GTA IV - Thread of Officialness
Contains Mild Spoilers
Mine hadn't arrived by the time I'd left for work at 9:20 this morning. :(
Dimrill wrote:
lip sync is awful :DD

Hmmm... I may grow into a jealous rage when I find out that I can't get a copy.

Oh well, anyone for CoD4 tonight?


myoptika wrote:
Mine hadn't arrived by the time I'd left for work at 9:20 this morning. :(

Can you nip home at lunchtime and pick up the "you were out" card before heading to the post office?
I too now have my copy.
I now own an iMac.

You know that I care what happens to you
And I know that you care for me
So I don't feel alone
Or the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe
To bury my bone
And any fool knows a dog needs a home
A shelter from pigs on the wing
1st bad point from me: the radio is the worst in a GTA by far. I have yet to find a single station I like.
We were all truly spoiled by the radio stations within Vice City.
Dimrill wrote:
1st bad point from me: the radio is the worst in a GTA by far. I have yet to find a single station I like.

Did you watch the telly in the apartment? That's ace.
Dimrill wrote:
1st bad point from me: the radio is the worst in a GTA by far. I have yet to find a single station I like.

I read that as a good thing for me. ;)
Dudley wrote:
I too now have my copy.

Photo plz.
Dimrill wrote:
Don't worry Paul, so far it looks fucking rubbish *sniggers* And it controls like a dog *suppressed giggle* The voice acting is terrible *hngnngngnhg* and the lip sync is awful :DD

Phew, what a relief! It's a ruddy good job I didn't bother to go down to Asda last night after all... WAITAMINUTE!
Chalk one up for apathy, I popped into Sainsburys for bits for lunch, and they had loads of copys on the shelf
markg wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
1st bad point from me: the radio is the worst in a GTA by far. I have yet to find a single station I like.

Did you watch the telly in the apartment? That's ace.
:this: Weasel News presents: Faded Stars made me laugh a lot.
I am flip flopping over this.
This radio is awful. Abysmal. Fucking.... oh gods I can't believe how bad it is.
Dimrill wrote:
This radio is awful. Abysmal. Fucking.... oh gods I can't believe how bad it is.

Quit moaning, gamewhore!
My copy's showed up. Along with the copy of Oblivion that my son has been begging me for for ages and will now not get to play for weeks. Bwahahahaaaaa!

I'd post a picture, but basically imagine Dimrill's with a saner beard and you're there.
I casually strolled into Game on the way to work this morning and picked up a copy (no preorder or anything).

I'm out tonight, so I can't play it. Still, at least I got it before the mad rush. I, in an annoyingly smug way, don't see what all the fuss and worry was about.
Dimrill wrote:
This radio is awful. Abysmal. Fucking.... oh gods I can't believe how bad it is.

From what I've read, and after discussing your discontent with my esteemed work colleague, I have come to the conclusion that you have a hard boiled head.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
fuss and worry was about.

Well on my part it was more excitement, I'll try to be more of a miserable, world-weary, jaded old fuck in future.
got my copy :)

bless student girlfriends who can go to HMV

although I think she forgot to use her 10% discount, so ive overpaid, but nevermind, saved petrol and parking
markg wrote:
Sir Taxalot wrote:
fuss and worry was about.

Well on my part it was more excitement, I'll try to be more of a miserable, world-weary, jaded old fuck in future.

I know, I was just being a bit of a jerk. I was quite excited too, that's why i went to get it this morning. It's really just fortunate that it was in the first place I checked, which allowed me to post that. Otherwise, I'd maybe have felt a tad disappointed.

I think I've only ever preordered one game - Zelda Wind Waker.
Dudley wrote:
Is Dim a dribbling buffoon?

Shouldn't this be in the Stupid questions thread Dudley?
Dudley wrote:
Is Dim a dribbling buffoon?

Decide here! ... soundtrack

Any radio station with "Turn You Inside Out" on is automatically at least a bit great.
Zardoz wrote:
Dudley wrote:
Is Dim a dribbling buffoon?

Shouldn't this be in the perceptive questions thread Dudley?

I've now turned off the in car music as it's that bad.
Worse than Avril?
LRR 97.8 looks amazing station to be honest.

1979 is a classic.
Mr Dave wrote:
Worse than Avril?

But she's a motherf[ ]ing princess!
There are 2 songs total that I've heard on here that I can listen to without vomiting blood. Whereas on VC almost all of it was gold, and SA had at least 2 good stations and a few tracks on the others that didn't make me weep with despair.
You're listening to the actual supplied ingame music?

You're Doing It Wrong.

Enough said.
Dimrill wrote:
There are 2 songs total that I've heard on here that I can listen to without vomiting blood. Whereas on VC almost all of it was gold, and SA had at least 2 good stations and a few tracks on the others that didn't make me weep with despair.

Is the game any good though?
I.... don't know. I'm playing it, but I can't say that it's "fun" yet.

