The 'NAY!' Thread
Do you feel there is maybe some embarrassment coming into play? I hope they’ll open up to you/a financial advisor/someone with their best interests at heart honestly to help sort this.
Today is not going well. After the sad news about MrC, I’ve just heard that another online friend that I’ve known since the days of newsgroups has died of a heart attack at 63.
Very sorry to hear this Doc.
I'm sorry man, that's shit :(
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Today is not going well. After the sad news about MrC, I’ve just heard that another online friend that I’ve known since the days of newsgroups has died of a heart attack at 63.

Sorry to hear that.
Oh no, what sad news. :( I'm sorry to hear about this. X
Sorry to hear that. Deepest sympathies.
I am so sorry to hear that..
Thanks all. Never met him in person but he was very intelligent and knowledgeable, had a great sense of humour and loved his family, motorbikes and cats.
That's a real sad thing. I always enjoyed his posts on
Thought someone else here might know him.
If you were going to pick anyone that was the core of UKRM it was TOG.
I feel like I recognise him, but I don't know why. I think he looks a bit like a guy from Tick Tok that made videos with his cats.
He looks like Santa.
He did go all-in on Christmas, and every year shared videos of the cats destroying the tree from the inside
I ate two and a half burgers and one chips and one dirty fries, fried hallloumi and my tummy hurts.
I've just managed to smash a shelf in my fridge.. at midnight... when I've got to be up at half five in the morning.

My energy supplier that I've not long moved to are one of the many that have collapsed.
I've been over to British Gas who have generously set up a new tariff that they are pleased to tell me meets the requirements of the price cap.

Funnily enough I don't see "We can't legally charge you more" as a good thing but all of the price comparison sites are unable to offer any results at all at the moment.
I am not after medical advice, as what sort of loon asks on social media for that…. But I am slowly losing the plot. My body clock seems to wake me up at 4 am every day, which means by about 8 pm I am falling asleep. I don’t have issues with falling asleep just staying asleep past 4am.

I have tried going to bet later but then I just get less sleep and I am cranky for the whole day (yes more than normal)

Any tips before I give the docs a shout.
Your Sleep Phase is out of whack. I have the same thing, but backwards (ie. you may have Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder, I have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, so I can't sleep before 2am most nights).

Lots of info on this page: ... e-disorder

Not wanting to sound negative, but I've had this all my life and the doctors have tried loads of things and settled on "Yeah, that's basically how you live now". Hopefully as it's only recently started happening to you they'll be able to do something.
Grim... wrote:
Your Sleep Phase is out of whack. I have the same thing, but backwards (ie. you may have Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder, I have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, so I can't sleep before 2am most nights).

Lots of info on this page: ... e-disorder

Not wanting to sound negative, but I've had this all my life and the doctors have tried loads of things and settled on "Yeah, that's basically how you live now". Hopefully as it's only recently started happening to you they'll be able to do something.

I will give the docs a call.. thanks Grim...
Out there suggestion, but have you tried a midday nap?
DavPaz wrote:
Out there suggestion, but have you tried a midday nap?

Unless it is 30 mins, work gets in the way.
KovacsC wrote:
I am not after medical advice, as what sort of loon asks on social media for that…. But I am slowly losing the plot. My body clock seems to wake me up at 4 am every day, which means by about 8 pm I am falling asleep. I don’t have issues with falling asleep just staying asleep past 4am.

I have tried going to bet later but then I just get less sleep and I am cranky for the whole day (yes more than normal)

Any tips before I give the docs a shout.

Have you tried going to bed earlier? I know it sounds counter-productive but if you're over tired, your body may be getting hyped up in the evening to keep you awake til whatever time and then because of that when you do go to bed, you're too wired to sleep deeply. (Not saying this for definite, it's just a theory.)

I personally swear by a solid routine. No caffeine after 2pm, no screens after 9:30pm (with the exception of quiz night), bed at 10pm. Normally wind down chatting to Gaz for 10 mins and then lights out, bosh. I'm asleep straight away and sleep until 6-6:30am. This is a long term thing rather than a quick fix though, unfortunately.

