too well :DD

The *glasses* aren't upside down ;)
Looks fine to me.
Those glasses are clearly broken. I don't see any mountains.
Warhead wrote:

Prescription varifocal sun glarses.

I'd including a pic if it didn't keep posting upside down........ Ha! Fixed.

How's the payment situation in that car park?
Findus Fop wrote:
Warhead wrote:

Prescription varifocal sun glarses.

I'd including a pic if it didn't keep posting upside down........ Ha! Fixed.

How's the payment situation in that car park?

Birch services. Free for two hours.

After that, they take your soul.
Zardoz wrote:
Looks fine to me.

Wrong. I don't have a reflection.

Good work, though. :DD
Hold tight everyone... I've been spending some money!


Amazing, I'm sure you'll agree. I bought these to take apart my Switch controller but in the mean time, I've taken apart my Xbox One controller and fixed the analogue stick on that. What a rush!
TheVision wrote:
Hold tight everyone... I've been spending some money!


Amazing, I'm sure you'll agree. I bought these to take apart my Switch controller but in the mean time, I've taken apart my Xbox One controller and fixed the analogue stick on that. What a rush!

I have (well had) 10 of those! Used them when I had to replace my old door seals.

Non left when I had to fix Harrisons switch controller so I used the alternative propeller supplied with my Academy P-47 Thunderbolt (1:72) - very effective :nerd:
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:

Should have ordered a spudger, would have had it much much quicker.
TheVision wrote:
Hold tight everyone... I've been spending some money!


Amazing, I'm sure you'll agree. I bought these to take apart my Switch controller but in the mean time, I've taken apart my Xbox One controller and fixed the analogue stick on that. What a rush!

Drift? (The xb controller) ?

I had that and fixed mine also. I was dead proud, as usually when I take something fiddly apart I break it.
Get some nuts. Much cheeper in Home Bargains than most other places. Then again, these are REALLY not suitable for human consumption.

But I DO like to see tits in my garden.

been thinking about it for ages
but felt so ill and then sorry for myself that I thought to hell with it and bought myself a super lovely new laptop (ThinkPad X1 Extreme)
first time I've ever spent that kind of money on something just for me
miki wrote:
been thinking about it for ages
but felt so ill and then sorry for myself that I thought to hell with it and bought myself a super lovely new laptop (ThinkPad X1 Extreme)
first time I've ever spent that kind of money on something just for me

Enjoy! Hope you feel better soon.
Nik wrote:
Enjoy! Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you! Finished 2 weeks of antibiotics for my lungs and have started working half days again :)
I bought 900 litres of compost


Small boy was not an optional extra.
I approve of Gaz's replacement
MaliA wrote:
That was Gaz!

At least he is now of some use
Please, Gaz would barely make 900ml.
My god... that truck was tiny!


...far away.
This begs the question of just how big krazywookie's hands are, of course.
GazChap wrote:
This begs the question of just how big krazywookie's hands are, of course.

And you know what big hands mean…

Big gloves
That's going to need quite a bit of lube to fit.
krazywookie wrote:

Idiot! It says 'oHo" unless you hold it the same way as the embossed text, in which case it's "oIo," pronounced 'oyo.' N.B. I can't do serifs on this tablet.
God I'm such an idiot
Findus Fop wrote:
Nice, the idea of cooking the pasta in with the bolognese is an intriguing one, will give it a go.

I can heartily recommend this risotto recipe, though I pressure cook on the 'rice/risotto' setting for 8 minutes and slow pressure release.


Made a (veggie) risotto. It was lovely. I usually cook risotto for 2hrs in the slow cooker, but it was good to be able to have this done so speedily, and the texture was perfect.
Findus Fop wrote:
Nice, the idea of cooking the pasta in with the bolognese is an intriguing one, will give it a go.

I can heartily recommend this risotto recipe, though I pressure cook on the 'rice/risotto' setting for 8 minutes and slow pressure release.


Made a (veggie) risotto. It was lovely. I usually cook risotto for 2hrs in the slow cooker, but it was good to be able to have this done so speedily, and the texture was perfect.
Mimi wrote:
I usually cook risotto for 2hrs in the slow cooker

What the fuck?! Are you serving up hatred?
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I usually cook risotto for 2hrs in the slow cooker

What the fuck?! Are you serving up hatred?

Haha :D Slow cooker risotto takes that long to absorb and soften the grains. It’s actually the perfect time in a slow cooker. Any shorter and the grains still crunch. I like popping it in the slow cooker ratger than cooking it on the hob, though, as it cooks evenly and beautifully without stirring/minding the liquid levels.

