This forum, then
Can we get a pay rise once everything has settled down then?

Hedgehog food doesn't buy itself y'know.
Are RSS feeds on the list of things that could be added or is it not possible?

Also am I right in thinking that us normal poster can't post polls? I can't see the option anywhere. Having pointless polls on an internet forum is a must surely?
Mr Russ wrote:
When text is quoted can it stay the same colour as it was instead of changing to a light blue? It looks very similar to links, and I keep trying to click on them (well, hover over them to see the URL anyway).

I've underlined the links now. Is that okay?
I would also ask for nicer smilies.
Though this one must stay.. :mrgreen:
Bluecup wrote:
Are RSS feeds on the list of things that could be added or is it not possible?

Also am I right in thinking that us normal poster can't post polls? I can't see the option anywhere. Having pointless polls on an internet forum is a must surely?

I'll give RSS a crack. Also -you can't do polls? There should be a box at the bottom of the 'new topic' page.
I would like to see an amusing animation of a ban hammer. That's not forum-related, but still, I'd like to see it.
Garr, one thing that does bug me is that the quick reply box doesn't auto hide after you use it.

Also is it possible for a button to quickly add a user to your friend/foe lists. I've seen the option in the control panel to manualy add people but it will be much quicker if there was a button.

Having "/ me" working would be nice as well.

I don't like underlined links. They ugly.
MaliA wrote:

Foes get ignored, unless they also happen to be moderators.

Friends, less useful - You have a friends list of who is online and who is not, and the ability to quickly PM them. That's about it.
MaliA wrote:

Oh, cock, you're a mod so I would have seen it anyway, can we try this carefully set up joke again, please?
Morte wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Yeah, pressing CTRL (or the middle mouse button) must be quite a hardship...
Like I said, you'll get an option.

...and pray tell which magic browsers are we using for this? I've just tried and one scrolls me a go go and the other opens the page in the same window.

IE7 and/or Firefox.
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Oh, cock, you're a mod so I would have seen it anyway, can we try this carefully set up joke again, please?

'friad not. For what it's worth though, you're one of the excellent people on my friends list.
Grim... wrote:
Also -you can't do polls? There should be a box at the bottom of the 'new topic' page.

I've doubled checked and can't see the option. I might just be blind though. Anyone else?

(Although on a brighter note I'm loving that fact the forum warns you about new posts in a topic before you post something)
Thing I would like - To have the edit button clearly different from the quote button - ideas include either shrinking the graphic or moving it. The amount of times I've nearly edited someone elses post rather than quoting it could not be counted on less than 4 hands.
Grim... wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Hyperlinks to be more obvious.

I've underlined them - any good?

Works for me.

Bluecup wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Also -you can't do polls? There should be a box at the bottom of the 'new topic' page.

I've doubled checked and can't see the option. I might just be blind though. Anyone else?

I can't see it either :(

(Although on a brighter note I'm loving that fact the forum warns you about new posts in a topic before you post something)

I hate that because I don't care what anyone else has to say, and it just interrupts my very important post.
Bluecup wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Also -you can't do polls? There should be a box at the bottom of the 'new topic' page.

I've doubled checked and can't see the option. I might just be blind though. Anyone else?

(Although on a brighter note I'm loving that fact the forum warns you about new posts in a topic before you post something)

Ditto, altough it has already been proven that I am indeed blind.
/me pulls a face at Goddess Jasmine
MaliA wrote:
** pulls a face at Goddess Jasmine

Make that work, please.

/me begs.
Underlined links are a throwback to the mid-90s, but whatever you like...
myoptika wrote:
Underlined links are a throwback to the mid-90s, but whatever you like...

"Yeah dude, it's totally not Web 2.0..."

It is, however, visible, unlike the previous links.
Links must be underlined. IT IS THE LAW.
lasermink wrote:
Links must be underlined. IT IS THE LAW.

I fucking hate his site. How can the world's self-professed foremost usability expert not realise that there's nothing usable about a site that is so pig-dog ugly that immediately navigating away from it is the only sensible course of action?
markg wrote:
lasermink wrote:
Links must be underlined. IT IS THE LAW.

I fucking hate his site. How can the world's self-professed foremost usability expert not realise that there's nothing usable about a site that is so pig-dog ugly that immediately navigating away from it is the only sensible course of action?

