Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Stuart Ashen wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
got the gig due to being bestest buddies with RTD

That goes for 90% of people involved with Who now, doesn't it?

Pretty much. And it's extending into the crew as well. Someone who worked on the show told me it had become a case where RTD employed his mates, they employed their mates and this then this starts to filter across the entire crew.

My contact hasn't had their contract renewed because of a change further up the chain of command.

It's terribly sad because one of Who's strengths in the past was that the BBC had an enormous amount of talent in-house but you'd get a mix of people working on the show because of the way the BBC worked.

That said, thankfully there are still some people from the past working on the series through their own merit. Sheelagh Wells who started her career on Blakes 7* has been looking after the make-up design on alot of new episodes. Mike Tucker who did the superb models on Red Dwarf and had also been on the original Who crew has done alot of the model shots on new Who (such as the spacecraft crashing through Big Ben which was done with models not CGI).

I'm not saying that alot of the "younger" crew members aren't talented, but I do think that sometimes things are being done at the whim of RTD rather than on who would be best for the job. Gold's music is a case in point. It makes Keff McCulloch's stuff sound subtle and understated in comparison. Mark Ayres has said he pitched for the gig but didn't get it which makes me rather cross as Ayres scores for Greatest Show In The Galaxy and Ghostlight were bloody amazing (although Ghostlight is mixed far too loud, something that Ayres himself comments on in the DVD documentry).

* And who was married Gareth Thomas. Chinnytrufax!
I didn't really like the episode this week. Can't quite put my finger on why as there were some good bits but for the most part it irritated or bored me. I think the problem was that the formula had been used so many times that I'm really quite sick of it all now. Does there really have to be so many end of the world scenarios? There weren't that many in old Who are there? And can we please go somewhere other than Earth?
Nirejhenge wrote:
I didn't really like the episode this week. Can't quite put my finger on why as there were some good bits but for the most part it irritated or bored me. I think the problem was that the formula had been used so many times that I'm really quite sick of it all now. Does there really have to be so many end of the world scenarios? There weren't that many in old Who are there? And can we please go somewhere other than Earth?

Hmmm. That's precisely how I felt about it, but Irri Tate annoyed me a bit too.
Nirejhenge wrote:
IThere weren't that many in old Who are there? And can we please go somewhere other than Earth?

Not rammed down your throat as much as the new series. Lots of baddies wanted to take over the world or even destroy it but I don't know what it is about the new series but everything seems so ident-a-kit and obvious. They used to be able to tell a story and just imply that the baddies scheme would result in bad things happening to the earth. Now everything needs to be spelt out.
I enjoyed this week's episode. I think Tate is settling as well as Billy or Freema. It did the same job as the Shakespeare episode last season. In many ways it was the same episode - but hey ho, I enjoy the formula.
Just noticed in the credits: Stallholder - Phil Cornwell.
Bring back Tegan, that's what I say.
I mean if they can fetch back Sarah Jane from much earlier, why not Tegan? I know she left the Doctor in a bit of a strop at not being able to take it all anymore but she might have changed her mind now.
She might be dead by now, of an alien tumour.
Nyssa was a bit boring though. She could win an award for looking blank I feel. I certainly wouldn't welcome the return of Peri Brown though. She was terrible.
Daniel wrote:
She might be dead by now, of an alien tumour.

This. They wrote her out in the audio adventures as it was a condition of Janet Fielding returning for one last time.

Of course money might make a difference but it's unlikely as Fielding now has a successful career off the stage as an agent.

Most of the others would welcome a return, especially Matthew Waterhouse who is now into the fourth year of his vigel outside the production facility where he is campaigning for Adrics return from the dead.
Luckily, nobody would welcome a return for Matthew Waterhouse, cast or listeners.
Did Janet Fielding not like being part of Doctor Who? I must say when I saw her on the Adventure Game she seemed rather humourless and boring. Tegan was great though. You can keep Jo Grant as well. I like Liz Shaw but she's way too old now. I presume Leela would have perished with her Timelord boyfriend she implausibly shacked up with at the end of the Invasion of Time. That has to be one of the most amusing Doctor Who moments. Romana can't come back either can she unless she miraculously made herself human as well.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Nyssa was a bit boring though. She could win an award for looking blank I feel. I certainly wouldn't welcome the return of Peri Brown though. She was terrible.

Ah Peri, or jiggly jugs as I prefer to think of her. Certainly The Two Doctors was improved no end by her costume.

As for Nyssa, not a bad companion but only Johnny Byrne (who sadly died last week) could write well for her.

