Hearthstone thread
Chatting about Hearthstone
RuySan wrote:
And i don't get how is the card is boring, since it spawns a random creature and it can generate all kinds of weird situations, like the Doomsayer that has been mentioned here.

Another weird situation last night with it - he played on turn 4 , my mage hits it with a frostbolt and it drops Lorewalker Cho

Turns into a completely different game - he did not have a card to nerf or kill it , i left it there and just played minions without casting spells for a few turns until i could take it out the way I wanted to then the next round i spammed spells and secrets :-)
Well it's outlier random RNG stuff like that which makes the card even worse IMO, (yes you could argue 'interesting' but in a game with so much RNG in it already I'd argue not), in the main the card represents a seriously good value 4-mana card. You get the solid base stats of 4/3, and most of the time you then get a midrange two drop from the Deathrattle, which is what makes the card as good as it is.

On the fringes it'll chuck out a Milhouse or a Totem Golem, which can be enough to swing a game in your favour.

At the other end it can produce a Doomsayer (can lose you a game outright), something entirely useless like an Ancient Watcher (if you don't have anything to activate/taunt it in any way), or other rubbish, or indeed the 'bizarre' like Lorewalker Cho.

I would suggest that the card is run in so many decks for Scenario 1, where you get your 4/3 and then maybe a 2/3, at which point the card is excellent. Extreme Scenarios 2 and 3 are relatively rare so you don't factor it into the decision to play the card, and 'slightly above average' or 'slightly below average' variants on Scenarios 2 and 3 can be tolerated as well.

I run two Shredders in my midrange Pally deck, I've played around with other cards but nothing works as well as Shredder in that slot. Now I appreciate that there's always going to be one card that you choose it over others for a given slot, and that doesn't automatically mean it needs a nerf, it's the ubiquity of Shredder that makes me feel it's a bit off-balance, and Trump does too, and he's like, one of the best Hearthstone players in the world, so it's not as if I just pulled the opinion out of my arse.

4/3 to a 4/2, leave the Deathrattle the same, feels right to me.
Hearthly wrote:
so it's not as if I just pulled the opinion out of my arse.

That's almost certainly what you've done ;) I disagree, and even Trump can be wrong as has often been shown.

Speaking of decent players, I just went 11-3 in Arena. Was *just* robbed of the sweep, very sad, but I'm managing infinite runs at the moment so doing pretty well on average.
Hearthly wrote:
Well it's outlier random RNG stuff like that which makes the card even worse IMO, (yes you could argue 'interesting' but in a game with so much RNG in it already I'd argue not), in the main the card represents a seriously good value 4-mana card. You get the solid base stats of 4/3, and most of the time you then get a midrange two drop from the Deathrattle, which is what makes the card as good as it is.

On the fringes it'll chuck out a Milhouse or a Totem Golem, which can be enough to swing a game in your favour.

At the other end it can produce a Doomsayer (can lose you a game outright), something entirely useless like an Ancient Watcher (if you don't have anything to activate/taunt it in any way), or other rubbish, or indeed the 'bizarre' like Lorewalker Cho.

I would suggest that the card is run in so many decks for Scenario 1, where you get your 4/3 and then maybe a 2/3, at which point the card is excellent. Extreme Scenarios 2 and 3 are relatively rare so you don't factor it into the decision to play the card, and 'slightly above average' or 'slightly below average' variants on Scenarios 2 and 3 can be tolerated as well.

I run two Shredders in my midrange Pally deck, I've played around with other cards but nothing works as well as Shredder in that slot. Now I appreciate that there's always going to be one card that you choose it over others for a given slot, and that doesn't automatically mean it needs a nerf, it's the ubiquity of Shredder that makes me feel it's a bit off-balance, and Trump does too, and he's like, one of the best Hearthstone players in the world, so it's not as if I just pulled the opinion out of my arse.

4/3 to a 4/2, leave the Deathrattle the same, feels right to me.

