The CrewOr to give it its full (self-claimed) name according to the title screen,
The Crew: Calling All Units, with cop sirens and dramatic cop music. Hooray!
I didn't buy Calling All Units, I bought Wild Run Edition, but the single use code had been singly used, which, as always, is bullshit. Dick off with single use codes forever, thanks.
The Crew is a driving-thingy game that's been on my Xbox One shelf for perhaps six years, untouched. I played The Crew on my bro's PC, possibly as part of a free weekend, a very long time ago. I didn't get on with it because I thought the graphics were dark and gloomy, the cars were unresponsive, the map was empty and surreal and various other things I'm probably mis-remembering. It was long enough ago that I'm pretty sure I was playing it with the keyboard, which couldn't have helped. (I won Split/Second the first time on PC with keys though!) I still bought The Crew despite those things, intending to come back to it Another Day.
And as fate would have it, the Todayth of December 2023 is Another Day, because Ubisoft has decided that in a hundred days time, nobody must ever be allowed to play The Crew again.
Which is, you know, harsh.
I've said some nasty things about Blur (the car game) in the past (especially in real life), expressing how humanity would be much improved if the entire game were to just fall into a history-erasing crevice and remove the stain of its presence from time, but I eventually came round to it a little tiny bit. I'd still trade it for a Split/Second 2 in a nanosecond, but I wouldn't any longer erase Blur and accept -nothing- in return, which is what Ubisoft intends to do with The Crew. I'll tell you all about what I mean later.
First, let's plop the actual factual retail disc I soon won't be able to use into the drive and lets get to racin'.
You start off in a horrible shitty race truck of the kind that became trendy in games sometime in the late 2000s. Good start. (By that I mean bad start.) You're barrelling around the hazy muted landscape, gliding through bizarrely intangible bushes and trees, but it's fun I guess. It looks slightly lastgen whenever some unreactive water comes up, but the dirt on the vehicle looks nice.
Then a phone slides in from the side of the screen and you get talked at by some Half-Life 2 looking potato faced idiot you don't care about. I'm some guy who wants to do races, and my brother is the boss of a street race gang, but my guy wants to race in a gang but not that one, or perhaps my brother doesn't want me racing in a gang because it's too dangerous except when he calls me up and says I need to represent the gang or something?
This game is so damn slippery. I am in a muscle car though. But wheeee, these roads just give you no traction whatsoever. Maybe it's because of the rain. I definitely remembered the darkness and gloominess correctly.
Oh! Oh no! There's no rewinds in The Crew! I'm so used to Grid and Forza Horizon and The Run giving you rewinds that this feels quite a lot more tense to me. I'm just gonna have to be really good!
You know, I don't remember any of this plot stuff bumbling around doing odd races in Chicago and the surroundings. Have they rewritten the plot when it got Calling All Units-ised? Like how Immortal Unchained got a new intro with the big patch? I remember last time there being a prison plot about being hired out of prison by the F.B.I. to do ridiculous gang-related videogame driving challenges, because Only I Could Do It or something.
There's a big map of the United States! I'm in Detroit! Well, kinda. Do you remember that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Beverley Crusher gets trapped in a pocket universe that's shrinking and she asks the computer how big the universe is and it replies "The universe is a spheroid region, 705 meters in diameter."? That's where The Crew takes place. It's a bizarre Content Aware Fill version of the United States which has been smushed down to just five states called Midwest, East Coast, The South, Mountain States and West Coast. It's 75 miles across and can be driven in less than an hour. But no doubt if I enter this flickering glitchy grey cloud that is covering most of the U.S. I'll be heavily penalised by a long loading screen and told to return to my Designated Racing Area. On cue, one of the very first things my idiot potato brother insists I do is drive to a satellite dish installation and 'sync up' to 'the 5-10 Net', which removes some of the grey fuzz from the map and reveals more icons. You get a preview cutscene of the camera panning over landmarks within the radius of the dish. I'm not gonna make Ubisoft jokes. It's video games, what do you want? Anyway, shut up, you don't have to activate another satellite dish installation for the entire game, and so I simply didn't.
The map is a nifty satellite imitation map like Test Drive Unlimited nailed, and like Test Drive Unlimited it swooshes up and down from orbit to ground level, except on an Xbox One it takes ages to load your destination and it stutters like anything so the effect is completely ruined. Also, ripping off T.D.U. is shameless, but it's the coolest possible map there is to rip off of so you didn't have much choice I guess. And also Driver: San Francisco did it a lot smoother.
There's so much loading in The Crew. There's no cool flashy loading screens like Need For Speed: A Criterion Game or Need For Speed: Heat. I want cool transitions where the car is moved from the loading realm to the game realm or something. (I'm pretty sure when you change cars in World there was some virtual reality effect where your car shimmered out and in again?) It even skips to black for a bit of loading when you're just trying to drive. What I mean is when you're driving around in the world, there are virtual challenge gates on the road which are difficult to avoid (oh how I tried to avoid these fucking things) and when you drive through them you're challenged to an impromptu dare to drive really fast or through some targets or around some obstacles, and then you get a rating and score and all that jazz and that's fine, but when it's done you have to sit through three fucking screens of scores and rankings AND THEN THE SCREEN FADES TO BLACK, LOADS, AND PUTS YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU WERE ANYWAY except at ZERO MPH with NO NITRO. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY. Sure, the game doesn't attack epileptics directly for massive damage like the speed cameras in A Criterion Game, but now it fades to black and stops you dead. You will constantly be driving from A to B because driving and listening to the nice rock station, even virtually, is a nice sensation, and then you'll be trapped in this goddamn challenge thing and then the screen will be full of words and then you'll be stopped, and this will happen OVER and OVER again. I got used to pressing Start (or Menu if you like) and using the menu and D-Pad to Abort the challenge every time I got sucked into one. Yeah, quitting the challenge doesn't result in a fade to black and a loading screen to put you back on the road you were already travelling down, but letting the challenge time out does. Yes, it doesn't pause while you're doing that so if you want to, y'know, drive at 230 in your Lambo and go places fast and have fun, you've got master all kinds of controller prestidigitation to keep unchallengifying yourself.
