Hearthstone thread
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The Mage quest is the one that's annoying me , after hitting a stream of them i switched over to the warrior taunt quest - it was expensive for dust (only needed the quest as a legendary but i was missing a lot of other key cards like Dirty Rat) and at least I now have an answer to them - nothing better than pulling a giant / alex / apprentice / archmage out of their deck when they are not expecting it

Yes I'll still lose sometimes but even with everything frozen being able to raggy them for 8 points each turn helps , and I will lose to a 'perfect draw' rogue but the taunts and early pressure (plus Dirty Rat to sometimes grab their bounced minion) means that I'm winning more of those than I'm losing
http://www.polygon.com/2017/4/10/152479 ... ary-rarity

Hearthstone: Journey to Un’Goro expects players to spend too much to be competitive
'Cheap' killer move

zaphod79 wrote:

Hearthstone: Journey to Un’Goro expects players to spend too much to be competitive

Yeah as if the move to 'all cards' expansions wasn't already enough of a dick move, making the quest cards legendaries was a Ron Jeremy dick-sized dick move.

I made myself that Quest Mage deck yesterday, needed to craft three epics and the legendary to build it, and that's just for one deck, despite having opened 85 packs of cards at expansion launch.

If there's one thing Blizzard really know how to do, it's gouge the fuck out of their customer base.

(A Level 100 boost currently costs £49 (!) in WoW.)
So close to hitting rank 10 but I keep getting pushed back on the last match

The other deck I'm seeing a lot of just now is the plant rogue - and I cant work out how they *always* have the plant in hand

Basically its a 5/3 minion 'free' for every round , I'd guess the only way for my warrior to remove it is kill it first and then use Brawl and hope the dead body gets removed.
So burned up the gold i had earned so far this week and got the legendary plant card (so may craft the deck to use it) - and my first 'pack' quest card

Screenshot 2017-04-13 00.51.54.png
Re: Card Power Creep

In Netrunner, you can have (generally) up to three copies of a card in your deck (decks have minimum size). You have (generally) 15 influence points to spend. Cards in faction are influence free, but using a card from another faction cost these influence points (except some neutral cards). This worked quite well as a balance against ALL THE BEST CARDS together in one deck.

Until: the card pool expanded loads and dominant combinations of cards arose. To counter this, a list of cads was made that cost an extra influence point even if in faction to curtail these ploys.

Until: The card pool expanded even more and even more powerful cards were printed. Now, rather tjan one extra point, it goes from one to three.

Getting complicated.
I decided to have a few goes at this.

So far what I see is odd.

If you have bought the right card for Warrior, on turn 4/5/6 your hero power becomes Ragnaros and you get an awesome weapon?

That doesn't seem too fair. I assume there are similar cards for other classes, but if you don't have the AUTOMATIC WIN BUTTON LEGENDARY it's a bit shit yo.
Also, wow, the new cards are far better! Hard to compete without them. Rogue chap had the corpse flower. Killed it. Next turn he plays 4 cards and revives it, and plays another. Next turn I kill both. He revives both. I kill both, he revives both. Guy played 12 cards in 3 turns and still had 4 left! Madness!
For reference, this is playing at level 25. Almost all opponents are warriors and all start with that quest. One made it as late as turn 8, but playing a slow taunt warrior deck how could you not?
When was the last time you played Curio? The power-creep across the expansions has been significant, but Blizzard have really outdone themselves with the latest Un Goro expansion, by making all the class quest cards legendaries, and each of them is a 'build around' card, the decks simply don't work without them.

Hearthstone must be a preposterously unforgiving place for new players, or players who've been away for a year or two.

My interest in the game ebbs and flows, but even when I'm not in a Hearthstone place, I keep up with my daily quests so that I've always got a big stack of gold to invest in each new expansion, and keep my collection competitive.

