General Purpose US TV thread
Started Homecoming last night. Never listened to the podcast, so wasn't sure what to expect, but it's a thriller starring Julia Roberts about a facility rehabilitating soldiers after they return from duty.

It's written by Sam "Mr Robot" Esmail, and produced by the same company, Anonymous Content. Definitely shares some of the same aesthetic beats, from typography to super zoomed out cinematography.

And it seems ace. Offbeat, darkly comic tone, interesting characters and, best of all, each episode is 28 minutes. I can't remember the last time I watched a proper drama that delivered its story in easily digestible 30-minute nuggets. Very welcome.

On Amazon Prime, for those interested.
Findus Fop wrote:
Started Homecoming last night. Never listened to the podcast, so wasn't sure what to expect, but it's a thriller starring Julia Roberts about a facility rehabilitating soldiers after they return from duty.

It's written by Sam "Mr Robot" Esmail, and produced by the same company, Anonymous Content. Definitely shares some of the same aesthetic beats, from typography to super zoomed out cinematography.

And it seems ace. Offbeat, darkly comic tone, interesting characters and, best of all, each episode is 28 minutes. I can't remember the last time I watched a proper drama that delivered its story in easily digestible 30-minute nuggets. Very welcome.

On Amazon Prime, for those interested.

Mrs B and I started watching it over Christmas but we're only two episodes in. I can only echo your thoughts about both the tone and the length and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where it goes. Though, for balance, Mrs B didn't seem all that taken with it for some reason.
Bamba wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Started Homecoming last night. Never listened to the podcast, so wasn't sure what to expect, but it's a thriller starring Julia Roberts about a facility rehabilitating soldiers after they return from duty.

It's written by Sam "Mr Robot" Esmail, and produced by the same company, Anonymous Content. Definitely shares some of the same aesthetic beats, from typography to super zoomed out cinematography.

And it seems ace. Offbeat, darkly comic tone, interesting characters and, best of all, each episode is 28 minutes. I can't remember the last time I watched a proper drama that delivered its story in easily digestible 30-minute nuggets. Very welcome.

On Amazon Prime, for those interested.

Mrs B and I started watching it over Christmas but we're only two episodes in. I can only echo your thoughts about both the tone and the length and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where it goes. Though, for balance, Mrs B didn't seem all that taken with it for some reason.

Excellent episode teasers on the menu screen, too.
Kern wrote:
Kern wrote:
BBC4 have picked up Ken Burns' Vietnam, starting Monday at 21:00. Other than his famous Civil War doc (that I find hasn't aged well), I really enjoyed his one on prohibition and probably ought to get round to seeing his one on the West.

Watched the first two episodes this evening. It's very well done and I've learnt loads about the conflict already. It's also very uncompromising in its use of footage and photographs. Highly recommended.

The TL;DW is:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
blame the French.

I have now watched all of 'THE VIETNAM WAR', quite a significant undertaking at over 17 hours, but very much worth the investment of time.

I decided to watch it because I realised I didn't actually know much about the war. I mean, we've all seen Platoon and Born On The Fourth of July and suchlike, we all know it was a 'bad' war and the Americans eventually called it quits - but if you'd have asked me two weeks ago for even basic information such as:

1) The history of the country
2) How many US troops were sent
3) Why did the USA get involved in the war beyond 'communism'
4) What was the political backdrop to the war
5) What happened after the US left

I'd have had no idea.

So going into this I was very keen to learn, and learn I did.

It is at times at a difficult watch, there wasn't a single episode that I didn't have to pause at least once (and often multiple times), to just have a little walk downstairs and find some trivial task to perform, to process what I was watching. I cried many times, and Mrs Hearthly and Jnr would often get extra big hugs when they went to bed.

The war footage and images are shocking enough, however the thing that affected me the most was the interviewees they had, from all sides of the conflict. And every single one of them would reach a point (or points) in their tale where their voice would crack, and in many cases weep, the pain and the horror of the war still capable of reducing them to tears over 40 years later.

I would recommend this documentary to everyone, its run length allows it to cover the origins of the conflict, the war itself and its aftermath in forensic and unsparing detail, I now feel that I have a solid understanding of a subject that, in honesty, I was essentially ignorant about before.