Here's a silly example of how strangely jammed between the multiplayer and singleplayer worlds The Crew is: you can't pause during free roam but you -can- pause during missions. Unlike Need For Speed: No Subtitle, in fact. Sorry for the long paragraph, but a full quarter of my time playing The Crew was trying to escape a challenge I'd blundered into by having the temerity to -drive down a road- so it makes sense for it to be a quarter of my review.
Travelling to a place lets you fast travel back to it at any time, but activating the dishes only reveals where the skill icons are. Defying videogame convention, Ubisoft has left out the barriers preventing me from exploring the U.S., but the game keeps telling me I can't redeem my free 'Metallic orange paint' until I complete the prologue so lets get these story missions down and then I can get to the tedious multiplayer part.
The game is really putting all of its worst feet forwards. You've got gloomy graphics, muted colours, boring cities you can barely see, slippery cars that don't want to turn or touch the ground, endless cutscenes, tiny fragments of being allowed to drive before you're yanked back into the next cutscene. There's a bunch of rough edges with the cutscenes, like characters and cars teleporting about and flickering into position, sudden lighting and weather changes.
You play as this fool, Alex. Wait, we're playing as a dude with boxy black glasses, and is name is Alex?
WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? You can't choose your character, like in Heat, but that's a blessing really because never seeing those horrible insufferable plastic doll people from that world again is just fine. Alex is apparently the more reckless and cocksure of the Super Cargame Brothers, with his brother Dayton 'Probably Nolan North' Potatoface being the leader of a street racing gang called the 5-10s. He needs me to drive him to some place so he can put one of his disrespectful number twos in their place.
Cops swarm all over, and a dirty cop conspicuously picks up the murder weapon with his bare hands and practically smears it all over the inside of your television with how not-following-evidence-procedure he is being. Alex is arrested for the crime of kneeling over the dead body of his brother and yelling for help and goes to prison forever and ever.
Thank heavens, I thought we were going to be playing as Alex for the ... oh. At least we're not screwing around with that stupid gross 5-10 gang business with the tattoos and the rankings and the 'owning territory' and ... oh.
So Alex is summoned to an interrogation room in prison where a helpful F.B.I. lass slams some dossiers on the table and says she knows the real story about Potato's death, which is really helpful and nice and could've been handy five years ago. She offers Alex the slim chance of justice if he agrees to become a videogame prota-
Alex: "I'M IN."
She doesn't even begin to finish the fine print before Alex agrees to go on a revenge spree. Except, because this is a car racing game and not Driver: Parallel Lines or True Crime, this revenge will take the form of endless racing and not so much shooting. She is offering Alex an all-expenses paid F.B.I. videogame protagonist undercover job where Alex can leave prison, get a free car, do whatever the fuck he likes, drive over whoever the fuck he likes, with no consequences, indefinitely, as long as he eventually comes back and does a story mission every so often. Alex's undercover life begins when Alex vows to infiltrate the 5-10s... using his own name and without even changing his haircut or signature glasses. Gutsy.
The F.B.I. lass says she has a car for me... but after we're sucked into a cutscene and a short driving section she then gives me $30000 and tells me to buy a car.
F.B.I. girl: 'There are Car Dealers like this all over the United States'. Shocking.
The cars all seem pretty the same. Three of them are muscle cars and the other one is a Nissan 370Z tuner thingy so I take that hoping I can stick to the road surface better.
There is a kind of customisation tuning in The Crew (unlike Need for Speed: Heat), where you can control Steering Sensitivity, Steering Linearity, Steering Speed Factor, Steering Dead Zone, Throttle Linearity and Brake Linearity. Which is hilarious because you're given no description of what these factors mean. Like seriously, 'Brake Linearity'? I'm not taking a driving test to be a bus driver, dammit. And is there any person on this entire planet who plays arcade-sim driving games and uses analogue braking as an actual analogue control? 'And just gliiiiidddeeee right on down, progressive progressive progressive braking... and there we are at the red lights.' No, when you get close to a curve you slap those triggers down hard and crush the controller in your hands like you're about to scrunch it up and throw it in the bin. Perhaps there really is some utter nerd who really wants more control over the linearity curves of their pedals, but you might as well whack these sliders about to the extremes and see if you can still drive. With everything on the minimum sensitivity, it's hilariously unplayable. (It's like playing a Ghost Games NFS fresh out the box in fact, ho ho!) Naturally I whacked everything to the most immediate and sensitive and I was able to drive the car in a way that felt like I was controlling the car. Great.
After a couple of hours of Crewing, I found that the slightly upgraded car I now had was in fact -too sensitive- so I moved those sliders down to about 60% away from centre instead of 100%. Crazy!
