Grim... wrote:
The Vision is my new best Beexer ever.

Decca's list starts off really well, but plumments downhill just after she says "present day".

Road Dogg?
Paul Bearer?

DX era Road dogg with his "ladies and gentlemen boys and girls..." bit was nothing but awesome
Go back and watch Paul Bearer's promos with the undertaker and tell me he wasn't awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTxmjud_IwM
Take the gimmick away and Hornswaggle can actually wrestle - you got to admire a midget who frog splashes off the top rope.
Jeff Hardy has to be one of the most overrated wrestlers ever. Dude can only tell one story in the ring, and that is 'watch Jeff fly around the ring'. His work seems to lack physicality too, half his repertoire seems to barely brush his opponent. And that's not because of his size. I always thought Matt was the worker of the Hardy Boyz. If you told me back in 2000 that Jeff would be a multiple World Champ, I'd have laughed in your face.
I think the best promos and crowd work has been done by Vince himself. The man's incredible.

Here you go... back when I had hair and was about 2 stone lighter. Good times!
Grim... wrote:
I think the best promos and crowd work has been done by Vince himself. The man's incredible.

Yeah, he is. The programme has really suffered without him over the last year or so.

Did everyone see the video of him taking the piss out of himself after the Mrs failed to get elected? It was brilliant.
Good sell too. What actually knocked you out? I imagine it was the floor, right?
The new brood Vs Edge and christian was utterly sublime. I like Jeff because he's utterly bat shit insane, go watch his 2002 matches with taker.
The storyline was that Matt got put on smackdown, Jeff on raw and Jeff decided to make a name for himself by dropping the taker into HUUUUUMAN VOMET! HUUUUUUUUman VOMET!!! which led on to the ladder match - "go on kid climb the ladder!!! make yourself famous!!!!" and these awesome moments:

edit: 2:10 is quite probably one of the most awesome moments ever in this very ring
DavPaz wrote:
Good sell too. What actually knocked you out? I imagine it was the floor, right?

I wish I knew... :o
MaliA wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Well, I was working on a show for 1PW. A wrestling organisation based in Doncaster that used to bring over loads of American stars... Anyway, Al Snow and Steve Corino were working out there match backstage. I wasn't supposed to be involved in it but they called me over and told me to do a run in when the regular ref got knocked out.

After this, Steve Corino was going to try to hit Al Snow with a clothesline but Al was to move and Steve would hit me and send me over the top rope to the outside.

This happened as planned except I wasn't aware of how hard Steve would hit me... It was like being hit by a car to the chest! All I remember is a dull thud noise and then I ended up outside the ring.

I thought I was on the floor for about 30 seconds but it was actually the remaining 10 minutes or so of the match.

When I came to I recall looking up at the ring and thinking "Oh, there's Al Snow... what are all these people shouting about?"

Amazing... there was also the time that Doug Williams kicked me in the knackers by mistake but that's not as amusing as the Steve Corino story.

Here's me.. on the floor...

I'm struggling to comprehend the awesome of this.

Just got more awesome.
MaliA wrote:
This happened as planned

Wait, what?

DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
This happened as planned

Wait, what?


We should probably do this over a PM... I would hate to spoil it for anyone. :facepalm:

Here have some youtube funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhzwhAYy ... re=related check out the stone faced hate on the kid's faces.
Impressive stuff The Vision. I doubt it was the floor that caused the lack of consciousness. I think it was just a particularly vicious clothesline. That was nasty the way it had your head bending over the rope. Could have been much much worse. With a hit like that I wouldn't have been surprised at a broken neck.

I quite enjoyed some of TNA Lockdown last night. The Kurt Angle match was pretty intense. Nice to see a decent bit of womens wrestling. The X Division stuff wasn't as fun as I'd hoped though. And there was a match involving the Dudleys. :(

I've now decided to have a look at Shimmer womens wrestling. Proper (super low budget) wrestling but with women.


