Bits and Bobs 48
The horror! The horror!
Entrance to Narnia?
Mr Russell wrote:
Is it Dimrill?

Is it Megan?
Mimi wrote:
They're all nicely bound, though.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
for Mumu land

All aboard!
DavPaz wrote:
Kern wrote:
My new freezer arrives today. I was quite excited by this, but then I've just moved the old one and seen what's behind it.


The KLF.
Zardoz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Kern wrote:
My new freezer arrives today. I was quite excited by this, but then I've just moved the old one and seen what's behind it.


The KLF.

Uh huh
Bloody hell.
Receptionist just emailed to say that the elevator has an intermittant problem and engineers have been called.

She should have said "Lift service will be up and down all day".
MaliA wrote:
Bloody hell.
Receptionist just emailed to say that the elevator has an intermittant problem and engineers have been called.

She should have said "Lift service will be up and down all day".

That's wrong on so many levels.
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bloody hell.
Receptionist just emailed to say that the elevator has an intermittant problem and engineers have been called.

She should have said "Lift service will be up and down all day".

That's wrong on so many levels.

Yeah. Malia got shafted.
DavPaz wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bloody hell.
Receptionist just emailed to say that the elevator has an intermittant problem and engineers have been called.

She should have said "Lift service will be up and down all day".

That's wrong on so many levels.

Yeah. Malia got shafted.

These jokes are going down like a knackered lift.
I challenge anyone to look at this new post van and not immediately think of Postman Pat... ... tric-vans/
Nah, looks nothing like a Nissan Cube.
TheVision wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bloody hell.
Receptionist just emailed to say that the elevator has an intermittant problem and engineers have been called.

She should have said "Lift service will be up and down all day".

That's wrong on so many levels.

Yeah. Malia got shafted.

These jokes are going down like a knackered lift.

Perhaps you could elevate them for us?
MaliA wrote:
Boop beep

Wrong, because of ablaut reduplication.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Boop beep

Wrong, because of ablaut reduplication.

Wrong, because that's how it sounds on the actual tune.
DavPaz wrote:
I challenge anyone to look at this new post van and not immediately think of Postman Pat... ... tric-vans/

It needs to transform into a postman.
Zardoz wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Boop beep

Wrong, because of ablaut reduplication.

Wrong, because that's how it sounds on the actual tune.

Yeah! Stupid science bitches
DavPaz wrote:
I challenge anyone to look at this new post van and not immediately think of Postman Pat... ... tric-vans/

For some inexplicable reason, I thought of Kelly Brook BEFORE I clicked on the link.

This is worrisome.
Davpaz, you took a pic of the inside of a mac. I had it as my desktop, but i have lost it. do you still have it?
KovacsC wrote:
Davpaz, you took a pic of the inside of a mac. I had it as my desktop, but i have lost it. do you still have it?

Was it this one?
KovacsC wrote:
Davpaz, you took a pic of the inside of a mac. I had it as my desktop, but i have lost it. do you still have it?

Thanks Mr and Mrs Russell :P
KovacsC wrote:
Thanks Mr and Mrs Russell :P

Please, I'm Mr Mimi, not the other way round.
Mimi wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Davpaz, you took a pic of the inside of a mac. I had it as my desktop, but i have lost it. do you still have it?

Was it this one?

Photos of Mali in his flasher mac not required.
See also: photos of Mali in his sink.
When did buying bunches of flowers get so expensive?
I usually look for plants instead. They last longer and are less expensive. I got this potted one from Morrisons at the weekend for just £5, and it's Dinosaursome! Perfect for any occasion too.
Don't buy that if you're going to a cemetery.
I buy a bunch of flowers every week or so, they last about 10 days, often more if I remember to add more water... Which is probably about as long as I'd manage to keep a house plant alive for.

I bought a huge vase recently, for some reason. That requires two bunches to fill it so now it's become a 'special occasion' vase.
I bought some potted rosemary about 4-5 months ago. That's still alive AND I can eat it. Win/win.