F.B.I. Zoe just keeps on goddamn talking. Alex is out of state prison, but now he's in the even worse prison of being processed through yet more tutorials as we're shown around the super secret headquarters of Alex's operation. It's weird hearing this character which I've seen in a rare mocapped conspicuous not-in-engine cutscene listing game mechanics and menu options. With each character Alex adds to the titular Crew, he gains access to another set of skill rows to put (respeccable, yay!) points into in order to customise his progression. I hope you're sitting down for this - every time Alex levels up I can put another point into F.B.I. Zoe's personal skill and gain an extra ONE PERCENT OF ENHANCED BRAKING. AND IT GOES TO FIVE! I KNOW RIGHT!
And if that wasn't enticing enough, you can spend ingame Bucks (what Need for Speed: Underground would call Bank) or multiplayer centric Crew Credits to buy additional park points!! I can't find any concrete information on whether you can buy CCs in Crew 1 but you certainly can in Crew 2, so if you are so very very desperate to get that 1% YES you can pay real money!! Faboooo!
Also there is a Hidden Car in the garage.
Or not! Ho ho!
ANYWAY, for some reason we're switching protagonists to a Bri'ish™ police woman and my car has weapons now and I'm chasing down Alex who is playing the part of a mock badguy to demonstrate to this new officer how to do pursuits. Huh. Weird.
The pursuit was very strange. You have weapons like an EMP Blast and you can teleport to the fleeing suspect at any time, and there's no cool sound effects for the weapons and there's no cool OTT cop music, which is boring. It feels like a lame-ass rip-off of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - like if somebody made a cheap rickety mod to put HP pursuits into Test Drive Unlimited 2.
The Crew has morphed into The Crew: Calling All Units on my system because it's The Crew is a live servicey type thing where when the new expansion (the cool kids would say 'season') comes out, the base game 'e-v-o-l-v-e-s'™ into that new game so it isn't 'dead' because heaven forbid a game just be a game and not be 'dead'. So I've got Calling All Units. Except I don't. These tutorial missions for the police chases as a racer and police interceptions as a cop? I get one mission and then the game says 'Wow! Time for your first free starter car as a cop!' and then I go there and it says 'Buy Calling All Units to get your first cop car!'. So it was just a bloody advert.
And now I'm doing a monster truck score trial for some reason. And now I'm doing drag racing for some reason. And now I'm doing drift racing for some reason. These tutorial examples are giving me no exp so they're a waste of my time. They're also putting me in class 990 cars so the rest of the game is going to feel like a slug by comparison. Ohhh, these are the 'Extreme' disciplines, and this is another damned advert. Grert. I wrote Grert and was going to correct it, but Grert is how I feel about this. I mean this is technically a game demo so I should be happy, but... sigh. I don't know. I couldn't buy either of these even if I wanted to since The Crew and its DLC was suddenly delisted last week. Oh no I'm devastated etc.
What I'm -supposed- to be doing is ingratiating myself with some entry-level 5-10s lieutenant in order to get my foot in the door with my late brother's racer gang so I can infiltrate the gang and get close to the guy who put my potato bro in the ground, as well as collect evidence about the crooked Fed. It involves lots of dialogue like 'own the streets' and 'earn your ink'. Sorta feels like a sort of sad power fantasy for middle-aged men having a mid-life crisis. The main bad guy is called Shiv. (Because he stabbed the protagonist's brother in the back with a bullet.)
One thing that rubbed me the wrong way about the story is that apart from the Bad F.B.I Guy being bad and the Murdery Bad Gang Guy being bad, the game has no moral code. It doesn't revel in the destruction and anarchy of being in an edgy drug-running gang where they give one another titles like being a 'V8', and it doesn't condemn or acknowledge that driving on the sidewalk at 200 M.P.H. through a herd of bison, bobcats and people might not be the most sterling demonstration of the protagonist's fiber. Everything is just accepted silently as ordinary - not even a necessary evil, just ordinary. Is America just like that? The FMV pals from Need for Speed: No Subtitle really made me feel like I was with a family of shady guys all hanging out in our cool midnight diner plotting our amazing schemes.
Here's some good things in The Crew: being able to fast travel to any discovered location or mission, being able to begin any mission directly from the map, being able to repeat any mission at any time, being able to swap your current car without going into a deep menu at any time, being able to make a custom radio station out of any of the tracks from any of the built-in radio stations (which I only discovered there were seven of after beating the entire game... but only the first radio station is worth listening to... and you can't import your own songs it seems, like True Crime on the original Xbox, wait I said I was only going to say good things about The Crew, oops.). Basically I like the game more than Burnout: Paradise. I've decided that BP's humour is just too stupid for me.
You get the option for a game soundtrack or the radio during story missions, which I totally approve of. Heck, the game soundtrack is even dynamic for last lap stuff. And cop chases, with alert and evasion phases. You did that bit right, Ubisoft.
The main quest levels are very self-contained instances of the games activities. They're not quite radiant quests (or Saints Rows' patented 'you must do X bullshit copies of this a-c-t-i-v-i-t-y before being allowed to proceed' crapola) but they sometimes feel like that unless the race proves unexpectedly pivotal to the plot. One race that was super Payback-y was when Alex infiltrated a racetrack as a test driver to steal one of the cars and you have to do the test race and then escape from the track while being pursued... but the only part you got to play was the three lap race around the oval track and the escape all happened during a cutscene. And it wasn't even a very good cutscene. There's nothing in the way of gimmicky one of a kind missions like Driver: San Francisco.