If you're running with a fairly meagre card collection, your best bet is just to go with a hardcore aggro 'face' deck, as with the right draw they're capable of beating down anything else.
Basically 'this' - the quest cards are all way overpowered compared to just about anything else and yes your not going to survive a warrior a few rounds after they have completed it unless your using one of the other quests

The quests are :

Rogue - every minion you have is automatically 5/5 that includes your 1 point pirates / 1 point boars / etc etc - a good hand gives you the quest on turn 4 or 5 and you'll generally win by turn 6 or 7
Warrior - a weapon (4/3) and your hero power becomes Raggy - so 8 points 'at random' - the warriors also have a ton more taunt cards and better board clearing options (fishes for example which knocks 3 off every injured minion and the big 8 point dinosaur who does 2 points of damage to all other minions)
Mage - take two turns , they typically freeze all your characters and have a ice block if you can get them close to finishing space) - but their finish is either alex / 2 'free' magic giants and their free turn to kill you or Archmage + 2 apprentices (or 3?) which gives them unlimited fireballs

Those all are game winners - if you get them and the other side has not pummeled you with a fast damage deck or hit their own reward its game over.

The next batch are :

Priest - minion that buffs your hero up to 40 health (I stole it in the video above)
Shamen - Murloc card that fills your had with other murlocs - they also have a lot of murloc buff cards
Druid - much harder to pull off but all your minions become 'free'
Warlock - A portal that gives free imps

These seem to be able to turn a game but are either too hard or generally too slow - i have lost to the shamen one a few times but never to the priest / warlock or Druid

I've never even seen people try to pull off :
Hunter - A big minion and a lot of small minion cards
Paladin - a big buffed minion (so what)

For a lot of the quests there are also 'disruption' cards which is worth having in your deck , there is not really one for the warrior (apart from dirty rat) but in all of my decks I have at least one Dirty Rat (a 2/6 minion that pulls a minion out of their hand - this can be bad if you play it at the wrong time but it can also wreck the Rogue / Warriors / Mage decks because it loses the battlecry - so you want to pull any of the bounce minions or the card the rogue was bouncing out of their hand to kill it , and against the mage you can pull the archmage or some of their helpers out and they cant play them later.

The other disrupt card is really only of use against the Mage but i still carry it anyway and thats 'eater of secrets' - it removes their secrets so the mage loses the freeze block and you can kill them (i have won many games just for that one card).

Oh and if your a mage then counterspell / or the secret that turns their played minion into a sheep will stop the rogue quests :-)

And as Hearthy says a good / quick deck will beat all of these if you get the right draw because you just do so much damage to them quickly - the rogue quest gives you lots of 1/1 and 3/2 minions until round 5 or 6 and virtually no taunt - the warrior quest also struggles with damage to the other side (but the taunts can usually block stuff).

FYI the 'flower' card the rogue played is a legendary so they probably got lucky to get 2 (by using a clone card or a mimic pod) - i really struggle with that because i dont have anything to remove it (even warriors brawl does not remove it - you need to be able to turn it into a sheep or a frog) - i have been lucky with 'vanish' for the rogue but you need to fill their hand up already
Yeah, I've been away for at least a year.

Generally won or was competitive against anyone who wasn't a Warrior or that Rogue with the magical plant
Hmmm. I do have 4000 dust. Maybe I should just craft some good things.
Curiosity wrote:
Hmmm. I do have 4000 dust. Maybe I should just craft some good things.

Think carefully before crafting, 4000 dust is only two Legendaries are they're almost entirely 'build around' cards in Un Goro, you might be better off going for a wider spread of Commons, Rares and Epics that have wider utility.

