Dungeons and Dragons
I've warned him about 8 times on steam chat but he must've turned notifications off.
I hope he doesn't do a Leslie Grantham.... you know.... murder a taxi driver in West Germany.
He wants the attention after having an audience last night.
Got his attention at last. Bards. Tut.
sdg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Gill, if you need an image for my roll20 token, I'm using this.


DMing can be pretty nerve wracking at times, I’m so happy to see how engaged you all are :luv: Thank you!

Did the other chars at the same size. Should be easier to spot if/when we get tokenised.

Myptik looks proper sinister there.
I bet he's burning churches in Norway.
I already cropped it and added to my profile but thanks!
These had better bloody work!
Zardoz wrote:
These had better bloody work!

Have you bought the GF9 spell cards yet or was DnDBeyond working well for you?

Critical Role shared a photo of their battle map for this week. Goals!
Critical Role Battle map.jpg

If anyone is eager for more D&D content and hasn't already given Critical Role a shot, I highly recommend it. Available on Youtube where you can watch every previous episode that was streamed on Twitch, or via Podcast. A group of people who are friends first and foremost playing D&D, using their skill as voice actors to create incredible characters and who commit 100% to the roleplaying aspect. I love it.

If you want a shorter form more comedy based actual play, Adventure Zone is another awesome one. I'd recommend waiting a few weeks before starting it though because their first campaign, Balance, starts using the adventure we're playing although it soon veers off into a homebrew world. If you want to listen to this one, let me know and I'll tell you when we're past the bit they deviate from. This is only available as podcast. Oh, and now a graphic novel as well actually - another treat I bought myself during a work trip to Leeds. Adventure Zone is funny but also has the ability to drop emotional moments that leave you crying real tears. They changed systems for campaign two and I didn't get into it the same but if I have time I'll probably go back and give it another shot. Balance was just perfection. One potential issue for some people is they have a story they want to tell and at times, they make sure they can tell it with some railroading and fudged dice rolls but I promise it's worth it because the story is wonderful.
sdg wrote:
Have you bought the GF9 spell cards yet...

*Runs to The Google*
£8 so got them
That yellow base is making my nerd gland itch!
I'm trying to imagine how huge the battle map for our fights would have had to be at that scale!
I’ve got wood.
Mr Chonks wrote:
I already cropped it and added to my profile but thanks!

From what I understand G-(wo)man needs the images for to make buttons separately. So I dun tha.
Zardoz wrote:
£8 so got them

I'm collecting the set, so far I have the Arcane pack (for wizards, warlocks and sorcerors), the Bard pack, and the Cleric pack.

When I'm playing, I separate out all the cards for the level of spells I'm allowed to use, then pick out the ones I want for the day and put the rest away. Makes it really quick and easy to see what you have available and reference the casting requirements and effects.
Roll20! Those stupid large avatar images at the bottom can be shrankteded by going to the cog, game settings and changing the player avatar size in the dropdown.
Realised I had a Zardoth-style scimitar hanging about!

( ok, technically more a sabre than a scimitar, but it's close enough )
Squirt wrote:
Realised I had a Zardoth-style scimitar hanging about!

( ok, technically more a sabre than a scimitar, but it's close enough )


I thought this the other night on the video chat but didn’t say but you look remarkably like That Wullie, tha noo.
sdg wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
£8 so got them

I'm collecting the set, so far I have the Arcane pack (for wizards, warlocks and sorcerors), the Bard pack, and the Cleric pack.

When I'm playing, I separate out all the cards for the level of spells I'm allowed to use, then pick out the ones I want for the day and put the rest away. Makes it really quick and easy to see what you have available and reference the casting requirements and effects.

Yeah should speed up the ‘erm... hang on’ time hopefully :D
Squirt wrote:
Realised I had a Zardoth-style scimitar hanging about!

( ok, technically more a sabre than a scimitar, but it's close enough )

Omg. Have you ever met Wullie?
Wullie doesn't show you a cat's anus.
Zardoz wrote:

I thought this the other night on the video chat but didn’t say but you look remarkably like That Wullie, tha noo.

Haha, yes! I wrote my comment before reading yours. You and Wullie look very alike!

Edit;: not you, Zardoz.
I have never met Wullie, and I don't think I've ever actually seen a pic of him either. I can't find any pics of him on the site! Are we very alike then?
Yeah! Very much so.

He is the most Scottish-sounding person alive, though, so unless you are full on Scottish it’d be easy to tell you apart as soon as you spoke.
Crazily so now I've done this!
Wullie favours a Claymore so that's a giveaway too.
Ahh, shame. I am profoundly unscottish, so there is no chance of us pulling off any hilarious pranks.
Squirt wrote:
Ahh, shame. I am profoundly unscottish, so there is no chance of us pulling off any hilarious pranks.

No, you definitely don't sound anything like him. His accent is like mine only deeper (we grew up in the same town) and with a far higher Scots words per sentence used. I also used to get told I sounded posh at school and I'm not sure if I use my office/corporate voice on video calls :nerd:
sdg wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Ahh, shame. I am profoundly unscottish, so there is no chance of us pulling off any hilarious pranks.

