Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Dudley wrote:
Lave wrote:
I'sa Got'sa Mac'sa! So I can't do that.

Well that's your own damned fault.

And I wouldn't have it any other way

/hugs iboo#¡€3123124hjkl123€¡#¡€¢................CARRIER LOST
no you really can, on mac. I'll tell all 2morrow but basically google beebhack wiki and you'll find it.
Lave wrote:
Ah the official windows torrent version.

I'sa Got'sa Mac'sa! So I can't do that.

In fact, you can.

[And here is where the edit is.]

Much easier.
Oooh, ace - I love me terminal me, I'll have a looksie. Thanks!

Also I've been geeking out in the drwhoforum place and these postured a number of interesting theories.

That's assuming their spectulation is correct and the ideas do range from credible to the incredibly silly... but still...

That and I don't know (and don't want to know) if there are proper leaks about and these people are just pretending to have worked it out...

So disclaimers done lets get speculating!

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Idea 1 Donna is a ....

So apparently Donna has two heart beats in that scene just before they talk about the bees. (But watching it again on iplayer it sounds just like a heartbeat to me)

That tied in with 'Donna' meaning 'Woman' in italian/latin (i dunno) and Noble meaning 'Lord' and 'Temp' being latin (?) for time makes here a Time Lady.... So people say she could be susan (yeah right!) or Romana who's hidden in a human body and has her DNA-ma-whatsits in that big ring she wears...

Whilst I doubt that - it does make me believe that Donna saying "I'm just a temp" this whole time is because she's just a temporary form that something 'else' (the Dark Lord?) has taken and that she'll have to sacrifice herself to stop it. Though I still think it's Rose who dies...

Idea 2 - Return of old Doctors.

Because Davros/Cann or someone calls The Dr the 'threefold man' that means due to the regeneration - some old Doctors will be coming back for the episode. The evidence put forward for this is the fact that the end music apparently sounds like it's from "The Five Doctors" and that Sylvester McCoy is in his Dr Who get up whilst being interviewed in this weeks Dr Who Confidential (where infact he's just wearing a hat, a suit, and carrying an umbrella)

Sounds rubbish to me, but entertaining rubbish!

But yeah, I just think that the Magic hand in a jar makes him not need to regenerate...
I hope Ace and her magic baseball bat turns up, and proceeds to beat the shit out of the Daleks.
Pundabaya wrote:
I hope Ace and her magic baseball bat turns up, and proceeds to beat the shit out of the Daleks.

Isn't she dead? I think the problem with Ace is that she could pretty much of ended up anywhere, and more or less has, with all the spin-offs controdicting each other regarding it. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but rather cleverly almost none of the Doctor's old companions would be on this twentieth century earth, even the ones in the books and audios. They all seemed to end up in increasingly bizarre places as the show went on. I suppose Teagen might still be around if we ignore the audio where she dies a slow and painful death, but apart from that I think it's just really The Brig, Jo, and possibly Liz and Ian Chesterton. And, um, Anji, perhaps. That's a bit depressing.
And Sarah Jane, natch.
CUS wrote:
And Sarah Jane, natch.

Well, yes. And Harry, but I always assumed he was dead because his actor is, of a really hideous disease.
vegetables wrote:
CUS wrote:
And Sarah Jane, natch.

Well, yes. And Harry, but I always assumed he was dead because his actor is, of a really hideous disease.

Lave wrote:
Oooh, ace - I love me terminal me, I'll have a looksie. Thanks!

Also I've been geeking out in the drwhoforum place and these postured a number of interesting theories.

That's assuming their spectulation is correct and the ideas do range from credible to the incredibly silly... but still...

That and I don't know (and don't want to know) if there are proper leaks about and these people are just pretending to have worked it out...

Idea 1 is a clever one! I can imagine that happening. Hope it isn't Romana though, as I can't accept her as anything other than Lalla Ward, 'cos she's nice.
I like the idea of Donna's name having meaning like that.
Lave, Pete:

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Coo, I hadn't thought of 'temp' as pertaining to time itself. Clever.* That's very interesting indeed. I had wondered about her being a temp - noticed early on with RTD that he does tend to use repetition a lot (obviously as with the Bad Wolf thing, more subtly like Donna repeatedly mentioning being a temp). I had wondered if Donna being a temp wasn't a reference to her being the 'first new companion to die', or something - that you shouldn't be expecting her to stick around. Given that Catherine Tate 'has a day job', that was my assumption. But that you've said there - coo.