Take a look at Tempostorm and Icy Veins for a selection of decks.


https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta ... 2017-04-14

http://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/de ... ucted-play
Going into Ungoro I had around 50 packs (from gold and freebies) and about 10,000 dust (after I got the bonus dust for losing my existing cards) and it still cost me a lot of dust to make the warrior and rogue quest decks

There are some 'cheap' hunter decks out there with regular beasts and a few ungoro adapt cards that regularly beat me and those are probably cheap / or use cards you already have

Playing against them they seem to lead with the battle cat (2 cheap minions) then a buff card , and then hyena and an adapt - even if your clearing down the low minion cards your still taking massive damage by round 4 or 5

This looks to be it :

http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/784234-u ... ast-hunter

You probably have most of the cards already

Although remember this is a fast / face deck , if they get some taunt cards out your probably going to lose to them
Been a while since i've looked so - Hearthstone Stats


Screenshot 2017-04-17 14.11.44.png

I have a golden Mage and Warlock - for the others

Priest 412/500
Hunter 412/500 (yes really the same number as Priest)
Paladin 401/500
Warrior 391/500
Rogue 287/500 ( I was less than 200 on this until Ungoro came out)
Druid 165/500
Shaman 73/500
Slowed down a lot in the last 12 months or so, but still keeping up with my daily quests for the GOLDS.

Just playing Aggro Pirate Warrior at the moment, simply because it's pretty much an auto-win against that abominable fucking Quest Rogue deck. I do feel slightly guilty when other classes/decks are dead on Turn 5/6 though.

My preference is for midrange/control, but unfortunately there's no midrange/control deck that can consistently beat out a deck whereby every single bastard thing they have on the board is a 5/5.

I think the biggest loss for me in Un Goro is Control Warrior which was one of my favourite decks to play (we miss you Justicar! and Bash! etc!), and the new Taunt Warrior just feels a bit cheap by comparison.

Cheers for that.

Can I not craft Kindly Grandmother?
Curiosity wrote:
Cheers for that.

Can I not craft Kindly Grandmother?

I think it was one of the special cards from the 'one night in' set of adventures - if so no you need to buy the wing that it came in
zaphod79 wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Cheers for that.

Can I not craft Kindly Grandmother?

I think it was one of the special cards from the 'one night in' set of adventures - if so no you need to buy the wing that it came in

Well, that's a pain.
This weeks tavern brawl is basically pick a class and play with the quest and a pre-made deck for that class - useful if you want to try them out (and saves you having to craft something to then work out its crap)
Dinomancy is a bit of a mean card.
Playing Druid in Tavern Brawl for fun (and my missions are to play Druid class cards and large minions). Opposing Warrior has one big minions. I have mine full of massive ones after completing my quest. He plays Brawl, and as always, his one survives and my entire army dies.
Curiosity wrote:
Playing Druid in Tavern Brawl for fun (and my missions are to play Druid class cards and large minions). Opposing Warrior has one big minions. I have mine full of massive ones after completing my quest. He plays Brawl, and as always, his one survives and my entire army dies.

I often wonder if Brawl slightly favors whoever plays it - my typical play turn 7 when doing the warrior quest was dirty rat and brawl - and I'm sure i ended up with the rat left more often than one of theirs
Random numbers do strange things sometimes, we remember the random events that stand out rather than the random events than fall within expected boundaries.

In other Hearthstone news - Freeze Mage is looking pretty good again, which makes me happy.
That Hunter deck you linked to above has been pretty fun. Just killed a Priest on Turn 4 (1. Alley Cat - 2. Hyena - 3. Adapt hyena to get windfury; kill the cats - 4. Death).

The only tricksy decks have been the quest ones. The Raptor one was a bad spot for mel as they could play the card on Turn 5, and after that it's a neverending stream of damn near free 3/2 cards. I might have stood a chance with an exploding trap or something, but unless you can kill them in a turn or two it's over. Fun mechanic though, as you do get the sense of overwhelming panic as you get swarmed. A fun round even though I lost.

So many cards I haven't seen before that can turn something on me. Meteor? WTF?

Fun times though.
The game is definitely a lot more fun in the new expansion, for several reasons.