No, you definitely don't sound anything like him. His accent is like mine only deeper (we grew up in the same town) and with a far higher Scots words per sentence used. I also used to get told I sounded posh at school and I'm not sure if I use my office/corporate voice on video calls :nerd:

You are much posher than Wullie. Ah can unnerstan 90 percent o’ ya wrrrds ferra starut
Mr Chonks wrote:
sdg wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Ahh, shame. I am profoundly unscottish, so there is no chance of us pulling off any hilarious pranks.

No, you definitely don't sound anything like him. His accent is like mine only deeper (we grew up in the same town) and with a far higher Scots words per sentence used. I also used to get told I sounded posh at school and I'm not sure if I use my office/corporate voice on video calls :nerd:

You are much posher than Wullie. Ahcanunnerstan90percento’yawrrrdsferrastarut

It usually takes me 2 beers before I'm tuned in properly to Wullie... It might be that he's had two and has started to slow doon a wee bit.
I meant to ask but Gill, what happens if one of the party is killed by death?
We'll ask if The Vision is free.
Zardoz wrote:
It usually takes me 2 beers before I'm tuned in properly to Wullie... It might be that he's had two and has started to slow doon a wee bit.


The last time Russell and I met up with Wullie was in Edinburgh, and honestly Russell looked like he was in some kind of wind tunnel of words, just trying to catch one (any one) that zoomed by.

Edit: Sorry. I feel this thread derailment was partly me. I miss Wullie on here.
Dimrill wrote:
I meant to ask but Gill, what happens if one of the party is killed by death?
Mr Chonks wrote:
sdg wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Ahh, shame. I am profoundly unscottish, so there is no chance of us pulling off any hilarious pranks.

No, you definitely don't sound anything like him. His accent is like mine only deeper (we grew up in the same town) and with a far higher Scots words per sentence used. I also used to get told I sounded posh at school and I'm not sure if I use my office/corporate voice on video calls :nerd:

You are much posher than Wullie. Ah can unnerstan 90 percent o’ ya wrrrds ferra starut

And yet to my inlaws here on the East coast, I just sound like a Weegie. Which is a cheek when they say things like "It's blawin a hoolie".
Dimrill wrote:
I meant to ask but Gill, what happens if one of the party is killed by death?

So, a PC death has stages. If you are dropped to zero hit points, you start rolling death saves on subsequent turns. On your turn, you roll a d20. Roll >10 and you get one save. Roll <10 and you get one fail. If you reach three saves, you stabilise at zero HP- unconscious but not dying. If you reach three fails, you die.
If you stabilise, the party can revive you with healing magic or potions.

If you die, the party can try and have magic to bring you back. Spells like Revivify and Resurrection. But, these have time limits as to when they should be cast and material costs, like a diamond worth 500gp.

If you are rolling death saves, a player can make a medicine check with a healer kit and if successful, you'll stabilise before reaching three saves.

If you roll a Nat 20 on a save, you'll wake up with one hit point.

If you take damage while unconscious and rolling saves, you'll fail one save for every blow that's struck.

If you take damage over and above your hit points, you don't take negative damage you only go unconscious or lose a death save but if you take damage equal to double your hit point max, so enough to knock you unconscious and then your max hit points again in one strike, it's insta death: you auto fail all death saves.
As I understand it once I can Wildshape it acts like a shield, ie the beast I turn into will have X hit points that once get to 0 I change back and I start whittling down my own hit points, is that right SDG?
Zardoz wrote:
As I understand it once I can Wildshape it acts like a shield, ie the beast I turn into will have X hit points that once get to 0 I change back and I start whittling down my own hit points, is that right SDG?

Correct. You use your wildshape hit points first and if you take damage over the remaining hit points, you revert back to your normal form and take any carry over damage from your own hit points. It’s a great way to soak up damage and become a melee fighter for the party.
Backup! At last!
You'll have a giant badger charging into combat alongside you, bravely nipping at toes and scratching at shins.
Dimrill wrote:
Backup! At last!

I'm really trying my best! I just need a long rest!

For reals though, the next suite of spells I choose should be better until I can FULL DRUID(ish) at Lvl2.

Switching to:
Speak with animals: Can ask them whassap and with DM discretion ask them to perform favours :hat:

THUNDERWAVE: Fack off Goblins (Why didn't I pick this in the first place?!)

Goodberry: Get your gums round these plumbs (up to 10 hit point filling pieces of fruit)

I'll keep Healing Word till we're better at staying alive.
Squirt wrote:
You'll have a giant badger charging into combat alongside you, bravely nipping at toes and scratching at shins.

No wait, he's a Moon Druid, so itll be Bears or Dire Wolves, ripping off arms and tearing out throats. Druids are awesome.
Yes. This is my long game... I just need to stay alive until I can do it.
Dave just revealed to me he has a healy song.
Zardoz wrote:
THUNDERWAVE: Fack off Goblins (Why didn't I pick this in the first place?!)

I have this. it's brutal.
Would that hit several bad mens? Or allies?
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