Be Excellent To Each Other

Alien and Aliens
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Author:  GazChap [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Aah, yeah. You're like my brother and Batman stuff, I take it? Buy two copies - one to leave sealed and one to use?

Author:  BikNorton [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I got a low digit box for a Christmas present.

It had two copies of Aliens in it.

The replacement was 55k.


Author:  Blucey [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

The first box set wasn't called Quadrilogy. It was possibly called Legacy or something. Dunno, but I've got it and it was limited. Different extras to the later Quadrilogy so worth having.

Did any of youse bother with the Dark Horse comics?

Some of them were really excellent and straight from Book One they followed on from Aliens, completely ignoring Alien 3 (although a reasonably good adaptation was made of that as well).

Book One is good, if a little bleak. Hicks and Newt are in it. It got rereleased in colour as 'Outbreak' (I think).

Book Two is lovely. Airbrushed art. Decent story. Exciting ending.

Book Three (Earth Hive?) was also a good one. Mainly focused on Ripley I think (it's been a while since I read it).

The best thing was a special edition that they did. It had a few different stories in it including an interesting 'origin of the species' thing. It also had a follow-up to Earth Hive that explained what the Space Jockey things were and how the whole thing started.

Apart from that you've got Newt's Tale (the story of Aliens as seen from Newt's perspective). Was very exciting at the time (pre-Special Edition).

There was another one - I can't think... Sacrifice maybe? It was a very dark story about a village who were cloning babies to sacrifice to an alien that ran about in the woods outside. A bit M Night Shamalamadingdong but it was good.

Dredd v Aliens is fucking class also.

I don't own a Blu-Ray player but I believe the Blu-Ray set is the first to show the Burke coccoon scene. I'll download a rip though.

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

GazChap wrote:
Aah, yeah. You're like my brother and Batman stuff, I take it? Buy two copies - one to leave sealed and one to use?


Blucey wrote:
The first box set wasn't called Quadrilogy. It was possibly called Legacy or something. Dunno, but I've got it and it was limited.

So limited, it's yours for seven quid :(

Unless you've got the five-disc box, which only came out in the US. I'm still trying to track one down.

I've read the book and the comics, and I prefer the books (the rename Hicks and Newt to Wilks and Billie because A³ killed them off). Earth Hive in particular.

Author:  GazChap [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Yeah, I have the Legacy DVD boxed set, the Quadrilogy, the Anthology (Blu-ray), all the VHS tapes, novelisations and graphic novels.

Plus the replica pulse rifle, limited edition replica motion tracker, Alien head (from Aliens) from Forbidden Planet, and fuck knows how much other stuff.

Quite sad really, isn't it? :P

Author:  Zardoz [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

It's an icebreaker on your next date.

Author:  GazChap [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

"Hi. Would you like to come back to mine and see my Alien head? Yes, yes, it's shaped like an ENORMOUS COCK but that'll just get you used to things to come."


I always show this image to people who refuse to believe that the Alien was designed to be as phallic as possible. I mean, look at it!

Author:  kalmar [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Dealbreaker more like! Oh no wait, I forgot about the assault weapon collection and the tarantulas! :D

Author:  Alarm [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

LaceSensor wrote:

Recently I watched a film called Moon, which I thought was fantastic. The way the sets were designed etc was very reminiscent of Alien. Then I read a bit and found out a dude who worked on Alien also worked on that. Anyway, Im a long time fan of the series, and own the Quadrilogy on DVD (will get the BluRay sometime when its cheap), and this gave me a taste to revisit what I feel are two of the best films evarr, Alien, and Aliens.

The BluRay is £30 in the HMV sale; probably cheaper online.

I would buy it if I had an HDTV and a BluRay player. ?:|

Author:  Grim... [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

GazChap wrote:
"Hi. Would you like to come back to mine and see my Alien head? Yes, yes, it's shaped like an ENORMOUS COCK but that'll just get you used to things to come."

He :)

"Alright, darling? I've got a signed script from the Alien film. Yes, Horton too, thanks, I know... Of course you can't see it! You want me to take it out of its box‽ GET OUT!"

Author:  Alarm [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Captain Caveman wrote:
Yup sorry Gaz, I paid well under a tenner for a second hand ('pre used') one at Block Buster, that was box fresh as far as I could tell - and even that was some months back.

By the way, is this prequel actually gonna happen guys, and if so when? I reckon it could be absolutely awesome, if done right.

Not one, but two prequels. :) In 3-D >:|

Author:  Blucey [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Grim... wrote:
I've read the book and the comics, and I prefer the books (the rename Hicks and Newt to Wilks and Billie because A³ killed them off). Earth Hive in particular.

