For lunch today, I am eating a Nutella, peanut butter and salt & vinegar crisps sandwich. It's a bit disappointing.

I am drinking Barr Cola, which I have not seen before. Apparently, it's refreshing the nation.
CUS wrote:
For lunch today, I am eating a Nutella, peanut butter and salt & vinegar crisps sandwich. It's a bit disappointing.

I am drinking Barr Cola, which I have not seen before. Apparently, it's refreshing the nation.

I had two farm sausages in a freshly baked piece of Ciabatta bread. Washed down with one of my cans of 20p Pepsi.

Back of the net.
I'm not sure how I'm going to top the lunch I had yesterday which comprised entirely of things bought from Greggs.
CUS wrote:
For lunch today, I am eating a Nutella, peanut butter and salt & vinegar crisps sandwich. It's a bit disappointing.

You're not human. Or you are. Whichever is more insulting.
Tmuk wrote:
I'm not sure how I'm going to top the lunch I had yesterday which comprised entirely of things bought from Greggs.

Well given you enjoy Greggs, I expect today you'll be feasting on roadkill or a tasty hedgehog.....
Tmuk wrote:
I'm not sure how I'm going to top the lunch I had yesterday which comprised entirely of things bought from Greggs.

Our local has an interesting take on lunchtimes. The last couple of times I've gone past between 12 and 1, it's had no rolls or batons, and a tiny handful of sandwiches. Enquiries amazingly found that, no, they'd not sold out, but that they didn't have anything ready. At noon.

Today, for me, it'll be a large wholemeal roll with pork slices, apple sauce and lettuce, I think.
I've had a Dairlyea Dunker (Nachos variety - not too bad but the nachos are insufficiently robust to survive a proper scooping), some low fat crisps and a maple cereal bar. Total about 270 cals.

I did have a whey protein shake and a protein bar early doors though so I am proper windy now.
nynfortoo wrote:
You're not human. Or you are. Whichever is more insulting.

I think I need stronger crisps - these are only Walkers. And more peanut butter.

I am now going to open a packet of Scampi n' Lemon Nik-Naks. I have several more downstairs. I will not consume them all today, and I intend to cook real food for din-dins later.
CUS wrote:
nynfortoo wrote:
You're not human. Or you are. Whichever is more insulting.

I think I need stronger crisps - these are only Walkers. And more peanut butter.

Chop chop, CUS. And post your findings. Also, show your workings for 2 points.
CUS wrote:
I think I need stronger crisps

Try Seabrook. I'm not sure what those guys have done since dropping MSG and other shit, but some of the flavours are stupidly strong now (actually to the point where I kind of which they'd go back to putting additives in the crisps).
Ham and mustard sarnies. Nom nom nom nom.
It's lunch time already?
I just my breakki. Raisin wheats.
Shewolf wrote:
It's lunch time already?
I just my breakki. Raisin wheats.

Not for 45 minutes for me. I take my lunch fairly late so the afternoon flies by.

I have a chicken & salad baguette today, with a banana and a flapjack, and a Breakaway, and some caramel Snackajacks. And water to drink.
nynfortoo wrote:
I take my lunch fairly late so the afternoon flies by.

That's what I do.
I'll be heading out at about 2pm for my Subway.

[edit]I was excited because it's Italian BMT day, but of course it's not, because the silly fucks have done away with Sub of the Day :'(
That's what I do when in the office, yo. Leave at 1PM (in a group), return at 1.45 (the group protects us from individual accusation), eat slowly until 2.30 yelling I'M EATING MY LUNCH! if anyone approaches me with a reasonable request or important task that only I can do. Go for a ciggy, have a wee, make another drink. I can sometimes make lunch last from 1 - 3.30, on a good day.
Home-made sausage pasta, leftover from tea last night. Yum!

I've found Tesco Premium Diet American Cola to be astonishingly nice, although I still buy billions of Diet Coke cans from CostCo in an entirely useless attempt to wean me off it (again) - currently 30-can packs (individually marked as '29p when sold separately') for 21.7p/can. Hoorah!
I used to eat very tasty delicatessan food at lunch times all the time, but it got a bit too expensive, and since Greggs is the closest now I tend to get food there.

I likes egg mayo, and I likes tuna mayo now - though I didn't use to. Egg mayo is great because it's cheap and universal - though unfortunately the bread is insufficiently soft when it comes to white baps, and is infuriatingly stale at the edges. Tch.

On pay day I go to Madam Fromages and get a marscapone, olive and parma ham baguette. It is the most lush thing in the sandwich universe.
I used to go to Tesco to buy my lunch, every day, and throw in a bottle of Fentiman's Cola as a daily non-treat treat. Every lunch would come to about a fiver, which is scary when you add it up to being £100 a month.

What a waste. I could buy so many penny sweets with that.
nervouspete wrote:
Egg mayo is great because it's cheap and universal

But horrible when you grind a little unremoved shell on your teeth. Ew.

