PS4 confirmed
That's what they're calling it
Reasonable enough IMO.
Yeah, seems fine to me, although it would be nice if they removed the disc requirement at some point down the line when the secondary market for PS3 games is irrelevant, but it's still a pretty good offer.
LewieP wrote:
Details on how the upgrade program will work for the select games where you can get the PS4 version for cheap if you buy the PS3 version.

Retail copies of the PS3 games come with a serial code and you need to put the PS3 disc in the PS4 to play the downloadable version on PS4.

So no buying a PS3 copy and trading it in, just to get the PS4 version.

Woohoo! I totally guessed the future!
TheVision wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Details on how the upgrade program will work for the select games where you can get the PS4 version for cheap if you buy the PS3 version.

Retail copies of the PS3 games come with a serial code and you need to put the PS3 disc in the PS4 to play the downloadable version on PS4.

So no buying a PS3 copy and trading it in, just to get the PS4 version.

Woohoo! I totally guessed the future!

Telling your employer you're leaving isn't really 'guessing'. :p
Had my Amazon preorder email. Added Watch Dogs for £40. Not sure how bargainous that is, but hey ho.
SilentElk wrote:
Had my Amazon preorder email.


SilentElk wrote:
Added Watch Dogs for £40.


SilentElk wrote:
Not sure how bargainous that is, but hey ho.


Although Watch Dogs is £50 right now.
Is the DualShock4 not included anyway? Or is this an extra one?
Grim... wrote:
Is the DualShock4 not included anyway? Or is this an extra one?

It's a bit sneaky. It says on the bundles page that the number of DualShock4s in the bundle is the total number, not extra. So one would be included with the solus console anyway.

It's a bit of a cunt's trick. I only noticed because some of the bundles had two controllers - I thought it'd be odd to get one with three in, so I checked the fine print
SilentElk wrote:
Had my Amazon preorder email. Added Watch Dogs for £40. Not sure how bargainous that is, but hey ho.

Yep I ended up doing the same, I ordered a 2nd controller (Blue) for £37 from Gamestop.
I think I might have gone for a Watch_Dogs & Need for Speed bundle if that was available.
US Marketing for the PS4

"Greatness awaits"

"Perfect day"

The second one of those is surprisingly good.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The second one of those is surprisingly good.

Watched it without sound first time around and was very meh. With sound, it's inspired. It becomes an entirely different advert.
I think its quite interesting to compare those with the Xbox one (which is all NFL) - there is a second one that was shown during the walking dead *just* for Dead Rising 3 which i'll post in the DR3 thread in a minute but it does show the different marketing spin the two companies are using.

To paraphrase

Sony : Games, Gamer, Games with friends , Games !
Microsoft : NFL , TV ........ some really short clips of a game with Zombies ....
Watch Dogs delayed till spring. I wonder what bundle I'll be offered now.
SilentElk wrote:
Watch Dogs delayed till spring. I wonder what bundle I'll be offered now.

Bugger. That was the only one I really fancied of the launch titles. Or have I missed something?
zaphod79 wrote:
Sony : Games, Gamer, Games with friends , Games !
Microsoft : NFL , TV ........ some really short clips of a game with Zombies ....

Sony haven't shown any games in their adverts, of course (unless the GRAFIX are going to make my HEAD ASPLODE).
SilentElk wrote:
Watch Dogs delayed till spring. I wonder what bundle I'll be offered now.

Assassin's Creed 10 would be my guess, out at launch and another ubisoft release.
Runcle wrote:
SilentElk wrote:
Watch Dogs delayed till spring. I wonder what bundle I'll be offered now.

Assassin's Creed 10 would be my guess, out at launch and another ubisoft release.

I fucking hope not.
SilentElk wrote:
Runcle wrote:
SilentElk wrote:
Watch Dogs delayed till spring. I wonder what bundle I'll be offered now.

Assassin's Creed 10 would be my guess, out at launch and another ubisoft release.

I fucking hope not.