The books are great. I've read them all several times. Did ADF do Resurrection? I'm thinking he didn't but can't remember off the top of my head.

He did the book of The Thing which was also tremendous.

The thing about the Dark Horse comics is that they were no kind of investment. I've got first prints of all the early sets and they do nothing on eBay. Not that I'd sell them.

I did pick up all the Omnibus books that came out a while back so I think I've got pretty much everything now.

The 'Heavy Metal' Alien graphic novel is worth checking out.

Author:  MrChris [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I got the Dark Horse Aliens Omnibus book. The first one or two stories were brilliant, but in the second half of the book the art was fucking terrible. I mean deformed SLOTH LOVE CHUNK characters. Woeful.

Author:  Blucey [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 15:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I got the Dark Horse Aliens Omnibus book. The first one or two stories were brilliant, but in the second half of the book the art was fucking terrible. I mean deformed SLOTH LOVE CHUNK characters. Woeful.

The worst change was in the first The Thing graphic novels. Started with beautiful airbrushed art and ends up as shit on a page.

Author:  grumpysmurf [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 14:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I've come here to challenge Grim...'s assertion that nobody gets wilfully killed by aliens in Aliens (as argued here.)

What about the chick who crashes the plane and strands everybody? Also, I vaguely recall one guy getting impaled by a tail during the initial assault. (I think it was the "she don't like the corn bread" black guy.) And it's clearly implied that Paul Reiser gets tongue-murdered. So ner.

Author:  Cras [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

That thread is superb.

Was't Grim...'s point that no-one gets killed by an 'inner-jaw to the head' in Aliens?

Author:  grumpysmurf [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Craster wrote:
That thread is superb.

Was't Grim...'s point that no-one gets killed by an 'inner-jaw to the head' in Aliens?

No, I believe he claimed that all the aliens in Aliens are 'drones', who having stingy, non-lethal tails (as opposed to the less friendly 'soldiers' in Alien and Alien 3). In Aliens, they're just trying to kidnap the humans for impregnation. Claims Grim...

Author:  GazChap [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 15:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I would agree with Grim... to be honest. OK, most of the marines died, but the Aliens were trying to get new hosts, not kill.

Ferro (the dropship pilot) died because she was attacked while flying a dropship. The Aliens are intelligent but are unlikely to be intelligent enough to know that removing a dropship pilot mid-flight is a Bad Idea.

Frost died because he was incinerated and fell over a railing, not the Aliens' doing.

The rest of the marines that died either committed suicide (Vasquez and Gorman) or put up a fight that forced the Aliens to kill them.

They even say as much during the aftermath of the APC escape from the atmosphere processor. "Hey look, the Sarge and Dietrich ain't dead man. Their signs are real low, but they ain't dead!"

Author:  grumpysmurf [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Ferro gets killed quite messily before the ship crashes; there's loads of blood and she makes a mortal gurgling noise. Also, just prior, her co-pilot doesn't respond when she speaks to him, which suggests he was stealthily murdered by the same alien.

Author:  Grim... [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

grumpysmurf wrote:
Ferro gets killed quite messily before the ship crashes; there's loads of blood and she makes a mortal gurgling noise. Also, just prior, her co-pilot doesn't respond when she speaks to him, which suggests he was stealthily murdered by the same alien.

Or asleep. In fact, he could have just not been near a radio.
I fairly sure Ferro doesn't make any noise, but there is a lot of blood, yes. Doesn't mean that she died, though*.

Burke wasn't killed by the aliens, as revealed in the original script / novel / one of the cuts of the film. He blew himself up with a grenade.

*I am "hmm" about this now, though. Let me find the book.

Author:  Grim... [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 18:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

GazChap wrote:
The rest of the marines that died either committed suicide (Vasquez and Gorman) or put up a fight that forced the Aliens to kill them.

I still don't think any of them were kill in a fight, to be honest.

Gorman: Blew himself up
Hudson: Got dragged into the floor - probably died of acid because he shot the Aliens as he did
Hicks: Survived!
Vasquez: Blew herself up
Frost: Got set on fire by Detrich and fell over a railing and exploded (clearly wasn't his day)
Ferro: Drove a dropship into the floor
Spunkmeyer: Was unlucky enough to be in the back of said dropship
Dietrich: Taken away and impregnated
Apone: As above
Drake: Acid blooded
Wierzbowski: The guy you never see! Christ knows what actually happened to him, the last thing you saw was his camera panning around and him going "arrrrrgh!"
Crowe: Broke his neck when caught up in the explosion of Frost's ammo bag.

Is that it? I think so.

Author:  Plissken [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

From distant memory of the book, Ripley gives him the grenade while he is cocooned and impregnated. I always thought it was a mercy killing by her and not suicide because he couldn't move.

