Animal Crossing Switch
The bells, the bells!
devilman wrote:

I just got some now. Thanks DM
Thank you so much, Jem! If anybody needs any green or yellow just let me know and I’ll post some! x
good point, I'll leave some of every colour on Flump
just a reminder , if you plant a white pumpkin, you get a white pumpkin plant - so planting pumpkins rather then starts is the easiest way to get some of every colour
I’ve planted the two from Jem for that reason, to get and balance out the colours a bit, I hope. The pumpkins are very cute.
the pumpkins are so adorable :luv:
I've left some pumpkins by your house Devilman because it looked like you were missing some colours
and the giveaway field I've put down
5 times 2 white pumpkins, green pumpkins, yellow pumpkins
3 times 5 orange pumpkins
3 times 10 acorns, 3 times 10 pinecones

when you visit Flump, dont forget to buy an extra candy at Nooks!
Gate is open. Just Flick around today. Turnips are 115 so I wonder if they might go up further this afternoon. ... 5941949442

work getting in the way of animal crossingin :(
Dropped off a few recipes, some duplicate Sarahararahah rugs , and three genuine paintings.
Anyone in need of Halloween diys?
I have quite a few spares
Yes please, I’d love a couple. I’ll just fire up the switch and see which I already have.
I have (Halloween):
Spooky table
Spooky standing lamp and
Spooky lantern.

On another note, of the other seasonal ones I have:
Yellow leaf pile
Pile of leaves
Leaf campfire
Traditional balance toy
Tree’s bounty lamp
Tree’s bounty little tree
Pine bonsai tree
Tree’s bounty mobile and
Acorn pochette

If anyone gets a duplicate of the archway at any point I’d love that for my woodland. I’ve not been able to find a list of the autumn seasonal recipes, but I’ve definitely seen a pretty arch. I’m really looking forward to mushroom season.
Here are the Halloween diys and all the autumn diys
all the autumn diys are available during their materials being available (if that makes sense)
edit, I'm surprised the tree bounty arch is listed under maple but I guess it needs maple leaves
I dropped off a pine bonsai recipe at DM's earlier.
Oh, I’ve got most of the autumn recipes, then! The arch is a maple leaf recipe, so I guess I must have seen that on someone who had time travelled or been from the Southern Hemisphere? Ah well, only the mobile to gind, I think.

Sorry Dimmers, I think I confused you. Yay was the list of the ones I already had x
I dropped 9 Halloween diys on Flump, I put them on the grass to keep them separate
miki wrote:
I dropped 9 Halloween diys on Flump, I put them on the grass to keep them separate

Nabbed the chair and arch recipes cos I'm a scamp. Left a traditional balancing toy one in the pile. Ta Miki!
coolio! happy to help :D

it's easier to get spares for these by using steves account and katies account when someone is crafting
balloons are awful
In the real world I loathe Halloween but I'm covering my island with pumpkin and spooky tat. Outside from that, I've also made a small concert arena, complete with roped off stage area. I need to expand it and put some more instruments. Finally, one of the animals high on my "get out" list asked about leaving today so that's good. Turnip prices are still in double figures, alas.
yeh I'm also not a big halloween fan, but the pumpkins are so cute!
let me know if you're needing some instruments :)
Your blue goat with the flange is making a spooky recipe. Sadly it wouldn't give me a duplicate, so it gave me 5 bog standard pumpkins instead.
Dimrill wrote:
Your blue goat with the flange is making a spooky recipe. Sadly it wouldn't give me a duplicate, so it gave me 5 bog standard pumpkins instead.

Aha! I was talking to Sherb on Flump yesterday to get a DIY and not really paying attention, and next thing I know I have a candy and no DIY. I thought maybe I'd pressed something wrong, but I guess I just had it already :DD
apparently when you already know the recipe its 70% chance of 5 orange pumpkins and 30% chance of a candy
luckily I have steve and katies characters to misuse for duplicate collecting :D
unluckily enough life is conspiring to put me in the loony bin, between basic corona stress, horrendous drilling for almost 2 weeks (neighbors not us), kitchen appliance mishaps, ill child and actual work I am too stretched and frazzled to do much AC
luckily there is a chance the kitchen will be sorted today, there is a chance that this is the last week of drilling and I dont work on friday so if I survive today and actually get some sleep tonight I have a chance ;)
You have my total sympathies miki, everything is going wrong (work-wise) this week and I'm just utterly knackered. Hope it eases off for you asap :luv:
Thanks Jem, wishing you some good luck as well! :luv:
Someone on twitter suggested I hibernate for winter, and I'm liking that idea. Not sure my clients would agree :DD
I would love that but all the noisy neighbors wont even let me sleep through the night
It's my bladder that gets me up these days 8)
Aw, don’t call him that.
Jem wrote:
It's my bladder that gets me up these days 8)

Glad it’s not just me. It’s like 3 times a night these days
Mr Chonks wrote:
Jem wrote:
It's my bladder that gets me up these days 8)

Glad it’s not just me. It’s like 3 times a night these days

Not wanting to derail the Animal Crossing thread but have you mentioned this to a Doctor? It might be worth getting your prostate checked.
Gate is open again. Nothing exciting today, but Sherb is crafting a Spooky Tower this morning if anyone needs that recipe. ... 5583353856

There was a mini update overnight it seems, so make sure your game is updated to 1.5.1 first.
Mimi wrote:
Aw, don’t call him that.


Mr Chonks wrote:
Jem wrote:
It's my bladder that gets me up these days 8)

Glad it’s not just me. It’s like 3 times a night these days

Mine is mostly caused by the protein shake I 'have' to drink before bed - you should probably get yours looked at :S
miki wrote:
yeh I'm also not a big halloween fan, but the pumpkins are so cute!
let me know if you're needing some instruments :)

Thanks! I'm on the hunt for a drum kit! Got two guitars and a silver mike so just need the final piece.

I put some mountain standees up at the back of the stage area yesterday although it took longer than planned as Whispy was buzzing around and generally being annoying.
I've got a couple of drum kits in different colours Kern - I think yellow and something else. Will send across when I get a sec :)
Great, thanks!
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Aw, don’t call him that.


Mr Chonks wrote:
Jem wrote:
It's my bladder that gets me up these days 8)

Glad it’s not just me. It’s like 3 times a night these days

Mine is mostly caused by the protein shake I 'have' to drink before bed - you should probably get yours looked at :S

I was somewhat exaggerating for comic effect. I drink a lot of water before bed but also wake up for other reasons and just go for a piss as I’m already up.
Have sent yellow and black drums Kern. Can also order blue if you decide you don't like either of those first two :D
Great stuff, thanks!
I’ve got a bass guitar if you need one of those also, Kern.
Ooo.. yes please. All about the bass. C+.
It’s on its way. I’ve got all of the instruments in case you ever decide to expand your band/form an orchestra.
Much appreciated! :)
An orchestra.... there's an idea for future island development, and something else I miss due to the current unpleasentness. I did mean to spend lockdown finally writing that symphony but, you know, reasons.
I’m going for a bath (real life) as I’m a bit under the weather and have a chill, but I’ve opened my gate in case anybody wants to pop by Sheppey. I’ll be AFK, but have a wander, a shop, and meet all the squirrels :D
I've put some more Halloween diys on Flump :)
Gate is open again. ... 8949154816

Curiously, in all the same I've had the maze in place, I've never seen an islander in it (I assume the game doesn't let the islanders wander down paths that are too narrow), but Jakey was having a nose around it today.
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