Beex, Yo.
Bits & Bobs 44
Better late than never
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Only thing Nationwide asked was where our nursery fees were given we had a child and two people earning full time. The rest was a basic table that they didn't interrogate in the slightest.
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ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Only thing Nationwide asked was where our nursery fees were given we had a child and two people earning full time. The rest was a basic table that they didn't interrogate in the slightest.

I shall investigate. I suspect our current provider has a "Pay us £5k if you move" clause, though, that might tie us.
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I've forgotten where to look and I can't be bothered to look it up:

On the document from the Land registry, where does it say if the owner needs to upkeep the road next to it? or is that another report?
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Should be in the Charges/Covenants bit on the Office Copies, init? It's been a wee while since I've looked at one though.
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Or Official Copy or whatever the Title Deed thing that you get given is called these days.

If you need me to get one out a file, I'll have a look.
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The Land Registry took all the fun out of property law.
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I got the £3 download from the land registry. I'll call the owners tomorrow and ask I guess.

Sat: Thanks, but it is no biggie. I can ask the owners.
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It had a nice map with red lines on it, too.
MaliA wrote:
It had a nice map with red lines on it, too.

Well at least you know Nick Clegg won't be putting an offer in against you.
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MaliA wrote:
It had a nice map with red lines on it, too.

Colouring in property plans in my commercial property seat was the best bit of being a trainee. I had a whole set of crayola pencils especially.
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ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
MaliA wrote:
It had a nice map with red lines on it, too.

Well at least you know Nick Clegg won't be putting an offer in against you.

At least that's what he says...
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Reasons to dump your boyfriend #1: He deleted a picture of Ed Miliband that you sent.

Man alive.
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Mr Dave wrote:
Reasons to dump your boyfriend #1: He deleted a picture of Ed Miliband that you sent.

Man alive.

Don't be so hard on him. Maybe he'll come around.
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Where is a good place to but ink cartridges these days?

I bought my last lot from Tesco but is anywhere cheap/decent that will save me leaving the house?
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TheVision wrote:
Where is a good place to but ink cartridges these days?

The privacy of your own bathroom, I would have thought.
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Or print stuff at work.
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TheVision wrote:
Where is a good place to but ink cartridges these days?

I bought my last lot from Tesco but is anywhere cheap/decent that will save me leaving the house?

I use these guys and never had a problem

Stinky Ink

Though their email marketing is god-awful even by the usual standards, so make sure you don't get lumbered with that.


Hey Findus,

What a lovely month it's been here in Sunny Shropshire. The sun is shining, morale is high, you can now buy printers on our website (check lower down this email) so we thought "hey, lets continue the high & give a sunny discount to all our lovely customers".

Use the code 'SUNNY' to knock 10% off any supplies for your printer this weekend. Working on every consumable for your printer it's a bargain, and it works until midnight April 28th so pop over to Stinkyink now.

Even if you don't need anything make sure to check out our New Printers at the bottom of this email. (please note 10% discount does not apply on buying printers)
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"Even if you don't need anything make sure to check out our New Printers "

Errr, why would I do that?

Also, shit name, who wants ink that smells?
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Curiosity wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Reasons to dump your boyfriend #1: He deleted a picture of Ed Miliband that you sent.

Man alive.

Don't be so hard on him. Maybe he'll come around.

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Wow, this year's Brewdog AGM has Idlewild and Twin Atlantic playing at it; I'm now very glad to have picked those shares up.
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Shame it's so bloody far away.
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My mate's offered to drive there and back which is mental of her but good for me. Why would you drive to an event predicated around beer? Madness.
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Amongst other things, the label on my underpants bears the legend in bold, red letters 'KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE'
User avatar
Sound advice, to be fair. And as you get older, the more you need reminding about things... ;)
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Would anyone like a PS2? Only one careful owner?

I've just found this in the street in West Brom. I remember working at Game during the first Christmas of the PS2. Some people would have broken your arm to get a PS2.
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Is it really badly melted?
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Yep. I'm not sure how but it looks like something hot has been put on top of it.
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...And it works!

There is a copy of Knockout Kings 200 in there, scratched to fuck, but it works. The tray is a bit stiff upon ejecting it but I'm amazed.
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The hour between 1:30 and 3pm is the longest hour of the day.

I realised just as i rwrote the sentence that it is because it is 90 minutes long.

What i mean, however, is that time slowly downs.

So tired, so sleepy, time crawls by.

OnlyTuesday :(
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I just saw the term “Virutal Pool 4”, and rather than thinking about the billiards derivative I thought of a swimming pool.

Is there a game that makes you “swim” using the joypad? Kind of like QWOP? You could use the two analog sticks for arms that you have to rotate at the correct time, and the two triggers for legs. Possibly have to mash another button (left and right shoulder?) to draw breath from left and right?
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Sigh. Mrs k is in London today, so I took the day off so as to be able to drop the kids off and pick them up, as no grandparents were available. Mrs k decided to arrange a play date for Second Born today, curse her, so house is too full of kids.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Sigh. Mrs k is in London today, so I took the day off so as to be able to drop the kids off and pick them up, as no grandparents were available. Mrs k decided to arrange a play date for Second Born today, curse her, so house is too full of kids.

At the cinema, you can explain this as part of your mandate.

Hahaha. I an ace, me.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Sigh. Mrs k is in London today

*checks phone*

*rechecks phone*

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Good job Scotland didn't go for independence, i'm waiting for a plane to Glasgow and i've forgotten my passport :D
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Think shes got a very long day of working, dude. If she had any spare time before getting the train I'm sure she'd have dropped you a line
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Cras wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Sigh. Mrs k is in London today

*checks phone*

*rechecks phone*


If you stopped shoving it up your arse, it wouldn't smell that way.
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You know from experience?
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On work's 'buy and sell' intranet page today, someone's offering a common boa and a 6ft vivarium for £350.
User avatar
Damn... I was after an uncommon boa.

I feel like I'm in a really bad mood today. Don't know why though.
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TheVision wrote:
I feel like I'm in a really bad mood today. Don't know why though.

I am in a foul mood. I am knackered, MrsA has back knack so I had to take The Child to nursery in Big Car as Little Ka is getting expensively fixed. Nursery is on the opposite direction to work so I had 4 miles of traffic to get back to where I started after dropping her off and Big Car needed fuel. Traffic in Bradford was awful, too, so i was 20 minutes late in. I have to leave work early to pick up The Child and get Little Car from the garage.

Can I have a drink now?
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Oh, and cost of commuting and road tax is affecting our mortgage application, too. And to change provider might cost £5 k.
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I blame the Tories.
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TheVision wrote:
I feel like I'm in a really bad mood today. Don't know why though.

No pies?
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I am shattered. on the plus side running is getting easier, just hungry all the time. Having to look at protein shakes
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TheVision wrote:

I feel like I'm in a really bad mood today. Don't know why though.

me too, but I know why, it is because my company is run by retards, and the management are all cunts.
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Worked out why everyone was glum in town yesterday.
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I've cheered up a bit now. Jason Donovan has announced a tour in 2016.
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There are too many broken hearts in the world, after all.
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Kern wrote:
There are too many broken hearts in the world, after all.

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