Get the Killzone one, it'll probably be shit but I'll have it and I might actually start playing games online other than FIFA.
The Watch Dogs delay has caused quite a stir... Well, at least on my Twitter feed it has.
Anne Robinson must be furious
That thing I said about predicting that Sony will be giving you the PS4 version of some PS3/PSN games for no additional charge. It's happening..
Great.... Flower. :facepalm:

Still, interesting scheme though.
Well I suspect that they will be gradually rolling games out, so that they have stuff add to the PS4 PS+ instant game collection whilst the library of PS4 only software is still growing.
I've cancelled my pre-order nothing else on that release list that I want, I'll stick with current gen for now & wait a year.
gospvg wrote:
I've cancelled my pre-order nothing else on that release list that I want, I'll stick with current gen for now & wait a year.

Rumors that Drive Club is also going to be delayed ... 0-6415620/
zaphod79 wrote:
Rumors that Drive Club is also going to be delayed ... 0-6415620/

Confirmed that Driveclub is being pushed back till next year ... ub-update/
I am now wavering. I could cope with Watch Dogs being delayed as I wasn't that fussed, it just happened to be the best launch title in the bundles.

With no Driveclub on PS+ I'm not sure exactly why I'm getting one at launch now.
Having read that article, we're getting Contrast instead. A puzzle-platformer.

Can't say I'm excited by that.
SilentElk wrote:
Having read that article, we're getting Contrast instead. A puzzle-platformer.

Can't say I'm excited by that.

I think its very much just a last minute replacement - they have also confirmed that PS+ will get Drive Club when it does eventually come out.

At least right now it does seem that the next gen is going to launch with a real lack of titles which will pull people either way

For the PS4 the big titles are :

Fifa / AC4 / BF4 / COD:Ghosts / Madden / Killzone / Knack + Various indiegames (Octodad / Resogun / etc)

For the Xbox the big titles are :

Fifa / AC4 / BF4 / COD:Ghosts / Madden / Dead Rising 3 / Forza / Killer Instinct

Most titles are available for both *and* the current gen (everything not in red above is also going to come out on the 360 / the PS3 and the PC)
I am not buying an Xbox One out of principle, but I would prefer DR3 and Forza over Killzone and Knack.

I may just do what gospvg has done and wait a year.
Killer Instinct is also a game that whilst not being released for Xbox 360 any more, was initially made for it. As far as I can tell, the big difference in graphics is particle effects everywhere.
I still think it's pretty foolish to buy a console on the release day anyway but if there's no games you want to play on it. It's definitely worth waiting.
Its quite possible that as we get closer to specific game launches we'll see titles on the current gen and next gen and think we really want the next gen version , but I doubt there will have been that much polish and is it really going to be enough to make you think you want to spend all that extra money for what will essentially be the same game ?

PS4 game list so far at wikipedia ... on_4_games

Xbox One games list so far at wikipedia

All those '2014' titles without months or dates tied to them does make me worried that post launch we're going to have a drought of new games to play on the shiny new hardware.
TheVision wrote:
I still think it's pretty foolish to buy a console on the release day anyway but if there's no games you want to play on it. It's definitely worth waiting.

The main reason for me getting one was because I've never bought a console on launch before (the DS Lite doesn't count) and because I can. There would have been enough for to make it worth my while before the latest delays.

I've still got six weeks to ponder it over.
Of course I'll still be getting one. DocG pointed out it won't get a price cut between now and Christmas 2014, so I might as well get it when it comes out.
I'd say that it's highly unlikely that the PS4 will get a pricedrop between launch and when the games I'm actually interested in come out for it, so why wait?

I'm primarily a PC gamer, so I'm only interested in consoles for games that aren't on PC. The first big PS4 game I am interested in is Infamous 3.

That said, I've not preordered, because I'm going travelling early next year. Not exactly sure when/if I'll be coming back. But I don't see how it makes sense to cancel a preorder simply because two games have got delayed (unless there's other stuff you want to spend that money on in the meantime).
SilentElk wrote:
Of course I'll still be getting one. DocG pointed out it won't get a price cut between now and Christmas 2014, so I might as well get it when it comes out.

