The Movie topic there is none
MaliA wrote:
Anyone seen Coco before Chanel? I've been invited. I am highly suspicious....

Nope, it's got very good reviews though. Your suspicions are justified, though may be misplaced.
A friend of mine said it was very good.

She likes some good films, and some terrible films.

^Pretty useless info
LewieP wrote:
A friend of mine said it was very good.

She likes some good films, and some terrible films.

^Pretty useless info

It's been noted that they seemed to have glossed over the fact that she was an evil nazi bitch though.
I'm not really wanting to see a film about fashion, no matter how good it is.
Whatever, man. You cried at The Devil Wears Prada.
If it was about Coco, the large bottomed wife of Ice T, I'd be sitting in the cinema already.
Coco before Chanel

"I fucking stink"

Grim... wrote:
Whatever, man. You cried at The Devil Wears Prada.

Did so not, Mr McFuckNuggets.
Has everybody seen this yet?

I'm queuing torrents as fast as I can.
I take it it's a film about a girl who desperately needs to eat a sandwich?
"queueing torrents" eh?
Zardoz wrote:
Has everybody seen this yet?


I was greatful for the change to see it again. And now, a third time. You're welcome everyone.
I'd love to make a film about a woman who's left nipple was possessed by Satan. It'd be 90 minuets to 2 hours long of her going about boring everyday things. Goes to work, comes home and eats a meal, watches telly, goes to bed and so forth. Repeat that a few times and the credits roll. Nothing actually happens, but it's made quite clear her left nipple is possessed by Satan. You never see it, but you know that it is. It'd be awesome.
I see there's another Final Destination film due out in a couple of weeks - The Final Destination. First was great but the sequels have just been rehashes - change the initial disaster, draw out the deaths that bit longer. This one seems much the same from the trailer but with the added 'bonus' of 3D.

Still tempted to see it though as I've not watched a film in ages.
Just saw Mirrors, starring Jack Bauer. It's not very good, but it's not completely awful.
Just been to see Inglourious Basterds: Typical Tarantino, but also one of the best Tarantino's. It's over 2 hours long (closer to 3, are films just getting longer for the sake of it these days) but is one of the few films that can hold your attention. Each scene is a cracking piece of cinema. The interrogration; meeting the Basterds; introducing the cinema gal etc etc ... and then MIKE MYERS. Mike Myers? How the hell did he get in a Tarantino film? His scene is the one dull ebb but only perhaps because his make-up looked as though it had been done by the same make-up artists in the Austin Powers movies, and you're drawn to him going "Mike Fucking Myers", but hey ho. If I could actually figure out of to do spoilers I'd list all the great scenes but you could quite easily do a google search or, hey, just go watch it at the cinema, like I did, natch, cause it's aces.
I watched Marley and Me. I knew it would be sad. It made me very sad. My eyes sweated. I love dogs. I love Marley.
Zardoz wrote:
I watched Marley and Me. I knew it would be sad. It made me very sad. My eyes sweated. I love dogs. I love Marley.


Having not seen this film, I despise it.

Reasons being:

Films staring animals are bad.

Films starring Owen Wilson that are not directed by Wes Anderson are bad.

Films starring Jennifer Aniston are bad.

Films that couldn't even get the fucking title grammatically correct are bad.
I understand your view points, but having a young family and a pet dog it kinda tugs the old heartstrings.

You heartless cunt.
LewP's got a point, man. Owen Wilson.
'Marley and Me' is grammatically acceptable.
'Me and Marley'... no.
'Marley and I'... yes.

Monday morning grammar fun, with Myp and DavPaz
We should do a podcast.
I thought:

'Me and Marley' = Correct
'Marley and me' = Incorrect

'Marley and I' = Correct
'I and Marley' = Incorrect
The secret is to try it in a sentence with the extras removed.

"Who's in that picture? Why it's Marley and me!"
"Who's in that picture? Why it's Marley and me!"

We should really do a podcast.
I take it back then, it's probably an excellent film.
myp wrote:
We should really do a podcast.

It'd be great. We could have Mr Chris doing 'Punctuation Corner'
Although, now I want to play Dick Advocaat. Why isn't this correct?

"Who's in that picture? Why it's me and Marley!"
"Who's in that picture? Why it's me and Marley!"
no comma after 'why'.

This is why we need Chris to have an early lunch break.
However, grammatically incorrect or not, the alliteration of "Marley and me" compared to "Marley and I" is much more pleasing to the ear.
They could have called the dog Eric or Ian or similar.

