Alien and Aliens
I know people like this here.
Cras wrote:
Surprised you recognise the date, Grim...

Apparently there's a 3min VR experience coming out on May 10 for the PSVR where you play a chestburster! Any takers?
DBSnappa wrote:
Apparently there's a 3min VR experience coming out on May 10 for the PSVR where you play a chestburster! Any takers?

Apparently already out for the Rift: ... t-bursting
Reviews are starting to drop. I'm more optimistic this is going to be a good Scott film, i.e. It's going to be thought provoking as well as exciting. I'm definitely seeing this next week. Robbie Collin who is the Telegraph's reviewer who I know mainly for when he sits in for Mark Kermode on the Kermode and Mayo podcast, and who I like a lot, loves it. ... es-terror/
I was watching Aliens last night, in preparation of seeing Covenant sometime soon, and I was increasingly annoyed that Hudson didn't put his chin-strap on. His bloody helmet was wobbling all over the place. Then I noticed that hardly any of the other colonial marines used their chin-straps either.

Load of rubbish. 0 out of 10.
Is anyone going to see this today? We had planned to but I'm still waiting for Joans to get home (to be fair, I'm still cleaning up after the Plasterer anyway, but still).
Gaz and I are going later :)
Jem wrote:
Gaz and I are going later :)

Whoop! :)
I like Aliens but:-

*that sentary gun section was better left out in the first cut.
*the willingness of newt to call Ripley "mummy" after she blows the queen out the airlock doesn't sit right with me.
*I'm not happy with Ripley shouting "she's alive" when newt initially gets taken. Oh course she's bloody alive.
*I really enjoyed the miniatures. CGI can suck a dick.
*I really hate Hudson's death sequence. Such a great character gets a lacklustre ending.
*Cor blimey governor I bloody love that the opening bars of that music as the credits roll. I reckon Ripley needed to say something equally sober though before they get in the sleep pods. "Can we dream?" "Yes we can" they say. She should have said "yes we can. There's no monsters anymore".
*Spindly legs queen looked silly.
*Spindly legs queen using the lift was daft. Also, why did the lift go back up after Ripley got out? There's no one else there. Tch.

Anyway, just some things I mentally noted.

I haven't seen Aliens 3 in yonkos but really fancy it now. Wasn't there some kind of ultra cut somewhere that's loads better than the original!? Can someone (probably Hearty) tell me how it's identified so I can [legally pick it up at a lovely retail store]?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Gah. Sounds like Prometheus, then: Looks gorgeous, some good performances, but a dumb script.
Cras and I saw Covenant.

All right/10
It didn't look anywhere near as good as Prometheus.
Am I right in thinking that Covenant is the first Alien movie to score 1 on the Craster scale?

Seconding alright/10. The "mythos" is all getting a bit wanky now IMO.
Technically you saw Lambert's boobs in Alien, bit get nips were covered in a thin strip of surgical tape.

Depends on the Craster Scale definition, I guess. I'll summon him to the thread.
The crafter scale requires nips.
Crafter? Okay.
GazChap wrote:
Yeah, I'm all on board with ignoring Resurrection (that can fairly easily be explained away as Ripley was a clone in that anyway) but ignoring Alien 3 (which is such an underrated movie in the Director's workprint form) is criminal.

What might be interesting though, is if this new film starts and ends on the Sulaco, and they come up with a way of making it obvious that there's a facehugger on board, then Alien 3's main "plot hole" of "how was there a facehugger on the Sulaco when the Queen was blasted out of the airlock*" would be resolved.

They'd need Hicks and Newt back, though.

* The fan theory that the Queen carries eggs with her and leaves them on board doesn't wash with me, on account of being a shit idea.

"Directors Workprint form", aye? Searching the internets...
I'm of the opposite mind: I prefer to pretend that Alien 3 didn't happen. It just doesn't work on any level for me, plus it starts out by pissing all over the tiny ember of a happy ending that Aliens had.

On the other hand, I watched Resurrection for the first time in many years last week and really enjoyed it! (I hadn't twigged it was written by Joss Whedon, or more likely had no idea who he was last time I saw it.)

I think the central problem with Resurrection is
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
... the appearance of the big boss alien/human hybrid at the end, which is ludicrous rather than terrifying. They should've got Giger to design it rather than cheaping out.
This Alien 3 Assembly Cut isn't bad.

The film however really isn't very good at all though. The dialogue is garbage ("it's a queen. I'm it's mother. If it gets off the planet it'll wipe out the universe") and having watched 2 & 3 almost back to back I'm really not very fucking chuffed that Ripley shags Charles Dance. She had some chemistry with Hicks and he's just been mangled not less than a week ago. The timescale doesn't work for me either: how come she's got the queen inside for so long? There's talk of rescue in 14 days after the crash, so how long has she had if? It gives the impression it's been over a week at the very least. Assembly's extra CGI is really terrible too. Weaver labours all of her dialogue together with the plucky ensemble of brits who give some terrible performances in main. Weaver is a shadow of earlier Ripley, which is disappointing.

Tywin Lannister out of 10.
Satsuma wrote:
This Alien 3 Assembly Cut isn't bad.

From what I remember the events of the film take place over 1-2 days max. and I guess queens take longer to gestate. Of course, the gestation period is all over the fucking shop just recently, though.

The extra CGI was unfinished which is why it's not as good, the scenes were cut before they were completed so they've just been slotted back in.

I never really understood why people didn't like the start - I thought it was a really ballsy move, and sort of sent chills down my spine - which the ending to Covenant also does.

In summary - I fucking love Alien 3.
This girl live-tweets as she watches Alien for the first time, while (somehow) having no idea what the film is about or what happens: ... 5967135744

It's brilliant!

H/T to Doccy G
Why do you keep giving horse todgers to Gaywood?
Grim... wrote:
This girl live-tweets as she watches Alien for the first time, while (somehow) having no idea what the film is about or what happens: ... 5967135744

It's brilliant!

H/T to Doccy G

Fantastic :DD
The bit where she finds out about Ash made me cry like an idiot in the middle of Starbucks in Edinburgh today. I couldn't stop laughing for far too long.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
This movie should just be called Ripley's Well-Earned Nap
Great stuff. Has she watched any other awesome films?
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Great stuff. Has she watched any other awesome films?

Well at the end of that thread she says she's going to do the same for Aliens, but it was a year ago and fuck trawling back that far to find out if she ever did
She did, yes, but not as funny.
I dunno, I found that quite amusing. :)
That is also great
I still need to play Isolation.
Lonewolves wrote:
I still need to play Isolation.

In VR.
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
I still need to play Isolation.

In VR.

Can't. It doesn't support CV1.
Lonewolves wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
I still need to play Isolation.

In VR.

Can't. It doesn't support CV1.

Not officially, but someone's written a patch for it (look up MotherVR) that makes it work.
Alien Isolation not working with your VR helmet is a feature, not a bug. ... 2630.phtml

Basically *some* of the really crappy AI in Colonial Marines was caused by a typo in an INI file
Astronaut 1: I can't find any milk for my coffee!
Astronaut 2: In space, no one can! Here, use cream!
Mods, please nuke this thread from orbit.
I see the eighties jokes are coming back around.
Grim... wrote:
I see the eighties jokes are coming back around.

I think I missed that first time around. I'm surprised I didn't hear it from dad, he loved those sort-of lame dad jokes.
Toy Shop in Portugal
I hope you bought a bag.
I hope bought a bag for GazChap and a bag for me.
Grim... wrote:
I hope bought a bag for GazChap and a bag for me.

I'm afraid I did not


Oh, you got us two bags each?
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