Bits & Bobs 6
Bits and Boobies!
Someone's having a bad day, considering you started with.

he is shit and doesn't have a floppy drive that work

"I'm sorry Gaz doesn't come up to your high standards".

It's 10 years since Floppy drives were standard in computers, I'm amazed any office has one, broken or otherwise, we certainly don't.
I said I was grumpy didn't I?

Look, whatever I'm not getting into an arguement about a bloody floppy disk. The Gaz is shit but was obviously oozing humour. Saying my friend is 'stupid' isn't nice is it? She has no disks-when I say we are broke, we are broke-flat-out-on-the-bread-line-prostitution-may-be-next-broke
So things you say, humour, identical things I say, not.

Send your CV (or any other important documents) to yourself using Hotmail or GMail or whatever you use. That way you can just log into your webmail wherever you are and get at the stuff.
Duds, that's why the rest of us stepped away from the thread/post... ;)
I'll leave the floppy thing here, but:

Ree, god bless her, has no net connection and we haven't got a Floppy A: drive-yahoo! :S

Anyway, I'll just write the damned thing if the library doesn't have a pc with a floppy drive in it
MetalAngel wrote:
Send your CV (or any other important documents) to yourself using Hotmail or GMail or whatever you use. That way you can just log into your webmail wherever you are and get at the stuff.

Everything you post now sounds like it belongs in the gaming tips thread. :D

He's very good at advice is Mr.Angel though!
Seriously though ... type=genre

The best £4.49 you'll spend if you're on a budget. You can have your CV (and portfolio or whatever else you need for a job right there at all times). ... type=genre

That's what I have, on my keyring at all times, fantastically useful.
*makes notes for Shin's birthday*
Actually while we ARE here. ... oduct.html

How can that have an RRP of £34.99 and they're selling it for £15.99.

It's their own fucking brand, the only people who sell it ARE them. Do they sit in a board meeting saying "You know, I recommend we sell it for..." and someone else says "Fuck you, £15.99"?
Errr....about that....I'll call you either later today or tomorrow

Dudley wrote:
It's 10 years since Floppy drives were standard in computers, I'm amazed any office has one, broken or otherwise, we certainly don't.

I have some spare if you need them:
I've got a few of those thanks :)
Dudley wrote:
Actually while we ARE here. ... oduct.html

How can that have an RRP of £34.99 and they're selling it for £15.99.

It's their own fucking brand, the only people who sell it ARE them. Do they sit in a board meeting saying "You know, I recommend we sell it for..." and someone else says "Fuck you, £15.99"?

not really their own brand, more generic mass-produced with whatever logo you want printed on the side. many other places sell that style [citation needed]
It says right on it!
Yeah but still, the only people who could set an RRP would be
DavPaz wrote:
with whatever logo you want printed on the side

I've seen that design with about a dozen different logos and plain. But then as a uni IT tech, I do see a lot of usb pens

edit @ duds, I suppose the rrp could be suggested by the supplier
Dudley wrote:
Actually while we ARE here. ... oduct.html

How can that have an RRP of £34.99 and they're selling it for £15.99.

It's their own fucking brand, the only people who sell it ARE them. Do they sit in a board meeting saying "You know, I recommend we sell it for..." and someone else says "Fuck you, £15.99"?

I see that spammers have given up trying to spam people on facebook. Now they just send you an email entitled "Brian has sent you a message on facebook". I have to give them points, it's a more elegant solution.
Why the fook is no one playing CoD: WaW? The Zombie Nazi game for all it's undeserved bashing, turns out to be brilliant with a few mates. It reminds me of an old 8bit game in 3D but I can't think what... Actually it's probably like a few 8-bit games. I'll think about this further...
For me, I protest at the scenes of actual executions and the MTV style editing of historical fact into entertainment.
Pfffttt. You've been reading too much Edge.
Ian Aris wrote:
Why the fook is no one playing CoD: WaW? The Zombie Nazi game for all it's undeserved bashing, turns out to be brilliant with a few mates. It reminds me of an old 8bit game in 3D but I can't think what... Actually it's probably like a few 8-bit games. I'll think about this further...

I quite liked it.

The online isn't even that bad once you get used to it.

I'd Bezzie it up, but noone dares to say they like it.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Dudley wrote:
It's 10 years since Floppy drives were standard in computers, I'm amazed any office has one, broken or otherwise, we certainly don't.

I have some spare if you need them:

I've always liked the 3" floppy disks. Seemed more sturdy than the common 3.5" type.
I just wish they weren't so expensive. I think I was paying £2 a disk for my +3 which doesn't sound a huge amount but as a kid with no money, it certainly seemed that way.

