Dawn Of War multiplayer
Fun fun fun!
Anybody about and fancy some DoW multiplayer ce soir? Or I'm sticking with Mercenaries before heading off to bed.
I will.
What time?
Would have to be nowish - Sam will be up and being a right royal pain in the posterior in about an hour and then that's the rest of the evening gone.
Bah - my dinner is about ready.
Sorry mate. Are you about later (10ish?)?
Unfortunately not - that's when the night shift with Sam will start (Mrs Chris feeding and me winding, trying to get him off to sleep repeatedly and changing nappies and fetching water and such), and won't finish until about 1am, at which point I'll want to sleep.

Not to worry - another night will present itself as an opportunity. Will give me the chance to get hold of the expansions, as I have none of them (sniff).
Wuss - my night shift went from 10pm to 5am :)

Still, only a few months to go, eh? Sam S is now sleeping regularly from 7pm - midnight, then from 12:30 to 4ish, then from 4:30 to 8. Aceness.
Samuel L hasn't really hit a routine yet, but seems to be mostly awake between 9.30/10 and about 1am. He then wakes up again at 4/4.30 and goes back to sleep about 5 for about three hours, and then his older brother wakes at 6, so Mrs C stays in bed sleeping for three hours and I get up and feed and play with Oliver... Fuck all sleep at the mo, man.

Oliver started sleeping from 7pm til 3am, then 3.30 to 7am from about 3 months, so we're hoping the same will happen this time.

Also, no will not die pls thnx. harumph.
If this is on steam I think I will get it when I've cleared some more space on my laptop.
Yep - the game and all three expansions are sold as a bundle on steam for 20 dollars, I think.
Mr Chris wrote:
Also, no will not die pls thnx. harumph.

That's not me, silly.
Mr Chris wrote:
Yep - the game and all three expansions are sold as a bundle on steam for 20 dollars, I think.

Hang on - earlier in the thread it was the game and the first two expansions for $30.
It's $30 for the Platinum (both expansions), or $20 for the Gold (just the one). There are only two expansions.
Grim... wrote:
It's $30 for the Platinum (both expansions), or $20 for the Gold (just the one). There are only two expansions.

Not so, wrongface.

Winter Assault, Dark Crusade, and Soulstorm.

Soulstorm is only just out though, hence my suprise that it would be included in a bundle that cheaply.
Ah. No, soulstorm isn't included - it's $40 (!) on Steam.

[edit]$40 + $7 VAT! Ugh.
Grim... wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Also, no will not die pls thnx. harumph.

That's not me, silly.


Ah - I was obviously looking at the wrong package on steam. Well, anyway, DoW plus two expansions are on Play for 25 quid, or with all three for 27 quid. Hmm. I just want the expansions, dammit!
The Grim.., with only two dots and a low post count - he's not me.
The Soulstorm thing is a seperate game and doesn't include any of the other stuff, right?
It installs itself seperately and adding in the serials for the previous games, opens them up for use in multiplayer. I got incredibly bored playing as the Sisters of Cackhanded Battle Shite.
It's a bit confusing.

Dawn of War has Orks, Marines, Chaos and Eldar
Winter Assault has Imperial Guard
Dark Alliance has Necrons and Tau
Soul Storm has Sisters of Battle and Dark Eldar

Whichever ones you have installed* allow you play those races in multi-player.
Winter Assault is your normal expansion which requires the original game to run at all.
Dark Alliance and Soulstorm are separate games which install separately and work perfectly well on their own, but limit you to those races online.
They're not forward compatible either though, so someone with just Soulstorm couldn't play against someone with just Dark Alliance or Dawn of War.

*technically all Dark Alliance and Soulstorm do is check if you have the other installed when installing, and prompt you for the CD keys if you do. After that you can uninstall the old games (assuming you don't want the single player campaign). Or just use a unlocking tool mod and don't install them at all (still need the CD keys though).

Might be up for a game at some point.
Deano2099 wrote:
Might be up for a game at some point.

I've got Dawn of War and am always up for a game, more so of Company of Heroes. ("Oh, shut up," - ed.)
Well I tried to order the platinum thinger, which is the original game, winter assault and dark alliance. Except it borked after the paypal screen. Twice. I daren't try it again.
nervouspete wrote:
Deano2099 wrote:
Might be up for a game at some point.

I've got Dawn of War and am always up for a game, more so of Company of Heroes. ("Oh, shut up," - ed.)

Pete, add me to XFire and/or Steam so I can see you online and I'll give you a game of CoH one night. Do promise to be gentle, though.

XFire : Sheepeh
Steam : SheepehToo
Any DoWagers around at the mo?
Steam won't let me buy it. :'(
Mr Chris wrote:
Any DoWagers around at the mo?

I'm about. Can't tonight though. Maybe tomorrow night? Or sometime Sunday? I'm having a quiet weekend in anticipation of my move on Tuesday.
Oooh, weekend may work at some point. It'll be about 9-10ish on either night.
I can be around at about 9ish tonight, too.
Excellent - three way silliness it is!
You two still up for this? Say 9:20?
Yep - up for a game now if you're both still around?
I'll be off to bed in 10 minutes if neither of you turn up...
Just repatching as I stupidly uninstalled it due to my hard drive being tiny-small. Nearly done - a quarter of the way through the last one. Should be done by half past. Maybe even 9:20.

In the meantime, I'm watching Doc Who - cor!
Coolio - will be around.

I'm in! I'll find you GRIMMEH! (Sorry Doc, duty calls...)
I am BETEOMr_Chris, unimaginatively enough.
Ah. Incredibly I am nervouspete. What map, eh? BETEO password-it, shall we?

EDIT: Hmm, can't see you in there. You in yet?
My laptop is being a benny. Should be there in a tick.

I have the vanilla game only, btw, so it will have to be one of the basics. Deffo BETEO password, tho.
How does one do the whisper thing in the forum?

EDIT - ah.
Too late, I fear :(

Mr Chris actually had me on the ropes, though I was beginning to fight back and retake my half. Still, he would probably have won. Fortunately (but really unfortunately as I was enjoying that) he lagged out. :) :(
Me? lag, on a BT connectoin? Never.
Grim - password is "beteo".
I have returned armed with sarnie. Am waiting. :)
Grimmeh is quite frankly terrifying.
I got thoroughly pwned, within seconds. How on earth do you do it? It takes me half an our to get to the point where I can make a half decent squad.

Ah, my problem is, of course, playing Eldar.
I think you could have rebuilt, it was just that you decided to wittingingly or not to do so right next to my base, which I took a dim view of. In fact, at the time I thought you were building some sort of big cannon to rape my base as Grimmeh was attacking from the other side, and assumed you had a big force somewhere else. I was too busy screaming and trying to hold off him to go looking for you. :)

Grimmeh informs me that he:

A: Clicks right mouse button on the add unit member button to keep an automated wave of them coming, instead of manually left clicking all the time.

B: Places rally point flags about so units go where he wants them upon production.

C: Creates waypoints so units are always on the move capturing places and shit.

Also he is just scary good. How can he get a dreadnought so quickly eh? EH? Maybe it should be a me and you vs him later, Mr Chris! :DD
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