Buying lunch everyday is for rich looneys. I buy all my bread, cheese and cold meats from Aldi for my butties these days. Taste great and saves a hellovalot of money.
This Barr Cola is okay. It has a quite nice taste, but that lasts for 0.00000000000 pico-second* and is therefore ultimately unfulfilling. Only 33p though.

* I asked my physicist friend to confirm this.
I work from home and still end up skipping lunch most days. Today though I had some Blue Dragon Chicken and Chili flavoured noodles.
Humous and rocket butties, a bag of crisps and a hot chocolate. Smashing.
Spicy Mexican tofu pate with Morrison's veggie beef style slices butties (no butter, thanks), bag of salt n vinegar crisps and an apple.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Humous and rocket butties, a bag of crisps and a hot chocolate. Smashing.

I had that, except I had tea instead. What flavour crisps? Mine were sweet chilli. Not nearly chilli enough though.
I never butter my sarnies, usually just spread mayo or sauce on the bread instead.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Humous and rocket butties

A sandwich can be referred to as a butty with the following fillings:

1) Chips
2) Fish fingers
3) Sausages
4) Bacon.

Not humous and rocket. That is simply unacceptable.
And it's only a sarnie if it's peanut butter.

Still though, rules? Who need them.
Craster wrote:
Not humous and rocket. That is simply unacceptable.

:D I'm giggling like a loon here, because a) I imagine Craster is quite outraged, b) he's entirely correct to be.

Jasmine, bless you, but humous and rocket butties sounds like a punchline from a class-based British sitcom.

I love rocket, and humous
Round these parts lunch is called "snap". "What yer got for yer snap?" we often bellow out of the front door. At midnight.

What ridiculous names have you got for mealtimes? Grim... has elevenses followed by afternoon tea, obv.
kalmar wrote:
Still though, rules? Who needs them.

kalmar wrote:
Still though, rules? Who need them.

Sandwiches! Sandwiches require rules, fool!

What do you think this is, America? Pastrami on rye, my arse. HAM SANDWICH.

CUS wrote:

Also pedants and clueless shut-ins.
Craster, I love you like a brother*, and I'm glad we're totally in sync about who needs rules.

If you start dissing pastrami, however, then we're gonna come to blows, boy. And not the sexy kind.

* I come from an incestuous family
Zardoz wrote:
I never butter my sarnies, usually just spread mayo or sauce on the bread instead.

I never put butter or sauce, just contents.
CUS wrote:
Craster, I love you like a brother*, and I'm glad we're totally in sync about who needs rules.

If you start dissing pastrami, however, then we're gonna come to blows, boy. And not the sexy kind.

* I come from an incestuous family

Nowt wrong with pastrami. It is, however ham (cow ham), and doesn't need it's own type of bread.
Dimrill wrote:
What ridiculous names have you got for mealtimes?

Round here 'lunch' is dinner and 'dinner' is tea.
I had McDonalds lunch today. I'm right common, me.
Craster wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Still though, rules? Who need them.

Sandwiches! Sandwiches require rules, fool!

What do you think this is, America?

I hear ya, buddy. In America they call burgers sandwiches, don't they?
markg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
What ridiculous names have you got for mealtimes?

Round here 'lunch' is dinner and 'dinner' is tea.

I had that argument with the missus as she does the same. She also pronounces "half" as "haff" and "pint" as "point", which obviously starts my face twitching.
She's from Northern Ireland? I :luv: that accent.

Breakfast lunch and tea for me anyway.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner where I'm from. Mind you, it's the only place in England to still have Lower, Middle and Upper schools (I think).
Lunch/dinner (interchangeable)

I tend not to use "dinner" at all due to its semantic ambiguity, and that.
kalmar wrote:
She's from Northern Ireland?

No, Selly Oak. She has an Irish surname though, so I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't inherited these accent remnants from ancestors.
Does she like oranges?
Dimrill wrote:
markg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
What ridiculous names have you got for mealtimes?

Round here 'lunch' is dinner and 'dinner' is tea.

I had that argument with the missus as she does the same. She also pronounces "half" as "haff" and "pint" as "point", which obviously starts my face twitching.

That sounds quite like the accent here.
A bit 'o that, a bit 'o oooarrr.
Dinner if you sit up at the table, tea if you're sat in the front room in front of the telly.
Second Supper
Pale Ale
You forgot "white sock"
I've decided to pay the cockerney pie and mash shop a visit. £3 and you're full up for the rest of the day.
I had a grande burrito for lunch, accompanied by Salty Dog crisps.

The burrito rules. It is full of chilli, rice, guacamole, salsa, sour cream, mexican beans and cheese. It is unfathomably delicious (and equally bad for me, I am sure).
Today it's been a caramac, some quavers, some homemade pasta & sauce, and, of course, a star bar.

Either gym or run later for me too.
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