Speaking of Johnny Byrne, I was utterly disgusted to hear that ITV didn't even put a memorial caption up at the end of Heartbeat for the man who created the series and wrote a huge majority of the episodes from it's creation in 1992 through until last year. Disgraceful ITV can't even recognise the passing of one of the top British TV scriptwriters of the past 30 years.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Did Janet Fielding not like being part of Doctor Who? I must say when I saw her on the Adventure Game she seemed rather humourless and boring. Tegan was great though. You can keep Jo Grant as well. I like Liz Shaw but she's way too old now. I presume Leela would have perished with her Timelord boyfriend she implausibly shacked up with at the end of the Invasion of Time. That has to be one of the most amusing Doctor Who moments. Romana can't come back either can she unless she miraculously made herself human as well.

Fielding was always very cold to Who in the 90's although had no problem with Paul Mcgann being cast (she was his agent). However her interest seems to have perked up with the DVD releases. Apparently she initially refused to do interviews for the DVD documentries (although was happy to do commenteries) but now she's got to know the crew she's started to appear on-camera as well.

Her commentries are usually pretty scathing, espcially of her own performence. Peter Davison usually keeps her in check though.

RTD will bring back whoever he wants at a whim and will explain it away as usual. However I think the most realistic thing (in a few years) might be a multi-doctor story with Peter Davison. Depends on how long Tennant stays in the role really. Apparently Davison went down a storm with the production team (helped by the fact that the Children In Need sequence was directed by the same man who directed Davisons last story) so they may be thinking about how they can utilise that. It would be a few years away though.
I thought Nyssa was pretty good in Terminus and a few of the Tom Baker episodes but for the most part she stood around looking quite quite lost. She was fairly good in Black Orchid as I recall. Which episodes did Johnny Byrne write then?
Daniel wrote:
Luckily, nobody would welcome a return for Matthew Waterhouse, cast or listeners.

To be fair, he's quite entertaining on the DVD commentaries. He tries really hard and his efforts to "moderate" the general chit-chat on (I think) The Keeper of Traken was appreciated by me at least.

Gotta love the reference to him in Little Britain as well.
Nirejhenge wrote:
I thought Nyssa was pretty good in Terminus and a few of the Tom Baker episodes but for the most part she stood around looking quite quite lost. She was fairly good in Black Orchid as I recall. Which episodes did Johnny Byrne write then?

Traken and Arc Of Infinity. Arguably the sequences with the Doctor and Nyssa on Gallifrey in Arc are her best bits and are often cited by Davison as to how much better things would have been if he'd just had one companion (and Davison has often said Nyssa was his favourite companion). - Watchy watchy Arc Of Infinity.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
Speaking of Johnny Byrne, I was utterly disgusted to hear that ITV didn't even put a memorial caption up at the end of Heartbeat for the man who created the series and wrote a huge majority of the episodes from it's creation in 1992 through until last year. Disgraceful ITV can't even recognise the passing of one of the top British TV scriptwriters of the past 30 years.

That's pretty shocking. Even for ITV.
nervouspete wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
Speaking of Johnny Byrne, I was utterly disgusted to hear that ITV didn't even put a memorial caption up at the end of Heartbeat for the man who created the series and wrote a huge majority of the episodes from it's creation in 1992 through until last year. Disgraceful ITV can't even recognise the passing of one of the top British TV scriptwriters of the past 30 years.

That's pretty shocking. Even for ITV.

Indeed, although I didn't even see anything on the BBC website. Byrne was the man who helped bring All Creatures Great And Small to our TV screens and was the principle writer (he adapted the books, but obviously they ran out of material fairly quickly). Also he wrote alot of the first season of Space 1999. By no means one of the most famous TV writers in the country and not one to court fame, I would have hoped that someone would have picked up on his death.
Yes the Doctor would have been better with just one companion. Tegan! I think I like Tegan a bit too much.
I liked that episode, yes. Fun seeing Peter Capaldi do something else, and very impressive effects. For once I wasn't annoyed with the 'earth in jeapordy' theme as it was actually used for something. Good effort all round I thought and a nice amount of plot crammed into the forty minutes. Very much liked the Doctor and Donna being remembered as household Gods. Tate was okay, and only sporadically annoying and occassionally good. Looking forward to seeing Tim McInnery.

I think the most annoying shoe-horning of 'earth will be destroyed!' was in that Smith & Jones episode, where I was already caring about Martha and the hospital people and then RTD shovelled on a stupid idea of a CAT scanner or something being magnetised and sterilising Earth by a villain because, somehow, caring for his well-written characters wasn't enough somehow. Grrr.
MarzSyndrome wrote:

Aside from the 'once linked with Kylie Minnogue', which is the equivilent of writing, 'once mentioned as a potential boyfriend/friend/associate of Kylie Minnogue'?

"David Pennant" surely.

I've just found out that Peter Capaldi (as any fule kno sweary awesomo in The Thick of It) played the Angel Islington in the fondly (by me) remembered fantasy mini-series Neverwhere. I never realised. Wow.

I thought he was jolly good in that, shame the thrilling climax was shot with a budget of £10.50 and a few candles falling over and a bit of wind.
I quite enjoyed tonights episode, I do think that the Ood are one of the new series better inventions (much, much better than the fart aliens) and I loved the bit at the end where the bad guy got his comeuppance.