I used to play with the boring 4/5 yeti on my handlock deck, even though i never saw anyone playing with it. It's a solid creature that always delivers. My decision to trade them for Shredders is due to the fact that Shredders are way more fun, even if not as always reliable. And there's nothing wrong with having lots of RNG, as good players are the ones that know how play with the odds, like in poker.
Blizzard have have announced a nerf to Warsong Commander. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/for ... 377?page=5

I can't say that Patron Warrior ever really annoyed me that much but I won't miss playing against it either. :)

In other news when asked about Piloted Shredder Blizzard replied "Whut?"
They do seem to have gone a bit over the top with that, and as ever they're rather late to the party as well.


1) Patron Warrior isn't seen around so much now.


2) It completely kills the deck, rather than making it trickier play and/or making the OTK harder/impossible to pull off.

It's like the nerf to Starving Buzzard, it was more a tactical thermonuclear strike rather than a nerf. Yes the Starving Buzzard > UTH combo needed attention, but they basically destroyed the card.

(Or nerfing Gadgetzan to kill Miracle Rogue, when the Naxx expansion had already done the same job by introducing new cards to the game that really hurt Miracle Rogue.)

Won't affect me in the decks I play since I went back to Control Warrior as my Warrior deck of choice a couple of months ago, and as Nemmie says I won't necessarily mourn Patron Warrior's demise in terms of playing against it (although it was a damn satisfying deck to beat down), but I'm sure they could have found a slightly less DESTROY IT FROM SPACE solution, and not been several months too late in the process as well because it's nowhere near the problem now that it was then IMO.....

As for Shredder, all I've done is voice support for Trump's suggestion in his TGT card preview videos to knock it down to a 4/2, to give a bit more air to the 4-mana slot. I'm totally cool with the idea of a Deathrattle spawning another minion(s) (Harvest Golem, Haunted Creeper), but they are known quantities that both players can consistently work with - Shredder is slightly overpowered for its 'average' stats (so it gets played loads), and also chucks insane RNG into the mix. If some people find that 'fun', then I can't argue with their opinion on the matter :)
Nemmie wrote:
Blizzard have have announced a nerf to Warsong Commander. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/for ... 377?page=5

Thats not a Nerf - thats removing the card from the game !

The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:

Warsong Commander now reads: Your Charge minions have +1 Attack.
Hearthly wrote:
If some people find that 'fun', then I can't argue with their opinion on the matter :)

It seems you are a decent person to argue with
zaphod79 wrote:
Nemmie wrote:
Blizzard have have announced a nerf to Warsong Commander. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/for ... 377?page=5

Thats not a Nerf - thats removing the card from the game !

The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:

Warsong Commander now reads: Your Charge minions have +1 Attack.

That's a big old change, though they do say it is to allow for more growth or some such spiel, so maybe it will be more useful with additional cards coming out later. For now it's a killer though.

Allowing it to grant charge to a 24 attack Bezerker was daft though. it should have had an upper limit. If they'd made the 3 attack a hard limit and had you lose charge when going above it, that could have been interesting. patron still keep charge, but it loses half the use case as the Bezerker no longer does (and was, IMO, the more useful charge).
The thing with Patron Warrior is that it is beatable, and whilst part of the adage 'Kill them before Turn 8/9' had a ring of truth to it, it is possible to fatigue the fuckers out or just remove all their threats. Ultimately you had four major threats to deal with, the two Patrons and the two Frothings, and once they were gone, the deck had very little left.

That said, it was incredibly frustrating to have 'won' the game as a class that couldn't heal/armour up out of range, knowing that there was an insane Frothing combo still in hand that would OTK you.

Patron kept most of the 'control' stuff from Control Warrior, which could make it so hard to get on top of them in the timeframe and/or manner required.

I think they could have done the nerf more elegantly though, but then again they do say that they like to keep the card text as simple as possible, so for Frothing for example having 'Gain one attack when a friendly minion takes damage' or suchlike (so you can't use the enemy's board to buff them) would probably fall foul of their complexity requirements.

I won't miss the deck TBH, but at the same time I think it's a bit of a shame they've destroyed it completely.
Hearthly wrote:
1) Patron Warrior isn't seen around so much now.

Do you even card bro?

Tempo's meta snapshot: https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta ... -the-block

Patron still #1 after a brief dalliance with secret pally when TGT came out. Try getting down to the lower ranks and you'll see very little else.

