Alien and Aliens
I know people like this here.
Why was there a chamber full of eggs under the derelict spaceship? From the scale of the people vs the ship on the exterior shots it isn't inside the ship, it can only possibly be underneath it in the ground. It makes even less sense after Prometheus.
The ship was huge, and a large chunk of it was lower down (it crashed almost tilting upward). The real question is why everything inside was level even though it was hugely on the piss from the outside :)
Artificial gravity? Gyroscope? Magic?
It's never lupus reavers.
Grim... - No, the ship clearly wasn't that big. And the cavern the eggs were in went on for a long distance, and twisted left and right, not in one arc in the shape of the ship.

The original story by Dan O'Bannon had some sort of temple with the eggs in - mind you it had a load of other stuff too.

I understand Scott subsequently claimed the space Kane dropped down into was a cargo hold and the whole thing was a bomber being sent somewhere to drop eggs, but then he's been known to retrospectively come up with explanations for inconsistencies.
Nah, it was big.

PORT PRONG (hammerhead) – 161.6 m (530’) long
STARBOARD PRONG – 174.3 m (571.7’) long
INGRESS/ EGRESS HOLES – 5.5 m (18’) high x 3.1 m (10.2’) wide
HEIGHT AT ‘BRIDGE’ AREA – 33.5 m (180’) high
LENGTH OF ‘BRIDGE’ AREA – 43 m (141’) long
WIDTH (AFT) – 116.6 m (382.6’) wide
WIDTH (AFT BETWEEN PRONGS) – 61 m (200’) wide
Space Architect pwned.
That's sort-of canon - some guy worked it out by measuring the people outside it and doing the maths. Fox took the measurements and put them on one of the DVDs afterward, though.
That's still smaller than the "hold", and the shape of the hold doesn't fit with the shape of the ship, either.

No way is this 116 metres long:


Also bearing in mind that this shot is from the middle of the aft-between-prongs section, assuming that the "cockpit" was in the centre of that section.
Grim... wrote:
That's sort-of canon - some guy worked it out by measuring the people outside it and doing the maths. Fox took the measurements and put them on one of the DVDs afterward, though.

I think it's called head-canon.
Do you know, I don't think it's far off. Assuming it curves into a prong in the distance and we're looking from the other end (estate-agent style) it could be 100 meters.
You know how like sometimes you watch a film, and maybe it's pretty bad? Maybe it's pretty good, not amazing, but still okay? And you pick holes in it, because you can, because it's a flawed film.

Tell Mr Kissypants :)
Grim... - given that it's in the middle of the hold, that's, to my eye, at least 100m off in one direction, making the hold 200m across in a 116m wide ship.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... - given that it's in the middle of the hold, that's, to my eye, at least 100m off in one direction, making the hold 200m across in a 116m wide ship.

Good article about Alien³, and how bad Fincher had it.,,310615,00.html
Grim... wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Amazon have just dispatched to me a new copy of the Aliens Colonial Marines Technical Manual!

Two thoughts:

1) Yay, they're reprinting it! It's no longer deleted! It has a new cover!

2) Is this going to make my original manual worth more, or less?


I bought a 2012 edition in excellent from a charity shop yesterday for £4.
Oddly, I got delivered a second-hand copy of The Alien Vault today.

2014-06-02 15.08.19.jpg

It's still wrapped up :S
Want to sell it?
The opposite: now I have to buy another one because I don't want to open this one.

They're only £20 new, £9 used though: ... 1845136675
Aah, missed the "-hand" in "second-hand".
GazChap wrote:
Aah, missed the "-hand" in "second-hand".

How do you tell the time?
British Nervoso wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Aah, missed the "-hand" in "second-hand".

How do you tell the time?

I live my life a quarter mile at a time.
Anyone interested in buying any of these three things? Grim... ? LaceSensor?


Fibre-glass replica head taken from an actual model from the film - £220
Master Replicas motion tracker, limited edition (that's no. 92) - £500
Airsoft pulse rifle - £300
Can you legally sell the airsoft rifle?