I know, I genuinely can't read more than a few lines of that page without going cross-eyed.. Does anyone still pay any attention?. I mean, back in like '95 I'm sure he had a valid point but things have moved on.
Links should always be underlined, in my opinion. Try being colourblind for a day and see how often people who like things to look 'streamlined' fuck you over. I'm not into the way Nielsen lays his stuff out, but what he says is still sensible.
As for the /me thing, it was only there as a joke. I'll take it away again.
The quick-reply box remembers the setting you left it at - that's a good thing, surely?
The edit and quote buttons are only a problem for moderators, it would appear ;) I'll move the edit button to be next to the email button - how does that sound?
Posting polls - some groovy moderator could probably look into that. I'm off to GET DRUNK IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!

You should be able to make polls now. Don't go poll mad.

(Could someone confirm that this has worked)
Is there a way of shifting the "Report This Post" button somewhere that doesn't leave a big blank space at the bottom of every post?
Mr Dave wrote:

You should be able to make polls now. Don't go poll mad.

(Could someone confirm that this has worked)

Confirmed. :)
Mr Dave wrote:

Don't go poll mad.


Grim... wrote:
Links should always be underlined, in my opinion. Try being colourblind for a day and see how often people who like things to look 'streamlined' fuck you over. I'm not into the way Nielsen lays his stuff out, but what he says is still sensible.

The topic titles in the forum page aren't underlined, but they're links too.
Grim... wrote:
The quick-reply box remembers the setting you left it at - that's a good thing, surely?

I will admitted it's probably just me that it bugs and it's not that big a thing really. It just that for me the quick reply box takes up alot of room and means that poor little me has to scroll that little bit extra to get to the "Board index » General Discussion" link to return to the main forum.
Can't you just use your 'Home' key?
AceAceBaby wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Links should always be underlined, in my opinion. Try being colourblind for a day and see how often people who like things to look 'streamlined' fuck you over. I'm not into the way Nielsen lays his stuff out, but what he says is still sensible.

The topic titles in the forum page aren't underlined, but they're links too.

If I underlined all the link, I think people like you would shout. So I shan't.
Now you're just being inconsistent. :D
Is there an MSN list so people can plots?
MaliA wrote:
Is there an MSN list so people can plots?

Not sure I get you, mate.
Can the "Submit" button under where we type replies be made bigger, or separated a little more from the others. Like a spacky-hands I have twice today clicked on save instead. Having 4 buttons to chose from is freaking me out, man.

Or I could pay more attention to what I'm doing I suppose.
Dunno, man. If I move it now I think it will screw everybody up.
Don't disturb the forum feng shui :nerd:

where is my feng shui?
Grim... wrote:
Dunno, man. If I move it now I think it will screw everybody up.

No worries, I was just wondering. I will of course get used to it.
That picture just rules.
Grim... wrote:
Why does the Super-Fast-Reply box only appear if you're on the last page? :( Why should I be forced to read things?! I want to make ignorant , half-informed replies!

Wait - are you serious?

I was serious about the bit before the face, yes.
Also: Can there be a "Mark forum as read" button? There is a "delete all board cookies" button but that logs me out...

Rodafowa wrote:
Is there a way of shifting the "Report This Post" button somewhere that doesn't leave a big blank space at the bottom of every post?

Yes, why not eh? :)
I shall be slapping my thick coding muscle against the forum's stylesheets n' shit, this weekend, yo. Then we'll see. Then we'll see.
Pod wrote:
Also: Can there be a "Mark forum as read" button?

There's 'Mark Topics Read' in the upper-right of a forum which comes in handy in the Reviews forum as I can't read most of it.
Pod wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Why does the Super-Fast-Reply box only appear if you're on the last page? :( Why should I be forced to read things?! I want to make ignorant , half-informed replies!

Wait - are you serious?

I was serious about the bit before the face, yes.

But then you answered your own question :)
Grim... wrote:
Pod wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Why does the Super-Fast-Reply box only appear if you're on the last page? :( Why should I be forced to read things?! I want to make ignorant , half-informed replies!

Wait - are you serious?

I was serious about the bit before the face, yes.

But then you answered your own question :)

Do you not trust me (and the other users of the forum) enough? HMMMM? Sometimes it doesn't matter what the other replies are, and you still want to post. Also, I think this is pretty humorous:

Message body:
Enter your message here, it may contain no more than 60000 characters.

That's a lot of characters! I could probably squeeze 3/4 of my dissertation into a single post! :D
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