Author:  Grim... [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 20:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Plissken wrote:
From distant memory of the book, Ripley gives him the grenade while he is cocooned and impregnated. I always thought it was a mercy killing by her and not suicide because he couldn't move.

All of that is correct. It appears in one of the cuts of the film, too - it's on the most recent Bluray release, fo sho.

Author:  GazChap [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

The Burke cocoon scene has never been in a cut of the film, the first time it was released publicly was on the Anthology Blu-ray :)

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 0:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

GazChap wrote:
The Burke cocoon scene has never been in a cut of the film, the first time it was released publicly was on the Anthology Blu-ray :)

I'd imagine that if you put back all the deleted scenes into Aliens it'd be about six hours long :)

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 0:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

More than likely. And I'd still watch it :)

Author:  Zio [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

It remains a peeve of mine that you can never get the Theatrical Cut of Aliens on anything nowadays as I genuinely prefer it to the Special Edition. It's better paced and, though I loved seeing it originally, I do now feel the bit with Newt's parents should've stayed on the cutting room floor.

Author:  sinister agent [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Zio wrote:
I'm kind of excited about the prequel. Maybe. Perhaps more intrigued.

I dunno, for me part of the magic with Alien is the mystery surrounding the alien ship with all the eggs on board. Where did it come from? What was it doing? What happened to make it crash there? etc, etc.

This is exactly why I think the prequel is a terrible idea. It's a horror film. Half the fun of the series is in the unknown things. All we ever see is the inside of a few ships and shithole colonies, with a cast list of a few dozen people. Splurging all over that by turning over every stone defeats the subtlety and sheer alien-ness of the aliens - we've no idea whatsoever what they actually are or where they came from (though we can and do theorise, which is half the fun). It's cashing in and pandering to fanboys and should be left well alone.

Plus, y'know, fully 50% of the series is utter shit already. Quit while you're behind, guys, and move on.

Author:  grumpysmurf [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Okay, you've sorta half convinced me. I wasn't aware that there was missing footage of Burke getting cocooned and that. I still maintain that Ferro and her co-pilot were both killed prior to the drop-ship crashing though.

Author:  Blucey [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

If the prequel is made and is set at least partly on a ship, I wonder if they'll put in a lot of cacky old green screen monitors to keep the continuity right with Alien?

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Zio wrote:
It remains a peeve of mine that you can never get the Theatrical Cut of Aliens on anything nowadays.

Err... it's on the most recent DVD release and Blu-ray release ;)

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

And the Quadrilogy.

Author:  DavPaz [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I have an old VHS copy if you want that, Zio. ;)

Author:  Zio [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Grim... wrote:
And the Quadrilogy.

It is?

*gazes towards Quadrilogy box on shelf*

Um... Hey look, a flying facehugger!

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

The quadrilogy has the theatrical and director's cuts of all the films.

Author:  LaceSensor [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Grim... wrote:
GazChap wrote:
The rest of the marines that died either committed suicide (Vasquez and Gorman) or put up a fight that forced the Aliens to kill them.

I still don't think any of them were kill in a fight, to be honest.

Gorman: Blew himself up
Hudson: Got dragged into the floor - probably died of acid because he shot the Aliens as he did
Hicks: Survived!
Vasquez: Blew herself up
Frost: Got set on fire by Detrich and fell over a railing and exploded (clearly wasn't his day)
Ferro: Drove a dropship into the floor
Spunkmeyer: Was unlucky enough to be in the back of said dropship
Dietrich: Taken away and impregnated
Apone: As above
Drake: Acid blooded
Wierzbowski: The guy you never see! Christ knows what actually happened to him, the last thing you saw was his camera panning around and him going "arrrrrgh!"
Crowe: Broke his neck when caught up in the explosion of Frost's ammo bag.

Is that it? I think so.

Wierzbowski makes some wierd struggling noises and Hicks calls for him, I always assumed he was made a host. Could be wrong though.
Rest is pretty much spot on Id say

Its obvious that the prerogative for the Aliens in the film is to establish a hive, and as such they try to take as many hosts as possible.
Also its entirely possible that Spunkmeier simply died in the dropship crash and wasnt killed by the Alien. There is lots of blood when the Alien finds Ferro in the cockpit, but she does reach for a pistol IIRC and likely the Aliens are more hostile towards armed adversaries.

Either way its a kick ass film.
Apparently the deleted scene showing Burke coccooned is on the new BluRay boxset, and now, Youtube.

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Grim... wrote:
And the Quadrilogy.

Is that not the most recent DVD release? Am I missing one? :'(

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Oh - I was including the triple pack, which I forgot was R1.