FYI: Someone at The Embassy in Leicester (a First and Only site) had one a few months back when I went airsofting. It didn't make the noise. :(
Mrs Grim... would kill me :(
Grim... wrote:
Mrs Grim... would kill me :(

I didn't realise an alpha male like you could be so under the thumb.
Saturnalian wrote:
Can you legally sell the airsoft rifle?

I think I could argue that it doesn't look like a RIF, it's clearly a Space Pew Pew Gun.
GazChap wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Can you legally sell the airsoft rifle?

I think I could argue that it doesn't look like a RIF, it's clearly a Space Pew Pew Gun.

Is not pew pew
. Is dakka dakka
American Nervoso wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Mrs Grim... would kill me :(

I didn't realise an alpha male like you could be so under the thumb.

I'm not being figurative, though. She'd punch me with the heavy end of the pulse rifle until I died.
GazChap wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Can you legally sell the airsoft rifle?

I think I could argue that it doesn't look like a RIF, it's clearly a Space Pew Pew Gun.

I think this is a stupid law.
Grim... wrote:
American Nervoso wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Mrs Grim... would kill me :(

I didn't realise an alpha male like you could be so under the thumb.

I'm not being figurative, though. She'd punch me with the heavy end of the pulse rifle until I died.

Grim... wrote:
American Nervoso wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Mrs Grim... would kill me :(

I didn't realise an alpha male like you could be so under the thumb.

I'm not being figurative, though. She'd punch me with the heavy end of the pulse rifle until I died.

I'm somehow surprised that Terry didn't get forcably shoved up yourarse.
GazChap wrote:
Anyone interested in buying any of these three things? Grim... ? LaceSensor?


Fibre-glass replica head taken from an actual model from the film - £220
Master Replicas motion tracker, limited edition (that's no. 92) - £500
Airsoft pulse rifle - £300

GazChap wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Can you legally sell the airsoft rifle?

I think I could argue that it doesn't look like a RIF, it's clearly a Space Pew Pew Gun.

UNREALISTIC imitation firearms (defined in law as being more than 50% coloured bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright pink or bright purple) can be bought, sold, manufactured and imported freely and LEGALLY by anyone over 18.

It is ILLEGAL to sell (note - not buy), manufacture and import REALISTIC imitation firearms (defined as anything which looks like a gun and not just replicas of real guns) unless you fit one of a small set of criteria. Legitimate film-makers, registered re-enactors and legitimate airsoft skirmishers are all allowed to sell, manufacture and import realistic imitations providing they can prove their status.

This is from a mate from Ireland who is massively into airsoft warfare, so be careful selling the gun, maybe sell the other 2 and 'gift' the gun? I am no lawyer so could be way off the mark.
How the fuck can it be an "imitation" firearm if it doesn't "look like a gun"? Shit imitation if it doesn't resemble what it's imitating.

Edit: Duh, reading comprehension fail, it's based on being a lurid colour or not.
Linked to on Reddit today but i'd never seen it before - a behind the scenes shot from Resurrection - take 4 of the scene when they first meet Ripley and ...

You can just see Johner start to smile in the movie before they cut if you watch him.
ffs, here is a link to a picture from director Neill Blomkamp saying he will be making a new alien film, but there is no way of attaching it, so you'll just have to click the link:
i get an error saying something like "the RPC server is unavailable" when I attempt to attach it, and it is too big to put as a picture.
anyway! new alien film confirmed.
Yes. Much excite.

It's got to be better than Alien 4, at least.
That's what we said about Promethearse.
Us Alien fanboys have long learned that we should build up any new announcement to ludicrous expectations. We thrive on the crushing disappointment.
Looks like Sigourney Weaver is on board for "Alien 5", also Alien 3 and Resurrection are being scrapped from canon.

Hmmm. Resurrection is garbage, but I liked Alien 3. Obviously no way to have Ripley still around without pretending it never happened though.
The books came up with some lovely ways.

Although she's too old for that now. This is bad news, as far as I'm concerned.
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