I missed the first 20 minutes though, what with the BBC's stupid 'lets bugger up Who for our crappy Norton bollocks' policy.

Oh, oh.. Sontarans next week!
Pundabaya wrote:
I do think that the od are one of the new series better inventions
What?! They were pretty good in that other one but come on, two brains one of which they carry around completely exposed in their hands and that they can survive without anyway? One giant, exposed, immobile brain to rule them all? Flat out ridiculous.
Pundabaya wrote:
I quite enjoyed tonights episode, I do think that the Ood are one of the new series better inventions (much, much better than the fart aliens) and I loved the bit at the end where the bad guy got his comeuppance.

I missed the first 20 minutes though, what with the BBC's stupid 'lets bugger up Who for our crappy Norton bollocks' policy.

Oh, oh.. Sontarans next week!

I wasn't sure about the end thing. Good idea but a little silly perhaps. Also the crane operator being insane was really bad. However the episode felt like a proper Doctor Who episode to me.

Let's see..

Using a factory as an industrial site on another planet
No impending end of earth scenario
Doctor helps liberate some people and save the day
No overuse of Sonic Screwdriver
Good companion (oddly Catherine Tate is my favourite companion of Nu Who)

Really good stuff. Proper Doctor Who if you ask me.
Sontarons? Phallic? Pah, nowhere even near the best enemy that looks like a willy in Doctor Who.....

chinnyhill10 wrote:
Sontarons? Phallic? Pah, nowhere even near the best enemy that looks like a willy in Doctor Who.....


You can never trust walking testicles from Alpha Centuri.
If your willy looks like that, I suggest you find a Doctor yourself.
I rather enjoyed that, fantastic turn from Tim McInnery as I was pleasingly expecting. Donna Noble growing on me a little, though I still owe her a punch in the face for the Catherine Tate show. Just wish she'd stop doing that 'gaping vortex maw' look whenever expressing surprise - it makes me queasy.

I actually liked sadistic prison guard leader. T'was a good action scene with that crane loader. Also nice to see Dr Who buck a trend by having that PR lass totally fail to come around. The brain under the glacier thing didn't fully make sense - but I guess what happened was that they had to restrict it so they didn't go bonkers mad by having their hinter-brains cut off but keep it so they didn't go mad by having no telepathic-oxygen or whatever it is, so they wouldn't go brain dead. Unfortunately for Tim McInnery, Friend of Ood (the excellent acronym of FoO which they should have used - "Foo'ed you! Ha ha ha!" or "You crazy foo!" I should write scripts, me!) monkeyed around with that plan though.

Anyway, good episode. I was impressed by the surroundings and setting too, they really did nicely integrate the facility with the CGI, and it's pretty astonishing what The Mill are pulling off now.

A soild 4/5 from me then.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Good companion (oddly Catherine Tate is my favourite companion of Nu Who)
I share that opinion. Nice to have someone who's vaguely competent at acting and memorable. Last year's companion was a massively wooden actress. (Wasn't she sort-of fired?)
They've been desperately trying to justify Martha by shoving her in Torchwood and fetching her back this season but she just doesn't work if you ask me. The character is dull and isn't played very well. It feels odd saying Catherine Tate is really good but she is and that's that.
Nirejhenge wrote:
They've been desperately trying to justify Martha by shoving her in Torchwood and fetching her back this season but she just doesn't work if you ask me. The character is dull and isn't played very well. It feels odd saying Catherine Tate is really good but she is and that's that.

Agreed, she just needs to turn down the gurning.
SHE needs to turn down the gurning?

What about David 'PANIC FACE' Tennant?

Well that goes without saying. He has toned it down recently however.

But I really liked Martha! Admittedly this may have been more about how pleasing she was on the eyes, but still.
That was a good one.

"It's obviously Red-Eye, second stage! Whatever that means"

Tate was surprisingly.. well lit, I thought.
That face is either scared, or ready to 'perform' :o
They never knew what to do with Martha. She wasn't given more than a few lines an episode until the finale and it would have taken quite the actress to dig herself out of that.
Which is a shame because oh! The things I would do to that girl... oh my, yes...
The only time Martha was anywhere near good was in Human Nature/Family of Blood but then those two were particularly special episodes.
I didn't really enjoy the episode that was on over the weekend.
CUS wrote:
Which is a shame because oh! The things I would do to that girl... oh my, yes...

Any views on PR girl? I thought she was really cute but I'm buggered if I can work out why.
Dudley wrote:
CUS wrote:
Which is a shame because oh! The things I would do to that girl... oh my, yes...

Any views on PR girl? I thought she was really cute but I'm buggered if I can work out why.

Definitely. Beautiful eyes. And mouth. Top marks for 'Face'.
She did run a bit like Spaccy McRetard though.

Which is an advantage.
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