Author:  devilman [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

GazChap wrote:
Grim... wrote:
And the Quadrilogy.

Is that not the most recent DVD release? Am I missing one? :'(

Despite already owning the Quadrilogy, my brother bought me the boxed set that includes AvP 1 and 2 for my birthday one year. I suspect it was on offer.

Author:  BikNorton [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Also it might be feeling trapped, and scared because OH CRAP THE FLOOR WOBBLES AND WHY'S THE GROUND ALL THE WAY DOWN THERE AND SHIT.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

BikNorton wrote:
Also it might be feeling trapped, and scared because OH CRAP THE FLOOR WOBBLES AND WHY'S THE GROUND ALL THE WAY DOWN THERE AND SHIT.

Er, hi. What?

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I believe Bik's referring to the Alien on the dropship with Ferro.

Author:  BikNorton [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Yeah. Poor thing. It must've been terrified.

Author:  Alarm [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 13:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

When can we expect Freddy vs. Jason vs. Alien vs. Predator? Perhaps 2020?

Jason would win, obviously.

Author:  Zio [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Maybe it's not the Quadrilogy I own then. Truth telling time: it's not really sitting on a shelf where I can see it, it's actually still somewhere at my parents. I'm such a scamp!

Anyway, the box set I have has, I'm fairly sure, only the Theatrical Cut of Alien, Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection and the Special Edition of Aliens. It's possible that the Director's Cut of Alien and the Theatrical Version of Aliens are there also, but I'm reasonably sure they're not, because I later helped myself to the Director's Cut of Alien when someone traded it in to the Gamestation I worked in.

I acquired the Director's Cut of Alien 3 that way also. It's a very interesting film for those who've not seen it - quite a lot different from the Theatrical Version.

I'm in that curious camp of people who really like Alien 3 by the way.

Author:  NervousPete [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

LaceSensor wrote:
Its obvious that the prerogative for the Aliens in the film is to establish a hive, and as such they try to take as many hosts as possible.
Also its entirely possible that Spunkmeier simply died in the dropship crash and wasnt killed by the Alien. There is lots of blood when the Alien finds Ferro in the cockpit, but she does reach for a pistol IIRC and likely the Aliens are more hostile towards armed adversaries.

I'm pretty certain a scriptwriter wouldn't hint at an alien being on board and then have Ferro try to catch (the superbly named) Spunkmeier on comms without it being meant to get a hefty "UH OH!" from the audience and thus line us up nicely in anticipating Ferro's imminent demise.

Also, I always liked the idea of being a marine and cowardly ducking out of a mission by simply shaking my head violently whilst going, "YAAAARGH!" and then craftily ripping the heartbeat monitor off, before pegging it to a nice safe place for a lovely kip.

Author:  Alarm [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 13:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Am I the only person who refers to Alien³ as Alien Cubed? I've always done so, and someone recently commented that he's never heard anyone refer to it as that.

Author:  NervousPete [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 14:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Alarm wrote:
Am I the only person who refers to Alien³ as Alien Cubed? I've always done so, and someone recently commented that he's never heard anyone refer to it as that.

I think you are.

Also, Brian Glover is in Alien 3 as Space Yorkshireman, therefore Alien 3 wins.

Author:  Blucey [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

Alarm wrote:
Am I the only person who refers to Alien³ as Alien Cubed? I've always done so, and someone recently commented that he's never heard anyone refer to it as that.

I've heard the term but I've never used it.

LaceSensor wrote:
but she does reach for a pistol IIRC and likely the Aliens are more hostile towards armed adversaries.

At first I was like 'uh?' but I can sort of see your point to a degree. If they sensed any danger, I'm sure they'd attack more viciously if they didn't have a way out.

But I'm not sure a lady strapped down reaching for a gun that alien probably cannot see, and might not even know is a pistol, is enough of a threat for it to go kill crazy.

That said, Ash does say that they are pretty much completely hostile.

Author:  GazChap [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alien and Aliens

I don't think you can take what Ash says as gospel though.

In Alien, the Company don't know anything about the Alien, they just know that there's an Alien lifeform transmitting the signal and that it needs to be investigated and brought back at all costs. All Ash learns about them, he learns throughout the course of the film.

There's also the disparity between how Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett imagined the Alien to be, compared to James Cameron. In the original film, the Alien was supposed to be a "lone wolf" if you like, and it was supposed to be completely hostile, with no desire to set up a hive.

Then James Cameron turned up and stuffed it all up by giving them a hive mind and a Queen. I actually quite like the whole hive idea, but it does take something away from the idea of a completely remorseless killing machine.

If Ridley Scott had left in the scene with Dallas and Brett metamorphosing into eggs in the Alien theatrical cut, Aliens could have been very, very different.

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