Hearthly wrote:
I'm totally cool with the idea of a Deathrattle spawning another minion(s) (Harvest Golem, Haunted Creeper)

Harvest Golem is a 3-drop, so nope ;)

There are plenty of viable decks, and anything can lose. Patrol was too strong because you only needed to survive long enough to draw the major combo pieces, get one tick of Thaurisan, and then you won. Most of the early 'threats' are things are are card draw mechanics so by focussing on them you just speed the Warrior to their OTK. It's very hard to rush it down. Not impossible, but Blizzard have said before that OTK from the hand is definitely not what they want. It's also why Leeroy was nerfed because apart from Miracle Rogue there were stupid combos available in Warlock with Leeroy + power o + power o + Faceless manipulator for 28 damage, and then perhaps a 0-mana soulfire to finish off. Not fun.
Hearthly wrote:
Ultimately you had four major threats to deal with, the two Patrons and the two Frothings, and once they were gone, the deck had very little left.

If you're playing a proper patron warrior, they don't drop those cards in isolation unless they're desperate, or they're just not playing the deck right.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
1) Patron Warrior isn't seen around so much now.

Do you even card bro?

Tempo's meta snapshot: https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta ... -the-block

Patron still #1 after a brief dalliance with secret pally when TGT came out. Try getting down to the lower ranks and you'll see very little else.

Trump spent a long time at Ranks 3-5 at the end of last season (I watched every single F2P video, of his entire climb and then the last few days when he hovered around 3-5). Patron was certainly represented but not to any overwhelming degree, and he did manage to beat it a few times with his F2P Priest deck.

If anything there was a lot of Handlock around, which I guess is because it's such a good counter to Patron.

There are plenty of viable decks, and anything can lose. Patrol was too strong because you only needed to survive long enough to draw the major combo pieces, get one tick of Thaurisan, and then you won. Most of the early 'threats' are things are are card draw mechanics so by focussing on them you just speed the Warrior to their OTK. It's very hard to rush it down. Not impossible, but Blizzard have said before that OTK from the hand is definitely not what they want.

Certainly Patron was OP and it needed attention, but I'm not convinced the answer was destroying the entire deck and the concept of it.

Why not just limit charge minions' potential attack, or Frothings only gain attack from allied minions' damage, or something like that?

I dunno, I just feel like there must have been a different option.

If you're playing a proper patron warrior, they don't drop those cards in isolation unless they're desperate, or they're just not playing the deck right.

I didn't say the cards were being dropped in isolation, I said that they're the damage-dealers in the deck which are at least known quantities and you know what you have to deal with.

It's a tough deck to play against for sure, and it needed some attention, but I think it's a shame they decided to destroy it.
As all Blizzard nerfs, it's fucking ridiculous. A 3 mana 2/3 that's strictly worse than a Raid Leader. That's a Basic Neutral card, and shit, and never sees play ever ever.

Warsong is a rare class card with an aura that only affects certain minions to no discernable use or advantage. Even at 2 mana it's shit. At 1 mana it would be arguably good as a 2/3 with an advantage so niche that it still probably wouldn't see play.

I'm with them on eliminating OTK from the hand, but they take it too far. You might as well remove the card from the game.
Someone just killed my Piloted Sky Golem, and a Shredder came out of it. It's essentially a kinder egg inside a kinder egg.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
As all Blizzard nerfs, it's fucking ridiculous. A 3 mana 2/3 that's strictly worse than a Raid Leader. That's a Basic Neutral card, and shit, and never sees play ever ever.

Warsong is a rare class card with an aura that only affects certain minions to no discernable use or advantage. Even at 2 mana it's shit. At 1 mana it would be arguably good as a 2/3 with an advantage so niche that it still probably wouldn't see play.

I'm with them on eliminating OTK from the hand, but they take it too far. You might as well remove the card from the game.

I'm pretty sure a 2/3 for 1 mana would see a lot of play!
Yeah, like Zombie chow, which has a 'downside' that's almost irrelevant if played early because tempo is far more important than life total. In priest it's even better for potential combo with Auchenai. Is it OP? Nah, is it play a lot? Not a lot... a bit.