1) The older expansions that have rotated out of Standard, goodbye to any and all fucking Reno decks, for example.

2) The specific cards that have been moved out of Standard, Azure Drake/Raggy/Syl/etc - it's easy to forget just how ubiquitous they were and absolutely the 'best in slot' for so many decks, having them removed from the options list entirely has really opened up deck design. (And it's not like you can't still play those cards if you want to, just move over to Wild.)

3) The Un Goro expansion itself is very good (once you get past the incredibly cynical legendary situation), and whilst the meta is still settling down of course, the overall situation seems to be a lot more 'up in the air' as to where the various classes and decks will end up in terms of effectiveness.

So yes, definitely enjoying it so far.
3 free packs as they have passed the 70 million players mark

http://uk.ign.com/articles/2017/05/01/h ... on-players
Having a lot of fun with this iteration of Miracle Rogue. No Leeroy/Cold Blood burst so doesn't have the super-finisher potential but all sorts of cheeky shenanigans going on with the Corpse Flower thingy, Shaku, and all the draw cards feeding into flower activation and Gadgetzan trickery - which all end up with the cheap or free Arcane Giants.

Had to craft two legendaries, two epics and a rare for this one! Only have 2700 dust left but do have two shit golden legendaries I can dust if required. (And 5100 gold for packs but I'm already saving up for the next expansion :))

What was that Tavern Brawl that cost a billion pounds all about?

Playing Arena for a laugh. One guy just kept on playing the 'On a Stegodon' card. So infuriating!
Was absolutely destroying a Shaman. Had entire board control, and health was 30 vs 5.

Sadly he had some insane cards. Evolve, devole and worst of all, to start the rot - volcano.

I ended up totally dead in a few more turns.

Those all seem MASSIVELY underpriced in terms of mana.
Volcano is one of those 'play around' cards I think, very much like a Mage's Flamestrike.

At 7 mana (5 + 2 overload) Volcano is certainly an efficient spell but not off-the-scale crazy. (Compare it with Elemental Destruction, for example.)
It's pretty crazy if they have a double spell damage totem and you didn't know the card exists :D
Hearthly wrote:
Volcano is one of those 'play around' cards I think, very much like a Mage's Flamestrike.

At 7 mana (5 + 2 overload) Volcano is certainly an efficient spell but not off-the-scale crazy. (Compare it with Elemental Destruction, for example.)

Or Meteor !

and the evolve / de-evolve is a pain but it does have a big random feel , its annoying when you have a board of taunts for them all to go but sometimes you do get slightly better minions , and sometimes their 'upgraded' ones are bad (again , evolve a standard totem from 1 to 2 gives them a chance to draw a doomsayer which is very funny :-)
http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blo ... -5-16-2017

New Features Coming to Hearthstone!

Basically you can play your quests against friends (instead of only on the ladder or in arena) and you can cut and paste your deck lists so you can save them elsewhere or post them on places like here for others to use.
The rogue quest is annoying.

Everyone just throws a glacial shard, then retracts and throws it again and again. You can't do shit as all your minions are frozen, and on turn 5 they play the quest card and win.
I'm not a big fan of the the one that switches all mana into treants, which is always followed by the ludicrously cheap 1 mana to +1/+1 all minions
Curiosity wrote:
The rogue quest is annoying.

Everyone just throws a glacial shard, then retracts and throws it again and again. You can't do shit as all your minions are frozen, and on turn 5 they play the quest card and win.

I am mostly playing arena, especially because otherwise it's just a constant stream of quest people, and it doesn't matter what you do, especially if it's a Rogue. There's no possible defence to it and no tactics. Just makes it really boring and removes a load of the variety. Boo.
Curiosity wrote:
I am mostly playing arena, especially because otherwise it's just a constant stream of quest people, and it doesn't matter what you do, especially if it's a Rogue. There's no possible defence to it and no tactics. Just makes it really boring and removes a load of the variety. Boo.

