Now with added cottage!
As this is my first cottage want do I need to bring.

Is there a supermarket close to buy beer.
KovacsC wrote:
As this is my first cottage want do I need to bring.

Is there a supermarket close to buy beer.

A towel
Enough booze to keep you going for however long you're going to be there.
More booze, because regardless of how much you bring, you'll realise it's not enough on the first day.

I think that's about it?
There is a supermarket, but not walking distance

Spare underpants.

Extra underpants.
There's a supermarket very close by, so as long as you have clothes and a towel you'll be fine. Bring toiletries too.
DavPaz wrote:

Spare underpants.

Extra underpants.

Are you trying to tell me something.
The extra ones are for malc.
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:

Spare underpants.

Extra underpants.

Are you trying to tell me something.


Bring underpants.

Also: clothes.
Clothing and other essential cottage equipment is available at The ASDAs.
2016-07-18 13.11.02.jpg
A proper printed box and everything!
Great... I don't drink.

Also, I should really get around to paying for this. There's a chance I might be able to stop the Saturday night too now but I won't know until later in the week.
TheVision wrote:
Great... I don't drink.

Also, I should really get around to paying for this. There's a chance I might be able to stop the Saturday night too now but I won't know until later in the week.

Just pay me when you get there.
Curiosity wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Great... I don't drink.

Also, I should really get around to paying for this. There's a chance I might be able to stop the Saturday night too now but I won't know until later in the week.

Just pay me when you get there.

Ace! I'll be able to exchance the cash for those games. Job done.

I'll make myself know upon entry.
TheVision wrote:
I'll make myself know upon entry.

If you charge in, mostly naked and screaming your name, you will be shot with all the guns there.
TheVision wrote:
I'll make myself known upon entry.

TheVision wrote:
I'll make myself know upon entry.

Crop your hair to a flat-top and wear dark glasses.
Mimi is going to love the colour of that box.
Lonewolves wrote:
Mimi is going to love the colour of that box.

If you think that is the same colour as yhatvhideous turquoise.... I don't even know what to say
In fact, surely even you can see the difference. The box is the same colour as the banner, which is fine, still a wee bit too highly saturated and bright for my liking for a shifty read at work, but ok.

That hideous turquoise is in the thin bar that separates. What does that bar do, Grim...?
It shows you how far down the page you've got. Important if you want to 'win' Bits & Bobs.
Ah! Yes, I see it moving now. It always looked like something hadn't finished loading in on the page.
It moves! Wow. Good spot.
Kern wrote:
It shows you how far down the page you've got. Important if you want to 'win' Bits & Bobs.

It's percentage based, so not really.
The percentage of the current page no matter how many posts, do you mean?
So it's basically just the visual equivalent of a scroll bar.
Mimi wrote:
So it's basically just the visual equivalent of a scroll bar.

The visual equivalent of a scroll bar is... also a scroll bar.
Some scroll bars you can use to scroll. I assumed that was how they got their name? I don't think you can drag that turquoise thing to scroll, it'd be going the wrong way anyway.
Maybe it's a read-only scrollbar?
Yeah, just visual.
Three more sleeps!
It's a scroll bar. Sheesh.

I mean, it's a bad one, but I thought it looked pretty.
Is it? The controls must be too fine for me to use properly as I can't seem to get it to work.
Grim... wrote:
It's a scroll bar. Sheesh.

I mean, it's a bad one, but I thought it looked pretty.

Did you really? I don't know quite how to convey this, so I thought a Venn diagram might help.

2016-07-18 13.18.11.jpg
As a fist timer to the cottage, what should I bring? Will there be enough going on to keep me busy? I'm guessing there'll be cutlery and stuff there as I do enjoy a bowl of cereal in the morning.

Also, when do I find out where I'm sleeping? Does that happen when I get there?
You're sleeping between grim and Craster. It's called the initiation sandwich. Bring a towel.
Those things may or may not be directly related.
TheVision wrote:
As a fist timer to the cottage,
Oh my.

what should I bring?
The only non-obvious thing is a towel. Other than that: whatever clothes and personal affects you need for a few nights away, and whatever games or pasttimes you think would be fun.

People not staying the Sunday night should do some clearing up at some point before they leave. Otherwise the people who do stay Sunday get shafted.

Will there be enough going on to keep me busy?

Hahahhaha, but also yes. If you're very lucky, during the lulls, there will merely be three board games and two other things going on that you really want to be a part of and have to choose between.

I'm guessing there'll be cutlery and stuff there as I do enjoy a bowl of cereal in the morning.
The cottage has an equipped kitchen. There's an ASDA [1] nearby that people generally go to a few times a day in various groups to buy food and stuff so there's no need to overthink the planning. We generally buy a large shared pool of common stuff on the first day (teabags, milk, sugar, toilet roll, bacon, bread, bin bags, that sort of thing.)

Also, when do I find out where I'm sleeping? Does that happen when I get there?
Rooms are Allocated Upon Arrival ie. you put your bag on a bed when you come in. Based on current attendance, there are seven twin rooms to share between these people:

Mr Dave
Mr Chris
The Vision a few people have to share and a few people get a room to themselves.

[1] yes, yes, The A.S.D.A.s. </clique>
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
[1] yes, yes, The A.S.D.A.s. </clique>

Clique fail. They fixed the sign.
Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
[1] yes, yes, The A.S.D.A.s. </clique>

Clique fail. They fixed the sign.

Is nothing sacred?
TheVision wrote:
Will there be enough going on to keep me busy?

If you go out into the garden and see one of the statues, try not to blink.
Brilliant. Thanks for the info.

I'll have a think about bringing a console or something. Would anyone like to play Pac-man Vs?
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