At one point the Dangerous Evil Unhinged Gang Leader calls the cops on us after inviting us to a closed race at Laguna Seca. But... you arranged a track day? If the entire 5-10s gang invaded the track the cops would've possible already noticed? So this must be a legal race? You're threatening us with the cops on the one day your drug-trafficking gang actually meets up to do some legal car racing? Um? Anyway, Ubisoft was a complete fucking moron and decided to let Alex and co. escape the post-race cops in a cutscene AGAIN instead of having the race segue into the pursuit like the good Most Wanted does. I say cutscene, what happens is that Shiv calls the cops, and then it fades to black, and then it cuts to Alex driving away saying 'wow, we sure escaped those cops'. Use this as a point of comparison for how much story The Crew can be bothered to give you in the general case.
I thought The Crew looked dismal when I began playing it, but that's just because it keeps its nice weather effects and nice colours well hidden for dedicated players only. Noobs must suffer Chicago and rain for five hours to see if the game thinks they're worthy to see the sun. Also for some reason the water looks awful throughout the game, and the shadows only appear quite close so the vehicles seem to be floating. The game has hot air balloons in and even has a special cutscene where Alex takes a moment to appreciate them. The game sometimes decides to spawn low flying aircraft above your head just for the cool shadow. Your car flattens trails of wheat (it doesn't look amazing but it looks nice). Later on you'll be driving and suddenly you'll be surrounded by giant awesome trees, or a valley, or a snowy Christmas wonderland or a wooden bridge or something. And not just because of the strange, inconsistent geometry pop-in where it feels like the game can't decide what shape the thing you're driving towards is supposed to be. Because you're travelling over the U.S., I recognised various landmarks... from The Run. And then I wished there was a The Run 2.
There's traffic and pedestrians in The Crew, but somehow either not enough, or too silent or something. Need for Speed: Undercover felt like it was constantly set at dawn in the middle of July so it was blazingly bright but nobody had gotten up yet - near the cities The Crew feels like a depressing Sunday, forever. I once triggered a bug when I was grinding for police cars to appear (triggering and aborting a C.A.U. race to spawn cops then attacking them to cause a FreeDrive getaway), where there were no ambient cars or pedestrians in the world at all. That was cool, I could finally blast around at 250 without worrying about snagging something.
You gather a 'crew' of sorts during the game with one new guy appearing on your team in each region of the US, but their contribution to the game is to tell you on the radio to speed up when you're not in first place and to tell you to keep going fast when you are in first place. They feel as if they have a plot going when you meet them, but only a couple of the characters' plots get resolved with a real ending. Everybody else just lingers around (not in any kind of visible tangible sense).
There's no rewinds unlike Grid or Forza or The Run, but the game is so horrendously easy, I never really missed them. I never found out what happens if you come in second or third or fourth in a story race; it just never came up. There's no huge marathon races where I felt like I was cheated at the last minute by a bad landing or some quirk of the game engine. Only a handful of times in twenty hours did my car slam to a stop on an invisible immovable Lego brick or get flung laterally across the track or into the air, but that's fine, games are allowed a little bit of that, especially now that the consoles let you record the hilarious results.
The standard crashes in The Crew are bizarrely forgiving. Throughout the entire game I only got CRASHED!!! three or four times and that was when I hit someone at a speed difference of 130 mph. The rest of the time you'll ooze around enemy cars and obstacles or politely slide across or around them. I am really, really not complaining. It does feel a bit like I'm inflatable though.
The game never penalises taking shortcuts and the collision detection for the checkpoint gates is possibly even too forgiving. Driving non-offroad cars off-road works just like Grid, so good! Crashing into opponent cars is a valid tactic, because they're inflatable too. A confident nudge will send any AI car whirling off into a corner pocket, and that's grand. You won't need to rely on dirty tricks like that, because the AI in The Crew IS FALLIBLE. Yes, my friends, you can race against opponents and then maybe they'll hit traffic or they'll hit a wall or they'll misjudge a curve. Believe it!! This does render most of The Crew pretty easy, but okay. In one promotional race, we were all in identical branded cars on a downhill mountain path, and as soon as the race begin they scattered and fluttered off into the air like someone kicked a pile of raked leaves.
There's lots of camera options in The Crew. You can be on the bonnet, inside the car seeing your interior (with customisable colours!) and your hands, behind the car, or with a chase cam view that's distant in the style of classic Need For Speed 1/2/3/4. Acknowledgement is due for that, because that makes it a little more comfortable to play in some respects than Need for Speed: The Run which might as well be called Need for Speed: The Bum because that's where the chase cam goes.
You have to go out of your way to get into a regular cop pursuit, and they're lame. The cops are nowhere near as aggressive as the wasps from Need for Speed: Heat. It feels more like Need for Speed: Undercover where driving moderately fast defeats them by default. And there's no cool cop music. Unless its a story mission cop chase. You only get abilities when you're doing a Calling All Units crate thing? Inexplicably you can still begin Calling All Units crate pursuits as a racer without buying it.
Cop chases (and enemy gang chases) involve you getting out of the 360 ring of awareness emanating from the police units, rather than the vision cones from Driver: Parallel Lines (and they go back to Driver I think) which is lazy. You know what had a cool gimmicky vehicular cop escape sequence? Watch Dogs. I remember that looking really cool.
There are takedown levels which work a lot like Driver: San Francisco where it's not about actually stopping the car but about hitting it diagonally in the butt at the right speed difference to cause HP damage. Don't even get in front of the enemy car or try to knock it off the road because that's just not how the rules work. Trying to knock a fast car off the road takes for fucking ever because you have to catch up to it, then you have to match its speed, then you have to boost into it to close the gap and have enough speed difference to cause HP damage. I like Driver 1 + 2 but these missions don't have the novelty value the PS1 games had at the time so The Crew's takedowns just wore me down.