I'm still trying to tie her in with River Song. River said she last saw the Doctor at the Medusa Cascade**, but that by the time she left him he was old, very old. She's someone the doctor trusts completely (apparently, as she knows his name and has his screwdriver). She has red hair. She knows the doctor - but not Donna, around whom she was very cautious and distanced.

Well, they're at the Medusa Cascade, and with the doctor's possible regeneration, and the fate of the human race (and perhaps most importantly, his bezzies) hanging in the balance - might he about to become very old indeed? Either physically or emotionally, like.
* er, not because I didn't think of it...
** I THINK. I think.
If this theory about Donna being one of those is true, that means that RTD must have had it in mind ever since The Runaway Bride. Can't see that being the case.
CUS wrote:
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She knows the doctor - but not Donna, around whom she was very cautious and distanced.

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Maybe she was looking at her like she would look at an unexploded universe destroying time bomb. Or she's secretly evil without knowing it. And how come she still has that thing on her back?
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She doesn't still have something on her back though, does she? I remember someone at the Shadow Proclamation saying that she HAD something... did River Song say something then?
nervouspete wrote:
I can't accept her as anything other than Lalla Ward, 'cos she's nice.

Romana 1 would like to show you two reasons to change your mind......

I could have misheard it.
Two beautiful eyes there.
CUS wrote:
Lave, Pete:

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Coo, I hadn't thought of 'temp' as pertaining to time itself. Clever.* That's very interesting indeed. I had wondered about her being a temp - noticed early on with RTD that he does tend to use repetition a lot (obviously as with the Bad Wolf thing, more subtly like Donna repeatedly mentioning being a temp). I had wondered if Donna being a temp wasn't a reference to her being the 'first new companion to die', or something - that you shouldn't be expecting her to stick around. Given that Catherine Tate 'has a day job', that was my assumption. But that you've said there - coo.

I'm still trying to tie her in with River Song. River said she last saw the Doctor at the Medusa Cascade**, but that by the time she left him he was old, very old. She's someone the doctor trusts completely (apparently, as she knows his name and has his screwdriver). She has red hair. She knows the doctor - but not Donna, around whom she was very cautious and distanced.

Well, they're at the Medusa Cascade, and with the doctor's possible regeneration, and the fate of the human race (and perhaps most importantly, his bezzies) hanging in the balance - might he about to become very old indeed? Either physically or emotionally, like.
* er, not because I didn't think of it...
** I THINK. I think.

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I don't think he'll be meeting River Song again this series, or maybe this doctor, I watched the confidential episode and the BBC 7 commentary show* and Moffat said that because he's always been into Doctor Who he's used to people talking about their favourite childhood Doctor and how he 'was better back then'. And that he wanted to do a 'future nostaliga' episode where someone meets the doc now and has nostalgia for their future Doctor and how he'll be 'much better by then.'
Thats why she was a bit dissapointed at how rubbish he was.

He wanted to lay the foundations for saying if you think the Doctors good now, imagine what he'll be like in a few hundred years.

Saying that though, if he is going to be companionless by the end of next week, then she would be a perfect next companion.

*which is the DVD commentary track played as though it was a radio show, and so is both very indulgent and geeky
I don't think Harriet Jones is dead... the reason the Daleks shoot disintegration beams is for family-friendly TV-deaths, so why not just show Harriet Jones dying?
From my sources (some bloke from a forum) this is what happens in the last episode:

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As the Doctor regenerates at the beginning of episode 13 the regeneration energy sparks out and hits the Doctor’s hand in the glass jar which he now has in the TARDIS. This causes the regeneration to go badly wrong, causing the Tenth Doctor to remain the Tenth Doctor, and the hand grows into a duplicate of the Tenth Doctor. So, two David Tennant’s are running around episode 13.

- The proper Doctor is still in the his brown suit. And Ten’s duplicate wears the blue suit. However, the duplicate in the blue suit is human and not a Time Lord…or Gallifreyan.

- Donna dies, but the Doctor goes back in time and saves her life and ends up wiping her memory of everything she has done with him, so she doesn’t remember who he is.

