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3D printing
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Author:  DBSnappa [ Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:59 ]
Post subject:  3D printing

I know some of you lovely people have 3D printers and was wondering if you could either print some of these for me, or suggest a company that could. I'll pay materials, costs etc.

I can produce an accurate drawing with all measurements or I can send the original part to be scanned.

For the record, it's a runner/wheel cover for the dollies from a pocket door (y'know, top mounted sliding door that slides back into a wall).
I can't find them anywhere, the rail is a different size to current models so I can't replace the dollies as nothing I've tried fits and in light of the fact the bloody wall it slides into is tiled on one side and has plumbed in stacked washing/dryers and is constructed from galvanised steel (yes, I know) means replacing the actual rail itself is a non starter.

I need 8 of them, they're approximately 22mm in diameter and 6mm wide.

Can anyone do this?

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