There's hardly any circuit races in The Crew. Specifically, I mean lap races. They just don't seem to be a thing. Even when the game shifts tone from Alex being the odd-job guy for the 5-10s to being a regional leader who keeps arranging (or having the other story characters arrange on his behalf) other racers for meetings. There's a whole class (a 'Spec' if you like) of cars called Circuit, and you hardly ever use those either! And when you do drive a Circuit Spec car, it's only on an actual circuit twenty percent of the time. I think I only did some Metropolis Street Racing on closed tracks twice in the entire game. (Oh, so that's why it's called Project Gotham. Ahh.) I'm not complaining because circuit races can be pretty dull, but you'd think a multiplayer-centric driving game would have more of that kind of thing.
Oh yeah, there's a nitro button. I only noticed it accidentally as I was trying out the various buttons. I was expecting the tutorial to be more direct about the controller and not the mechanics, but the game is very hands off about telling you -how to play the game- despite punishing you with endless tutorials about the game.
It took me a long long time to find the screen which showed a diagram of the controller and what the button assignments were. ALSO also, fuck this game for calling the help screens 'the wiki'. They're not a wiki because a wiki lets you -edit it-. You're just making things more fucking confusing because now there's the -actual- wiki in the real world and your wiki in the game which is just the help system. And when you're inside this not-wiki you can also go to the... -actual- Xbox Help help manual for The Crew. The Xbox One system has a built-in digital manual app called Help (sorta like how Windows has Windows Help) and games like Lichdom: Battlemage have menu items linking to 'Help' which takes the player to the corresponding Xbox Help manual for that game. Except at some point in early 2022 Xbox Help was discontinued but none of the games referring to it were updated so now when you use Lichdom: Battlemage's help option, or the Help within The Crew's not-wiki, you get an error. Good job. Guhhhhhh.
Disciplines! I didn't write about the car slurping. How could I forget The Crew's signature feature, that totally isn't just a rip-off of Need for Speed: Payback! Here's some words about the car slurping.
The specs the game gives in the garage are confusing. What I thought was a bar graph of stats was actually a list of car disciplines the car can be slurped into. You don't just have Your Car, but each car has to take a Final Fantasy job crystal and morph through a flashy car assembly cutscene sequence into a discipline-specific specialised form. You buy your Nissan 370Z Full Stock, and then you pay 10% extra and receive a special copy of it for Street racing. Now you have two independent cars with different colouring. The Payback multi-headed hydra of multitagonists had to rebuy their a whole new car each time but Alex gets to dupe cars as if by magic. For some reason.
There's no car tuning in The Crew, just like in Payback. In fact, just like in Payback, winning races gets you random component part cards that attach to your car and upgrade its attributes, but there's so many attributes and the upgrades are so marginal that it's not even worth expending the molecules of sugar in your brain trying to push your sluggish cursor through the five levels deep of menu to figure out what you just upgraded and why. Your car just got a tiny bit better, confirm the menu and live with it.
There's absolutely no point swapping parts out to get to a lower rating. And it's a real pain in the arse to even try. Like I said, the parts menu is like a more fine-grained version of the cards from Payback but less fun looking. There's about a dozen slots, and the main distinguishing feature is the component's level. You never get a super duper special once-per-game part like in Need for Speed: Underground, which is dumb, especially for an MMO. It's nice to see your cars rating number go up bit by bit over the course of the game I guess, but I wanted to have to make decisions and compromises like in a real RPG. There's no wonky exaggerated component which gives you a huge boost in one aspect but reduces another, so you might as well never go into the menu. So don't. Car performance customisation sucks. Don't go in there.
If the idea of a tedious (in speed, not in detail) menu did attract your interest (perhaps you've never played a -good- game before), I'll let you down quickly - you can't even buy performance parts if you wanted to (for in-game money or even for Crew Credits - which I assume you get for multiplayer races or for real money). Every time I tried (Visit Street Tuner > Performance > Buy >) the game told me 'There's nothing to buy in this category.' -shrug of confusion-??
(I tell a lie. ONCE during my playthrough there were parts for Gallardo in the shop. ONCE. Somehow that's worse than never because I never figured out how to get the shop inventory back!)
It's all a moot point at the end of the game anyway when you're trying to get the 'level 1299 car' achievement, as you will surely find a race or a skill jump that you can complete in fifteen seconds and grind it for its Levelled Loot, bringing all your car slots up to maximum level in a few minutes, a bit like you're playing Pokémon or something and you find a guy outside the Elite Four offering infinite experience. It makes the game feel like it has two halves - the single player campaign where you're ascending the levels slowly, which feels nice even if there's no player input to it, and the post-game MMO where everybody's at the ceiling and there's no way to go back down to more sedate street-speed racing. If you're more interested in the latter than the former, then I imagine The Crew's story would be a twenty hour grind prison to you before you're allowed to get your -real hardcore gaming- on.
In my Heat post I mentioned that the way you customise the nature of your car is by buying and installing parts that shift the car's tendency within a 2D grid between two archetypes like 'Drift' or 'Road'. The Crew -does- have an equivalent of that, in the car-slurp system itself. You start off with a Full Stock car, which most people call a car. Then for each ten player levels you get another Slurp Type: Street, Dirt, Performance, Raid and Circuit. But, um...
