The 'Yay!' thread
post about good things
Good luck mate!
Don't leave me
I can’t survive
I can't stay alive
Without your gloves
MaliA wrote:
Don't leave me

It's in Liverpool
DavPaz wrote:
Just applied for a new job. Same as my old job at another Uni, but weirdly 2 grades higher and (at least to start with) £5k more a year.

I've been at my current job since 2005, so I feel a bit weird applying for something else.

Wish me luck!

The best of luck to you! :)
Off to the UK tomorrow morning with the boys - Ruth's staying in Singapore for a couple of weeks and then joining us. Then I'm heading back to Singapore while they stay on in the UK for a couple more weeks. So yay and nay and yay and nay, or something.

Cannot wait to see my lovely lovely lovely dog tomorrow :)

And the lovely lovely lovely inlaws as well, obviously. But mostly the dog.

The 18 hours of travel via Doha will be a bit of a drag. Thank christ for ipads.
So you are in UK for two weeks?
Three weeks. I missed out "I'm staying for one week while Ruth's in the UK"
So the big nay is I'll see her for only one week in the next five :(
Then you'll miss the bbq
Yes, yes I will.
Ah hahahahahahhahaha.
The puppy went out into the garden for a crap of his own volition for the first time yesterday evening.

This is a major milestone, but to be fair, he wasn't allowed out on his own four paws until earlier in the evening.
Floella Benjamin retweeted me today. :)
Just unexpectedly walked past here. :)
I wouldn't expect to walk past it either.
I'm guessing you're not in London. :P

Currently in Bedford. *stalks*
No, I mean I wouldn't walk past it.
Grim... wrote:
No, I mean I wouldn't walk past it.


I nearly didn't. :P
My nearly-two-year-old daughter has learned to give me hugs on demand. This is the best thing ever.
Nik wrote:
My nearly-two-year-old daughter has learned to give me hugs on demand. This is the best thing ever.


On Saturday my three year old asked ‘mummy, what’s contemplation?’

Enjoy the restful period ushered in by ‘on-demand cuddles’ and ending abruptly with ‘questions that never, ever end’.
Three nights at Bluestone booked in.
No asbestos in the loft.
Green Man soon.

Big wins.
This morning, I felt job satisfaction. It was a simple enough job, swapping one projector and mount for another, but I felt good. Satisfying. Rare :)
If you fancy moving to London we're looking to bring our support in-house and need a Chapter Lead ;)
That needs to stop
Grim... wrote:
If you fancy moving to London we're looking to bring our support in-house and need a Chapter Lead ;)

Bit of a wrench. Could you move to Merseyside?
He meant Cheshire
Got into work this morning, opened my email, and saw a wedding invite from a friend I've not seen for about 10 years and had more or less lost all contact with. A really nice surprise for a cold Monday!
I got my new passport - which only took them a week. And (as was part of my motivation) it's burgundy. 10 more years!
Did you get the EU wording too?
No, that went a while ago. But it's not so noticeable as all that.
JBR wrote:
No, that went a while ago. But it's not so noticeable as all that.

For a while there were stocks of both variants, with predictable angry gammon reactions if it still said EU.
Oh yeah! I did originally mean to get a new one in January (I think it was), then they extended and I figured I'd wait. They may have run out of stock of the EU ones by now.
Cambodian Psycadelica is A Thing and it is a Very Good Thing
Tits in the birdbox,lads.
Just been doing some paper work sorting.. found I have a child ISA. Phoned the bank, it has nearly £900.

I now need to look at options, to see if it is in the right place, or if a Junior ISA is better.. I am off to google :)
Great stuff! Unexpected momey = best money.
Kern wrote:
Great stuff! Unexpected momey = best money.

it is for the boy and can't be touched till he is 18.. but it is a good starting fund..
Had a delivery from my Dad. :luv:
Just paid off a credit card. Feeling quite chuffed.
KovacsC wrote:
Just paid off a credit card. Feeling quite chuffed.

Good work dude
Jem wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Just paid off a credit card. Feeling quite chuffed.

Good work dude

Thanks. Just one to go.
KovacsC wrote:
Just paid off a credit card. Feeling quite chuffed.

Nice! :)
KovacsC wrote:
Just paid off a credit card. Feeling quite chuffed.

So awesome. Feels so good.
I've just had a notification that I'm getting paid for a job that I did way back before the pandemic kicked off.... To be honest, I'd written it off so that's a nice surprise.
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