There are plenty of defenses against it , and it relies a *lot* on luck (I know because i've played a lot of it)

Realistically the rogue has 6 bounce cards and normally needs to draw 3 of them to get the spell in place (2xboatmen / 2xbrewmasters / 2xshadowstep - I also play with a vanish but given thats a 6 point card its normally too late to use for the quest)

While they are doing that they have virtually no minions on the board and you can have around 4 or 5 rounds of hitting them in the face while they do all the fancy footwork - if you have a slow to progress deck you'll lose.

The perfect answer to their threat is Dirty rat , when you play it you have a chance to pull either the card they are bouncing (which can stop the whole process) or one of their 4 character bounce cards which also slows them down.

There are also a number of Mage specific cards that can kill it - the one that causes their next played card to turn into a sheep , the one that stops their next spell from firing (kills the quest reward) , the one that gives you a copy of their next spell (you get the same bonus for your minions) , etc etc

At the very least include Dirty Rat in your deck (in the same way you *need* to include an eater of secrets when you face mage)

I'm not really seeing a lot of the rogue deck out there.
I'm only playing in Casual, but it seems like I face the Rogue deck more games than I don't. 4 of the last 5 have played the quest card on turn 5. Turn 6 then sees the 5/5 charges coming into play.

I shall look at the Dirty Rat. I don't think they end up with much missing in terms of strength on the board. If they're using glacial shard then your minions can't attack, and they end up with at least a 2/3 or a 3/2 or whatever each turn from the Boatman or Brewmaster. Maybe I've just been unlucky.

There's been some big ol' power creep on some of the cards too. A 2/2 for 1 mana? 1 mana to give +1/+1 to all minions? 2 mana to give you a 1/1 with +1/+1 to all minions in your hand? 1 mana for a mini-shadow madness? Vol-freaking-cano? Those are some nasty cards.
Curiosity wrote:
I'm only playing in Casual, but it seems like I face the Rogue deck more games than I don't. 4 of the last 5 have played the quest card on turn 5. Turn 6 then sees the 5/5 charges coming into play.

I'm playing ladder , and bouncing around the 17 - 20 mark so nowhere special and i'm seeing a wide range of decks

Curiosity wrote:
I shall look at the Dirty Rat. I don't think they end up with much missing in terms of strength on the board. If they're using glacial shard then your minions can't attack, and they end up with at least a 2/3 or a 3/2 or whatever each turn from the Boatman or Brewmaster. Maybe I've just been unlucky.

I think you probably have just been unlucky , remember they can only have 2 of the shard cards in total , if they play first the need to keep the quest so they have 2 other cards to mulligan which they will want to be a bounce card so even having one of them in hand if you dont have the brewmaster or boatman you'll swap it out (shadowstep is their strongest card and is what you really want from the start because your replays of the cards is basically free)

If you've not used Dirty Rat , it pulls a card out of their deck onto the board , turn 2 its a big gamble but once they have started bouncing the cards its got a good chance of pulling something and even if your not up against the rogue it stops a useful battlecry (although sometimes its pulled some massive card out of their deck which has lost me the game before - swings and roundabouts :-)

Curiosity wrote:
There's been some big ol' power creep on some of the cards too. A 2/2 for 1 mana? 1 mana to give +1/+1 to all minions? 2 mana to give you a 1/1 with +1/+1 to all minions in your hand? 1 mana for a mini-shadow madness? Vol-freaking-cano? Those are some nasty cards.

I have a Murlock / Padadin deck which uses a lot of those 'boost all cards in deck' and again if it hits the right cards is unstoppable - the problem is that it uses a lot of unique cards and a lot of epics so its not the type of thing to just craft on a whim (I'll try and remember to post a list of it tonight its not going to work very well snapping it from my phone).