So you start with your Car car, and then Street is like Car but faster and can do roads. Dirt cars do off-road and shortcuts. Performance cars are like Street cars but... Streetier? Raid cars have a big spare tyre strapped to the back so you know they're the -real- off-road beasties. And Circuit cars are like Performance cars except you should drive them on... roads.
You've got six category names of car here, The Crew, but you really only have two types, don't you? Road and off-road.
You might logically be expecting a Need for Speed style situation where you garage grows over time and your weapon of choice starts with street cars and escalates through tuners and sports cars to exotic hypercars. No. It's possible and highly probable that you'll win the entire game in the car Zoe buys for you at the beginning. You'll unlock its five alternate personalities over the course of the plot and that same Nissan 370Z will be on par with the Lambos and the Koeniggsegs and the Paganis and everything else because, well, they're just just pretendy virtual cars innit? Or something.
Maybe every car is designed to be identical in performance to the others to make the MMO endgame more fair or varied or whatever. Other, better, games use the performance tiers to achieve that goal. You know, like having the 300 M.P.H. italian hypercars that have names that sounds like that they come from space in a 'Hypercar' tier, and having everyday street cars like a Focus and a Golf and a Corsa in the 'Road' tier, so like cars can compete against like. The Crew doesn't do this, and my poor brain is boiling trying to figure out -why-. You might think that the different car-slurp Specs work like performance tiers in a good game, but nah. Street cars can go up to level 1300 just as well as Circuit cars can. Circuit cars might be faster when comparing identical numbers, but in that case WHY DO THEY USE THE SAME NUMBERS. Ugh.
You can only own ONE copy of each car-slurp combination, so you can't have your Drifty White Circuit Spec Nissan 370Z and your Grippy Black Circuit Spec Nissan 370Z with different parameters. THIS IS FUCKING STUPID. Excuse my language, but so these FUCKING MORONS know how car RPGs work? I want to collect cars. I want to collect liveries. I want to be able to make wonky duplicate versions of my owned cars with silly stats or silly colours or silly visual elements. But you can only have one car in each designated 'hole' and there's no way to load and save liveries. **THERE IS NO WAY TO LOAD AND SAVE LIVERIES.** If you accidentally tap the 'Random' button on the car 'tuning' select screen, it'll whip out a random item and colour from everything you own and apply it to your current car, overwriting what you'd already selected with no way to undo. So that's nice.
Visual customisation! The Crew's visual customisation is shit, and inexplicably so. Imagine a good game, then imagine a bad game trying to imitate a good game. The Crew's car customisation menu is all split up and slow and has transitions, like they wanted something as time-consuming as Need for Speed: Underground, but just a little bit worse to make things special. You have to slide through a whole bunch of icons that don't even show you previews of what the car piece will look like, and the camera keeps rotating around the car and the car components explode all like in Bayformers so you have no idea what the completed car will even look like, and there's ONLY TWO SPOILERS?? and aaaaAAARGH
You can buy new paint colours like items and equip them onto your car. You can even buy a second colour and have a two-tone car! And then you can buy one of seventy-odd premade vinyls and apply them to your car! And that's it. Ubisoft made a car MMO RPG where you're represented by your car but you CAN'T CUSTOMISE THE CAR FREELY. Come on.
You can't freely draw or place your own decals. Need for Speed: Undercover and Forza fans, commence your laughter: now.
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I turned my head to talk to my brother and when I turned back I had been booted to the title screen. Yay.
You don't get to freely customise your license plates, which really seems like Ubisoft either didn't want to make an MMO originally or had absolutely no fucking clue what players wanted. I found out after over a dozen hours of playing that you earn license plates by completing HUGE challenges made of dozens of fractional pieces. Most of these challenges are marathon game-lifetime duration challenges. You might get a pre-made license plate saying 'F4STC4R' if you get the fastest time on every single race in the game for example. If these were special license plates, fine, but they're the ONLY license plates. You can't just have one with, like, your name on. And you can't even pick your favourite state. The way they're rewards for completing fractional challenges is like the 'cards' in Carbon, so there's another thing they ripped off, except Carbon's cards are made of four pieces apiece instead of goddamn TWENTY.
I'm really stuck on this car customisation thing - as I was writing and rewriting these descriptions (sorry if I end up repeating stuff as I combine multiple drafts), I hit upon the comparison to the level up system you get in a Tom Clancy game or Call of Duty or something like that, where you have your experience points and your level, but what they do is give you more options for your loadout that are usually but not necessarily better. The Crew's level ups are an inevitable slow crawl, but what happens is your car just gets faster, you don't get to make a car loadout, which seems to me to be the single critical aspect that makes a car RPG a car RPG rather than a linear game where you car slowly increases in speed over time. Basically, what I'm saying is that The Crew is a shit RPG.
The game is thoroughly allergic to letting the player have lots of -different- cars. Throughout the story Alex Yiik will take down some nefarious badguy 5-10 in a tense all-or-nothing pink slip race and then at the end he'll say 'Think yourself lucky I'm letting you keep your ride.' and trade the opponents car for some stupid piece of information he either already knew or could've found out by some other means. I screamed at the screen, I really did.
What's funny is that about a third of the story missions have Alex deciding to jump into a different predefined car anyway. I guess it makes it fair for scoring? But only on specific missions? Because most of the time you can bring your own broken car? Whatever.