Documentary making at its finest.
I never realised there were so many episodes of Baywatch. All 9 seasons, with 22 episodes apiece, have been added to Amazon Prime today, if anyone's interested.
The Rookie is, unsurprisingly, enjoyable. I love Nathan Fillion so very very much.
Although I'm not sure why he's pretending to be 40 (my age, FFS) when he's pushing 50.
Mind you, I wish I looked as good as he does.

He really is ruggedly handsome.
So I’m watching The Assassination of Gianne Versace: American Crime Story and something is bugging me. I’m sat here thinking “Hah. She looks like Salma Hayek or Penelope Cruise.” Then “Fuck me and he looks like Ricky Martin”. 5 episodes later and it’s eating away at me so fiercely I decide to look it up. It was Penelope Cruise and Ricky Martin.

It’s 95% brilliant so far. 5% knocked off for that campy guy from American Horror Story: Apocalypse. He’s not awful but he’s, ok, he’s awful. I just can’t get on board with him. The actor who plays the serial killer is fucking TERRIFIC though. Darren Criss? I don’t follow him or know him really but he absolutely MURDERED (pun intended) this role.

The cinematography is great. Acting superb. The music is fucking great. And if you like watching sweaty men then you’re in for a treat! Mr Criss is the star of the show though. He’s always just-about-boiling over mental.
3 series of Preacher was super silly great fun.
MaliA wrote:
3 series of Preacher was super silly great fun.

My absolute favourite. I love Preacher.
Finished The Assassination of Gianne Versace: American Crime Story. It’s really good but difficult viewing. They did a good job of exploring the mind of a serial (or “spree” I think he gets called these days) killer without attempting to make the viewer sympathise with this scumbag.

The only problem I had with it was the Momento style of the programme as it shifted back and forth along the timeline. I can understand why they did it (for the views obviously; you stick the murders at the beginning) but it might have been better as a linear story. Might have. I ain’t an editor. Actually I’m probably wrong because you’d get some characters that appear only at the beginning and end of the tale and you might have forgotten who they are or the impact of their presence is less meaningful. No hang on, Game of Thrones did long absences without having to spoon feed the audience? I don’t know. Anyway, I ain’t an editor.

Notwithstanding the above it’s brilliant. The 80/90s come to life on the screen and the set design, and costumes are impeccable. It must have cost a fortune and it shows. The actors are universally awesome except that guy out of AHS who I can’t stand. You might feel differently if you haven’t seen him in that...and thank god your lucky stars you never watched that shit.

Highly recommended.
A serial killer is someone who kills people over time, usually one by one, covering their tracks so they can continue. A spree killer kills a larger number of people all at once with no attempt to conceal, usually ending up killing themselves or getting shot by law enforcement.

They’re quite different.
Lonewolves wrote:
A serial killer is someone who kills people over time, usually one by one, covering their tracks so they can continue. A spree killer kills a larger number of people all at once with no attempt to conceal, usually ending up killing themselves or getting shot by law enforcement.

They’re quite different.

Hmm... oddly, the chap (Andrew Cunanan... I think his name was) ticks boxes in both those definitions.

Did you see the previous series of this, tge OJ Simpson one, Sat? Quite different in form (a large part of it being a court drama) but I’d say even more compelling. Also, if you get a moment, check out the casting vs real people in both series. It’s A+ for all but Cuba Gooding Jnr for OJ.
The OJ Simpson one is great. We’ve been meaning to watch the Versace one but haven’t found the time yet.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The OJ Simpson one is great. We’ve been meaning to watch the Versace one but haven’t found the time yet.

It is completely different in both format and style, but it’s very good. It’s worth watching when you have a space in your programs waiting to be watched.
Did you see the previous series of this, tge OJ Simpson one, Sat?

No, I think I know a fair amount about the OJ case whereas I knew nothing of the Versace murder other than the basics so it interested me more. The series was terrific though so I might seek out the earlier series.
Satsuma wrote:
Did you see the previous series of this, tge OJ Simpson one, Sat?

No, I think I know a fair amount about the OJ case whereas I knew nothing of the Versace murder other than the basics so it interested me more. The series was terrific though so I might seek out the earlier series.