"Eric and I" - A heartwarming tale of man and his ageing comic granfather
"Fetch? Me? Fuck off!"
I saw Mississippi Burning at the weekend. Hasn't aged at all well, but gets geek points for having Lex Luthor, The Green Goblin, Jigsaw and Chucky in the same movie. It's villain overload! A film where those four went up against the KKK would be marvellous, though.

Also saw Speed Racer, which I had instant dislike for, but which managed to win me round by the end of the movie.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
However, grammatically incorrect or not, the alliteration of "Marley and me" compared to "Marley and I" is much more pleasing to the ear.

Yes, it's possible it wasn't an accident.
MrDavPaz wrote:
They could have called the dog Eric or Ian or similar.

But it is based on a true story.

A true story of a man and a woman who owned a dog.
LewieP wrote:
A true story of a man and a woman who owned a dog.

To be read by gravelly voiceover man, over a post apocalyptic landscape with explosions and robots!
LewieP wrote:
Films starring Owen Wilson that are not directed by Wes Anderson are bad.

You ought to listen to your friend Billy Zane. He's a cool dude.
Watched L A Confidential the other night with my daughter, in my periodic watching of "classics" that she hasn't seen. It's a brilliant film, obviously. Also watched Vicky Christina Barcelona as well, which is watchable but really does feel like an aging director's onanistic fantasy because the plot is thinner than the gold leaf on skyscraper windows and basically concerns a threesome between Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem and Scarlett Johansson. Charmingly played, but it does feel like Allen lite.
I saw Vicky Christina Barcelona last night. The wife chose it, but it was alright. I was expecting boobage but there was none :(
Penelope Cruz was damned good in it (and got an Oscar). The narrator made me think the film was being lazy, though.
In conclusion: wouldn't watch again, but I've seen worse.
DBSnappa wrote:
because the plot is thinner than the gold leaf on skyscraper windows and basically concerns a threesome between Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem and Scarlett Johansson.

Well, in fairness, how much more plot do you need?
wait, no boobage? Even Michael Fucking Bay got boobage from Scarlett
Rodafowa wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Films starring Owen Wilson that are not directed by Wes Anderson are bad.

You ought to listen to your friend Billy Zane. He's a cool dude.

You could also extend that to say, "Films starring Owen Wilson that are not written by Owen Wilson, or directed by Wes Anderson, are bad." Because he's also a very good writer. This may be a redundancy, since I don't think he's written any scripts that haven't been directed by Wes, but it's an important point.

They ought to have that in red text flashing and blinking as a warning on the DVD case of any film he's in. Preferably prefixed with "WARNING!" and suffixed with "IS IN THIS FILM"
ZOOLANDER, motherfuckers!
What's so bad about Owen Wilson? He has a mad nose, sure, but I think he's alright. There are umpteen more hateful Hollywood film fillers out there.
Good point. The same goes for Ben Stiller.
Saw Pinocchio for the first time since I was a tiny child last night. Great stuff. A real five out of five film. The 'Pleasure Island' bit is one of the bestest bits in a film ever, and genuinely threatening. I hereby spoiler encase my short, rambling review, in case anybody has been tardy as I in watching it.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Well to be honest I was pretty much blown away by the artistry, the depth and beauty and the sheer primal power of it. The characterisation is sharp, to the point and witty. The trickster-cad foxy Honest John is immense. I've been humming his song "Hi Fiddle De Dee, an actor's life for me," ever since. The puppet master Stromboli is amusingly monstrous, and rather shocking at the end in his leering abuse. Figaro the kitten is the most patently adorable cartoon creation ever. Pinocchio 'itself' is actually a very funny chap, completely gullible and awkward, with the right prediliction for sin as all children. Not sappy at all. The climax is exciting, and I really wondered, "How the flip are they going to escape this whale?" But the best bit without doubt is the entire Pleasure Island sequence.

Yes, Pleasure Island. See this Dreamworks and weep, as you will never, ever animate anything as awesome. The subtle use of colour and dark cavernous sky to denote menace in the otherwise playground idyll, the just ever-so-wrong grotesquery of the oversize clowns, thugs and policemen balloons and statues that loom over, the sheer rampage that runs through it... and then the pay off! The ape shaped black shadows that run the operation at the demonic Coachman's bidding, the revelation of what goes on, the pitiful cry of the talking donkey, "I want to go home to my mamma!" And then his buddy-in-naughtiness Lampwick changing, the bit where his hands scrabbling on Pinocchio's jacket for help shift into gripless assess hooves - it's all amazing. One of the single greatest overall scenes I've witnessed in animation history.

So yes, five out of five for that film. I don't care if you were a paranoid commie hating sinister fellow, Disney - with such art you're okay in my book.
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