Maybe the game is stingy with its cars because there aren't that many cars to get? The statistics page (which you get by going to the map and pressing Left Thumbstick or by selecting your pulsing portrait,
you're welcome) claims there are 341 vehicles. That's a bald-faced lie. There are fourteen pages in the Collections screen; subtract two because they're bikes; six cars along the top of a page: that's seventy two cars. They -cannot- be counting the Spec specialisations in this because they're literally the same fucking car. (Yes, when you buy a kit it says "IT'S A BRAND NEW CAR!" in capital letters. It's wrong.)
You'll never get to see any of these other amazing cars by the way because the game is abominably stingy. My 300000 B lifetime earnings didn't come close to getting me the Koeniggseg Agera at the top of the shop. I only got to drive the Lamborghini Gallardo because I spent the free multiplayer currency the game gave me on it.
Ubisoft isn't a stranger to telling porkies, of course. The Crew claims to be the first open world car racing MMO. And it was, it was the first open world car racing MMO to come out
since the closure of open world car racing MMO Need for Speed: World.
Perhaps that's why The Crew doesn't feel like it has to try very hard, because it's actively pretending other, more well-established games don't exist.
You can use airports and train stations to travel across the U.S., but it's more fun to put on one of the radio stations you like and just drive in a straight line. Whyever would you play a racing game if you don't like the driving? If you want, you can drive from coast to coast (there's an achievement for doing so in multiplayer) and see all the different themed areas the game offers, like you're playing through Outrun.
When I was cleaning up achievements, I did ONE of the tasks to earn a hidden car and it took for fucking ever because it was about twenty pieces scattered on hills and it wasn't worth it, so I don't recommend you do that. I did all of the data station satellite things, which, believe it or not, made the map fill up with task icons. If you're in the mood to wander about in the darkness of dusk following the wibbly blue line of destiny above your head from place to place, then getting these dishes can be quite relaxing. But what you'll be doing is following the radar rather than using your senses and intuition which is more drudgery than gameplay.
It made me want to play a game where you were a detective and you had access to a huge state full of cities and you could drive around doing investigations and talking to people and stuff. I made up a whole new game in my head to play to distance myself from being aware I was playing The Crew.
There's a completely vestigial car damage system that the game sometimes draws attention to but has no effect whatsoever on gameplay. There's a whole perk row dedicated to allowing repairs while out in the world and reducing the cost of it, but not once through the entire single-player campaign did I ever need to maintain or repair my car. I don't quite get why that game mechanic was there.
Playing The Crew feels like it's a soup of all the other modern racing games from this time. It's hard to figure out what The Crew's special selling point is. Every Need for Speed in the last hundred years has had multiplayer racing and seamless leaderboard integration and challenging. They've had pursuits, an open world, car customisation, day, night, playing as the cops. FMV story characters, pre-rendered story characters, in-engine story characters, electronic music, live music.
The Crew's single player isn't longer or shorter than any of the modern Need for Speeds (okay it's longer than Carbon, but this sentence is longer than Carbon). Ubisoft seemed to have so much effort into the 'cinematic' voiced, modelled and written plot (65 missions) that they accidentally made a credible single player game when they didn't intend to. Or maybe that's just how it turned out and the MMO always-online thing was a horrible swerve enforced on an almost-complete ordinary single-but-with-multiplayer-mode The Crew at the last moment.
The Crew's story and cutscenes are as good as any other in the genre, because, well, it's a very small genre. What other games fit into the genre that Need for Speed: Payback calls 'action driving fantasy'? Only Need for Speed: No Subtitle really put in the effort, with the FMV guys who I will defend to the death. The Crew has a mixture of really nasty looking in-engine rushed cutscenes, and really flashy detailed cutscenes that you get one of per region, which look like the kind of thing that Ubisoft spent all the money on to show the game off at E3.
I'm not an MMO player, I guess it would be cool to play the game along with someone else and level up my cars alongside someone else so were gaining levels at the same pace. That makes sense. I have no idea if The Crew lets you level scale your car back down to earlier performance levels to replay story missions (alone or with friends) fairly. Every time I've tried to replay a story mission, I've shown up in my bleeding-edge car and the game becomes even more of a cakewalk than usual.
The Crew offers no replay value. I don't mean it doesn't -have- any, I mean it doesn't offer any. You can't begin a new slot and start again. Because it's an MMOoooo of cooouuururrrrrseee. Ugh. Not that the game would go all that differently on a new game anyway, the game doesn't have any set points where you're given a new car, like in The Run or Undercover. But I don't think you can ever replay old story missions in the car you would have had at the time, because as you level up your cars get new parts and other boosty stat upgrades that I'm pretty sure are permanent. You know how Forza Horizon offers to tweak most cars automatically to let you play them in faster or slower races? Imagine the opposite of that. Throughout most of The Crew's story you'll be blasting past everyone in your over-upgraded car.
There's a strange, probably unintentional power fantasy mood to the game. Alex is constantly told that every race record is unbeatable, and every racer is undefeatable, but you can beat everything and defeat everyone by aiming your car roughly in the right direction and putting your foot down. And that's with me tearing through the game fast travelling from objective to objective so I'm not getting any optional experience points or car upgrades, and with the driving assists set to Hardcore.
One of the MMO features that feels like a silly misfire is the faction system. You can associate yourself with one of the 'chapters' of the 5-10 that run each of the states in Mini USA, and the most successful chapters get (a teeny tiny feeble amount of) bonus money. But in order to associate yourself with a chapter you have to progress up to that chapter's territory in the main plot. If you suspect that this means that the starting chapters have a ridiculous advantage due to more players starting the game than finishing it, you are correct!
