The 'Yay!' thread
post about good things
They do take up a bit of room, to be fair. My parents have one in theirs and my dad ends up storing stuff actually in the ice reservoir! :DD

That said, my Dad is a crazy man who buys more food in the weekly shop than can ever possibly be consumed.
Ice makers piss us off; you buy what should be a huge freezer that is half-useless because it only has a few shelves, then they fill half of it with a non-removable water cooler/ice maker as well. It's absurd in a country like ours. Especially in a piss-wet-through place like Manchester.

Buying a pulled-pork-maker is still on my list, once the integrated fridge-freezer is ripped out to give storage for such things.

This thread has gone right off the rails. Sorry everyone.
Good Frozen Christ Almighty!

Fairly amused to see that the Energy Saving Trust "recommend" this behemoth, and it somehow merits an A+ energy rating, despite consuming more than 3 times the amount of energy than my basic £130 Electrolux larder fridge with freezer compartment.

Which does the same job. (it also doesn't make ice) :D
Your freezer doesn't store 5+ kilos of fruit from the allotment. Also pies made from some of that fruit. Nor does Hel's current freezer, which has spilled over into half of my freezer, and it wasn't even all that good a year.

We're going to combat the energy issue by digging a hole in the kitchen floor and lying the new one in it, so the cold doesn't keep falling out (okay, we're not, but having all those freezer drawers should help).
For that money I'd expect wooden doors and be able to step through to Narnia.
I'd want a cold fusion dispenser, never mind ice!

(Yeah, my fruit crop wasn't great either. Got a few pies and crumbles eated, still have some apples stored in the shed, nothing I need to freeze).
While we're on the subject of refridgeration, can someone please explain to me why my gf insists on putting fresh fruit in the fridge whilst leaving the butter out on the side and then looking at me like I'm the weird one when I question this behaviour?

Apparently it's what her parents have always done. My protestations of butter being a dairy product and thus needing to be kept in the fridge fall on deaf ears.

Please Beex, am I the nuts one or is my missus?
kalmar wrote:
still have some apples stored, nothing I need to freeze.

Not got rid of it on Ebay yet? How about the camera?
Zio wrote:
leaving the butter out on the side

That's so you can spread it though.
They all went, much to my surprise. Set a high starting price on the camera and was going to send it to you if it didn't go.. but it did, sorry :(
My GF leaves the butter out, I have decided to just put it away rather than say anything each time I notice.
This is opposed to my initial internal reaction, which is to go mental :D

Don't even get me started on the toothpaste lid...
Have you tried spreading fridged butter? Even Lurpak spreadable really isn't good enough if your bread is fresh.
Butter will last a decent amount of time out on the side. It'll last longer in the fridge though.
BikNorton wrote:
Have you tried spreading fridged butter? Even Lurpak spreadable really isn't good enough if your bread is fresh.

The butter with olive oil in spreads just fine direct from the fridge. It still gets left out on the side though...
I don't like butter*, and really cold fruit not only tastes horrible, it hurts my teeth.

*I'll use low-fat spread very, very occasionally.
Malabar Front wrote:
I don't like butter.

You're dead to me.
Craster wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
I don't like butter.

You're dead to me.

You can take the butter, then. I'll take Felicia Day.

I'm reasonably sure I win that battle.
kalmar wrote:
Set a high starting price on the camera and was going to send it to you if it didn't go.. but it did, sorry :(

Thanks anyway.

Capitalist Hippy!
I know I felt quite bad about it :(
Will make it up to you another time x
*stabs cauliflower with lentil scented jostick.*
Malabar Front wrote:
You can take the butter, then. I'll take Felicia Day.

I'm reasonably sure I win that battle.

Nah. Because as soon as she comes over, she'll want some toast. And you won't have any butter, and she'll leave you.
Craster wrote:
Nah. Because as soon as she comes over, she'll want some toast. And you won't have any butter, and she'll leave you.

Nah, she'd want a different, more human type of butter. And I'm primed.
Trooper wrote:
Don't even get me started on the toothpaste lid...

Is this the single most annoying thing ever? A close second would be filling the basin with soapy water and dirty dishes, then leaving it to get cold and scummy just in time for me to come and wash the dishes >:(

My good news this week is that my girlfriends mum seems to be on the mend after being struck down by a serious auto immune disease. Spent the weekend in Fife visiting the family and going back this weekend when we're hoping she might have been let out of hospital.

Also started working with the site services department at work and spent a very interesting day working in a construction area in the pouring rain laying cables and stuff. Was freezing cold and soaking wet when one of the Italian contractors came over and gave me an espresso he'd just made :) It was the nicest espresso ever although this may have been due to the weather conditions and the act of kindness.

Final yay...hometime!
superdupergill wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Don't even get me started on the toothpaste lid...

Is this the single most annoying thing ever?

Separate toothpaste tubes, it was the only solution...
Not squeezing the toothpaste from the bottom.
People still use toothpaste in tubes?

That stuff is shite.
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
That stuff is shite.