None of my desktops or my laptop have floppy drives now, so I picked up a USB floppy drive from a boot sale for £1 and it's come in handy. Twice.
woohoo I've caught up with 3 weeks of topics! (mostly)

So, anyway who's awake and posting this time of night?

Malc wrote:
So, anyway who's awake and posting this time of night?


pffft all this talk of increased activity is a myth...

I am still not smoking.

Last night my dreams went from being vivid to being vivid, erotic and involving Lily Allen. If I had known the fringe benefits were this good I would have given up years ago.

I am going to start smoking.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am going to start smoking.

And now I quit!

Role on sleepy time!
Surely naked dreams of Lily Allen woudl force you to keep chain smoking for the rest of your life, lest the HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES start up?
Still not smoking here, mercifully my sleeps have been entirely peaceful and unmolested by visions of the screeching spawn of cockney comedians.

When they refused to hand over cash he walked behind the counter and helped himself to £1,000 in notes before escaping on a bicycle.

The bank was recently redesigned to be open plan with no glass screens between cashiers and customers.

Hmm....nope, I can't see the problem here.
markg wrote:
Still not smoking here, mercifully my sleeps have been entirely peaceful and unmolested by visions of the screeching spawn of cockney comedians.

Keith Allen was a comedian? Fuck me, he kept that quiet. :)
Mr Chris wrote:
Surely naked dreams of Lily Allen woudl force you to keep chain smoking for the rest of your life, lest the HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES start up?

Hello, my name is Lilly. I'm gonna be in Dr Who. Innit?
markg wrote:
Still not smoking here, mercifully my sleeps have been entirely peaceful and unmolested by visions of the screeching spawn of cockney comedians.

Keep it up, mate. You're doing well.
She's all yours, Nemmie. All yours.
myp wrote:
markg wrote:
Still not smoking here, mercifully my sleeps have been entirely peaceful and unmolested by visions of the screeching spawn of cockney comedians.

Keep it up, mate. You're doing well.

It's actually been fine, I've been drinking a bucketful of coffee each day instead but other than that so far so good.

I honestly think that so much of the well-intentioned "help" that is offered to people quitting smoking is immensely counter-productive. When you are smoking it all does nothing except build up in your mind the idea that not smoking will be some terrible ordeal and is in some way difficult so you put it off rather than possibly fail. When you are quitting it can also be an excuse to start again, as though failing to simply not smoke is excusable because it must be really difficult.
I've said it before and I'll no doubt say it again.

Giving up smoking is trivially easy if you're giving up because you want to stop smoking.

Giving up smoking is utterly impossible if you're giving up because you think you should stop smoking.
markg wrote:
myp wrote:
markg wrote:
Still not smoking here, mercifully my sleeps have been entirely peaceful and unmolested by visions of the screeching spawn of cockney comedians.

Keep it up, mate. You're doing well.

It's actually been fine, I've been drinking a bucketful of coffee each day instead but other than that so far so good.

That is exactly what I did. I had lots of coffee, and I also started on donuts, but knocked that on the head pretty quickly as I could see that going horribly wrong.

I honestly think that so much of the well-intentioned "help" that is offered to people quitting smoking is immensely counter-productive. When you are smoking it all does nothing except build up in your mind the idea that not smoking will be some terrible ordeal and is in some way difficult so you put it off rather than possibly fail. When you are quitting it can also be an excuse to start again, as though failing to simply not smoke is excusable because it must be really difficult.

All very true, sir. Very true indeed.
Mr Chris wrote:
That is exactly what I did. I had lots of coffee, and I also started on donuts, but knocked that on the head pretty quickly as I could see that going horribly wrong.

You were turning into a US cop?
Just think of the telescope you'll be able to afford. Well done mate.
Plissken wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
That is exactly what I did. I had lots of coffee, and I also started on donuts, but knocked that on the head pretty quickly as I could see that going horribly wrong.

You were turning into a US cop?

Exactly. It all starts with a donut with your morning coffee, and before you know it you're mainlining sugar and caffeine all day and shooting black kids in the face.
I had a dream the other night that Mrs Squirt and I met Steve Martin, and somehow she managed to convince him that Cheaper By The Dozen I & II were really good, and he should make more, and he agreed to make numbers III, IV and V as well. I woke up absolutely livid at her.
Mr Chris wrote:
That is exactly what I did. I had lots of coffee, and I also started on donuts, but knocked that on the head pretty quickly as I could see that going horribly wrong.

I can't see where a 20-a-day donut habit could possibly go wrong.
myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
That is exactly what I did. I had lots of coffee, and I also started on donuts, but knocked that on the head pretty quickly as I could see that going horribly wrong.

I can't see where a 20-a-day donut habit could possibly go wrong.

Where do you buy your trousers from, then? Asda?
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