- At the end of episode 13, Rose goes back to her parallel world where the human duplicate of the Tenth Doctor stays with her, and gets to live the life that the proper Doctor has never had.
Why does that plot sound like it should feature more dinosaurs with lasers?
because every plot sounds like it needs more that?
Dudley wrote:
because every plot sounds like it needs more that?

Yeah, that's what Terrance Dicks thought in 1974.*

* One for the anoraks there.
Thought: what if Harriet Jones, who apparently had thought ahead quite a bit, had access to an EMP? That would take out her computers, cameras etc. and might get the Daleks. They have a projectile shield, but maybe nothing more.
CUS wrote:
Thought: what if Harriet Jones, former PM, who apparently had thought ahead quite a bit, had access to an EMP? That would take out her computers, cameras etc. and might get the Daleks. They have a projectile shield, but maybe nothing more.

I know who you are FTFY
From an interview with RTD

How frustrating do you find some viewers' appetite for the publication of spoilers?
Tom Murphy, London

Well, it's actually very few people, to be honest. There are some people who like spoilers, and they spoil it for themselves - and they like spoiling it.

It's when they then promote it on a bigger scale and they push those spoilers into the tabloids so the general public get to hear.

I think it's a real shame and I think it undermines all storytelling.

I think the leaking of stories undermines most British drama at the moment. Most soap operas give away their stories months in advance and every soap opera has declining ratings.


You are being ridiculous Dudros.

People spoiling the big bad and putting it in the Sun months in advance is a bit different to a teaser trailer. Though I understand your annoyance for them (as they are annoying).

What is going to bother me though is when the big reset switch is pressed next week and everyone moans, despite it already being obvious - and RTD stating that this was him sorting out his period of the show so Moffat could take over. AKA the biggest reset switch to date..

Sure pressing the reset switch at the end of every big event is a really silly, but it's obviously needed if Dr Who is to remain relevant to the world we live in.

And if they don't who'll put the moon back in orbit?

EDIT: And unavoidable? Erm, I've no problem skipping em.
It'll be interesting to see how much is reset, though. Presumably, Earth will be put back and all the people will somehow forget about or ignore all the events. Oh, and all the stuff the daleks mangled will be magically rebuilt.

But will Moff's Doc still be the only Time Lord?
nervouspete wrote:
Lave wrote:
Oooh, ace - I love me terminal me, I'll have a looksie. Thanks!

Also I've been geeking out in the drwhoforum place and these postured a number of interesting theories.

That's assuming their spectulation is correct and the ideas do range from credible to the incredibly silly... but still...

That and I don't know (and don't want to know) if there are proper leaks about and these people are just pretending to have worked it out...

Idea 1 is a clever one! I can imagine that happening. Hope it isn't Romana though, as I can't accept her as anything other than Lalla Ward, 'cos she's nice.

Lalla Ward is married to Richard Dawkins.
The earth and everything have been moved one second into the future. That means none of this has happened yet, and never will.
So can we have Sally Sparrow as the companion now?
Aww. :'(

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although, her ring glinted suspiciously. oh blimey did I just write that?
Well thank god - he barely fucked that up at all!

Nice one Russel - four years of ups and downs but we have Who and the future has never been brighter for it - here's to you!
Seriously, they should have had two directors, Davies for the ending, and someone else for the action scenes, would have been better.

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That dragging the Earth thing, seriously, WTF.
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Nothing stupidly ridiculous happened. No reset!


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And now all Donna has to do is read a newspaper or anything and her head explodes!

Martha: "Hey Donna! Nice work saving the universe and all. Jack says "Hi!""
Poppa Donna: "No! Sod off! She doesn't want to speak to the likes of you!"
Donna: "OOOOOOOI! Give me that! Who's this?"
Martha: "It's Martha!" --- "And Jack! How's it going?"
Donna: "Martha... and Jack?"

Can the Doctor really smoosh minds just by touching them? What a bastard!