I think Russell and I have been keeping our co-worker's giant rubber plant alive for five or so years now. In fact, now it's four rubber plants. Russell is the primary carer.
Ancients of Mu Mu!
I'm sure the White Room means that technically my most listened U2 album is Rattle and Hum.

(That's where they got all the crowd noise samples from)
*Waits for Grim.. to show up and say "the pure trance versions of the big three are way better than the stadium house versions"... Which you know he's going to do.*
Mimi wrote:
Russell is the primary carer.

I am? Oh cra-

I mean, yes... I take great care of it.
Pundabaya wrote:
I'm sure the White Room means that technically my most listened U2 album is Rattle and Hum.

(That's where they got all the crowd noise samples from)

My copy disappeared. I have Chill Out in the car.
the pure trance versions of the big three are way better than the stadium house versions.
To be fair though, the pure trance version of Trancentral is better, and What Time is Love is a toss up.
Congratulations! Also, I think you can kill white walkers with your trophy, so you're nice and prepared :kiss:
Congratulations! Good victory party last night?
Russell and I were talking the other day, actually... what are the differences between rounders, baseball and softball?
Mimi wrote:
Russell and I were talking the other day, actually... what are the differences between rounders, baseball and softball?

The game of "base-ball" has been around since Tudor times and was initially codified by the GAA (Gaelic rules). When it was exported to the USA it became known as Massachusetts rules and that is where softball and baseball come from. Instead confusingly rounders is actually more similar to "British baseball", which is still played in Wales and the north, but I don't know a lot about it.

Rounders you have a small, one-handed bat. The bases are poles. Terminology seems to be more like cricket (bowled, stumped, etc). You score a rounder by getting to the 4th pole on your bat. If you get to 2nd or 3rd pole it's 1/2 a rounder. You get the batter out by catching the ball in the air off the bat or by touching the pole they are running to. You only play 2 innings normally because everyone one on team bats and then it switches over (also like crIckes). I don't know a lot about rounders because I have never played it (I believe it is mainly played by girls in schools).

Baseball is quite different. You have 9 players per side (pitcher, catcher, four infielders and three outfielders), three square bases and a uniquely-shaped home plate, all 90ft apart. The ball is small and hard. The bat is much larger than in rounders and you use it two-handed. The pitcher throws from a raised mound 60ft6in from the home plate. You usually play 7 or 9 innings, but once three batters are out you switch sides. You can steal bases by running to the next one as the pitcher starts his wind up. You can bunt the ball down on the ground to try to advance runners (known as a sacrifice bunt). This is played at all levels predominately in North America, Japan and Latin America.

Softball is a variant on (American) baseball. I play slowpitch but there is also a fastpitch version. Slowpitch does not have stealing or bunting but fastpitch does. The balls are larger than baseballs but not soft as you would imagine from the name! They will still hurt when they hit you (as the attached picture from this weekend will attest). 11in diameter for women and 12in for men. The bases are 65ft apart as opposed to 90ft for baseball.

I play mainly co-ed softball which is mixed men and women but you must have the same number of each. If the pitcher is M then the catcher has to be F, and vice versa. Two men/women in the infield and softball has four outfielders, two of which must be F too. The batting lineup must alternate sexes too, so you cannot have two men or women batting consecutively. I have also played single sex in a male-only team. The only real difference is that in co-ed if you walk a male batter (throw four pitches outside of the strike zone) then he gets two bases instead of the normal one (this is to stop dubious tactics of walking the male on purpose to get to a perceived weaker female batter).

There are a lot of other minor differences but I'm sure you're already regretting asking. :D
I played softball once at school, and do remember the ball being very hard (though not 11" in diameter by any means, more like 4. Did you mean 11" circumference, or 11cm diameter? I'm not suggesting you're wrong, only if it's that large then we did not use the normal sized ball at school).

That bruise looks nasty. And no, I'm glad I asked and thank that you took the time to explain! X
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