Also: I fucking hate hardcore.
Dimrill wrote:
I.... don't know. I'm playing it, but I can't say that it's "fun" yet.

Also: I fucking hate hardcore.

I'd imagine it's too busy tutorialising and showing off for the first few hours. Right?
MrD wrote:
You're listening to the actual supplied ingame music?

You're Doing It Wrong.

In GTA that's always previously been Doing It Very Very Right.
What about GTA III?

You listen not to Chatterbox?

(And my GTA II on the Dreamcast either has a scratched disc, or it has radio stations that have a coverage range of two city blocks)

And VCPR in Vice City?

And COMPLETE SILENCE in San Andreas?
An hour in. It is so far living up to being OMG GTA IV. That really tells you all you need to know, to be honest. The game music isn't terrible, but it is throwing up less obvious old classics. Also, why the fuck is 'Cry' by Godley and Creme on the supposed 'rock' station? It has gorgeous graphics and compared to my experiences of trying to play the others on a PS2, it controls beautifully.
I think it's very sluggish control wise. You don't seem to be able to get anywhere in a quick fashion.
Classical station > all others. Always (althoug Vice City's stations almost all had at least one god track).

Saints Row's classical selection is the best, although you have to 'buy' a lot of it (for piffling small change in special Saints Row money). I'm not sure whether the William Tell overture or the can-can is the best tune for a chaotic, explosive chase.

That rock station does look quite good, mind. And I've just noticed (having skimmed before) that it has The Seeker. Excellent choice. No Ballroom Blitz, though. 10% off, but 15% on for the seeker. Bums.
The controls feel a little bit treacly to me, but possibly I have been Burning Out too much. Nothing seems to be happening so far, as well.

It does look pretty, mind.
Dimrill wrote:
I think it's very sluggish control wise. You don't seem to be able to get anywhere in a quick fashion.

I think the idea is that you only 'walk' if you're just leisurely taking your time. Running is required almost always, with sprinting now being a 'third gear'. I like that your character is less of a lumbering ox, and now actually angles around corners and stuff. Driving wise, other than wishing for the convenient mouse-look of the PC, I have zero probs.
3 hours in, still waiting for "fun" to start.
When did you turn into Victor Meldrew Dimrill?

Everyone else seems to be loving it, even you only a page of posts ago.
Since I'm not really enjoying this game, it's going out of the way to annoy me so far.
Dangerous game this launch day stuff

A man was stabbed in the town centre of Croydon last night at the opening of
the new controversial video game Grand Theft Auto 4.

Queues of people waiting outside Gamestation in George Street saw the man
staggering around covered in blood as they waited to get their hands on the
latest copy of the game.

He was carrying a knife, which was also reportedly covered in blood.

It is thought some people in the queue thought the stabbing was a stunt and
part of a show put on by Gamestation staff.

But they realised he was not an actor when four police cars and a van
screeched up to the store.

Eyewitness Malcolm Critchell was at the store with his nephew, Jordan.

He said: "While waiting outside the store, a man stood next to us and was
covered from shoulder to belly in blood.

"Myself and others thought it was a show to promote the game but when we
looked closer, he had been knifed repeatedly.

Other eye witnesses have reported that a man appeared from the George pub
and stabbed another man waiting in the queue.

Landlord of the Brief pub, Kenny Tibbett, 34, said: "I came out of the pub
and saw a bloke staggering up the road with a gaping wound to his back and
his head.

"There was blood all over the road and he was carrying a knife."

Mr Critchell added: "Later on, a police officer came to us and asked
everyone if they saw what happened to the man with the knife. I purchased my
game, left the store and asked a police officer about what had happened.

"It was actually real. We were told he had been rude to some bloke, to which
he was knifed. He then went home, grabbed a kitchen knife and went looking
for this person."

Recep Ghar, 28, a manager at the George pub, said: "I saw lots of people but
we had already shut by the time it happened and I'm pretty sure it had
nothing to do with any of our customers."

Police have confirmed a man was attacked.
A spokesman for the London Ambulance Service added: "We were called by
police just before 10.50pm to George Street to reports of a stabbing.

"The patient, a 25-year-old man, was treated at the scene and taken to a
south London hospital."
"Who's that?"
"Arrghhhh! I'm stabbed."
"He's stabbed. How about that."
"Mmm. That's a stabbing."
"Oh, they're open."
"GTA please."
"Arrghhh! I'm stabbed."
Dimrill wrote:
Since I'm not really enjoying this game, it's going out of the way to annoy me so far.

Yes, the lack of black metal on the radio is certainly distracting me from the gorgeous and appropriate visuals (very important in such a travel-oriented game as GTA, I reckon), useful and concise tutorial tips, unusual (for a game) plot, the useful aceness of your mobile phone, and the splendid way that it has "opened up" a lot of itself within just an hour of initial play.

It's fucking shit.
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