Your face is shite.
Your teeth are shite.
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Your teeth are shite.

:'( It's true.
Bahaahah! Use proper toothpaste instead of the horrible foamy mouth soap crap. Blurgh! Seriously though, I just don't like the way that blue stuff foams up. Prefer good old fashioned Colgate in a tube.
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Bahaahah! Use proper toothpaste instead of the horrible foamy mouth soap crap. Blurgh! Seriously though, I just don't like the way that blue stuff foams up. Prefer good old fashioned Colgate in a tube.

I'd have thought you'd love how it foams in your mouth.
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Bahaahah! Use proper toothpaste instead of the horrible foamy mouth soap crap. Blurgh! Seriously though, I just don't like the way that blue stuff foams up. Prefer good old fashioned Colgate in a tube.

You're probably not enjoying it because it's too hard to use.
BikNorton wrote:
I know. It turns out that we're both a bit... challenged... when it comes to considering cost when all other criteria are met, and the 20+ alternatives we've considered are very unsuitable.

It's a huge side-by-side, but only 63cm deep. All the others are at least 73cm deep, too tall, lacking in volume, have an ice-maker, or don't have boxes in the freezer or enough shelves in the fridge and/or freezer.

Malabar Front wrote:
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Bahaahah! Use proper toothpaste instead of the horrible foamy mouth soap crap. Blurgh! Seriously though, I just don't like the way that blue stuff foams up. Prefer good old fashioned Colgate in a tube.

I'd have thought you'd love how it foams in your mouth.

Na, only if it's spunk.
Zardoz wrote:
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Bahaahah! Use proper toothpaste instead of the horrible foamy mouth soap crap. Blurgh! Seriously though, I just don't like the way that blue stuff foams up. Prefer good old fashioned Colgate in a tube.

You're probably not enjoying it because it's too hard to use.

You're confusing me with your mother and her vagina. AM I RIGHT? HAHAHAAHAHAH! etc.
Fucking hell, I feel bad about that.
Ketchup - cupboard or fridge?
Seriously, people. This is a yay! thread. Can we avoid butter-bitching in it? Thanks! ^_^

pupil wrote:
Talking about paying off debts, as of this week's pay-check I have officially paid off 10K of debt since I moved to Manchester 2 1/2 years ago! Still another 6.5K to go but this feels like a significant milestone and I'm pretty chuffed with myself for getting this far :)

Also, Supersonic festival in Birmingham last week was brilliant, and then getting to see Swans (my favourite band ever) play another 2 times in Leeds and Manchester was also fantastic... and catching throughsilver at the Leeds gig was Yay too :D

Those who've met me know I'm pretty Yay most of the time anyway, but these are special Yays for this month :)

Top stuff dude. I mentioned the awesomeness of the gig too.

New yay!: tax rebate for 2008-09 is on its way. That'll do nicely!
Hooray for tax rebates! Take that, Government cuts!

My kitchen is almost, finally, finished. which is a mini-yay now, but might be worth a full-on super-YAY! in a few more weeks.
[quote="superdupergill"My good news this week is that my girlfriends mum seems to be on the mend after being struck down by a serious auto immune disease. Spent the weekend in Fife visiting the family and going back this weekend when we're hoping she might have been let out of hospital.[/quote]

Was it lupus?

Glad things are getting better :)
My girlfriend's parents are visiting at the moment. That's a yay, as they are generally pleasant, despite speaking no English whatsoever, bring goodies like German sweets and chocolate, and help out my g.f. with a bit of cash (in, err, Euros).

Just bought a secondhand copy of Super Mario Advance 2. That's a yay, as Super Mario World is still amazing even after twenty years (on the 21st).
Sorry Throughsilver. Yay! For the very existence of butter!
Butter is pure cack :spew: :spew: and a double :spew:

My sister in law has Lupus. It fucking sucks. >:(
1) not yay
2) not lupus.
Yay for the free 16GB USB stick and copy of Office 2010 from Microsoft today :)
My 22 month old daughter sang me Miss Hoolie's song from Balamory today.

Mr Dave wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
I just got back from my first in-person American football match, and an enjoyable day it was too. Saw lots of other fans, there was no trouble, and we all cheered the Cowboys getting mullered.

And it was my first trip to Wembley; second most impressive stadium I've been to.

I also went to this. It was most excellent (Particulary after the intensely annoying and clueless Broncos fan behind me had his smugness turned into a foot stomping rage quit near the end - and that was only when they were tied.)

I was at the game as well and the people in the row next to us sound very like the ones Mr Dave is describing , you wernt in section 217 were you ?

I also had haggis for dinner tonight which is a definite yah !
Yay! I got a cat!
JohnCoffey wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I know. It turns out that we're both a bit... challenged... when it comes to considering cost when all other criteria are met, and the 20+ alternatives we've considered are very unsuitable.

It's a huge side-by-side, but only 63cm deep. All the others are at least 73cm deep, too tall, lacking in volume, have an ice-maker, or don't have boxes in the freezer or enough shelves in the fridge and/or freezer.


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