This is my concern if I don't buy it on release I will probably not buy it until a price cut which is likely to be 2015. Although Destiny will be released next year & if a new Fallout game is announced that will be more than enough to make me jump.
I really need to stop thinking about it because the more I do the more I regret cancelling my pre-order !!

About the only reason for a price drop would be terrible performance / underselling of items / or a physical fault (like RROD) all of which seem very unlikely to me so for those saying 'you may as well buy it now' then that makes perfect sense.

However it seems the real decision for a lot of people is actually going to be spring next year when the '2nd wave' of games launches , so far that is looking really positive for Playstation (Infamous / Driveclub / The Order) - with Titanfall the only (?) big Xbox One exclusive (timed or otherwise) for that period (Ryse possibly being the other)
Titanfall is on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. PS4 version (and I guess probably PS3) at some point down the line. Likely either 6 months or maybe 12 months later.
LewieP wrote:
Titanfall is on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. PS4 version (and I guess probably PS3) at some point down the line. Likely either 6 months or maybe 12 months later.

Yeah but i think you'll find at launch its Xbox one only (at least for a period of time) and bet Microsoft will be hyping it up as the only place to play it (I think it will be a month later for 360 / PC)

Also with all the hype generated for Titanfall so far *ALL* the demos and hands on play that has happened was on PC's with Xbox360 controllers.
Dunno where you got that from. Everything I've heard has suggested that it's releasing for Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC at the same time.
LewieP wrote:
Dunno where you got that from. Everything I've heard has suggested that it's releasing for Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC at the same time.

Respawn have said they are focusing on Xbox one only and the other versions will be done by other people / companies and I'm sure they said those will come *after* the Xbox One's version - however on Wikipedia I cannot find them saying this would delay things

Rather than meeting technical restraints with code optimization and a tight release towards the end of those consoles' life cycle, the team decided to focus on the next console generation.[7] This freed the developers to write cleaner code and to try new ideas.[7] Zampella announced that Respawn would show at E3 2013 via Twitter on February 25, 2013.[17] Their planned announcement leaked early through an erroneous early release of Game Informer's July 2013 issue on Google Play, which revealed their first game's title, premise, and release date.[18] Other advance public information included the company's trademark filing for "Titan" in April 2013,[19] and an April 2013 Kotaku report of the game's Titan mech gameplay and Xbox One exclusivity.[20] The game was officially announced during Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference, with expected Windows PC, Xbox 360, and Xbox One releases in Q1[18] 2014.[5][3] The Xbox 360 version announced as in development with Respawn's support at another studio,[5] whose name was not released.[7]

[18] - is just a cover of gameinformer from June this year saying its coming for 360 / One / PC
Right. So all they've said is tantamount to "We're getting a big bag of money of Microsoft, but not enough to make it a fully exclusive game".

Why would they delay other versions for any reason other than Microsoft paying them to? If Microsoft were paying them to make it an Xbox One exclusive, do you not think that they'd make this fact very clear?
F**K It !!
I'm Weak !!
I have placed another order for the PS4.
gospvg wrote:
F**K It !!
I'm Weak !!
I have placed another order for the PS4.

Guaranteed for Launch Day, or not?
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
gospvg wrote:
F**K It !!
I'm Weak !!
I have placed another order for the PS4.

Guaranteed for Launch Day, or not?

Nope I doubt it hopefully not too long after will go with AC4 or Killzone on release.
gospvg wrote:
F**K It !!
I'm Weak !!
I have placed another order for the PS4.

I don't understand why you cancelled so early. You have five weeks until they ship.
SilentElk wrote:
gospvg wrote:
F**K It !!
I'm Weak !!
I have placed another order for the PS4.

I don't understand why you cancelled so early. You have five weeks until they ship.

Because I had convinced myself that with Watch_Dogs being cancelled there was nothing for me on release.
Over the weekend I managed to clear out a lot more of my gaming crap so thought sod it I'm buying a PS4 this year i've got the money to pay for it from all the crap I have sold.
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