It’s worth watching for the story of the lawyers that runs alongside the actual OJ story. I’d say that the focus of the storyline rests with the legal teams in the first series.
They are both excellent, but yeah I'd say the OJ one is more compelling overall.
Hearthly wrote:
Kern wrote:
Kern wrote:
BBC4 have picked up Ken Burns' Vietnam, starting Monday at 21:00. Other than his famous Civil War doc (that I find hasn't aged well), I really enjoyed his one on prohibition and probably ought to get round to seeing his one on the West.

Watched the first two episodes this evening. It's very well done and I've learnt loads about the conflict already. It's also very uncompromising in its use of footage and photographs. Highly recommended.

The TL;DW is:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
blame the French.

I have now watched all of 'THE VIETNAM WAR', quite a significant undertaking at over 17 hours, but very much worth the investment of time.

I decided to watch it because I realised I didn't actually know much about the war. I mean, we've all seen Platoon and Born On The Fourth of July and suchlike, we all know it was a 'bad' war and the Americans eventually called it quits - but if you'd have asked me two weeks ago for even basic information such as:

1) The history of the country
2) How many US troops were sent
3) Why did the USA get involved in the war beyond 'communism'
4) What was the political backdrop to the war
5) What happened after the US left

I'd have had no idea.

So going into this I was very keen to learn, and learn I did.

It is at times at a difficult watch, there wasn't a single episode that I didn't have to pause at least once (and often multiple times), to just have a little walk downstairs and find some trivial task to perform, to process what I was watching. I cried many times, and Mrs Hearthly and Jnr would often get extra big hugs when they went to bed.

The war footage and images are shocking enough, however the thing that affected me the most was the interviewees they had, from all sides of the conflict. And every single one of them would reach a point (or points) in their tale where their voice would crack, and in many cases weep, the pain and the horror of the war still capable of reducing them to tears over 40 years later.

I would recommend this documentary to everyone, its run length allows it to cover the origins of the conflict, the war itself and its aftermath in forensic and unsparing detail, I now feel that I have a solid understanding of a subject that, in honesty, I was essentially ignorant about before.

Documentary making at its finest.

I really wanted to watch this tonight.

Not on iPlayer.

Now lost interest. Fuckers.
I pay my TV license and now I’ve got to get a Netflix? Capitalism is out of control.
It's hard to grumble at the cost of a Netflix sub, there's a lot of good stuff on there.
It is if it was originally on BBC4, to be fair.
It was PBS in the States to start with. Also, the BBC ran much shorter episodes according to Wiki.

And unlike Netflix seasons, where cutting 30 minutes out of each episode could be considered a mercy, I'm not sure what they hacked away here.

Screenshot 2019-01-21 at 09.36.32.png
The PBS times are the runtimes without adverts, that's the length on Netflix, so the BBC must have cut a load of stuff out to get those runtimes.
PBS? Probably Muppets.
Has anybody seen/got any views in The Passage? It’s based on Justin Cronin’s trilogy of books and is currently screening on Fox UK (which I have no idea if I can get). I loved the books...
DBSnappa wrote:
Has anybody seen/got any views in The Passage? It’s based on Justin Cronin’s trilogy of books and is currently screening on Fox UK (which I have no idea if I can get). I loved the books...

I have watched this, after loving the books.

It's bit different (of course), but seems good to start with. Obviously there are going to be some significant issues regarding the timelines, given how long it spans. Not sure how they're going to approach that. The stuff in Project NOAH seems good. It's naturally run at a faster pace than the books, but I'm fine with that.

Wolgast and Amy are great. The others seem good too; plenty of familiar faces in there.

Only one episode out so far though, so early days.
They made the Passage into a TV series? Squeeee! I will have to find a totally legitimate place to watch it - Ed

In other "relatively recent good book" news, the Wool trilogy would also make a fantastic TV series, I reckon.
Oh and for god's sake the Rookie! Why is no one else talking about this? Brilliant lightweight Nathan Fillion awesomeness.
It’s fab isn’t it.
Not quite sure which thread to ask this in, but my Ma is looking after me a fewwwejs and staying with us, and she LOVES Twin Peaks, but hasn’t seen the new series (neither have I).