And lucky Jack!
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Jack knows how to fix his Time Agent wristo faster now, and he has the base code. Not to mention that Torchwood is practically made of the stuff.
I'd just like to say that I don't watch Dr. Who, but having watched today's finale I'm really glad I don't. The whole thing seems like a load of ludicrious last-minute exposition to justify wild plot twists that ultimately save the day. Big load of tangentic nonsense, and not in a good or entertaining or well-acted way.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'd just like to say that I don't watch Dr. Who, but having watched today's finale I'm really glad I don't. The whole thing seems like a load of ludicrious last-minute exposition to justify wild plot twists that ultimately save the day. Big load of tangentic nonsense, and not in a good or entertaining or well-acted way.

ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'd just like to say that I don't watch Dr. Who, but having watched today's finale I'm really glad I don't. The whole thing seems like a load of ludicrious last-minute exposition to justify wild plot twists that ultimately save the day. Big load of tangentic nonsense, and not in a good or entertaining or well-acted way.

I watch Doctor Who, and I would agree with you. I think it is a factor of 3 things:
1) There is a significant number of writers each with their own agenda.
2) It can't decide whether to be serious or funny, so is neither.
3) There was a third, but cider disagrees.
Bobbyaro wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'd just like to say that I don't watch Dr. Who, but having watched today's finale I'm really glad I don't. The whole thing seems like a load of ludicrious last-minute exposition to justify wild plot twists that ultimately save the day. Big load of tangentic nonsense, and not in a good or entertaining or well-acted way.

I watch Doctor Who, and I would agree with you. I think it is a factor of 3 things:
1) There is a significant number of writers each with their own agenda.
2) It can't decide whether to be serious or funny, so is neither.
3) There was a third, but cider disagrees.

I actually watched all of the Ecclestone stuff, and the entire first series of Tennant... I kept on forgetting to watch this series though, as I am a fool. I watched the episode today having no bloody clue what was going on or how it got to be that way, but... was ace! Utterly ridiculous and stupid. Which is just what I needed.

I did like it. Particuarly

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How all the people's cunning McGuffins came to nothing, maybe RTD was acknowledging something about that, and giving internet gossip hounds some red herrings in the bargain. Plus the accusations and flashbacks of all the poor people who ended up dying so the doctor didn't have to die or be killed himself. Davros was right in a way, how the Doctor inspires people so much they're prepared to kill and die in his causes. Which makes him a total user.
But that bit is stupid. OK, so people die in the name of the Doctor, but they do so to save millions of lives like the ones that the Daleks were trying to EXTERMINEIREN this episode.

We saw just two episodes ago what would happen to the world if the Doctor wasn't around, so it doesn't really work.
It works if you are the Doctor...
Would someone like to explain to me, as someone who hasn't watched since early season 2, just how the fuck the daleks were back AGAIN?

My previous experience of the series saw one dalek, the one that had been captured, that Rose revived but ultimated killed itself. At that point the Doctor declared all daleks dead, hurrah.

Except he was wrong, because there was that episode where the dalek's were trapped in a time lord prison and hundreds of them came out of a tiny device, woo, except they all got killed too, and then THAT was supposed to be the end of them.

Yet here I see they were dragged up again from somewhere. How? No doubt some ludicrious plot twist that means oh ho, they weren't really dead, or something, yet again.

I also see from the xmas 2008 preview that the Cybermen are back.... AGAIN. I mean, for fucks say writers, come up with another interesting inspiring badie that isn't taken from 30 years ago. Pffffffffft.
It was explained how the Daleks were back in the last episode; Davros created a race of new, pure Daleks using cells from his own body.
ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'd just like to say that I don't watch Dr. Who, but having watched today's finale I'm really glad I don't. The whole thing seems like a load of ludicrious last-minute exposition to justify wild plot twists that ultimately save the day. Big load of tangentic nonsense, and not in a good or entertaining or well-acted way.

I caught this one, and spent most of it going 'hahaha what?'
Towing the Earth?
I thought it was good, but needed more dinosaurs with lasers.
andyb wrote:
I thought it was good, but needed more dinosaurs with lasers.

Grim... wrote:
I caught this one, and spent most of it going 'hahaha what?'
Towing the Earth?

A normal Tardis, with a normal crew of six, would have to do this sort of thing routinely as they policed time. Remeber the Doctor is a renegade and the Tardis chooses the timelord, not the other way around - and there's likely as not enough power in any given dimension (a Tardis is one) to tow a lump of rock with a little atmosphere.
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