The 1 mana Warsong version might see play in face hunter, if it was a hunter card, but it's not. Warrior decks see no charge minions played early in a rush-down style and this card won't create that deck. Korkron Elite was historically the must usable Warrior class charge card and I haven't seen one played in about a billion years.

So yeah, a 1 mana 2/3 that buffs charge minions might get a *bit* of play, it would help Arena Warrior, and give Warriors a 1-drop that wasn't complete and utter shit shit shit. Warbot, I'm looking at you.

That's the point though. Decrease the card cost by one mana and it's still unplayable, reduce it by TWO and it's then possibly OK but still debatable. If you've nerfed a card to that degree you really need to reconsider what the fuck you're doing.
Thinking about it, this is a pretty obvious attempt to simply remove Patron Warrior from the game ahead of the Hearthstone World Championship at Blizzcon next month.

If they go down the nerf-don't-destroy route, and in any way leave the deck viable, you're probably just going to have all the best players bringing Revised Patron Warrior to Blizzcon, along with decks that counter it - and that wouldn't be too much fun.

This is basically Blizzard saying, 'Patron Warrior is gone, forget about it, play something else.'
Yeah Patron being an auto-deck for pretty much every championship player would have been tedious as hell.

Casters also lose their shit when somebody plays something novel, because every cunt there is just netdecking the same few variants of everything. The skill level is so high that matches are basically RNG and people accuse Heartstone of basically being shit as a result.

I saw a tournament recently where some dude brought a Stalag/Feugen deck and the casters couldn't talk about anything else. SUCH INNOVATION.
Maybe they just wanted Patron Warrior out of the game because it's boring to watch, boring/annoying to play against, and whilst it is certainly one of the more difficult decks to play it's not monumentally onerous to get competent with. (I switched from Patron Warrior back to Control Warrior as Patron ultimately just felt a bit too unfair and tedious to play, I'm not saying I was 'great' with the deck but I'd say I was reasonable with it.)

I guess the prospect of Patron Warrior facing off against Patron Warrior time and time again, (what a great interactive match-up that would be!), with the couple of decks that can counter it, time and time again, made them think the Hearthstone World Championships could end up rather..... dull.

So rather than take the risk, they just decided to go Aliens on its ass

Screenshot 2015-10-14 at 15.06.23.png
That's not the quote.
Grim... wrote:
That's not the quote.

"Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit"
I know, it'll do though.

It was the first one I grabbed off Google Images.
zaphod79 wrote:
Grim... wrote:
That's not the quote.

"Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit"

Grim... wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
Grim... wrote:
That's not the quote.

"Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit"


I'd have preferred "I say we grease this rat-f*ck son of a bitch right now" - and that would have fitted with what they have done to the Warsong Commander

I also think they should have a tavern brawl where any minion played with 3 or less attack gains charge and they could call it Warsongs Swansong
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Yeah, like Zombie chow, which has a 'downside' that's almost irrelevant if played early because tempo is far more important than life total. In priest it's even better for potential combo with Auchenai. Is it OP? Nah, is it play a lot? Not a lot... a bit.

The 1 mana Warsong version might see play in face hunter, if it was a hunter card, but it's not. Warrior decks see no charge minions played early in a rush-down style and this card won't create that deck. Korkron Elite was historically the must usable Warrior class charge card and I haven't seen one played in about a billion years.

So yeah, a 1 mana 2/3 that buffs charge minions might get a *bit* of play, it would help Arena Warrior, and give Warriors a 1-drop that wasn't complete and utter shit shit shit. Warbot, I'm looking at you.

That's the point though. Decrease the card cost by one mana and it's still unplayable, reduce it by TWO and it's then possibly OK but still debatable. If you've nerfed a card to that degree you really need to reconsider what the fuck you're doing.

I can't think of a better minion for 1 mana than a 2/3 that buffs charges. Admittedly it doesn't sync very well with classic Warrior decks, but it could certainly see some new ones created. If it was a neutral card it'd be in every deck.
If I'm being super-pedantic, I'm pretty sure that still is taken while Ripely is saying "You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamned percentage."

Fucking astoundingly I don't have Aliens on my media centre, so I can't check.
It's nice to meet a fellow Aliens super-geek.