Where can I get it for not megabucks? It doesn’t have to be mega quality, so DVD or streaming fine, but gosh trying to work out what it might be listed as on Amazon is difficult for a dumbum. I think I can do blu-Ray too, if PS4 does blue rays.
Mimi wrote:
Not quite sure which thread to ask this in, but my Ma is looking after me a fewwwejs and staying with us, and she LOVES Twin Peaks, but hasn’t seen the new series (neither have I).

Where can I get it for not megabucks? It doesn’t have to be mega quality, so DVD or streaming fine, but gosh trying to work out what it might be listed as on Amazon is difficult for a dumbum. I think I can do blu-Ray too, if PS4 does blue rays.

I can post you my DVD copy if you want? Just give it back next time I see you.
Lonewolves wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Not quite sure which thread to ask this in, but my Ma is looking after me a fewwwejs and staying with us, and she LOVES Twin Peaks, but hasn’t seen the new series (neither have I).

Where can I get it for not megabucks? It doesn’t have to be mega quality, so DVD or streaming fine, but gosh trying to work out what it might be listed as on Amazon is difficult for a dumbum. I think I can do blu-Ray too, if PS4 does blue rays.

I can post you my DVD copy if you want? Just give it back next time I see you.

That would be amazing! And I could pop it back in the post! That would actually mean a great deal. Thank you so much!
Mimi wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Not quite sure which thread to ask this in, but my Ma is looking after me a fewwwejs and staying with us, and she LOVES Twin Peaks, but hasn’t seen the new series (neither have I).

Where can I get it for not megabucks? It doesn’t have to be mega quality, so DVD or streaming fine, but gosh trying to work out what it might be listed as on Amazon is difficult for a dumbum. I think I can do blu-Ray too, if PS4 does blue rays.

I can post you my DVD copy if you want? Just give it back next time I see you.

That would be amazing! And I could pop it back in the post! That would actually mean a great deal. Thank you so much!

Ok if I finish work on time tomorrow I’ll post it then. :)

Make sure you watch the US pilot and not the international one!
Lonewolves wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Not quite sure which thread to ask this in, but my Ma is looking after me a fewwwejs and staying with us, and she LOVES Twin Peaks, but hasn’t seen the new series (neither have I).

Where can I get it for not megabucks? It doesn’t have to be mega quality, so DVD or streaming fine, but gosh trying to work out what it might be listed as on Amazon is difficult for a dumbum. I think I can do blu-Ray too, if PS4 does blue rays.

I can post you my DVD copy if you want? Just give it back next time I see you.

That would be amazing! And I could pop it back in the post! That would actually mean a great deal. Thank you so much!

Ok if I finish work on time tomorrow I’ll post it then. :)

Make sure you watch the US pilot and not the international one!

Fab. Thank you.

I’ll pop you my address in case it’s not to hand. Thank you again so much x It’s my ma’s birthday today and the news has cheered her right up :)
MrChris wrote:
Oh and for god's sake the Rookie! Why is no one else talking about this? Brilliant lightweight Nathan Fillion awesomeness.

Yes we're loving this
But because I've now made the commitmfetv to stabbi it with Mez woolie I now have to watch it at an absolute ensure pave which is a Shane. Is like to binge it.
Drunk Wookie is excellent.
krazywookie wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Oh and for god's sake the Rookie! Why is no one else talking about this? Brilliant lightweight Nathan Fillion awesomeness.

Yes we're loving this
But because I've now made the commitmfetv to stabbi it with Mez woolie I now have to watch it at an absolute ensure pave which is a Shane. Is like to binge it.

Rule one
I fully home tomorrow so I fucking how so
Have we just had a glance into a different dimension?
Just how good is The Orville now?
It may not be the most original, but it’s taking the best bits of TNG and DS9 and is well aware it’s doing so.
I didn’t think we’d ever see tv like this again.
S3 of the Expanse is tremendous. I've just finished the "weird" season midpoint episode and have no idea where this goes s going next. Which is A Good Thing.
Trooper wrote:
Have we just had a glance into a different dimension?

Yes, Trump Universe. I’m sure the president will use ‘commitmfetv’ in one of his tweets very soon, if he hasn’t already.
American Gods (ammazon prime) promises a lot, looks good, but is l, sadly, overly loud background noise over a poor script that you cannot hear. Avoid
The Rookie: it is a bit creepy that Fillion exec produced it, starred in it as the hero AND has a much younger love interest, isn't it?
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