They'd be amazing if they had some money. They have Daffney after all which is always a good thing.
What the hell is occurring in this thread?
I don't know. But here's a picture of me and a workmate as wrestlers that someone made.
The Vision!!! Awesome! :DD

Curiosity, I and two others went to see WWF up in Manchester (too long ago). The Rock vs Stone Cold was probably the highlight.
Personally my fave bit is a steel cage match Rikishi vs (?) and it is first out wins. Rikisihi climbs to the top of the cage, then instead of climbing down sees his opponent lying on the floor, looks down, looks up (All this time Jerry Lawler is shouting, "no Rikishi, don't do it, NOO! Look at his eyes!") and jumps off the steel cage back onto his opponent! Brilliant entertainment!
Santino Marella has been the best thing about WWE over the last couple of years, without a doubt. Can't wrestle for toffee, but is hilarious.
Nirejhenge wrote:

I've now decided to have a look at Shimmer womens wrestling. Proper (super low budget) wrestling but with women.


They'd be amazing if they had some money. They have Daffney after all which is always a good thing.

I do love a bit of women's wrestling, just a real shame they don't have more cash for it as you say. TNA used to be aces for good gal-on-gal stuff until their (last I saw at least, post-Hulk/Bischoff fucking AUGH) continuing attempt to sideline everything interesting the franchise had going for it. I really, really hate what they're doing to themselves now, I used to fucking enjoy most of a show ferchrissakes.

There's an ace low-budget Japanese promotion called Ice Ribbon you should check out. One of their shows had a bash between two preteen girls and an in-ring showdown between a rubber-suited lobster monster and his nemesis, alongside plenty of decent women's matches. Maybe I was a little out of it at the time, but I recall it playing out like some fever dream of the best wrestling thing ever.
TheVision wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Good sell too. What actually knocked you out? I imagine it was the floor, right?

I wish I knew... :o

Chloroformed armpit.

myoptikakaka wrote:
Santino Marella has been the best thing about WWE over the last couple of years, without a doubt. Can't wrestle for toffee, but is hilarious.

I've just youtube'd him. Excellent.
myoptikakaka wrote:
Santino Marella has been the best thing about WWE over the last couple of years, without a doubt. Can't wrestle for toffee, but is hilarious.

Vladimir Koslov makes a surprisingly excellent straight guy for his antics, too.
Craster wrote:
Vladimir Koslov makes a surprisingly excellent straight guy for his antics, too.

Didn't think there were any in American Wrestling.
Totally booked the 31st off work so I can watch the Royal Rumble. Result!
Grim... wrote:
Totally booked the 31st off work so I can watch the Royal Rumble. Result!

So... tempting...
I've got holiday to use up, so I'll probably do that.
Come to Grim...Acres. It'll really piss off the wife!
I'm catching up on WWE Experience from the weekend (curse not having Sky Sports anymore!). How stupid does Cody Rhodes look without any knee protectors? He reminds me of a ken doll.

OMG Shawn Michaels was on Raw last week! :luv: And he gave that Alberto tit sweet chin music :D

Everytime I hear Rey Mysterio talk I think of Cartman. Is it just me? :s
Ange wrote:
And he gave that Alberto tit sweet chin music :D

He was probably pissed that he switched his phone off ran out off credit.
Ange wrote:
How stupid does Cody Rhodes look without any knee protectors? He reminds me of a ken doll.

Lady Rixondale has developed a rather unusual obsession with Dashing Cody Rhodes' grooming tips. She's a bit odd sometimes.
Ange wrote:
The Divas. Ah the divas. Who's your fave? I heart Beth Phoenix just a little bit.

I want Beth Phoenix to be my girlfriend.
The Royal Rumble's going to have 40 competitors this year instead of the usual 30. This'll probably mean that lots of records get broken like someone being in it for the longest time evah and someone eliminating the most people evah.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
However, it won't stop Triple H making a "surprise comeback" and winning the thing.
Lord Rixondale wrote:
The Royal Rumble's going to have 40 competitors this year instead of the usual 30. This'll probably mean that lots of records get broken like someone being in it for the longest time evah and someone eliminating the most people evah.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
However, it won't stop Triple H making a "surprise comeback" and winning the thing.

I'll be up for watching that!

*Hint Hint* *Cough*

Do they all get to fight in the ring at the same time?
You've never seen a Rumble?

It starts with two guys in the ring, then every 2 minutes (or however long, usually two, but if they're having 40, maybe less) another comes out. Tho only way to be eliminated is to be thrown over the top rope and both your feet hit the floor. It continues until all the participants have been eliminated and one man is left in the ring. (whether you can be DQ'd seems to depend on Vince's mood, in the Attitude era it was reasonably common to see a guy bring a weapon, but Finlay got DQ'd for using his shel shill stick a few years back.)