Booze messes with your sleep, but I think you're on the AF beers at the minute, aren't you?
I am normally going to bed about 10 and wake at 6. Until 2 weeks ago, I just started waking at 4 ish. I have been going to bed 8/9 to ensure I get some sleep. It has buggered my routine :(

As soon as my head hits the pillow I am out, I have always been like that..

Yes I can't remember when I last had a proper beer. As I am cutter back on the alcohol.

It is just frustrating, as I don't want to be going to bet at 8 pm...
KovacsC wrote:
I am normally going to bed about 10 and wake at 6. Until 2 weeks ago, I just started waking at 4 ish. I have been going to bed 8/9 to ensure I get some sleep. It has buggered my routine :(

As soon as my head hits the pillow I am out, I have always been like that..

Yes I can't remember when I last had a proper beer. As I am cutter back on the alcohol.

It is just frustrating, as I don't want to be going to bet at 8 pm...

Hi Kov. I’ve had this. Not permanent, like Grim… has, but it’s affected me for over two years at least twice in the past, and I can still get it for a month or so at the time (though, again, mine is the other way where I am full of energy until about 2:30am).

I don’t have any advice to ‘cure’ it. My two longest periods of it were eventually stopped by intense grief, and that’s not controllable or desirable. At those times my entire body clock was haywire and I was sleeping at random times through the day and night, and then when it snapped back I to rhythm it was (thankfully) right. I was given sleeping tablets by the doctor once but I took one and it scared the heck out of me and I never took them again. I don’t know if they’d have worked if I stuck with them, but I definitely got to sleep at a ‘normal’ time that night (and slept through to 3pm).

And this may not be linked at all, but just in case, you’ve also had the clocks changing at around the same time as this is happening, and that could be exacerbating it further.

I don’t have any practical advice, but I did just want to say don’t lose hope. I do believe it can be rectified sometimes. Not for everyone, because Grim…s is clearly chronic, but hopefully as yours has happened only recently something will interrupt it the other way. Don’t lose hope x
I find one of the natural daylight SAD lamps helps adjust my body clock in the winter.

Everyone says how great the winter time change is, with an extra hour in bed, but it just means I wake up an hour earlier than I need to.
KovacsC wrote:
I am normally going to bed about 10 and wake at 6. Until 2 weeks ago, I just started waking at 4 ish. I have been going to bed 8/9 to ensure I get some sleep. It has buggered my routine :(

As soon as my head hits the pillow I am out, I have always been like that..

Yes I can't remember when I last had a proper beer. As I am cutter back on the alcohol.

It is just frustrating, as I don't want to be going to bet at 8 pm...

Have you changed what you're doing with your exercise routine? I had a cold the other week and after a few days of not running I was the same, awake at 4 or 5 every day.
That's a good point... if your training has dropped off post-marathon your body might be wondering wtf has happened?
That is true.... I best start training again. See if that helps.
Paying for things in The Netherlands, my goodness. They do like their own, and European perhaps, payment providers. One major supermarket, Albert Heijn, just won't take international cards, so bring cash. I went to pay for parking the other day, and that proved impossible with any of my cards. And now I'm trying to pay for the next few weeks in a park, and the only online option that might work - having looked through them all - was a bank transfer. Which I tried, and has two day later returned my money.

I'm trying Revolut next.

I've been before, I knew this was sometimes a problem, but it's a perfect "gah!"; extraordinarily fiddly compared to almost anything else I've done online.
It's the same in Belgium, or at least in the part of Belgium that Jem's Dad lives in.

Yeah, my immediate thought was the time we went to see my dad, took him out for a meal, and at the end can be to pay the €250 or whatever, only to realise they didn't take my card (bog standard visa). Thankfully my dad/step-mum managed to come to some sort of arrangement where they'd take the cash in the following day but it was so fucking awkward. :S
That is all very familiar - Germany, too, where loads of us descended on a cafe, post parkrun, only to find no-one's card worked. Luckily, one of us had lived in The Netherlands, and brought loads of cash in anticipation.