I agree power creep is a big thing and again back to my complaint above that they only ever nerf cards , they never buff something that needed just a little change to be better (look at that hunter raven card that was everywhere a year or so back - it got changed to a 5 drop and its a piece of crap - i hate when i draw it at random from a 'find a beast' power)

The advantage is that there are some new plays and combos that come out and make other decks usable again.

I have played a lot of priests recently who use one of the first tricks I ever did in the game , get cheap minion out with a high heath , buff it , double it , and then make attack = health

Some of those cheap 2 and 3 point minions with 7 or 8 health are perfect for that - game over at turn 5 when they hit you for 36 points :-)

My most consistently winning deck at the moment is the Warrior quest one , and that's really because every turn your dropping a taunt minion on the deck to block them from hitting you , you get the quest off normally around round 8 or 9 and can start smashing stuff up (again though an expensive deck to craft)
Curiosity wrote:
I'm only playing in Casual, but it seems like I face the Rogue deck more games than I don't. 4 of the last 5 have played the quest card on turn 5. Turn 6 then sees the 5/5 charges coming into play.

I shall look at the Dirty Rat. I don't think they end up with much missing in terms of strength on the board. If they're using glacial shard then your minions can't attack, and they end up with at least a 2/3 or a 3/2 or whatever each turn from the Boatman or Brewmaster. Maybe I've just been unlucky.

If you're facing a lot of a particular deck at any given time and losing to it, just run a deck that counters it well.

I genuinely look forward to Quest Rogue match-ups as my main deck at the moment is Midrange Hunter, which has about an 80% winrate against Quest Rogue. (I'm specifically playing Midrange Hunter because Quest Rogue is popular, I hate losing against it due to RAGE, and Midrange Hunter beats it soundly most of the time.)

As zaphod notes Quest Rogue kind of does 'nothing' for the first 1-3 (and sort of 4) turns, which with the Hunter beast synergies is often enough to have put together a board state and repetitive damage that the Rogue simply can't counter.

They generally die just as they play their stupid 5/5 spell (or before that even) and I'm just like FUCK YOU QUEST ROGUE WELL PLAYED.
My Murloc deck

Obviously - get the buff cards early and play murlocs when out for more linked buffs and if you have a few which are sticky then play the one that buffs all murlocs for either Windfury or +3 attack as a finisher

Screenshot 2017-05-23 17.52.42.png
Well the cut and paste is there - here is my Rogue quest deck

### Mission
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (0) Shadowstep
# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 2x (1) Goldshire Footman
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (1) Stonetusk Boar
# 2x (1) Swashburglar
# 1x (1) The Caverns Below
# 1x (2) Dirty Rat
# 1x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Gadgetzan Ferryman
# 2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster
# 2x (3) Igneous Elemental
# 2x (3) Mimic Pod
# 1x (4) Eater of Secrets
# 1x (6) Thistle Tea
# 1x (6) Vanish
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
And my Murloc Paladin

### Murloc
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (1) Getaway Kodo
# 1x (1) Grimscale Chum
# 1x (1) Grimscale Oracle
# 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller
# 2x (1) Smuggler's Run
# 1x (1) Vilefin Inquisitor
# 1x (2) A Light in the Darkness
# 1x (2) Bilefin Tidehunter
# 1x (2) Blowgill Sniper
# 1x (2) Bluegill Warrior
# 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter
# 1x (3) Coldlight Oracle
# 1x (3) Coldlight Seer
# 1x (3) Grimestreet Smuggler
# 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 1x (3) Primalfin Lookout
# 1x (3) Wickerflame Burnbristle
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 1x (4) Gentle Megasaur
# 2x (5) Grimestreet Enforcer
# 1x (6) Corrupted Seer
# 1x (7) Don Han'Cho
# 1x (8) Lay on Hands
# 1x (8) Tirion Fordring
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Been a while since i opened a Legendary - must be due one soon ....

Screenshot 2017-06-04 15.59.14.png

F*cking thing !
That is god's punishment for playing that deck in the first place.
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