*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
Aww, they're adorable. Splotch and Spurt, isn't it?
Smudge and Cheeky. We didn't choose the names, natch. Otherwise they'd be Bodger and Badger.
I thought this was supposed to be a cliquey forum. I don't know why I bother sometimes. :(
Get yersel a gippynig and we could have 3 player races!
Dimrill wrote:
Get yersel a gippynig and we could have 3 player races!

Shewolf just saw your gippynigs, Dimdims, and squealed like a little girl. :)
That's what they do! See if giving her a cabbage leaf stops the noise ;)
We're taking them both to the vet tomorrow to check mother and baby are healthy, and to get the little one sexed.

I'm so proud. :)
to get the little one sexed.

That is a hefty bab, myp. I should phone in sick tomorrow to make your acquaintances better ;)
Surely I'm entitled to some kind of maternity leave??

Awww my piggies!
More pictures of the baby plz.
I'm going to take some more pics tonight once we've been to the vet. :)

Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I miss having mine :(

You can sex them like rabbits if you want to do it yourself
Dimrill wrote:
Actually, just realised I haven't posted photies of them yet.

So they're called morose and morose? Do you have a cloning lab in your house then?

They're well cute man. I love small fluffy things (ooer).
Shin wrote:

Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I miss having mine :(

You can sex them like rabbits if you want to do it yourself

You could ask color me bad to do a remix.
JohnCoffey wrote:
Shin wrote:

Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I miss having mine :(

You can sex them like rabbits if you want to do it yourself

You could ask color me bad to do a remix.

Still only one of them when we checked this morning, thank goodness. I've just come home to let the plumber in and I saw Nibbler running around the cage with a baby in tow. :)
Dimrill wrote:

I daren't on my own. Ange took the house part of the cage off to check on them both last night and Nibbler decided she wanted to make a break for freedom. After some shrieking from downstairs I leapt out of bed and ran down to the kitchen to Ange holding a sheet with Nibbler inside just on the edge of the cage - she'd managed to catch her before she leapt off the back behind the table.

The muinea pig was sat in the corner looking a bit confused by it all.
You utter scoundrel. My two wander around The Den free as. erm... gippynigs. They love rooting around in the big canvas bags we use for the shopping.
Nibbler is as fast as lightning, though. Once we let her out we'd never get hold of her again.
Oh yeah, Cheeks is just as bad. Luckily the one place she can run and hide in is also her bed :DD They're as good as gold at night, they're both normally tuckered up in their igloo and I just close the front of the cage.
Still waiting for pictures.
I'm uploading a video as we speak.
All right, all right. Vid to follow.
That is one really big babby. How on earth Mom managed to to birth him/her I don't know.
Dimrill wrote:
That is one really big babby. How on earth Mom managed to to birth him/her I don't know.

Well usually the litter is 2-4, so that's probably why there was only one (the other reason is that she ate the others if they were stillborn).

Leela had a bit of pink around her mouth last night, so it was obvious she helped with the birth sac/placenta.
Well somebody had to be there. The good for nothing father was nowhere to be seen.
*makes graspy hand motions*
*Hits MaxCute level and crashes*

Hey....is it just me or are the Gippy's like Myp and Ange? ones like blonde and has long hair and the other is a little rough looking ;D

Erm.. I.. erm.. appear to be in negotiations to take on another 4 gippys. Oh lordy.
Shin wrote:

Hey....is it just me or are the Gippy's like Myp and Ange? ones like blonde and has long hair and the other is a little rough looking ;D


I'm not blonde.

Shin wrote:

Hey....is it just me or are the Gippy's like Myp and Ange? ones like blonde and has long hair and the other is a little rough looking ;D


The rough looking one's had a kid.

That seems wrong.
No-it's sooo right :)

I wish men could have babies-no wait, didn't someone already have one *looks shocked*

now we'll have Spazzy Pazzy come in and say 'IT WAS A MAN' :luv:
Dudley wrote:
Shin wrote:

Hey....is it just me or are the Gippy's like Myp and Ange? ones like blonde and has long hair and the other is a little rough looking ;D


The rough looking one's had a kid.

That seems wrong.

Leave Nibbler alone - she's beautiful.
She's an Abyssinian, the little cutie. It's how she's made!

So,.. erm.. these might be ours by tomorrow evening. They're American crested gippys.
I love the one with the monobrow!!
When can I come and cuddle them?
I blame Myoptika for this. If he hadn't got his gippy pregnant I wouldn't have got so broody.
Umm, just for clarification: I didn't get my gippy pregnant.
Also, being an utter novice with all things pet like, that big one myp, with the centre parting, wtf is that man? It looks like a toupee. Do they make gippys like that? Or is it a special order?
She's a Peruvian. She doesn't actually look like that now, as we gave her a haircut last night. :)
Oh, forgot to say that the vet says that both mother and baby are healthy, but he can't tell the sex of the baby yet. We're going back in two weeks time to find that out. In the meantime we've christened him/her Niblet, as it's a tiny Nibbler. ;)

We're keeping them both apart from Leela for a few nights, but putting them together in the evenings when they can be watched. I'm sure she won't, but there's a chance Leela could attack the baby.

Also, I've just seen the cutest thing while washing up: mother and baby popcorning their way around the cage together. They look as happy as Larry. :)
I'm currently refereeing between 6 Gippys :S This is awesome, they're chattering like mad to each other.
Just put all three of them together and they were fucking loving it. All three gippies running around the cage together chirping and squeaking to each other.

Gippy nigs are officially the best pets ever. Fact.
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