The Royal Rumble is basically the only PPV except 'Mania that is guaranteed to be worth watching, solely because of this match. Watch for some surprise entrants too, usually some familiar faces from years gone by pop up in the Rumble.

I'm betting Awesome Kong debuts in the Rumble, she's been signed to the WWE and is big enough to be a threat
TheVision wrote:

Here you go... back when I had hair and was about 2 stone lighter. Good times!

Awesome... looks like you hit your head on the ring apron pretty hard.
Pundabaya wrote:
It starts with two guys in the ring, then every 2 minutes (or however long, usually two, but if they're having 40, maybe less) another comes out.

90 seconds this year.
I haven't seen one for a while but after seeing a bit of WWE last weekend and reading this thread I wouldn't mind watching another one. I always found Royal Rumble quite entertaining, even if sometimes they get caught out and it can clearly be seen that at times a move doesn't 'connect' but the inteded recipient still acts as if hit (and chuck themselves over the rope).
Inspired by this thread i'm watching the 2010 Royal Rumble working from home at the moment, which I just downloaded went to the shop and bought.

Shaun Micheals is still in it! bloody hell, he must be pushing 50 by now...
All good fun though, but either the new stars acting is much worse than the old guys, or I notice how poorly setup stuff is these days. :D
If you're surprised at seeing Michaels, I assume you haven't seen Michaels vs Undertaker at last year's wrestlemania. You should, it's a great match and really quite touching.
Hang on a fucking second - didn't Michaels take on Rik Flair, and make him leave?
Have I missed a year?
Grim... wrote:
Hang on a fucking second - didn't Michaels take on Rik Flair, and make him leave?
Have I missed a year?

Yeah, he made Ric retire a while ago... but sadly Ric is a complete nob and then just went and signed with TNA.
Richard Morgan Fliehr, (born February 25, 1949)

Jesus. Than man is 2 months younger than my dad!
Decca wrote:
Ok I'm going to do one of my favorite things and make some lists.

Most favorite wrestlers Attitude era to present day.

6. HHH (much prefer him as a face)
10. Road dogg
13. Al Snow
14. Batista
15. Shane McMahon
16. Ron simmons
17. Paul Bearer
18. Hornswaggle, ok I friggin like him I'll admit it, when he first came on I was like "what the fuck is this" but then I saw him do his rasslin' thing and couldn't help but be impressed.
19 . Tazz
20. Tommy Dreamer

Least favorite wrestlers.

3. Stone cold Steve Austin (he has 2? years of being good then many many many more of shouting his couple of catchprases, doing the stunner and then heading home to beat his wife)
10. Bret Hart
11. Brock Lesnar
13. Rick Rude
14. British Bulldog


Granted, attitude era wasn't the best time to see Rude, Bulldog or Bret, but, still. :\\\\\\\\\
Wullie wrote:
They've started naming the fighters! :metul:

*'No chance in Hell' theme plays*

VINCE MCMAHON: *clears throat*
Hello everybody, I am WWE owner Vincent Kennedy McMahon! I am here, in this very ring tonight, to present to you the names! Of the forty participants in this! The two-thousand-eleven Royal Rumble. And here they are, in numerical order. Numbers one to forty: fucking everyone we have under contract! Thank you, and good night!

I've heard of seven out of that 20 :S
Grim... wrote:
Come to Grim...Acres. It'll really piss off the wife!

We should definitely have a mini-meet for it. As long as I can get the Monday off work (and the wife doesn't veto it), then we must do this.

Complete with drinking games, obviously enough.
throughsilver wrote:

Granted, attitude era wasn't the best time to see Rude, Bulldog or Bret, but, still. :\\\\\\\\\

Bret was a paper champion for the last year he was in the WWF, also he was a munter. All rude did was hit people with his briefcase and bad acted. Bulldog I disliked (RIP) for a different reason. He may have been a fine wrestler and a all round top bloke backstage - it was the character I hated. I hated the way they (the commentators) kept banging on about England and so forth when his (attitude) gimmick would not look out of place at a BNP rally. The thick manc accent didn't help.
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