One of me and the Battlefield regulars can go an entire round of the game and talk to each other (with relevant phrases) using nothing but Aliens quotations.
I watch the film when I have nothing better to do, or when I'm in bed sometimes.

[edit] I watch it in my head, I mean.
I recall it being on Sky Movies back when Sky was a new thing (1989 or so? The original satellite one).

They tended to play the same films quite a lot. Every time Aliens was on I'd watch it.

It's a film I can quite comfortably sit through again and again and again, even today, and even though I know every line of dialogue and every facial expression in the entire thing.

I can't play it through in my head though, WEIRDO.
I can't do it perfectly or anything. Last time I timed it I was three minutes fast.

I really like Ben Brode. Just a dude talking about cards.
He's a very soothing chap isn't he?

On balance I can see where he's coming from, and also that it frees up the design space for cards in future, because the 'give a minion charge' aspect of Warsong was so powerful.

Patron Warrior was a desperately un-fun deck to play against*, so overall, yeah, good riddance.

(I didn't even like playing it TBH, hence reverting back to Control Warrior.)

It does however mean that the only real viable Warrior deck now is Control Warrior.
Control Warrior is pretty strong by itself.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Control Warrior is pretty strong by itself.

Yeah but it makes the mulligan options for your opponent pretty straightforward....

It's like when the only Priest deck was Control Priest. 'Hmmm, what cards are going to be good here.....'
All hail Thaurissan !

Screenshot 2015-10-18 14.53.11.png
Warsong patch is live
R.I.P Harrison Jones.
I quite like this weeks Challenge - although i'm not really using much cards - just spamming the hero powers

Had an interesting game last night where their first was the 'spawn 3 1/1 minions' and mine was the 'deal 1 point of damage to enemy minions and spawn a slime for each one that dies' which basically stopped them from using their power until we got to round 5 or 6
Currently quite enjoying playing Dragon Priest, this is a rather unusual Priest deck in that it has absolutely zero stealing or trickery involved.

I finally bit the bullet and crafted a Ysera, along with a Twilight Guardian I was missing.

Opened a Chillmaw this morning which I'm thinking about swapping in for Chromaggus who doesn't really convince me at all, or maybe replace Chromaggus with Alex.

The Hungry Dragon slot I'm not entirely convinced by either, I may change that for a different one.

The main thing is MANY DRAGONS so that the dragon synergy is damn near guaranteed to be there for the cards which have the 'If you're holding a dragon' thing going on.

It's not a great match-up against everything, but its ability to fuck a Face Hunter's day up is a source of endless amusement to me. I've had them conceding on Turn 3-4 many, many times.

Just a reminder as to why Patron Warrior had to go....

#1 in particular is off the scale, 36+36 from two Frothings for a 72 damage (!) OTK.....

Screenshot 2015-10-30 22.56.49.png

Screenshot 2015-10-30 22.56.57.png
Congrats zaphod :) I should have loads of golden heroes by now but I keep getting 'ladder anxiety' and switching back to Casual :D
Seems like a good time for a hero update:

Mage: 56
Shaman: 40
Druid: 39
Paladin: 60
Warlock: 60
Hunter: 52
Warrior: 58
Rogue: 49
Priest: 60

Total: 474 (out of 540).

2160 play wins, 601 Arena.

Highest progress to Gold hero is Warlock at 300. Priest 2nd at 273. Lowest is Druid at 38.
I got ELEVEN CARDS into this deck without a dragon, and that's including mulliganing for them. (There are ten dragons in this deck.)

Must be some long odds on that happening.

Wish I was good enough at maths to work out the actual probability on that.....

ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Seems like a good time for a hero update:

My Hero stats :

Screenshot 2015-11-01 20.19.46.png

Gold Warlock / Mage

Priest is at 360 wins / Hunter at 328 all the others are less than 50 (Paladin / Shamen / Rogue are all under 20)

For reaching the dizzy heights of Level 13 last season I picked up

Screenshot 2015-11-01 20.19.17.png
Bolster! That card is so OP.
11-3 Arena, I was totally robbed. My stupid Flame Juggler failed to hit the Darnassus Asspirate and then the Druid ramped up behind a taunt and crushed me in the last game.

