Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
I've not done anything this year and I'm overweight once again

Have lots of excuses, kids take all my time, tired all the time after doing nightshifts with the youngest etc

None of it gets the weight off though.

So the new plan is once my wife and kids go to Ireland next weekend (getting the kitchen done) I'm off to the gym to see what I can cope with

Aim is to build it up while family is away then I'm changing Gym to one near work and hopefully hitting that most mornings
I have been eating biscuits and getting chubby for 10 days.. going well so far :)
Binning my old 36" waist jeans as I'm back in a 32". :)
Nice one dude.
I've been doing pretty well with my continued weight loss but weekends are really fucking me up lately. I've had a social occasion every weekend of summer (or it feels like it) and I can't help but pick and snack and then I undo all the good shit I achieve in the week. I'm not normally a snacker generally, so don't know why it's affecting me so much :'( :shrug:
I know that feeling, not exercised for 3 weeks, I feel fat..
Interesting article on the effects of cardio and weight training on particulars hormones associated with ‘well-being ‘
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 ... 101138.htm
According to my Wii U, I am no longer obese, merely overweight. Given my height that's 17 stone 3 pounds (109kg). It's been a few years since I was last 16 stone something, can't be that far away...
Been smashing running PBs this week. 5K the other day and 10K today and it didn't even feel like trying. After about ten years of just running I decided to see if there were any tips that might help and I read about paying attention to cadence and holy shit! It's like discovering gears on a bike.
markg wrote:
Been smashing running PBs this week. 5K the other day and 10K today and it didn't even feel like trying. After about ten years of just running I decided to see if there were any tips that might help and I read about paying attention to cadence and holy shit! It's like discovering gears on a bike.

Well done.
Starting back at the gym hurt me last week, had aches in my arms for days after.

Last nights session, although hard going, resulted in much less aching today. Bad how quickly you lose conditioning after a break.
Lonewolves wrote:
Binning my old 36" waist jeans as I'm back in a 32". :)

We're totally pants Bros!
markg wrote:
Been smashing running PBs this week. 5K the other day and 10K today and it didn't even feel like trying. After about ten years of just running I decided to see if there were any tips that might help and I read about paying attention to cadence and holy shit! It's like discovering gears on a bike.

Ok so what should I be looking for with cadence? I just went for a short run and I see that Samsung Health has tracked it along with my pace.
It depends really. Just note your current cadence and do some reading. Mine was really low which meant I was overstriding which is ineffecient and places more stress than necessary on knees etc.
Bosh, markg! Nice work. I think - though it hasn't really been a conscious process - I have shortened my stride over time, and it helps; fewer injuries, less SMACK noise as each foot hits the floor.
I have started Zone 2 training. It is frustrating, you can't let your heart rate clime to zone 3.
Good for you if you can stick to it, though - I have never quite managed to do the "walk up a hill if necessary" side.
markg wrote:
Been smashing running PBs this week. 5K the other day and 10K today and it didn't even feel like trying. After about ten years of just running I decided to see if there were any tips that might help and I read about paying attention to cadence and holy shit! It's like discovering gears on a bike.

Nice one mate, that's awesome. I've never paid much attention to my cadence - got me curious now! Although I've managed to set spanky new PBs this year by actually consistently running (funny that) :DD
Bit warm at running track...
That top goes nicely with your trainers.
This seems as good a thread as any to post in - hoping nobody minds. I recently launched a new blog for my fitness related waffling and I'd forgotten how hard going it is getting momentum on a new website. :S So on the off chance anyone wants to read about fitness, or has mates into fitness, or whatever... I would appreciate a look and/or a share etc :luv:

URL is https://strongmum.com/

(Apologies if you've already seen me tweeting/Facepooping about this #spamspamspam )
Did a run test tonight.

Averaged 8:15 min miles. Quite chuffed
I've put on a stone in October!
Malc wrote:
I've put on a stone in October!

The cottage will do that.
I put on ~8lbs at cottage. Back to normal now though.
Jem wrote:
I put on ~8lbs at cottage. Back to normal now though.

I don't think I'll lose mine that quickly, If I've been active and healthy I might lose 2-3 lbs in a week. So we're realistically looking at 2 months to lose a stone, however, one of those months is going to be December, another month where I usually put on a stone! So it could be March before I get back down to the weight I was in September. But then March is another month where I typically put on weight as that's when my birthday is.

We'll see.
I genuinely have no idea how much I weigh.

Somewhere between 12st and 14st I reckon.
Since I was down to my lightest in a long while in July (189lbs), I've put a few back on, back up to 193lbs.

Considering I've started drinking again it's no great surprise, but I'm keen on kickstarting the weight loss again.
DavPaz wrote:
I genuinely have no idea how much I weigh.

Somewhere between 12st and 14st I reckon.

Malc wrote:
Jem wrote:
I put on ~8lbs at cottage. Back to normal now though.