I am now in the apartment. Saga is:

Find cheapest place in the area on
It's a holiday park, so book directly for a cheaper price (1/6 off).
Want to arrive today, but first site only allows a Monday, so book that. Find a different site where I can get the extra night for an extra euro or so, so cancel the first.
Get an invoice for 2/3 of the cost, as a cancellation fee.
Phone, and that is waived, as it should never have been charged.
Then the whole farrago with online payments. I have definitely read in a FAQ on one of the two direct sites that you cannot pay at the park.

Arrive at the park. Very nice receptionist says ah, we have no had payment. Would you like to pay by card?

I smile, and pay by card. (FFS)
Had a bit of the Kovacs this morning, woke up at 04:00, and just could not get back to sleep, been feeling a little under the weather anyway, so today is going to fun.
Malc wrote:
Had a bit of the Kovacs this morning, woke up at 04:00, and just could not get back to sleep, been feeling a little under the weather anyway, so today is going to fun.

'The Kovacs' sounds bad. Hope your day is not to bad.
Malc wrote:
Had a bit of the Kovacs this morning, woke up at 04:00, and just could not get back to sleep, been feeling a little under the weather anyway, so today is going to fun.

You wait until the shoes turn up.
And your voice becomes loud and northern.
KovacsC wrote:
And your voice becomes loud and northern.

Mali is already Northern.
MaliA wrote:
Malc wrote:
Had a bit of the Kovacs this morning, woke up at 04:00, and just could not get back to sleep, been feeling a little under the weather anyway, so today is going to fun.

You wait until the shoes turn up.

:D I did a lol.

Thanks for all being good sports.

Sorry you’re feeling rotten today, Malc. Take it easy x
Had a electrician check my house as I want external sockets and a fast charger for the car. I need a new consumer unit, so that won't be cheap :(
KovacsC wrote:
Had a electrician check my house as I want external sockets and a fast charger for the car. I need a new consumer unit, so that won't be cheap :(

How old's your consumer unit?!

When I had external sockets and a fast charger fitted to our old house on Liz Crez, the consumer unit was fine - and that house was, I'd guess, a good two decades older than yours.
GazChap wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Had a electrician check my house as I want external sockets and a fast charger for the car. I need a new consumer unit, so that won't be cheap :(

How old's your consumer unit?!

When I had external sockets and a fast charger fitted to our old house on Liz Crez, the consumer unit was fine - and that house was, I'd guess, a good two decades older than yours.

Not that old, but like most things in this house, they are not installed correctly.
KovacsC wrote:
Had a electrician check my house as I want external sockets and a fast charger for the car. I need a new consumer unit, so that won't be cheap :(

I found that they aren't as expensive as you might think. I had one put in a rental property with a few new sockets, outside light and certificate. £500 the lot.
That is not too bad...
I am trying to remortgage - yay
Finally taking my ex-wife off the house - yay
She has agreed to sign the paper work - yay

Unfortunately she is on an iva, which is ironic as I had to do one from the divorce. Which means solicitors on her side, so she has to pay £260, which means I have to pay £260... nay
Mate, that £260 cuts the ties so all good. It's neither here nor there on hassle factor.
It’s a chunk of money, Kov, but it’s well spent on finalising and tidying things up in your life. Hopefully the positives make up for the costs.
TALKING of costs and tidying up, we had someone in to look at the fire and flue yesterday.

Long story short, the air isn’t pulling through the chimney properly, and the two chaps couldn’t do anything about it, so that’s crap for a start, but unavoidable.

What was avoidable, however was what they did to the carpet. When they were leaving the older chap said ‘we’ve made a bit of a mess on your carpet’. Russell said ‘oh, okay’ and gave them £210. For… god only knows what.

Anyway. Later on he relays this, so I go to look and OMG.

What the heck? You work with chimneys. How is this ok? This is AFTER I cleaned and scrubbed it! Please tell me that this is not OK.
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