Still, won about 400 gold from that. Not bad at all.

New card details here

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 680&type=3

A *lot* of them seem very overpowered ?

http://www.polygon.com/2015/11/6/967383 ... nture-pack

League of Explorers is the next Hearthstone adventure pack, launches next week

The next adventure add-on for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft was announced today during the BlizzCon opening ceremonies. Titled League of Explorers, the single-player-focused expansion will take players on a journey through "ancient temples filled with relics, treasures and traps."

The titular League of Explorers heading up the adventure is made up of four Warcraft heroes, beginning with the well-established dwarf Brann Bronzebeard, who founded the League; the cocky human Reno Jackson; the night elf cartographer Elise Starseeker; and a murloc who can speak named Sir Finley Murgleton. These four will set off on a journey to different locales in the Warcraft universe to hunt down the pieces of an artifact called the Staff of Origination.

Each of the staff's three parts are in a different location that will serve as a "wing" of the adventure: the Temple of Orsis, Uldaman and Stranglethorn Jungle. The adventure's fourth and final wing will take place at the Hall of Explorers in the dwarven capitol city of Ironforge, where the staff will be stolen by an evil archaeologist named Rafaam.

"There are less total missions to play in League of Explorers, since there's four wings and not five," Hearthstone senior game designer Ben Brode told Polygon at a pre-briefing event for the expansion earlier this year. "But there's actually more total cards in this expansion than in previous adventures."

Brode said the adventure will contain 45 new cards in total. Although we were shown a number of them, they were not final at the time we saw them and, as such, could be changed before the adventure releases.

A new mage spell card called Torch costs three mana and deals three damage, but also shuffles another three-mana spell into your deck that deals six damage, allowing you to snowball into more powerful abilities later in the game.

A hunter spell called "Explorer's Hat" will give a minion one extra attack and one extra health, but that's not the only bonus it provides. When that minion dies, they'll drop another Explorer's Hat card into your hand.

Some of the new cards feature a new mechanic that Blizzard is calling "discovery." For example, a certain minion might have a battlecry that reads "discover a spell." When you play this minion, you'll be shown a choice of three spells. The one you pick will instantly be delivered into your hand. Brode said discovery options will be restricted to neutral cards and cards of the class you're currently playing — no discovering a druid spell as a rogue, for example.

In keeping with the theme, League of Explorers will also include some new traps in the form of secrets. Hunters will have Dart Trap, which triggers when the opposing hero uses their hero power, and deals five damage to a random enemy. Paladins will get a secret called Sacred Trial; when this is active, if an enemy has at least three minions and plays a fourth, the new minion will be destroyed.

League of Explorers will feature five new legendary cards — one for each member of the League, and one for the villainous Rafaam. Brann Bronzebeard will cause any battlecries that get played while he's active to trigger twice. Reno Jackson will fully heal your hero's health, as long as your deck contains no more than one copy of any card. Sir Finley will allow you to discover more murlocs and put them into your hand. And Rafaam will give players access to three "powerful artifacts," unique spells that cost 10 mana in exchange for "crazy effects."

Most interesting of all, though, is Elise Starseeker. When she's played, a spell card called "Map to the Golden Monkey" will be shuffled into your deck. When Map to the Golden Monkey is played, a minion named Golden Monkey will be shuffled into the deck. And when Golden Monkey is played? Every card in your hand and in your deck will be replaced with random legendary minions.

Whether or not Elise and her chain of effects will actually be good or viable to play is up for debate, but there's no denying that it's a ridiculous, fun card.

The first wing of League of Explorers will launch next Thursday, Nov. 12. We'll update with more details, images of the new cards and video as we have it.
Have to see how it pans out I suppose, but as has already been noted by some of the best players, the game is being increasingly reduced to getting the maximum value per mana cost in Constructed now, and deck that has a bit of show or flair about it doesn't get nerfed or scaled back a bit, so much as completely destroyed.

Too much RNG as well, and some of the new cards seem to have plenty of that.

(A couple of guys I know who play the game stick almost exclusively to Arena now.)

The adventures have been under £20 up to now so I mind chucking that much at it, and I'll probably start saving gold again after that so I can get the next 'cards' expansion for free.
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