I don't think I'll lose mine that quickly, If I've been active and healthy I might lose 2-3 lbs in a week.

A lot of mine would be water weight/bloating, rather than actual fat gain, just from the sudden increase in carbs. Probably only had to lose about 4lbs realistically.
My weight loss is a slow work-in-progress. Started the year at 19st and early on got to 18.5 then just stayed at that for a bit. Now down to 18st, but I'm probably going to have to start doing some exercise soon. Ideally I'd like to get to 17st before Christmas, although that still leaves me with plenty more to lose.
devilman wrote:
My weight loss is a slow work-in-progress. Started the year at 19st and early on got to 18.5 then just stayed at that for a bit. Now down to 18st, but I'm probably going to have to start doing some exercise soon. Ideally I'd like to get to 17st before Christmas, although that still leaves me with plenty more to lose.

Exercise for fitness, not for weight loss. :) It's not an efficient way to lose weight. I even wrote a (mega simplified) post about it recently! (shameless plug) https://strongmum.com/2018/10-reasons-y ... ight-loss/
Jem wrote:
devilman wrote:
My weight loss is a slow work-in-progress. Started the year at 19st and early on got to 18.5 then just stayed at that for a bit. Now down to 18st, but I'm probably going to have to start doing some exercise soon. Ideally I'd like to get to 17st before Christmas, although that still leaves me with plenty more to lose.

Exercise for fitness, not for weight loss. :) It's not an efficient way to lose weight. I even wrote a (mega simplified) post about it recently! (shameless plug) https://strongmum.com/2018/10-reasons-y ... ight-loss/

I can't argue with any of the stuff you've written. :) For me, I just need to get myself a little more energy of an evening, so that when it comes to looking after myself, I have more energy to be arsed with a better meal than just ordering a takeaway. So although the exercise won't directly cause me to lose weight, I'm hoping it'll improve my energy and mood levels to want to stick with the healthier food.
devilman wrote:
So although the exercise won't directly cause me to lose weight, I'm hoping it'll improve my energy and mood levels to want to stick with the healthier food.

Excellent. I definitely find it easier to stick to my nutrition plan stuff when I've been active ("got to keep it going / fuel my body" etc) than when I've not ("doesn't matter anyway, been sat on my arse all day"). Good luck :D
Like Jem says the key thing is finding something that you can actually enjoy in the moment. If your only motivation is some deferred reward it might be a struggle to stick at it long term. Although do just stick at it for a good while as the enjoying it part can often come only once your body gets used to it and actually starts to crave it.
I found I was 68kg the other day. I don't know when I was last that weight. In 2012, in the morning, post run, wee etc., and fit, I saw under 70kg once, maybe twice. It feels kind of amazing.
It's definitely a slow burner! But also about finding what actually works for you, both physically and mentally... I've struggled to keep my weight down on and off for years and have been a mega yo-yoer my whole life, but have finally found something that has worked impressively and that I can actually maintain (total overhaul of eating habits). Was 66kg when I got pregnant, 79kg when she was born 16 months ago, started this year at 69kg (bought myself size 29" jeans to celebrate getting back to almost pre-pregnancy weight!). In April I decided it was time to just bloody sort it out because my self confidence was a state (no small amount thanks to hideous post natal anxiety) and went for it - yesterday I bought myself 24" jeans and weigh in at 54kgs now!! I'm so proud of myself but it has genuinely taken years to find something that works for me, and we're all different! I genuinely hate exercise which doesn't help, so it's been almost entirely diet change (and the occasional swim and long walks at weekends!)
Back in the pool for the first time this year. it was full of 'new year new me' people. What should have taken me an hour took 1:20 with all the waiting.

I think it is great folks are trying to get fit, but grrrr. At least it will be quiet in Feb...
I had too much homebrew and now I am doing a half marathon in May
MaliA wrote:
I had too much homebrew and now I am doing a half marathon in May

3 hours 37 is the time to beat.
My gym is smaller and a bit more of 'serious' (also: expensive) that most of the chain style places and there was no noticeable January effect last year so I'm hoping for the same again when I go in tomorrow. I suppose that'll depend on how well their marketing is going to an extent though so it might be worse.
MaliA wrote:
I had too much homebrew and now I am doing a half marathon in May

Which one are you doing?
My friend does one with whisky stops. Let me see if I can find it...
KovacsC wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I had too much homebrew and now I am doing a half marathon in May

Which one are you doing?

Liverpool rock n roll
MaliA wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I had too much homebrew and now I am doing a half marathon in May

Which one are you doing?

Liverpool rock n roll

That is a great race, a few of my mates are doing it. when is it?
KovacsC wrote:
MaliA wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I had too much homebrew and now I am doing a half marathon in May

Which one are you doing?

Liverpool rock n roll

That is a great race, a few of my mates are doing it. when is it?

End of May. Why is it great?
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