Because of the terrible stinginess with cars and car customisation, The Crew is much worse as a game than its Need for Speed contemporaries. But because its Need for Speed comtemporaries are -so bad-, the Crew miraculously looks pretty good by comparison. I don't regret buying and playing through The Crew. But I won't let Ubisoft forget that The Crew's worthiness isn't because The Crew was a great example of a good idea executed well, it was because it was an okay example of everybody else's good ideas executed at the minimum required level to make the game function, and nobody else is even -trying-. Except for Forza Horizon, which has earned its rightful place as the God-King of accessible sim racers from NFS, and repeatedly shown that it's possible to make games that aren't complete fucking embarrassments. ARE. YOU. LISTENING. ELECTRONIC. ARTS.
Forza Horizon was such a good game because it had a really good engine, really good graphics, really high quality of execution, lots of features, lots of options, and felt like an enhancement and a contribution to the genre.
Of course The Crew game doesn't -have- to have a special selling point in order to justify its existence. It could just be a Good Racing Game. It's not, but it could have been. The Crew has good racing mechanics if you work to find them. Perhaps its unique selling point is that it's Need for Speed: World except it isn't shut down.
But HO HO HO! This year, like an evil anti-Santa, Yves Guillemot is coming into your house and setting fire to your Christmas presents. The Crew is an always online MMO, and we were always only allowed to play it by his grace. But his patience has reached its limit and now the car racing
must cease.
I was surprised, I have to say. The Crew, an MMO? But I own it! I own it on a disc! I wouldn't have bought an MMO, would I? Well, I would. I took out my Wild Run Edition retail box from the shelf and it says it's an MMO on the back clear as day, with the grey warning banner on the front saying REQUIRES INTERNET, like Ghost Recon: Breakpoint has. I looked up a photograph of a launch PS4 version of The Crew without Wild Run and it says it there too. To my complete surprise, The Crew being advertised as an MMO isn't an attempt at some cosmic rewriting of history by Ubisoft, it was always supposed to be an MMO. Everybody had forgotten because the last open world racing MMO (Need for Speed: World) had just closed down, and the Criterion-era Need for Speeds like Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted Crap Edition had integrated Autolog™(R)(C) so naturally that it had become standard in the genre and everybody had assumed that driving games, open world or otherwise, would have multiplayer modes and leaderboards and other things fizzing around in the background constantly alongside a full, organised single player campaign progression.
I say The Crew was 'supposed to be' an MMO because it's... not. It simply isn't. It is totally indistinguishable from the type of single-player-with-multiplayer-aspects gameplay that Needs for Speeds Undercover, Hot Pursuit and A Criterion Game and the Ghostly NFSes have. But Ubisoft seems to think it is an MMO. This came as a complete surprise to me, and indeed the entire rest of the human race. It has a single player story with a named, predefined character, lots of cutscenes, lots of interruptions dragging you into cutscenes, sixty-seven plot missions which only make sense if you're That Guy. Of course it's a single player game!
Need for Speed: World was an MMO because it was just a strange abstract city arena of races to try with other people and bots and you had a persistent player level and could level up and get cars. (Hah! Thinking of my time with Not Safe For Work, I think had more cars in that than I ever did in The Crew.)
So many people worked on this linear, scripted, acted, scored, modelled game that putting the MMO name on it demeans it. The end sequence credits take a million years on fast forward and show an image of the earth and moon in space, so I thought we were going to have a Blast Corps easter egg or perhaps a Saints Row IV awful twist or something.
When I mentioned the lack of car customisation and individuality in The Crew to my brother, he pointed out that if you can't customise your protagonist then that makes this an MMO where everybody has to play as Alex. This isn't a Metal Gear Solid V scenario where you make a guy but he's your multiplayer guy and your single player guy will look like Venom Snake always. All these millions of players are all exact copies of the same Alex. This is the incredible world of Alex Yiik. Maybe that's why it must be destroyed, for everyone's sake?
Anyway anyway anyway. That was The Crew. I say 'was', because by the time you've finished reading all that, Ubisoft will have had the game executed and fed to the swine. It deserved better. But not that much better. Oh well.
Bonus lap! I just saw some of The Crew running on a PC (my weapon of choice is an Xbox One) with a GeForce 3050 RTX. It had also magically became Calling All Units. It does look noticeably prettier than when rendered at 720 and blown up by a TV too stupid to just display it with borders. It still stutters all over the place no matter the detail level. Maybe it's the multiplayer stuff trying to keep itself in sync (since I'd naturally be playing offline without Gold)? It doesn't look like an obsolete graphical embarrassment that must be shut down at all. I can confirm there's no magic barrier preventing you from going into the sunny happy colourful Christmassy mountains before you've taken over the midwest, but you would be driving a naffo car. (You start at SINGLE DIGIT LEVELS and it goes up to 1300!) I wonder if it's possible to escape before Dayton dies and rewrite the entire game!
The game never pushes you into a multiplayer lobby or makes you wait for timers to expire or forces you to do any of the immersion breaking things that a nasty multiplayer-focused game would normally do. All the options in the game default to the single player - if you go to a mission and just jab the pad, you'll play the single player plot, alone.
And finally, I watched someone else play and to my confoundment they did a bunch of skill challenges without being zapped into blackness and reset to 0 M.P.H. ...!!! until the third time onwards, where they suddenly were consistently stopped by skill challenges. I had to chuckle.