I use my own recipe, but recipes on the internet give a cooking time of between 1hr 30 and 2hrs 30, so mine is kind of in the middle, but slow cookers (slow by their name) differ, obviously, according to the make and setting you use.

I usually make a sundried Tomato and Parmesan one. A good shortcut is sticking in 1/2-1/3 jar red pesto and heating the rice in that for two minutes until the grains start to go translucent before putting in your stock (or wine/ whatever you’re using), if you like a tomato based risotto, and you don’t need to add any oil that way, either. Quorn used to sell a whole chorizo that was really good, but they don’t make that any more, but you could use an actual chorizo and heat the rice grains in the oil from that.
Anyway, the point is moot as 10 minutes is the new two hours :D
Am genuinely tempted to buy one Mimi, just so I can eat quick, non-faffy risotto every day. :DD
Jem wrote:
Am genuinely tempted to buy one Mimi, just so I can eat quick, non-faffy risotto every day. :DD

I made a vegan three lentil dhal in about 6 mins the other day. It’s my favourite thing ever. Also it’s got a slow cooker function so I can pass our slow cooker to a friend who always wanted one but didn’t want to spend the money in case she didn’t use it. It’s good for us both as my kitchen is so tiny I do t have room for both :D

Made a good few curries and bolognese type things in it now, too. Have a veggie sausage, onion and herb casserole planned for tonight.

Biriyani is something I want to try next week :D
Temptation has tipped over into an actual purchase, thanks to a generous anniversary present (cash!) - our instant pot is coming tomorrow. Thanks for the tip, Mimi!
Ooh! Enjoy speedy cooking! If you eat meat, my Ma made a beef and veg casserole the other day and a chicken casserole she cooked last night took 10 mins from raw chicken to complete.

I made a veggie sausage, onion and herb casserole yesterday. I’ve found this book excellent: The Instant Pot Bible: More than 350 Recipes and Strategies: The Only Book You Need for Every Model of Instant Pot https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0316524611/ ... ZCbH5Y3RCH

It’s really good and has both 300 standard recipes (though most are measured in cups... easy enough if you have a set of measuring cups) but also 50+ really handy ‘Road map’ recipes: add one cup of your choice of chopped alliums, choose from: shallots, red onion, trimmed leek (and it goes on). It’s really good for adapting the recipes you’d usually use at home to work in the quantities and method of the cooker. Also, it’s really wonderfully written with a lot of great tips and really warm humour.
That looks very handy - I’ll be grabbing that too, I think. Thanks again!
Nik wrote:
That looks very handy - I’ll be grabbing that too, I think. Thanks again!

I’d say it’s well worth it. The book is chock full of information on how to best use the Instant Pot (such as the recipes when you really need to deglaze the pot after sautéing onions etc to stop starchy foods from adhering to the specks of caramelised onion and then hardening and burning - actually where this is important it is written into each recipe), but also just loads of handy tidbits. And it’s genuinely funny to read. Both my mother and I have used both the pot and book every day since we got them.
Mimi wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Nice, the idea of cooking the pasta in with the bolognese is an intriguing one, will give it a go.

I can heartily recommend this risotto recipe, though I pressure cook on the 'rice/risotto' setting for 8 minutes and slow pressure release.


Made a (veggie) risotto. It was lovely. I usually cook risotto for 2hrs in the slow cooker, but it was good to be able to have this done so speedily, and the texture was perfect.

I tried beef Bolognese with the spaghetti cooked in the same pot this week and it was excellent. The sauce was incredibly rich and I thought the pasta was great having hoovered up the flavours. Mrs fop thumbbed up too, though she decided she prefers pasta done in water, then coated with Bolognese, as you do lose a certain amount of 'pastaness' doing it in the pressure cooker. I get what she's saying though I disagree. Anyway, will definitely have again, with spaghetti cooked the normal way instead.
Had my first go with the instant pot this evening - a hastily-improvised beef stew. Came out very nice - amazingly tender meat, although possibly has the same problem as I've found with our slow cooker, i.e. things need to reduce after cooking, as it was a bit watery, although that was probably last least partly down to my choice of ingredients. Actually, I was thinking my "stew" would have made a lovely soup if I'd given it a few seconds with a hand blender. I think I need to investigate the sauté setting, and also actually look at some of the recipes (Instant Pot Bible coming tomorrow). Anyway, really impressed with how quickly it can make a bunch of ingredients into a meal, and looking forward to experimenting further. Thanks again for the recommendation Mimi!
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